Motorola Lcs2000 68p02945c70 O Manual
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7-16 Theory of Operationrouted to two attenuators, which are tuned in the factory or the Þeld to set the proper amount of FM deviation. The TX audio emerges from the ASFIC at U0201-H8 MOD IN, and is routed to the RF section. Transmit Signalling CircuitsSee Figure 7-4 for reference for the following sections. From a hardware point of view, there are three types of signalling: ¥Sub-audible data (PL / DPL / Connect Tone) that gets summed with transmit voice or signalling, ¥DTMF data for telephone...
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Theory of Operation 7-17 This drives a tone generator inside U0201 which generates a staircase approximation to a PL sine wave or DPL data pattern. This internal waveform is then low-pass Þltered and summed with voice or data. The resulting summed waveform then appears on U0201-H8 (MOD IN), where it is sent to the RF board as previously described for transmit audio. A trunking connect tone would be generated in the same manner as a PL tone. High Speed DataHigh speed data refers to the 3600 baud data...
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7-18 Theory of Operation Receive Audio CircuitsRefer to the following sections. Figure 7-5 Receive Audio Paths Squelch DetectThe radioÕs RF circuits are constantly producing an output at the discriminator (U5201-28). This signal (DET AUDIO) is routed to the ASFICÕs squelch detect circuitry input SQ IN (U0201-H7). All of the squelch detect circuitry is contained within the ASFIC. Therefore from a userÕs point of view, DET AUDIO enters the ASFIC, and the ASFIC produces two CMOS logic outputs based on the...
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Theory of Operation 7-19 ACT. The state of CH ACT and SQ DET is high (logic 1) when carrier is detected, otherwise low (logic 0). CH ACT is routed to themP pin 25 while SQ DET adds up with LOCK DET, weighted by resistors R0113, R0114, and is routed to one of themP«s ADC input U0101-43. From the voltage weighted by the resistors themP determines whether SQ DET, LOCK DET or both are active. SQ DET is used to determine all audio mute / unmute decisions except for Conventional Scan. In this case CH ACT is a...
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7-20 Theory of OperationThe outputs of the Audio PA (EXT-SPKR+, INT/EXT SPKR-) are routed to the external speaker through the accessory connector. The INT/EXT SPKR- is directly connected to the INT-SPKR(-). The EXT-SPKR+ can be connected to the internal speaker(+) in two ways: 1) internal connection via R456 (0 Ohm); 2) Externally, via a jumper between pin 16 and pin 13 of the accessory connector. The audio power ampliÞer has one inverted and one non-inverted output that produces the differential audio...
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Theory of Operation 7-21 Receive Signalling CircuitsRefer to the following sections. Figure 7-6 Receive Signalling Path. Sub-audible Data (PL/DPL) and High Speed Data DecoderThe ASFIC (U0201) is used to Þlter and limit all received data. The data enters the ASFIC at U0201-J7. Inside U0201 the data is Þltered according to data type (HS or LS), then it is limited to a 0-5V digital level. The MDC and trunking high speed data appear at U0201-G4, where it connects to themP U0101-11. The low speed limited data...
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7-22 Theory of OperationThe allowable internal alert tones are 304, 608, 911, and 1823Hz. In this case a code contained within the SPI BUS load to the ASFIC sets up the path and determines the tone frequency, and at what volume level to generate the tone. (It does not have to be related to the voice volume setting). For external alert tones, themP can generate any tone within the 100-3000Hz audio band. This is accomplished by themP generating a square wave which enters the ASFIC at U0201-C3. Inside the...
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Troubleshooting 8-1 8 Troubleshooting Overview This section contains three troubleshooting tables for the following GTX/ LCS 2000 components: • Receiver • Synthesizer • Power Amplifier • Controller • Control Head Troubleshooting Charts Refer to following pages.
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8-2 Troubleshooting Start Is K9.1 at Is AUDIO_DET Check Check RX_INJ -50dBmCheck Check Check Check LO_INJ0dBmCheck Check IF-35dBm Is
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Troubleshooting 8-3 Troubleshooting Flow Chart for Receiver (cont.) Check RF level Check RF &>-18DBM >-18DBMStart Check DC at 9.3VCheck DC Check ADAPTCheck Check DC at 5VCheck >1V