Motorola Wing 5 Manual
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Page 881
IGMP-SNOOP-POLICY 15 - 5 Related Commands igmp-snoopingConfigures IGMP snooping querierConfigures an IGMP querier and the query interval robustness-variableConfigures the IGMP robustness variable unknown-multicast-fwdConfigures IGMP unknown multicast forwarding
Page 882
15 - 6 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 15.1.3 querier igmp-snoop-policy Configures the IGMP querier. A querier generates IGMP queries. The snooping tables are created with reference to the querier. This configures the interval for generating IGMP queries. When no parameter is passed to this command, it configures the logged device as an IGMP querier. Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax querier...
Page 883
IGMP-SNOOP-POLICY 15 - 7 15.1.4 robustness-variable igmp-snoop-policy Configures an IGMP robustness variable, which indicates how susceptible the IGMP multicast domain is to loosing packets in transit. IGMP can recover from robustness variable -1 lost IGMP packets. Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax robustness-variable Parameters • roubustness-variable Examples...
Page 884
15 - 8 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 15.1.5 unknown-multicast-fwd igmp-snoop-policy Forwards unknown multicast packets that do not have forwarding addresses in the IGMP snoop table. The wireless controller, by default, floods this data in the VLAN to which the unknown multicast data belongs, thereby increasing network traffic. Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax unknown-multicast-fwd Parameters None...
Page 885
CHAPTER 16 MINT-POLICY This chapter summarizes MiNT policy commands within the CLI structure. All communication using the MiNT transport layer can be optionally secured. This includes confidentiality, integrity and authentication of all communications. In addition, a device can be configured to communicate over MiNT with other devices authorized by an administrator. Use the (config) instance to configure mint-policy related configuration commands. To navigate to the MiNT policy instance, use the...
Page 886
16 - 2 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 16.1 mint-policy Table 16.1 summarizes MiNT policy commands Table 16.1mint-policy Commands Command Description Reference levelConfigures MiNT routing levelpage 16-3 mtuConfigures the global MiNT MTUpage 16-4 noNegates a command or sets its default valuepage 16-6 udpConfigures MiNT UDP/IP encapsulation parameterspage 16-5 clrscrClears the display screenpage 5-3 commitCommits (saves) changes made in the current sessionpage 5-4 doRuns commands from EXEC modepage 4-66 endEnds...
Page 887
MINT-POLICY 16 - 3 16.1.1 level mint-policy Configures the global MiNT routing level Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax level 2 area-id Parameters • level 2 area-id Examples rfs7000-37FABE(config-mint-policy-global-default)#level 2 area-id 2000 rfs7000-37FABE(config-mint-policy-global-default)# rfs7000-37FABE(config-mint-policy-global-default)#show context mint-policy global-default level 2...
Page 888
16 - 4 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 16.1.2 mtu mint-policy Configures global MiNT Multiple Transmission Unit (MTU). Use this command to specify the maximum packet size, in bytes, for MiNT routing. The higher the MTU values, the greater the network efficiency. The user data per packet increases, while protocol overheads, such as headers or underlying per-packet delays remain the same. Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000...
Page 889
MINT-POLICY 16 - 5 16.1.3 udp mint-policy Configures MiNT UDP/IP encapsulation parameters. Use this command to configure the default UDP port used for MiNT control packet encapsulation. Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax udp port Parameters • udp port Examples rfs7000-37FABE(config-mint-policy-global-default)#udp port 1024 rfs7000-37FABE(config-mint-policy-global-default)#...
Page 890
16 - 6 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 16.1.4 no mint-policy Negates a command or reverts values to their default. When used in the config MiNT policy mode, the no command resets or reverts the following global MiNT policy parameters: routing level, MTU, and UDP or IP encapsulation settings. Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax no [level|mtu|udp no level 2 area-id no mtu no udp port ] Parameters • no level...
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