Motorola Gm328 Gm338 Gm398 Detailed 6804112j18 E Manual
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Troubleshooting Flow Chart for 40W Transmitter 3-3 2.0 Troubleshooting Flow Chart for 40W Transmitter (Sheet 1 of 2) Control Volt- age at TP4533 >1V Current increase when keyed?NO YES START Check if Pressure Pad closes S5440 Check Components between Q4441 and RF Output, Antenna Switch D4471,D4472,Q4472, VR4471,Q4471>500mA & 6A 4V DCReplace PCIC U4501 NO YESTP4530 9.1V DC If U4201 Pin 2 is high, replace PCIC U4501,otherwise check controller and FGU YES NOTP4531 >0.5V DC?Replace PCIC...
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3-4 Troubleshooting Flow Chart for 40W Transmitter 2.1Troubleshooting Flow Chart for 40W Transmitter (Sheet 2 of 2) Check PA Stages YES Check MOSBIAS_2/ MOSBIAS_3 YES Are D4471 & D4472 OK? Check ASFIC NO YES Check Q4421 gate (12kohm) and drain resis- tances (15kohm) NOChange Q4421 Is drive from VCO >+4dBm?Do visual check on all components YES Is voltage drop across R4497 >4.5V? NO 1 Check PCIC_MOS BIAS_1Check PCIC Change D4471 & D4472 Check Q4441 gate (63kohm) and drain resis- tances...
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Troubleshooting Flow Chart for Synthesizer3-5 3.0 Troubleshooting Flow Chart for Synthesizer 5V at pin 6 of D4201 Is information from µP U0101 correct ? Is U4201 Pin 47 at = 13VDC ? Is U4301 Pin 19 4.5 VDC in TX? (at VCO section) ? Sta rt Visual check of the Board OK?Correct Problem Check 5V Regulator U4211 +5V at U4201 Pins 13 & 30 ? Is 16.8MHz Signal at U4201 Pin 19 ? Check Y4261 / Y4262 and associated parts Are signals at Pins 14 &15 of U4201 ? Check R4201Check C4381 Is U4201 Pin 2 >4.5...
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3-6Troubleshooting Flow Chart for VCO 4.0 Troubleshooting Flow Chart for VCO Are Q4332 Base at 0.7V Collector at 4.5V Emitter at 110mV Are Q4301 Base at 2.4V Collector at 4.5V Emitter at 1.7VAre U4301 Pins 13 at 4.4V 15 at 1.1V 10 at 4.5V 16 at 1.9V Low or no RF Signal at TP4003 Visual check of board OK? 35mV DC at U4301 Pin 19 NO YES Replace Q4301 at base of Q4332 NO NO NO NO YES YES YESYESLow or no RF Signal at input to PA 4.8V DC at U4301 Pin 19 Is RF available at C4402 YES YESYES YES NO NO NO...
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4-1 Section 4 UHF PCB/SCHEMATICS/PARTS LISTS 1.0 Allocation of Schematics and Circuit Boards 1.1 Controller Circuits The UHF circuits are contained on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which also contains the Controller circuits. This Chapter shows the schematics for the UHF circuits only, refer to the Controller section for details of the related Controller circuits . The PCB component layouts and the Parts Lists in this Chapter show both the Controller and UHF circuit components. The UHF schematics...
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UHF 25-40W PCB / Schematics / Parts List 4-3 2.0 UHF 25-40W PCB / Schematics / Parts List C0108C0211 C0212 C0251 C0252 R0103R0211 R0212 R0251 R0252 R0253 R0257 16 1 8 9 U0251 C0253C0256 C0261 C0262R0256 R0268 R0269 8 7114 U0211 C0421 C0441 C0442C0443 C0445 C0446C0447 Q0110 R0222 R0261 R0262R0442 C0104 C0106C0224 C0226 C0227C0228 C0232 C0233 C0236 C0237C0495 R0101R0102 R0104 R0108R0110 R0115 R0116R0226R0227 R0228C0221C0222 C0225 C0241 C0243 R0220R0221 R0223R0224 R0229R0254 R0255 C0235C0242 C0244...
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4-4UHF 25-40W PCB / Schematics / Parts List 4 32 Y3101 C3122 C3123 D3101 Q3102 R3113 R3114R3115R3116 R3133 C3116 R3118 C3121 L3112R3112C3104 C3110 C 3 111 C3112 C3113 L 3 111Q3101 R3102 R3104 R3105 R3107 R3108 C3144 C3146 C3147 C3151C3152 Q3141 Q3151Q3152 R3134R3141 R3146 R3147 R3151 R3152 R3153 R3154 4 3 2 FL3111 FL3113 43 2 FL3115C4261C4262 C4263D4261 R4261 TP4201TP4202 4 3 1Y4261 2 34Y4262 6 C4235 R4263L4231C4201C4202C4203 C4204 C4205 C4206 C4207 C4208 C4209 C4211 C4228 C4241 C4287 C4288D4201R4201...
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UHF 25-40W PCB / Schematics / Parts List4-5 PASUPVLTG_UHF_PA_1 PASUPVLTGPASUPVLTG 9V3 9V3_UHF_PA_1C4602 .033uF 3000pF C4481 C4485 30pFL4402 30pF C4484 .033uF C4421 1000pF C4495 NU NUC4490 1000pF C4497 C4489 BLM31A02PTL4474L4541NUC4493 1000pF C4478 C4436 10uF NU0.1uF C4438 17nH L4437L4421 C4423 100pF C4422NU 100pFC4439 L4438 17nHC4437 L4436 NU NU 13pF C4442C4466 30pF C4441 6.8pFC4443C4491 3.3pF C4476 NU NU C4445 6.8pF 3.3pF C4487 13pF C4444 C4467 C4440 30pFC4477 100K R4409 9V3L4490 12.77nH 12.77nHL4489 NU...
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4-6UHF 25-40W PCB / Schematics / Parts List NU 0 VDC (RX) NU NU 3.43 VDC 3.05 VDC (RX)NU 4.97 VDC 2.48 VDC NU NU4.58 VDC 3.79 VDC 2.48 VDC 4.97 VDC (25KHZ Chan. Spacing) 1.78 VDC (Rx) 4.97 VDC (TX) 5 VDC (Locked)10.87 VDC 1.28 VDC NUNU NU 0 VDC (Unlocked) 2.63 VDC (TX) VDC4.97 VDC NU 0 VDC (12.5KHZ Chan. Spacing) 2.52 VDC 2.5 to 11 VDC 1.76 VDC (Tx)30mV - 80mV RMS 12.7 VDC 0 VDC 4.97 VDC NU1.8pF (SOURCE) NU 3.48 6.68 VDC TP4201C4204 100pF R4204 472.2uF C4214 INPUT8 OUTPUT 1 SENSE 2 SHUTDOWN3...