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Motorola Maintainability Manual

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Warranty and Service Support1-3
2.5 Technical Support
Motorola Product Services is available to assist the dealer/distributors in resolving any malfunctions 
which may be encountered.
2.6 Related Documents
The following documents are directly related to the use and maintainability of this product.UK/Ireland - Richard Russell
Telephone:  +44 (0) 1256 488 082
Fax:  +44 01256 488 080
Email:  BRR001@email.mot.comFrance - Armand Roy
Telephone:  +33 1 6929 5715
Fax:  +33 1 6929 5904

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3.0 Radio Model Information
The model number and serial number are located on a label attached to the back of your radio. You 
can determine the RF output power, frequency band, protocols, and physical packages. The 
example below shows one mobile radio model number and its specific characteristics.
Table 1-1   Radio Model Number (Example: MDM25KHC9AN1AE)
Type of 

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Chapter 2
1.0 Introduction
This chapter of the manual describes:
n npreventive maintenance
n nsafe handling of CMOS devices
n nrepair procedures and techniques
2.0 Preventive Maintenance
The radios do not require a scheduled preventive maintenance program; however, periodic visual 
inspection and cleaning is recommended.
2.1 Inspection
Check that the external surfaces of the radio are clean, and that all external controls and switches 
are functional. It is not recommended to inspect the...

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back cover.
3.0 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS
Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices are used in this family of radios. 
CMOS characteristics make them susceptible to damage by electrostatic or high voltage charges. 
Damage can be latent, resulting in failures occurring weeks or months later. Therefore, special 
precautions must be taken to prevent device damage during disassembly, troubleshooting, and 
Handling precautions are mandatory for CMOS circuits and are...

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General Repair Procedures and Techniques2-3
Chip Components
Use either the RLN4062 Hot-Air Repair Station or the Motorola 0180381B45 Repair Station for 
chip component replacement. When using the 0180381B45 Repair Station, select the TJ-65 mini-
thermojet hand piece. On either unit, adjust the temperature control to 370 °C (700 °F), and 
adjust the airflow to a minimum setting. Airflow can vary due to component density.
n nTo remove a chip component: 
1.Use a hot-air hand piece and position the nozzle of...

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Removing and replacing shields will be done with the R1070 station with the temperature control 
set to approximately 215°C (415°F) [230°C (445°F) maximum].
n nTo remove the shield: 
1.Place the circuit board in the R1070 circuit board holder. 
2.Select the proper heat focus head and attach it to the heater chimney. 
3.Add solder paste flux around the base of the shield. 
4.Position the shield under the heat-focus head. 
5.Lower the vacuum tip and attach it to the shield by turning...

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Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards2-5
5.0 Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards
* Component is frequency sensitive. Refer to the Electrical Parts List for value and usage.
1.Unless otherwise stated, resistances are in Ohms (k = 1000), and capacitances are in picofarads 
(pF) or microfarads (µF).
2.DC voltages are measured from point indicated to chassis ground using a Motorola DC 
multimeter or equivalent. Transmitter measurements should be made with a 1.2 µH choke in 
series with the...

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CH ACT Channel Activity Indicator Signal (Fast Squelch)
CH KP ID Control Head Keypad ID (Data) Lines
CH REQUEST Control Head Request from Control Head *P
CLK Clock Signal
CNTLVLTG PA Power Control Voltage
CNTR AUDIO Audio Lines of the Controller
COL x Keypad Matrix Column x
CSX Chip Select Line PCIC / FRACN
DATA Data Signal
DC POWER ON Electronic Switching On or Off of the Radios Voltage Regulators
DISCAUDIO Audio Output Signal from the Receiver IC
ECLK Clock (not used)

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Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards2-7
IN 5V RF REG Supply Voltage for 5V Regulator in RF Section
INT KP COL Internal Keypad Matrix Column Signal
INT KP ROW Internal Keypad Matrix Row Signal
INT MIC Internal (from Control Head) Microphone Input
INT SWB Internal Switched 13.2V Supply Voltage
INT SWB+ Internal Switched 13.2V Supply Voltage
IRQ Interrupt Request from Control Head
K9V1 9.1V in Transmit Mode
KEYPAD ID Keypad Identification Line
LCD A0 LCD Control / Display Data Select
LCD CS LCD Chip...

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RAM CS RAM Ship Select
RDY Service Request Line from Option Board
REF CS Reference Chip Select (not used)
RESET Reset Line
ROW x Keypad Matrix Row x
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
RX ADAPT Flat TX Path Disable during Transmitter Key-up
RX AUD RTN Option Board Input / Output of Receiver Audio Path
RX FLAT FILTERED AUDIO Flat or Filtered Audio to Accessory Connector
RXIN RF Signal from Antenna Switch into the Receiver
RXINJ RF Signal from the VCO into the Mixer
SCI RX Serial...
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