Motorola Gm328 Gm338 Gm398 Detailed 6804112j18 E Manual
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Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts Lists4-51C1607 2113740F51 CAP, 100pF C1608 2113743A23 CAP, 0.22uF C1609 2113740F34 CAP, 20pF C1610 2113741F41 CAP, 4700pF C1611 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C1612 2113741F33 CAP, 2200pF C1613 2113740F54 CAP, 130pF C1614 2113741F24 CAP, 910pF C1615 NOT PLACED C1616 2113740F40 CAP, 36pFC1618 2113743A23 CAP, 0.22uF C1619 2311049A57 CAP, 10uF C1620 2113741F25 CAP, 1000pF C1621 NOT PLACED C1622 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C1623 2113740F60 CAP, 240pF C1624 2113741F37 CAP, 3300pF C1625...
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4-52Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts ListsR0121 0662057A97 100K R0131 0662057B46 10.0M R0132 0662057B10 330K R0151 0662057A82 24K R0152 0662057A82 24K R0170 0662057A73 10K R0171 0662057A65 4.7K R0172 0662057A73 10K R0173 0662057A65 4.7K R0174 0662057A73 10K R0175 0662057A73 10K R0176 0662057A84 30K R0177 0662057A65 4.7K R0178 0662057A89 47K R0179 0662057A89 47K R0181 0662057A65 4.7K R0182 0662057A89 47K R0183 0662057A65 4.7K R0184 0662057A89 47K R0185 0662057A65 4.7K R0186 0662057A89 47K R0201...
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Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts Lists4-53 *Motorola Depot Servicing only Reference designators with an asterisk indicate components which are not field replaceable because they need to be cali- brated with specialized factory equipment after installation. Radios in which these parts have been replaced in the field will be off frequency at temperature extremes. R1402 0611079A64 RES, 390 R1404 0680194M18 RES, 51 R1405 0680194M18 RES, 51 R1406 0662057A73 RES, 10K R1407 0662057A73 RES, 10K R1409...
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4-54Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts ListsLow Band Range 3 PCB 8486908Z02 Parts List Circuit RefMotorola Part No.DescriptionC0101 2113740F51 CAP, 100pF C0102 NOT PLACED C0103 NOT PLACED C0104 NOT PLACEDC0105 NOT PLACED C0106 NOT PLACEDC0107 2113741F25 CAP, 1000pF C0108 NOT PLACED C0111 NOT PLACED C0112 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uFC0121 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C0122 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C0123 NOT PLACED C0131 2113740F35 CAP, 22pFC0132 2113740F35 CAP, 22pF C0141 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C0151 2113741F49 CAP,...
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Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts Lists4-55C1106 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C1107 2113740F49 CAP, 82pF C1108 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C1109 2113740F40 CAP, 36pF C 111 0 NOT PLACED C 1111 2 11 3 7 4 0 L 0 3 C A P, 2 . 4 p FC 111 2 2113740F40 CAP, 36pF C 111 3 2 11 3 7 4 3 E 2 0 C A P, 0 . 1 u F C 111 4 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C1115 2113740F53 CAP, 120pF C 111 6 2113740F41 CAP, 39pF C 111 9 2 11 3 7 4 3 E 2 0 C A P, 0 . 1 u F C1120 NOT PLACED C1121 NOT PLACEDC1122 NOT PLACED C1123 2113740F39 CAP, 33pFC1124...
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4-56Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts ListsC1477 2111078B54 CAP, 300pF C1478 2111078B54 CAP, 300pF C1479 2111078B51 CAP, 220pF C1480 2111078B40 CAP, 82pF C1481 2111078B40 CAP, 82pF C1482 2113928E01 CAP, 1uF C1484 2113741F33 CAP, 2200pF C1485 2113741A45 CAP, .01uF C1486 2113741M69 CAP, 0.1uF C1491 NOT PLACED C1501 2113741F33 CAP, 2200pF C1502 2113741F33 CAP, 2200pF C1503 2113741F33 CAP, 2200pF C1504 2113741F33 CAP, 2200pF C1505 2113741F25 CAP, 1000pF C1506 2113741F25 CAP, 1000pF C1507 2113741F33 CAP,...
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Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts Lists4-57Q1103 4813823A05 MMBFU310L Q1104 4813823A05 MMBFU310L Q1105 4880048M01 DTC144EKA Q1106 4813827A07 MMBR941 Q1201 4813824A17 MMBT3906 Q1202 4880173R01 MMBR951 Q1303 4884235R02 MMBFU310 Q1304 4880173R01 MMBR951 Q1305 4880173R01 MMBR951 Q1306 4884235R02 MMBFU310 Q1307 4880173R01 MMBR951 Q1308 4880173R01 MMBR951 Q1401 4886212B01 MRF1518 Q1402 4886136B01 MRF1550 Q1403 4886136B01 MRF1550 Q1404 NOT PLACED Q1501 4880141L03 BCW68G Q1502 4813824A10 MMBT3904 Q1503...
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4-58Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts ListsR1205 0662057A45 RES, 680 R1206 0662057A41 RES, 470 R1207 NOT PLACED R1208 0662057A18 RES, 51R1209 0662057A61 RES, 3.3K R1210 0662057A33 RES, 220 R1211 0662057B14 RES, 470K R1212 0662057A25 RES, 100 R1213 0662057A45 RES, 680 R1214 0662057A54 RES, 1.6K R1215 0662057A21 RES, 68 R1216 0662057A18 RES, 51 R1217 0662057A25 RES, 100 R1218 0662057A17 RES, 47 R1219 0662057A17 RES, 47 R1220 0662057A17 RES, 47 R1221 0662057B47 RES, 0 R1222 NOT PLACED R1306 0662057B47 RES,...
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Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts Lists4-59U1101 5113805A86 MC74HC4066 U1102 5113805A86 MC74HC4066 U1103 5186144B01 SA616 U1201 5185963A27 FRACN SYNTHESIZER U1250 5185963A33 LP2951 U1377 4802245J50 UMC5N U1378 4802245J50 UMC5N U1401 5185130C65 LDMOS PREDRIVER IC U1402 5113818A03 MC33072 U1501 5185963A15 LM50 U1502 5109731C21 LM6142BIM U1503 5185765B28 POWER CONTOL IC U1601 5180929W01 MC1350 VR0151 4813830A15 MMBZ5232B VR0501 4805656W09 MMQA20VT1 VR0503 4805656W09 MMQA20VT1 VR0504 4813830A40 MMBZ5257B...
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4-60Low Band PCBs / Schematics / Parts ListsLow Band Range 1 PCB 8486206B08 Parts List Circuit RefMotorola Part No.DescriptionC0101 2113740F51 CAP, 100pF C0102 Not Placed C0103 Not Placed C0104 Not PlacedC0105 Not Placed C0106 Not PlacedC0107 2113741F25 CAP, 1000pF C0108 Not Placed C0111 Not Placed C0112 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uFC0121 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C0122 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C0123 Not Placed C0131 2113740F35 CAP, 22pFC0132 2113740F35 CAP, 22pF C0141 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C0151 2113741F49 CAP,...