Portable Radio
Motorola Two Way Portable Radio Ht750 Ht1250 Mtx850 Mtx1250 Mtx8250 Mtx9250 Basic 68p80906z54 D Manual
Motorola Two Way Portable Radio Ht750 Ht1250 Mtx850 Mtx1250 Mtx8250 Mtx9250 Basic 68p80906z54 D Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Motorola Two Way Portable Radio Ht750 Ht1250 Mtx850 Mtx1250 Mtx8250 Mtx9250 Basic 68p80906z54 D Manual. The Motorola manuals for Portable Radio are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
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Glossary-1 Glossary Te r mDefinition ALCAutomatic Level Control: a circuit in the transmit RF path that controls RF power amplifier output, provides leveling over frequency and voltage, and protects against high VSWR (voltage standing wave ration). ASF ICAudio Signaling Filter Integrated Circuit with voice compander. CDCompact Disk. CMPCompression. CPSCustomer Programming Software. CSQCarrier Squelch. DTMFDual-Tone Multifrequency. DPLDigital Private-Line. EEPROMElectronically Erasable/Programmable...
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Glossary-2 MRTIMotorola Radio-Telephone Interconnect: a system that provides a repeater connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The MRTI allows the radio to access the telephone network when the proper access code is received. MSKMinimum-Shift Keying. OMPACOver-Molded Pad-Array Carrier: a Motorola custom package, distinguished by the presence of solder balls on the bottom pads. OSWOutbound Signalling Word: data transmitted on the control channel from the central controller to the...
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Glossary-3 Standby ModeAn operating mode whereby the radio is muted but still continues to receive data. System Central ControllerMain control unit of the trunked dispatch system; handles ISW and OSW messages to and from subscriber units (see ISW and OSW). System SelectThe act of selecting the desired operating system with the system-select switch (also, the name given to this switch). TOTTime-Out Timer: a timer that limits the length of a transmission. TPLTone Private-line. µCMicrocontroller....
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6880906Z 54-D * 6880906Z54* M OTO RO LA , th e S ty liz e d M L ogo a re r e gis te re d in th eU .S . P ate nt a nd T ra dem ark O ff ic e . A ll o th er p ro duct o rse rv ic e n am es a re th e p ro perty o f th eir r e sp ectiv e o w ners .© M oto ro la , In c. 2 005