Motorola Cp150 Cp200 6880309n62 C Manual
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VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)7-616880309N62-CJune, 2005 0 V (Rx) R516 MICROPHONE CONNECTOR 3 V (Tx) Not Placed 7.5 V 100k 3.5V (UNSQ) 3.5V (UNSQ) 0.15 V (UNSQ) 3 V (UNSQ) 1.5 V145 mV RMS 114 mV (RF) Supply = 7.42 1/2 Supply = 3.22 INTERNAL SPEAKER 0 Not Placed R517 0Not Placed Not Placed 3.46 V RMS (Rx)(0.5 W@24 OHMS VHF UHF R513 R515 ACCESSORY CONNECTOR DC Level 0.3 - 0.4 V low Not Placed2.3 V150 mV RMS (25 kHz) (Rx) 75 mv RMS (12.5 kHz) (Rx) 1.5 V 200 mV RMS10 mV RMS (Tx) 0.1u F C451 R496 3V0 R480 NC D470 R497 R460 5V_A 5V_BQ520-1 IMX15 1 6 24K C484 3V_A 3 NC 1000p F C465 0.1u F J491-3 24K C459 R511 R463 100K 0.1u F R490 6 5 78 4 5V_A C518 5V U480-2J470-1 1 R485 47K R451680 R472 VDDDAC11 VDDRC45 VDDSYN 27 VOX7 VR472 SQIN9 SYN 28 TXRTN 36 TXSND44 UIO10 VDDA1 VDDCP 32 VDDD 33 MOD40 NC 26 PLCAP8 25 PLCAP2 RXRTN43 RXSND39 SQCAP12 SQDET 17 GNDDO 30 GNDRC47 GNDSYN 23HSIO 19 LCAP 24LSIO 18MICEXT48 MICINT46 GCB0 15GCB1 14GCB2 13GCB3 35GCB437 GCB538 GNDA3 GNDD 31 CLK168 34 CSX 20 DACG6 DACR5 DACU4 DAT A 22 DISC2 F1200 29 30C53 U451 AUDI O41 AUXT N42 CHACT 16 21 CL K C467 1200p F U511 UMG5 26 4 1 3 16p F 25 63 1 4 C514 5V_BQ470 2 R470 2.2K 0.1u F C463 0.1u F C480R473 680 10u F C492150p F 0.1u F C470 C473 0.1u F 0.1u F C460 C462 470p F C490 BK1005HM471E453 4 3 INPOS MODE 1 OUTNEG5 OUTPOS8 SVR 2 VCC6 3 1 4 U490 TDA8541 GND7 INNEG Q472 25 6 31 8 4 24K R492 U510-1 LM2904 2 C497 0.1u F 5V_B R487 0VR471 100K R479 30K R464 20V MMBZ5250BVR473 6 57 8 4 J491-4 4 U510-2 LM2904 J491-1 1 R517 C471 2.2u F C479 150p F C511 220p F 150p F C474 E452 BK1005HM471 3V5V 5V_B R513 0.1u F C464 R4843.9K 1%R255 5V_A R476 100K C481330K R493 100K R519 NC 220K R518 VR475 MMBZ5245B15VNC R462 24K 150p F C478 100K R520 C461 1000p F 0.1u F C458 Q481 13 2 3V_AL471 3V_A 390n H 3V_A NC 150K R512 39p FC499 0.1u F C456R522 100K IMX1Q520-224 3 U480-1 2 31 8 43 C466 NUQ471 26 4 1 R499 NC C496 1u F 1u F C495 4.7u F C453 470p F D491C489 C488 NU 470p F 6.8pFR516 R495 C5122 5.6K R486 R488 330KR471 5V_B2.2K 220p F R483 R498 C513 C457 0.1u F R514 R521 NU 100K 3V_A VR474 MMBZ5250B 20V R489 C452 0.1u F R481R523 330 10K C476 R474 C454 0.1u F .022u F M1 1M2 2 M3 3 7S1 S2 4 6S3 S4 5 NC J471 C482.022u F A_MOD_OUT R477 C475 0.1u F2.2K R469 C472 R48210 13 2 NC R494 Q482330K .022u F C455 R491 0 5V_A D471 2.2K R478 C498 1u FC493 1000p FC477 0.1u F NC C483 0.22u F2.2u F C494180K R475 26 4 1 3 R515 E451BK1005HM471 UMG5Q490 C519 1u F 3V 5VOPT_MIC VS_GAIN_SEL DEMOD ASFIC_CSBATT_CHARGE OPT_TX_AUD_RETURN OPT_RX_AUD_SEND_DETECTOR CH_ACTVOX PWR_SET EXT_MIC_PTT OPT_TX_AUD_FLAT_RETURN SW_B+ 16_8_MHZMOD_OUTRESET OPT_RX_AUD_RETURN OPT_RX_AUD_SEND_UNMUTED OPT_TX_AUD_SEND SPI_DATA_OUTLSI O SPI_CLKSQ_DET BW_SEL F1200 HSIO VS_AUDIO_SEL uP_CLKSCIBOOT_ENA Figure 7-60. VHF (146-174 MHz) Audio Circuitry Schematic Diagram (8486769Z04-C)

7-62VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)June, 20056880309N62-C 5 V (Rx) 0 V (Tx)0 V (Rx) 5 V (Tx) 3.3 V (Rx) 0 V (Tx) 0 V (Rx) 3.3 V (Tx)5 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3 V 0 V (OFF)7.5 V (ON) 0 V (OFF) 3.3 V (ON)7.5 V 0 V (Tx) 0 V (Rx) 5 V (Tx) 5 V (Rx) 0 V (OFF) 7.5 V (ON) 7.5 V (OFF)0 V (ON) 100 R50610uF C312 C302 390pF 10uF C334 F301 3A GND2 1 VIN VOUT5 C333 .01uF U310 TK71750S BYPASS 4CTRL 3 R310 100K VR302 MMBZ5250B 20V C316 1200pF R509 100K NC Q493 3 1 2 100K R322 C331 .01uFQ311 100 R507 C323 C313 .01uF 150pF C321 10uFC315 1200pF 5.1K R313 2 NC 20K R312 4 1 LOW5 3 HIGH TAB16 TAB27 R508 S444 SWITCH .01uF C322 100K33uF 26 4 1 3 C303 C320 Q494.018uF C301 Q313 390pF C306 .01uF Q312 D301 U330 TK71730S BYPASS 4CTRL 3 GND2 1 VIN VOUT5 .01uF TP302 1C304 1% 200K NC D3_3V R321C314 1200pF 20V MMBZ5250BVR301 100K R311 NC J301 DATANEGPOS GND1 INPUT4 OUTPUT 5 SENSE6SHUTDOWN8TAP3LP2986 U320 ERROR 7 FEEDBACK 2 D3_3V C305 100pFC310 .01uF D3_3V 330K 1% R320 R510 330K SWB+ BATT_CHARGE .018uF C311 D3_3V 3V RESET VOLUME ON_OFF5T USWB+ RX_ENA5V TX_ENA5R Figure 7-61. VHF (146-174 MHz) DC Regulation Schematic Diagram (8486769Z04-C)

VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)7-636880309N62-CJune, 2005 C410 C412 C413C418 C419 C421C422 C430C431 C432 C433 C446 Q440 R410 R417 R419 R424 R425R431 R442 R443 SH401 1 4 58U40222 21 8 71 U403 32 17 16 1 U404 C480 C482 C488 C489 E452 R469 R481R482 R483R489 R4964 53 2 S444 1 4 58U480 C112 C113 C117 2 43 1 S4411 2 3 4 5U110VR110 J140 M140 2C8C 4 S440 VR475 C400C402 C403C404 C406C407C408C409 C460 C500C503C504 C505C506 C507 Q402 Q403 R400 R445 R446 R462R503 R504R521 C454 C461 C465 C470 C477 C501 C513 D424 D471 E500 Q472 R414R463R470 R471 R472 R473R480 R513 R514 R522 VR471 VR472 C455C458 1 3725 13 U451 C425 D425 Q425 Q426 Q427R401 R409 C303 C426 R402 R403 R404R405R406 R407R408U425 43 2 FL54 4 3 2 FL53C301 C302C473 C476 C478D301 D470 F301 J470 6 4 7 5 2 3 J471 L471 Q171 R171 R524 VR301 VR302 VR473 C305C306 32 J301 C69 R61 R63 4 58U52 2 3 Y70 C91 C92 C281 C282 C283 C284C286L281 L283 Q280 R280 R281 R282 R283R286 SH253 C251 C253 C254 C255 C256 C257C258 C263 C264C265 C266C267 C268C269 D251 D261 D262L251L252L253 L254L255 L262 L263 L264L265 R253 R254 R261 R262 R263 R264SH250 C201 C202 C204 C205 C207 C208 C209 C210 C212 C213 C214C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C230 C231C232C233 C241 C243 C244 C245 C293 L211 R205 R212 R220 R221 R223 R230R243 R244 R245R247R248SH201 1 3725 13 U201C2 C3 C4 C5 C6C7 C8C9 C22 C23 C24 C25 C29C30C31 C32 C33 C34C35 C36 CR1L1 L2 L3 L4 L21 L22 L31 L32 L33Q21 R22R24 R25 R26 SH1 C1 2 43 1 S442 2 43 1 S443 ZMY30000-O Figure 7-62. VHF (146-174 MHz) Board Component Side View (8486769Z04-C)

7-64VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)June, 20056880309N62-C C157C121C158 C122C130 C132 C131 C135C133C134 C140 C136 C137 C141 D120 D121 L120L121 L130 L131 L132 L140 R120 R121 R150 R151U151 C102 C108 C109C110C116 C170 C155 C171 C100 C101 C103 C106 C111 C114 C120 C124 C150 C151 C152 C154 C159 C172 C104 C105C107 C115C123 C153 C156 L100 L101 L110 L102 L103 Q100 Q150 Q170 4 3 61 R107 R157R156R106 R103 R105 R100 R102 R101 R104R110 R111 R152 R153R154 R155 R158 R162SH100 8 1 U150 5 4 C493 C499 C472 C483C481 C490 C471 C494 C474 C479 C475 C495 C496 C498 C484 C492 D491 D440 2 3 4 2J491 Q470 Q493 Q4903 4 Q4943 4 U5113 4 Q481 Q482R495 R487 R491 R476 R479 R485 R486 R508 R509 R507 R494 R498 R492 R477 R478 R484 R490 R474 R475 R488 R493 R510R497R499 TP150 8 5 4 1 U490 VR474 C20 C26 C99 Q22 R20 R21R23 C52 C53 C55 C57 C56C58 C59 C93 CR516 5 4 32 FL51L53Q51 R52 R53 R54R55 SH52 C40 C44C41 C43C42C51 CR41 L40L41 L51L52 R40 R51SH40 T41 3 4 6 T42 3 46 C81C82 C80 C60 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C72 C90 C71 C70 C73C74D51 D52 L54 L81 Q70R72 R82R81 R90 R75 R80 R57 R60 R62 R65 R64 R66R67 R73 R74 R76 R77R78 R91 SH50 U51 10 201 11 Y51 2 3 4C61 C312 C334 C304 C310C313 C331 C333C314C315 C316 C311 C323 3 2 FL52Q311 Q312 Q313 3 4 R313 R310 R311 R322 R312 R506R255 TP404 U310 85 4 U320 U330 C321 C322C320 R320 R321 C206 C211C203 D201 R246R202R206 TP1 TP2 TP200 TP240 Y201 2 34 Y202 C227C228C225 C226 C221 C222 C223 C224C220 D220D221 R227 SH200 C415 C416 C417 C401 C411 C414 C447 C420C440 C441 C442 C443 C444C445 Q410 3 4 R432 R415 R440 R441R412 R413 R418 R422R423 R430 R433 R434R416 R421R501 R502 R420R411 SH400 TP401 TP402 TP405 U401 26 5176 1 C451C452 C456C457 C459 C462C463 C464C497 C518 C511 C466C453 C467C519 C512 C514 D414E451 E453 Q471 3 4 Q520R515 R516 R517R511 R519 R520R512 R518 R451 R460R464 TP301 TP403 8 5 4 1 U510 C405 31 3230 29 2 28 29 J460R523 R505 TP302 C291 C290 C272 C274 C285 C271C273 C270 C275 C277C292 C276L276 L270 L271L292L282 L291 R275 R276 R284 R273 R270R271 R272 R274 SH251 U251 10 201 11 ZMY30001-O Figure 7-63. VHF (146-174 MHz) Board Solder Side View (8486769Z04-C)

VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)7-656880309N62-CJune, 2005VHF (146-174 MHz) Radio Parts List (8486769Z04-C) Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.DescriptionC1 2115153H41 CAP, 22pF C2 2115153H46 CAP, 36pF C3 2115153H49 CAP, 47pF C4 2115153H37 CAP, 15pF C5 2115153H14 CAP, 3pF C6 2115153H37 CAP, 15pF C7 2115153H45 CAP, 33pF C8 2115153H44 CAP, 30pF C9 Not_Placed - C20 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C22 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C23 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C24 Not_Placed - C25 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C26 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C29 2115153H27 CAP, 10pF C30 2115153H42 CAP, 24pF C31 2115153H44 CAP, 30pF C32 2115153H51 CAP, 68pF C33 2115153H42 CAP, 24pF C34 2115153H51 CAP, 68pF C35 2115153H43 CAP, 27pF C36 2115153H42 