Motorola Xtl5000 Detailled 6881096c74 B Manual
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: List of Schematics, Component Lo cation Diagrams, and Parts Lists 7-16881096C74-B May 25, 2005Chapter 7 Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists7.1 List of Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists The following table lists the schematics, component location diagrams, and parts lists contained in this chapter. Table 7-1. List of Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists Figure Title Page VHF...
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7-2Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: List of Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts ListsMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BHUE4039A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Bottom 7-104 HUE4039A Main Board Parts List 7-105 HUE4043A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Top 7-116 HUE4043A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Bottom 7-117 HUE4043A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Top 7-118 HUE4043A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Bottom 7-119 HUE4043A Main Board Parts List 7-120 Table 7-1. List of Schematics, Component Location...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main Board 7-36881096C74-B May 25, 20057.2 HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main Board Figure 7-1. HUD4022A/HUD4025 Main Board Overall Block Diagram and Interconnections SHEET 1 OF 23 9.3V_FROM_FGU 9.3V_TO_IF IF_OUT_IF LO_IN RF_ATTN_1_A RF_ATTN_2_A RF_IN 73D02970C73-O SCKA_FGU SYN_SEL VCURRENT VFORWARD VGBIAS_1 VGBIAS_2 VGBIAS_3 VREVERSE VTEMP CLKOUT_1 DOUTA_1 FREF 5V_FROM_CONTR 5V_TO_FGU 5V_TO_IF FS_1 IF PC_1 PD_1 PE_1 5V_IF...
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7-4Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-2. HUD4022A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 1 of 2) RX_BE_INTERFACE RFPA_INTERFACE FGU_INTERFACE INTERFACE, SECURE, DC SUPPLY IF0036 MUX_RX MUX_TX RX_FILT_AUDIO SAP_DCLK SAP_FSYNC SAP_RXSAP_TX SPI_MOSIA SPI_SCKA SPKR+ SPKR- IF0004 AUDIO_PA_EN AUX_MIC AUX_RX AUX_TX CODEC_PWR_DOWN EEPOT_2_CS* EEPOT_3_CS* EEPOT_CS* EEPOT_INC* EEPOT_U_D* MIC_HI MUX_AUX_TX...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main Board 7-56881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-3. HUD4022A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 2 of 2) NP For Patriot RAM, R0125 is not placed, R0124 is placed for a 1 For Patriot BRAVO, neither R0124 or R0125 is placed for a 1 32kHz Oscillator Circuit NP For Non-HAB: R0114 Placed R0113, R0115 Not Placed R0113, R0115 Placed NP For HAB: R0114 Not Placed NP For Patriot RAM and BRAVO, R0124 is not...
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7-6Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-4. HUD4022A Controller Urchin IC, MUX, and AD5320 DAC Schematic NP 0.1uF C0901 C0917 100pF R0903 100K C0906 VCC2.85 0.1uF C0918 100pF VCC2.85 R0904 100K 4 DIN 2GND 5 SCLK 6 SYNC 3 VDD 1 VOUT AD5320BRT U0900 VCC2.85 C0910 0.1uF 4 3 1 5 2 R0901 8.2K LMV7219 U0903 C7 VCC2 E2 VCC3 G4 VCC4 VCC2.85 C0909 0.1uF B6 NC8 C2 NC9 A6 RESET E5 TCK B1 TDI TDO B7 D2 TMS B3 VCC1 G3 NC29 NC3...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main Board 7-76881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-5. HUD4022A Controller Audio Schematic AUDIO_GROUND NP -14 dB to +14 dB -9 dB to +14 dB Programmable pre-amp stage Programmable pre-amp stageAnti-aliasing filter Ground 7 dB Attenuation Stage UNIVERSAL GROUND SW_A+ VAG 0.1uF C0224R0227 0.1uF 68K 0.1uF C0216 C0201 VAG A+_FILT R0206 100K C0205 10uF C0220 150pF 33K R0228 VAG 10K C0226 0.1uF R0222 1 IN 4 NC 6 NO VPOS 2 VCC2.85...
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7-8Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-6. HUD4022A/HUD4025B Controller Power Control (Sheet 1 of 2) REVERSE_POWER FORWARD_POWER VTEMP VCURRENT A+ VCONTROL 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%1% 1% TO SHEET 2 73D02970C73-O SHEET 7 OF 23 AD_EN TX_DISABLE LOOP_DISABLE *C0924* .047uF 6.2 *R0917* 680 *R0916* 9.3V_TX 1K R0915 100pF C0922 100pF *C0923* *R0948* 1K *D0954* 0 R0935 4.7K *R0933* R0932 *R0946* 0 100K C0957 0.1uF 10K...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main Board 7-96881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-7. HUD4022A/HUD4025B Controller Power Control (Sheet 2 of 2) BATTERY CONNECTOR9.3V REGULATOR 9.3V_TX_ REGULATOR 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% TO SHEET 1 *R0937*30K 0 *R0936* 100 100 R0924 VCC5 R0923 1 Q0960 1 C0998 100pF C0997 68pF LOOP_DISABLE 1K R0934 470pF *C0921* A+ *R0913*0.1uF C0920 130K 12K *R0914* VCC5 VCC5 *R0912* 3 1 TX_DISABLE 5 2 12K LMV7219 U0965 4 12K *R0911* R0910...
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7-10Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUD4022A/HUD4025B (VHF) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-8. HUD4025B/HUE4043A Controller Block Diagram