Motorola Gm328 Gm338 Gm398 Detailed 6804112j18 E Manual
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Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards 2-11 VSF Voltage Super Filtered (5V) VSTBY 5V Supply for µP when the Radio is switched off 4-LAYER CIRCUIT BOARD DETAIL VIEWING COPPER STEPS IN PROPER LAYER SEQUENCE LAYER 1 (L1) LAYER 2 (L2) LAYER 3 (L3) LAYER 4 (L4) INNER LAYERS SIDE 1 SIDE 2
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3-1 Section 3 SERVICE AIDS 1.0 Recommended Test Tools Table 3-1 lists the service aids recommended for working on the radio. While all of these items are available from Motorola, most are standard workshop equipment items, and any equivalent item capable of the same performance may be substituted for the item listed. Table 3-1 Service Aids Motorola Part NumberDescription Application RLN4460_Portable Test SetEnables connection to audio/accessory jack. Allows switching for radio testing. RKN4081_...
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3-2Test Equipment 2.0 Test Equipment Table 3-2 lists test equipment required to service the radio and other two-way radios. Table 3-2 Recommended Test Equipment Motorola Part NumberDescription Characteristics Application R2600_NTComms System Analyzer (non MPT)This monitor will sub- stitute for items with an asterisk*Frequency/deviation meter and signal gen- erator for widerange troubleshooting and alignment R2680_NT Comms System Analyzer ( MPT1327) to be ordered with RLN1022_ (H/W) RLN1023_...
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Computer Software Copyrights The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form, the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in...
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i Table of Contents Section 1 overview 1.0 GM328 Model (GCN6112_) ................................................................................. 1-1 2.0 GM338 Model (GCN6114_) ................................................................................. 1-2 3.0 GM398 Model (GCN6115_) ................................................................................. 1-3 Section 2 Theory of Operation 1.0 Introduction...
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ii 4.10 Speaker (Remote Mount Configuration only) ............................................... 2-13 4.11 Electrostatic Transient Protection................................................................. 2-13 Section 3 Troubleshooting Charts 1.0 Controlhead GM328 Troubleshooting Flow Chart ............................................... 3-1 1.1 On/Off ............................................................................................................ 3-1 1.2 Microprocessor...
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1-1 Section 1 OVERVIEW 1.0 GM328 Model (GCN6112_) The Controlhead contains the internal speaker, the on/off/volume knob, the microphone connector, several buttons to operate the radio and several indicator Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to inform the user about the radio status. To control the LED’s and to communicate with the host radio the control head uses the Motorola 68HC11E9 microprocessor.
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1-2GM338 Model (GCN6114_) 2.0 GM338 Model (GCN6114_) The Controlhead contains the internal speaker, the On/Off/Volume knob, the microphone connector, several buttons to operate the radio, several indicator Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to inform the user about the radio status, and a 14 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for alpha - numerical information e.g. channel number or call address name. To control the LED’s and the LCD, and to communicate with the host radio the control head uses the...