CAP, 24pF C40 2115153H40 CAP, 20pF C41 2115153H37 CAP, 15pF C42 2115153H46 CAP, 36pF C43 2115153H37 CAP, 15pF C44 2115153H40 CAP, 20pF C51 2113944A38 CAP, 82pF C52 2115153H39 CAP, 18pF C53 2115153H26 CAP, 9.1pF C55 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C56 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C57 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C58 2113944A15 CAP, 25pF C59 2113944A11 CAP, 2.7pF C60 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C61 2113944A36 CAP, 68pF C62 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C63 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C64 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C65 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C66 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C67 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C68 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C69 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C70 2113944A87 CAP, 130pF C71 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C72 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C73 2113945A13 CAP, 4700pF C74 2113944A33 CAP, 47pF C80 2115153H41 CAP, 22pF C81 2115153H45 CAP, 33pF C82 2115153H45 CAP, 33pF C90 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C91 2313960D07 CAP, 10uF C92 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C93 Not_Placed - C99 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C100 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C101 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C102 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C103 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C104 Not_Placed - C105 Not_Placed - C106 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C107 2113944A25 CAP, 10pF C108 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C109 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C110 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C111 Not_Placed - C112 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C113 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C114 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C115 2313960B01 CAP, 1uF C116 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C117 2113945L25 CAP, 1000pF C120 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C121 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C122 2113944C32 CAP, 15pF C123 2113944C32 CAP, 15pF C124 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C130 2113944C31 CAP, 12pF C131 2113944C18 CAP, 3.3pF C132 2113944C35 CAP, 27pF C133 2113944C18 CAP, 3.3pF C134 2113944C35 CAP, 27pF C135 2113944C20 CAP, 3.9pF C136 2113944C78 CAP, 13pF C137 2113944C89 CAP, 20pF0 C140 2113944C78 CAP, 13pF C141 2113944C33 CAP, 18pF C150 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C151 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C152 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C153 2113946L04 CAP, 0.47uF C154 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C155 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C156 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C157 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C158 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description C159 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pFC170 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C171 2113944A11 CAP, 2.7pF C172 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C201 2113944C02 CAP, 220pF C202 2115153H52 CAP, 68pF C203 2115153H13 CAP, 2.7pF C204 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C205 Not_Placed - C206 Not_Placed - C207 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C208 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C209 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C210 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C211 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C212 2113946N03 CAP, 2.2uF C213 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C214 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C215 2113946N03 CAP, 2.2uF C216 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C217 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C218 2113946N03 CAP, 2.2uF C219 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C220 2113944A29 CAP, 22pF C221 