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Motorola Razr Users Guide

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Page 31

29 Messages
My detailsFind it: Ta p  A p p s  >
ME entry appears at the top of your list. If you haven’t 
set it up, tap 
Set up my profile
MessagesQuick start: MessagesStay in touch with messages and pictures.
Find it: Tap Apps >
Text Messaging
Tip: When the screen is locked, tap  and flick 
 Create: Tap  above the inbox list.
 When you’re typing a message, tap  to 
attach a picture, video, or other file.
Text Messaging (2)Don’t forget to bring the book when you co......

Page 32

30MessagesTips & tricks Forward, or save 
attachments: Open a 
conversation, tap and hold a 
message, then tap   to 
for ward. Tap and hold a picture to save it.
 Voice entry: Just tap a text box, then tap on the 
touchscreen keyboard.
 Reply to all in text messages: When you send a text 
message to multiple people, you can let everyone see 
the other recipients and reply to all, or hide the other 
recipients so that replies only go to you. To change 
this, tap Apps  >
Text Messaging
 > Menu  

Page 33

31 Messages
EmailCheck email accounts, and send responses, photos, 
websites, and more.
Find it: Ta p  A p p s  >
 Add Gmail™ accounts: The first time you turned on 
your smartphone, you probably set up or logged in to 
your Google™ account. To add more Google accounts, 
from the home screen tap Menu  >
System settings
Add account
[email protected] you for your feedback — Thank you for
participating in the survey we conducted last
Feb 13
Melissa MarinSpring...

Page 34

32MessagesChatSign in and try a quick chat.
Find it: Ta p  A p p s  >
 and select your Google™ 
account. Your friends list opens, and icons tell you who is 
available for text chat,  video chat,  voice chat, 
or who is offline.
 Tap in the top right, then enter the 
email address for a friend’s Google account. They’ll 
receive the invitation when they sign into Google 
Ta l k ™ .
 Start a text chat: Tap a name in your list of friends, 
then enter text and tap .
 Start a voice or video chat: Tap the...

Page 35

33 Type
TypeQuick start: TypeWhen you tap a text box, like in a message or search, you 
have keyboard options.
er tyuiop qw
asd f gh j k l
zxcvbnm2 109 8 7 6 5 4 3
ertyuiop qw
asd f gh jklzxcvbnm2 109 8 7 6 5 4 3
+ ! =123
Swype Keyboard:
To enter a word, just trace
a path through the letters.
To capitalize, go above
the keypad.
For double letters, circle
the letter.
Android Keyboard:
Tap a key for each letter, then 
tap predicted words to enter 
To switch...

Page 36

34Type Voice entry: Tap  on the touchscreen keyboard, 
then say what you want to type. You can speak as long 
as you like, pause whenever you want, and dictate 
punctuation to create correct sentences.Text entry settings & dictionaryChoose your keyboard style and edit the dictionary of 
words your smartphone suggests:
Find it: Tap Menu  >
System settings
 >Language & 
To choose your display keyboard, tap 
Android keyboard lets you enter text one letter at a 
time. As you type, your...

Page 37

35 Socialize
SocializeQuick start: SocializeGoogle+™ makes connecting on the web more like 
connecting in the real world. Share your thoughts, links 
and photos with the right circles.
Find it: Ta p  A p p s  >
Following +2531Motorola Mobility
Added by
47,223 people
Update the stream.Open your stream, profile, 
messenger, hangouts,
& more.Add or remove from circles.
 Create a circle: Tap in the top left, then 
. Tap the drop-down list at the top to 
select a circle (like...

Page 38

36BrowseOther social networks Browser access: You can use 
 or the 
 browser to track your other social 
networking accounts on sites like Facebook®, Twitter, 
and LinkedIn. If you don’t have accounts on these 
sites, visit their websites to set them up.
 Social networking apps: Many social networks offer 
dedicated apps that you can install on your 
smartphone. Download social networking apps from 
the Google Play™ Store by tapping Apps  >
When you use a smartphone app to...

Page 39

37 Browse
Tips & tricks Go to a webpage: Tap Search  to open the search 
window, then enter a webpage address in the 
Google™ text box at the top of the screen.
Note: If you can’t connect, contact your service 
 Mobile sites: Some websites automatically show you 
a “mobile” version of their page—if you want to see 
the standard computer versions of all websites, tap 
Menu  >
Request desktop site
 Reload: If a page doesn’t load correctly, try tapping 
Menu  >
 Clear history: In the...

Page 40

38BrowseBrowser optionsTo change your browser homepage, security settings, 
text size, and other options, tap Menu  >
Safe surfing & searchingKeep track of what your browser and searches show:
 Browse incognito: To open a tab that won’t appear in 
your browser or search history, tap Apps  
 >  > Menu  >
New Incognito tab
 Browser history, cache, and passwords: To  c l e a r  
your browser history and other saved information, tap 
Apps  >
 > Menu  >
Privacy &...
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