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Motorola Gr300 Zr310 Community Repeater 6880902z68 C Manual

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Page 21

Section 4 
Theory of Operation 
TPL Encoding  
Two signals are used for TPL generation: 
• Clock frequency at the exact TPL rate from the microprocessor  
• Clock frequency at 64 times the TPL rate from the timer module  
These signals are fed into a switched capacitor low pass filer U17, then sent to the transmitter.
DPL Encoding 
For generating DPL signals, the microprocessor sends the digital code out its pin 9. Data inversion is done inside the microprocessor if 
required. The timer module...

Page 22

Section 5 
This section contains information and procedures that will enable the technician to proform preventive maintenance and troubleshooting 
techniques on the ZR310 Community Repeater Panel. Fault isolation and component-level troubleshooting are not covered in the section. 
Preventive Maintenance 
Preventive maintenance of the ZR310 consists of: 
• Visual inspection  
• Periodic cleaning  
• Checks using diagnostic commands entered via the DTMF keyboard

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Section 5 
In order to have enough room to move the fan 
assembly around and to remove the ZR310, you will 
have to cut the cable tie wrap. Make sure that you 
obtain another cable tie wrap for use when 
reassembling the GR300.
4. Using a T25 torx screwdriver, remove the two M5x0.8x8 machine screws that secure the ZR310 to the repeater housing. 
5. Remove the ZR310 from the repeater housing. 
6. Disconnect the transmit and receive radio repeater cables from the transmit and...

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Section 6 
This section contains information and procedures that allow the technician to program the ZR310. 
You can program the ZR310 in the following ways: 
• Motorola RIB compatible interface, using a computer running Motorola radio service software (RSS) designed for the ZR310  
• DTMF over the radio channel (over-the-air) from a mobile, base station, or handheld  
• DTMF from a telephone plugged into the programming jack on the front of the ZR310  
• ZR310 monitor program...

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Section 6 
2. Press F6 to change to repeater mode. 
You will see the Get/Save Screen, Repeater Mode (Figure 6-2)
Figure 6-2. Get/Save, Repeater Mode 
Programming the Repeater 
1. From the Get/Save Menu, Press F2 to read the repeater. 
You will see the screen in Figure 6-3. 
You have two options: to read the repeater, or to designate it as a generic. You may need to use the generic designation if the option board is 
not physically accessible (i.e. programming a replacement radio)....

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Section 6 
Reading the Transmitter Radio 
After reading the repeater, you will see the screen in Figure 6-4. 
Figure 6-4. Read Transmitter Screen 
You have two options: to read the transmitter, or to skip it. 
To read the transmit radio: 
1. Connect the programming cable to the transmitter. 
2. Press F2 to continue. 
To skip the transmitter: 
1. Press F10 to abort. 
If you choose to read the radio, and it has previously been programmed in radio mode, you will see the screen in Figure...

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Section 6 
Figure 6-6. Non-Default Information Warning 
To allow all programming information to reset to default settings: 
1. Press F2 to continue. 
To keep custom programming, you must use radio 
mode. If custom settings have previously been 
programmed for the radio, you will see the screen in 
Figure 6-6. Programming in repeater mode resets all 
custom accessor y information to its default settings. 
Pressing F2 (Continue) will overwrite any custom 

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Section 6 
You have two choices: to read the receiver, or to skip it 
To read the receiver: 
1. Connect the programming cable to the receiver. 
2. Press F2 to continue. 
To skip the receiver: 
1. Press F10 to abort. 
As with the transmitter, if the radio has previously been programmed in radio mode, the warning screens in Figure 6-5 and Figure 6-6 may 
Configuring the System 
From the Main Menu: 
1. Press F4 (Change/View). 
2. Press F2 (Radio/Wide). 
You will see the screen in...

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Section 6 
Table 6-1. Command Key Function 
Command Function 
F1=HELP  Get specific help for highlighted field 
F2=GOTO USER Choose a user number to display (TPL=1-50; 
USER Go to previous active user (both enabled and 
reserved users are active) 
F4=NEXT USER Go to next active user (both enabled and reserved 
users are active) 
SCREEN Print contents of screen. 
F6=VIEW ALL  View user summary screens 
F7=DELETE USER  Delete currently displayed user from...

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Section 6 
From the ZR310 Configuration Screen, you may set the programmable features. Programmable feature in the ZR310 are divided into three 
• System Programmable Fields  
• User Programmable Fields  
• Diagnostic Tests
System Programmable Fields 
The following subparagraphs describe the system commands available for the ZR310. 
Program Mode Access Code 
The program mode access code is a number between 1000 and 32000. 
Morse ID interval, Speed, and Frequency 
You can...
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