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C222 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C223 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C224 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C225 2313960D07 CAP, 10uF C226 2313960D07 CAP, 10uF C227 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C228 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C230 2113946N03 CAP, 2.2uF C231 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C232 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C233 2313960B30 CAP, 4.7pF C241 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C243 2113945G91 CAP, 100000pF C244 2113945L27 CAP, 1200pF C245 2313960C26 KEMET CAP C251 2113945L49 CAP, 1000pF C253 2115153H38 CAP, 16pF C254 2115153H15 CAP, 3.3 C255 2115153H39 CAP, 18pF C256 2115153H27 CAP, 10pF C257 2115153H46 CAP, 36pF C258 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C263 2115153H43 CAP, 27pF C264 2115153H19 CAP, 4.7 C265 2115153H37 CAP, 15pF C266 2115153H27 CAP, 10pF Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description C267 2115153H46 CAP, 36pF C268 2115153H13 CAP, 2.7pF C269 2113945A10 CAP, 1500pF C270 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C271 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C272 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C273 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C274 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C275 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C276 2113944A18 CAP, 5.1pF C277 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C281 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C282 2113944A24 CAP, 9.1pF C283 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C284 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C285 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C286 2113944A77 CAP, 11pF C290 2113944A85 CAP, 51pF C291 2113944A83 CAP, 36pF C292 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C293 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C301 2113945A04 CAP, 390pF C302 2113945A04 CAP, 390pF C303 2313960F04 CAP, 33uF C304 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C305 2113944A40 CAP, 100pF C306 2113945L49 CAP, 1000pF C310 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C311 2113743E05 CAP, 0.18uF C312 2313960D07 CAP, 10uF C313 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C314 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C315 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C316 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C320 2113743E05 CAP, 0.18uF C321 2313960D07 CAP, 10uF C322 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C323 2113944A42 CAP, 150pF C331 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C333 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C334 2313960D07 CAP, 10uF C400 Not_Placed - C401 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C402 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C403 2113944A40 CAP, 100pF C404 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C405 2113944A40 CAP, 100pF C406 2113944A40 CAP, 100pF C407 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C408 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C409 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description

7-66VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)June, 20056880309N62-CC410 2313960D07 CAP, 10uFC411 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C412 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C413 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C414 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C415 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C416 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C417 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C418 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C419 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C420 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C421 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C422 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C425 2113946E02 CAP, 1uF C426 2313960B01 CAP, 1uF C430 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C431 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C432 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C433 