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Motorola Portable Radio Ep450 Basic Hkln4215a Manual

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December 3, 2003HKLN4215A
6-16Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Mechanical View and Parts List
6.5 Mechanical View and Parts List
6.5.1 EP450 Display Exploded View and Parts List
Figure 6-22.  EP450 Display Radio Exploded View
2829 3132 33
21 22 23 24 25 26 27

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Mechanical View and Parts List6-17
1See Section 6Antenna
2 3680530Z02 Knob, Frequency
1386440Z02Escutcheon, Top; 4 Ch.
Escutcheon, Top; 16 Ch.
4 5886627Z01 Antenna Adaptor/Seal 
51586391Z03Housing, Full, with Lens
6 3586621Z01 Speaker, Felt
73886489Z01PTT, Rubber
8 4586439Z01 PTT, Plastic
10 4286620Z01 Retainer Speaker
113586621Z02Felt, Microphone
12 0780608V01 Boot, Microphone
14 5104949J16 Display, LCD...

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December 3, 2003HKLN4215A
6-18Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Mechanical View and Parts List 

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Chapter 7 Non-Display Model Disassembly and
7.1 Introduction
This section provides details about the following:
 Preventive maintenance (inspection and cleaning)
 Safe handling of CMOS and LDMOS devices
 Disassembly and re-assembly of the radio
 Repair procedures and techniques
7.2 Preventive Maintenance
The radios do not require a scheduled preventive maintenance program; however, periodic visual 
inspection and cleaning is recommended.
7.2.1 Inspection
Check that the external surfaces...

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December 3, 2003HKLN4215A
7-2Non-Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS Devices
Cleaning Internal Circuit Boards and Components
Isopropyl alcohol (70%) may be applied with a stiff, non-metallic, short-bristled brush to dislodge 
embedded or caked materials located in hard-to-reach areas. The brush stroke should direct the 
dislodged material out and away from the inside of the radio. Make sure that controls or tunable 
components are not soaked with alcohol. Do not use...

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HKLN4215ADecember 3, 2003
Non-Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General 7-3
7.4 Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General
Since these radios may be disassembled and re-assembled with the use of only four (board to 
casting) screws, it is important to pay particular attention to the snaps and tabs, and how parts align 
with each other.
The following tools are required for disassembling the radio (see 3.2 for a list of service aids):

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December 3, 2003HKLN4215A
7-4Non-Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General
3.Remove the antenna.
4.Pry off the volume and channel selector knobs from their shafts using the knob removal/chassis 
opener tool (Motorola part # 6686533Z01). (Figure 7-2) 
5.Separate the chassis from the front housing assembly by using the knob remover/chassis opener 
too. Place the broad side of the opener into the slots located at the base of the radio (Figure 7-3). 

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HKLN4215ADecember 3, 2003
Non-Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General 7-5
6.Pull the chassis assembly out of the front cover only until the volume and channel selectors shaft 
just clear the top of the case. (Figure 7-4).
Rotate the chassis counterclockwise out of the housing and position next to the housing. Take care 
not to damage the speaker and microphone wires that are still connected to the chassis (Figure 7-4).
7.Unplug the speaker wire...

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December 3, 2003HKLN4215A
7-6Non-Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General  Speaker and Microphone Disassembly
1.Remove the screw from the speaker retainer using a T6 Torx screwdriver (Figure 7-6).
2.Lift the retainer off the speaker, sliding end of retainer out of corner slot on the housing.
3.Lift the speaker out from the front housing.
4.Carefully lift microphone assembly out of housing.  PTT Disassembly
1.If required, the PTT...

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HKLN4215ADecember 3, 2003
Non-Display Model Disassembly and Re-assembly: Disassembling and Re-assembling the Radio — General 7-7
7.4.2 Chassis Disassembly
1.Remove the O-ring.
2.Use a Torx™ screwdriver with a T6 bit to remove the four screws (Figure 7-8) holding the main 
board to the chassis.
3.The audio jack shroud can be removed from the main board.
4.Lift the main board from the chassis.
5.Remove the battery contact seal.Figure 7-7.  PTT Removal
CAUTION:  Refer to the CMOS CAUTION paragraph (7.3)...
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