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C440 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C441 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C442 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C443 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C444 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C445 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C446 2113945B02 CAP, 10000pF C447 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C451 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C452 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C453 2313960B30 CAP, 4.7pF C454 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C455 2113945B04 CAP, 22000pF C456 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C457 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C458 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C459 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C460 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C461 2113946F03 CAP, 4.7uF C462 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C463 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C464 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C465 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C466 Not_Placed - C467 2113945A60 CAP, 1200pF C470 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C471 2113946N03 CAP, 2.2uF C472 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C473 2113944A42 CAP, 150pF C474 2113944A42 CAP, 150pF C475 2113945B04 CAP, 22000pF C476 2113945B04 CAP, 22000pF Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description C477 2113946K02 CAP, 100000pF C478 2113944A42 CAP, 150pF C479 2113944A42 CAP, 150pF C480 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C481 Not_Placed - C482 Not_Placed - C483 2113946C02 CAP, 0.22uF C484 Not_Placed - C488 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C489 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C490 2113945A05 CAP, 470pF C492 2113928J08 CAP, 10uF C493 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C494 2113946N03 CAP, 2.2uF C495 2113946N02 CAP, 1uF C496 2113946N02 CAP, 1uF C497 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C498 2113946N02 CAP, 1uF C499 2113944A32 CAP, 39pF C500 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C501 2113946N02 CAP, 1uF C503 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C504 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C505 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C506 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C507 2113945A09 CAP, 1000pF C511 2113944C02 CAP, 220pF C512 2113944A21 CAP, 6.8pF C513 2113944C02 CAP, 220pF C514 2113944A79 CAP, 16pF C518 2113945C31 CAP, 0.10uF C519 2113946N02 CAP, 1uF CR1 4813974A19 Diode Schottky CR41 4815923H01 Diode Schottky CR51 4813974A19 Diode Schottky D51 4815047H01 Switching Diode D52 4815047H01 Switching Diode D120 4880973Z02 Pin Diode D121 4880973Z02 Pin Diode D201 4815072H01 Diode Varactor D220 4815011H01 Diode Triple D221 4815011H01 Diode Triple D251 4813974A01 ISV 228 D261 4813974A01 ISV 228 D262 4885055Y01 Diode Varactor D301 4815713H01 Diode Schottky D414 4816064H01 RH29M19 LH D424 4809924D29 Diode High Voltage D425 4816064H01 RH29M19 LH D440 4805729G49 Diode Red/Yel D470 4809924D29 Diode High Voltage Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description D471 4809924D29 Diode High VoltageD491 Not_Placed - E451 2480640Z01 Ferrite Bead E452 2480640Z01 Ferrite Bead E453 2480640Z01 Ferrite Bead E500 2480640Z01 Ferrite Bead F301 6515076H01 Fuse Chip SMT FL51 9186801Z01 OSC,XTAL 44.85MHZ FL52 9180468V04 4 Element FLTR FL53 9180469V05 6 Element FLTR FL54 9115811H01 6 Element FLTR J140 0986428Z02 RF Jack J301 0986565Z02 Battery CONN J460 Not_Placed - J470 0985818A02 CONN 2 PIN J471 0980683Z03 AUDIO JACK J491 2815162H01 CONN_P L1 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L2 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L3 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L4 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L21 Not_Placed - L22 2414017N24 INDCTR, 100nH L31 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L32 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L33 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L40 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L41 2414015C09 INDCTR, 68nH L51 2414017N26 INDCTR, 150nH L52 2414032F44 INDCTR, 680nH L53 2113944A41 CAP, 120 pF L54 2414015A25 INDCTR, 1200nH L81 2414015A19 INDCTR, 1000nH L100 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L101 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L102 2415429H36 INDCTR, 100nH L103 2415429H25 INDCTR, 30nH L110 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L120 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L121 2415015H01 INDCTR, 47nH L130 2479990N01 INDCTR, 43.67nH L131 2479990N01 INDCTR, 43.67nH L132 2479990N01 INDCTR, 43.67nH L140 2479990M01 INDCTR, 30.54nH L211 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L251 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L252 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L253 2415429H36 INDCTR, 100nH L254 2414015C05 INDCTR, 33nH L255 2414017K29 INDCTR, 330nH L262 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description L263 2415429H36 INDCTR, 100nH L264 2414015C07 INDCTR, 47nH L265 2414017K29 INDCTR, 330nH L270 2414017K32 INDCTR, 560nH L271 Not_Placed - L276 2414017N24 INDCTR, 100nH L281 2414017N22 INDCTR, 68nH L282 2414017N20 INDCTR, 47nH L283 Not_Placed - L291 2414017N17 INDCTR, 27nH L292 2414017N22 INDCTR, 68nH L471 2414017K30 INDCTR, 390nH M140 0286427Z01 Nut, Antenna Q21 4815119H01 Transistor Q22 4815267H01 Transistor Q51 4815343H01 Transistor Q70 4815056H01 Transistor Q100 4815119H01 Transistor Q150 4815056H01 Transistor Q170 4809939C34 Transistor Q171 4815056H01 Transistor Q280 4815119H01 TRANSISTOR Q311 4815069H02 TP010IT Q312 4815069H02 TP010IT Q313 4815066H01 Transistor Q402 4813973A42 Transistor Q403 4813973A13 XSTR PNP40V Q410 4815066H01 Transistor Q425 4815069H02 TP010IT Q426 4815069H02 TP010IT Q427 4815069H02 TP010IT Q440 4815154H01 Transistor Q470 4815267H01 Transistor Q471 4815066H01 Transistor Q472 4815267H01 Transistor Q481 Not_Placed - Q482 Not_Placed - Q490 4815066H01 Transistor Q493 4815069H02 TP010IT Q494 4815066H01 Transistor Q520 4815154H01 Transistor R20 0613952Z52 RES, 6.8K R21 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R22 0613952Q93 RES, 6800 R23 0613952Z58 RES, 22K R24 0613952Q70 RES, 750 R25 0613952Q91 RES, 5600 R26 0613952R66 RES, 0 R40 0613952Q73 RES, 1000 R51 0613952Q42 RES, 51 R52 0613952R03 RES, 12K Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description

VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)7-676880309N62-CJune, 2005R53 0613952R13 RES, 33KR54 0613952Q90 RES, 5100 R55 0613952Q61 RES, 330 R57 0613952Q89 RES, 4700 R60 0613952Q82 RES, 2400 R61 0613952R25 RES, 100K R62 0613952Q85 RES, 3300 R63 0613952R15 RES, 39K R64 0613952R08 RES, 20K R65 0613952R15 RES, 39K R66 0613952R08 RES, 20K R67 0613952R08 RES, 20K R72 0613952Q63 RES, 390 R73 0613952Q79 RES, 1800 R74 0613952Q75 RES, 1200 R75 0613952R03 RES, 12K R76 0613952Z55 RES, 12K R77 0613952Z53 RES, 8.2K R78 0613952Q69 RES, 680 R80 0613952Q90 RES, 5100 R81 0613952Q73 RES, 1000 R82 Not_Placed - R90 0613952Q42 RES, 51 R91 0613952Q78 RES, 1600 R100 0613952Q60 RES, 300 R101 0613952Q31 RES, 18 R102 0613952Q60 RES, 300 R103 0613952Q85 RES, 3300 R104 0613952H42 RES, 51 R105 0613952Q75 RES, 1200 R106 0613952Q89 RES, 4700 R107 0613952Q53 RES, 150 R110 0613952Q62 RES, 360 R111 0613952R01 RES, 10K R120 0613958H53 RES, 150 R121 0613958H53 RES, 150 R150 0680539Z01 RES, 0.1 R151 0613952H33 RES, 22 R152 0613952P01 RES, 100K R153 0613952P01 RES, 100K R154 0613952P01 RES, 100K R155 0613952P01 RES, 100K R156 0613952Q61 RES, 330 R157 0613952Q91 RES, 5600 R158 0613952Q77 RES, 1500 R162 0613952R01 RES, 10K R171 0613952Q93 RES, 6800 R202 0613952R29 RES, 150K R205 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R206 Not_Placed - R212 0613958J74 RES, 0 Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description R220 0613952Q53 RES, 150 R221 0613952Q53 RES, 150 R223 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R227 0613952R29 RES, 150K R230 0613952R26 RES, 110K R243 0613952Q79 RES, 1800 R244 0613952Q42 RES, 51 R245 0613952Q77 RES, 1500 R246 0613952R25 RES, 100K R247 0613952R30 RES, 160K R248 0613952Q42 RES, 51 R253 0613952Q41 RES, 47 R254 0613952Q57 RES, 220 R255 0613952Z46 RES, 3.9K R261 0613952R18 RES, 51K R262 0613952Q93 RES, 6800 R263 0613952Q36 RES, 30 R264 0613952Q57 RES, 220 R270 0613952Q31 RES, 18 R271 0613952Q95 RES, 8200 R272 0613952Q96 RES, 9100 2 R273 0613952Q60 RES, 300 R274 0613952Q37 RES, 33 R275 0613952R66 RES, 0 R276 0613952Q73 RES, 1000 R280 0613952Q93 RES, 6800 R281 0613952Q96 RES, 9100 2 R282 0613952Q70 RES, 750 R283 0613952Q55 RES, 180 R284 0613952Q61 RES, 330 R286 0613952R66 RES, 0 R310 0613952R25 RES, 100K R311 0613952R25 RES, 100K R312 0613952R08 RES, 20K R313 0613952Q90 RES, 5100 R320 0613952Z80 RES, 330K R321 0613952P30 RES, 200K R322 0613952R25 RES, 100K R400 Not_Placed - R401 0613952R36 RES, 300K R402 0613952R01 RES, 10K R403 0613952R01 RES, 10K R404 0613952R18 RES, 51K R405 0613952R36 RES, 300K R406 0613952R33 RES, 220K R407 0613952R25 RES, 100K R408 0613952R25 RES, 100K R409 0613952Q73 RES, 1000 R410 0613952R01 RES, 10K R411 0613952Q71 RES, 820 R412 0613952R25 RES, 100K Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description R413 0613952R25 RES, 100KR414 0613952R13 RES, 33K R415 0613952R13 RES, 33K R416 0613952R08 RES, 20K R417 0613952R01 RES, 10K R418 0613952R25 RES, 100K R419 0613952Q89 RES, 4700 R420 0613952P30 RES, 200K R421 0613952P01 RES, 100K R422 0613952R25 RES, 100K R423 0613952R25 RES, 100K R424 0613952P30 RES, 200K R425 0613952P01 RES, 100K R430 0613952R25 RES, 100K R431 Not_Placed - R432 0613952R66 RES, 0 R433 0613952R25 RES, 100K R434 Not_Placed - R440 0613952Q89 RES, 4700 R441 0613952Q89 RES, 4700 R442 0613952H57 RES, 220 R443 0613952H51 CHIP RES 120 R445 0613952Q89 RES, 4700 R446 0613952R01 RES, 10K R451 0613952R17 RES, 47K R460 0613952R10 RES, 24K R462 0613952R10 RES, 24K R463 0613952R10 RES, 24K R464 0613952R12 RES, 30K R469 0613952Q25 RES, 10 R470 0613952Q81 RES, 2200 R471 0613952Q81 RES, 2200 R472 0613952Q69 RES, 680 R473 0613952Q69 RES, 680 R474 0613952H61 RES, 330 R475 0613952R31 RES, 180K R476 0613952R25 RES, 100K R477 0613952Q81 RES, 2200 R478 0613952Q81 RES, 2200 R479 0613952R25 RES, 100K R480 0613952G67 RES, 0 R481 Not_Placed - R482 Not_Placed - R483 Not_Placed - R484 Not_Placed - R485 Not_Placed - R486 Not_Placed - R487 0613952R66 RES, 0 R488 0613952R37 RES, 330K R489 Not_Placed - R490 Not_Placed - Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description R491 0613952R66 RES, 0 R492 0613952R10 RES, 24K R493 0613952R37 RES, 330K R494 0613952Z80 RES, 330K R495 0613952Q91 RES, 5600 R496 Not_Placed - R497 Not_Placed - R498 Not_Placed - R499 Not_Placed - R501 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R502 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R503 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R504 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R505 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R506 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R507 0613952Q49 RES, 100 R508 0613952R25 RES, 100K R509 0613952R25 RES, 100K R510 0613952R37 RES, 330K R511 0613952R25 RES, 100K R512 0613952R29 RES, 150K R513 Not_Placed - R514 0613952R25 RES, 100K R515 Not_Placed - R516 Not_Placed - R517 0613952R66 RES, 0 R518 0613952R33 RES, 220K R519 0613952R25 RES, 100K R520 0613952R25 RES, 100K R521 Not_Placed - R522 0613952R25 RES, 100K R523 0613952R01 RES, 10K R524 0613952R01 RES, 10K S440 4080710Z24 Switch 4080710Z26 Switch S441 4070354A01 Switch S442 4070354A01 Switch S443 4070354A01 Switch S444 1880619Z04 Potentiometer SH1 2686421Z02 Shield SH40 2686419Z02 Shield SH50 2686423Z02 Shield SH52 2686424Z02 Shield SH100 2686418Z02 Shield SH200 2686424Z02 Shield SH201 2686423Z02 Shield SH250 2686425Z02 Shield SH251 2686425Z02 Shield SH253 2686422Z02 Shield SH400 2686420Z03 Shield SH401 2686420Z03 Shield Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description

7-68VHF 146-174 MHz Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists (8486769Z04-C)June, 20056880309N62-CT41 2515121H01 Balun TransformerT42 2515121H01 Balun Transformer U51 5115281H01 SA616 U52 5115070H01 TC7W04FU U110 0178034A01 PA Module U150 5114005A01 LM2904DR U151 2415954H01 INDCTR Bead U201 5185177Y01 AT25016 U251 5105750U56 VCO Buffer IC U310 5115746H01 Voltage Regulator U320 5115679H01 Voltage Regulator U330 5115745H01 Voltage Regulator U401 5185143E03 68HC11FLO U402 5115033H01 EEPROM IC U403 Not_Placed - U404 5115032H01 Flash 128K U425 5115697H01 OP AMP U451 5115062H01 IC ASFIC_CMP_R1 U480 Not_Placed - U490 9115811H03 Audio Amplifier U510 5114005A01 LM2904DR U511 4815066H01 Transistor VR110 4813977A55 Diode Zener VR301 4813977M29 Diode 20V VR302 4813977M29 Diode 20V VR471 4813977M14 Diode 6.8V VR472 4813977M05 Diode 3.3V VR473 4813977M29 Diode 20V VR474 4813977M29 Diode 20V VR475 4813977M24 Diode Zener Y51 4802245J84 XTAL 44.395MHz Y70 9186145B02 CDBCA455CX36-TC Y201 4880114R06 Crystal 16.8MHZ Y202 Not_Placed - Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description

Chapter 7 VHF Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists 7.1 Introduction This section provides schematic diagrams, overlays, and parts lists for the radio circuit boards and interface connections. 7.1.1 Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards * Component is frequency sensitive. Refer to the Electrical Parts List for value and usage. 1. Unless otherwise stated, resistance values are in ohms (K = 1000), capacitance values are in picofarads (pF) or microfarads (µF), and inductance values are in nanohenries (nH) or micro- henries (µH). 2. DC voltages are measured from point indicated to chassis ground using a Motorola DC multi- meter or equivalent. If the board has been removed from the chassis, the transmitter module mounting screws may be used for ground connection. (Note: The antenna nut bracket is not connected to ground.) Operating mode dependent voltages are followed by (RX) for receive mode, (TX) for transmit mode, (UNSQ) for unsquelched mode, etc. 3. RF voltages on VHF models are measured with a Fluke model 85 RF probe. The indicated voltages expressed in mV (RF) are DC level readings which correspond approximately 1:1 to the RF voltage level in mV rms. RF voltages in the Receiver Front End and Receiver Back End circuits are measured with an on-channel 100 mV (-7 dBm) RF signal applied to the antenna jack J140. 4. RF voltages on UHF models are measured both with a high-impedance RF voltmeter having a bandwidth in excess of 500 MHz (levels are expressed in dBm) and with a Fluke model 85 RF probe [levels are expressed in mV (RF)]. These indicated voltages are DC level readings which correspond approximately 1:1 to the RF voltage level in mV rms, and are only approxi- mate for UHF frequency measurements. RF voltages in the Receiver Front End and Receiver Back End circuits are measured with an on-channel 100 mV (-7 dBm) RF signal applied to the antenna jack J140. 5. Audio voltages are measured with a high-impedance AC rms voltmeter. The indicated volt- ages are expressed in mV rms. Receive mode voltages are followed by (RX) and are mea- sured with an on-channel signal with 1 kHz modulation at 60% deviation (3 kHz for 25 kHz channels, or 1.5 kHz for 12.5 kHz channels). Transmit mode voltages are followed by (TX) and are measured with a 1 kHz, 10 mV rms signal present at the external microphone input (accessory connector J471 pin 4 hot and pin 7 ground). 6. Reference Designators are assigned in the following manner: Ref. No. Series Circuit Block 1-99RF Front End 100-149 Transmitter RF Stages 150-200Transmitter Power Control 201-250 Frequency Synthesizer 251-300VCO

June 6, 20056880309N62-C 7-2VHF Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists: Introduction 7. Circuit Block Interconnection Legend: 301-400 DC Regulation 401-450Microprocessor 451-550 Audio Name Description USWB+Unswitched Battery Voltage (always on) 5V 5 volts (regulated) 5R5 volts in RX mode only 5T 5 volts in TX mode only RESETLow-line reset signal from U320 to uP D3_3V Digital 3.3 volts (regulated) 3VAnalog 3 volts (regulated) TX_ENA Transmit enable signal from uP to transmitter PWR_SETDC voltage from ASFIC to TX power control DEMOD RX audio from backend to ASFIC BW_SELBackend filter BW select from ASFIC RSSI RX signal strength indication from IFIC to uP IF_IN/OUT44.85 MHz from 1st mixer to high IF filter RF_IN/OUT RX signal from antenna switch to front end MOD OUT/INTX modulation from ASFIC to synthesizer 16_8_MHZ Ref osc signal from synthesizer to ASFIC SYNTH_CSSynthesizer chip select from uP SPI_CLK Serial clock from uP SPI_DATA_OUTSerial data from uP LOCK Lock detect indication from synth to uP PRESCVCO freq feedback from VCOBIC to synth V_STEER Steering line voltage from synth to VCOs V_SFSuper-filtered 4.5 volts from synth to VCOBIC VCO_MOD TX modulation from ASFIC to synthesizer TRBTX/RX control from synth to VCOBIC RX_INJ Buffered RX VCO output to RX 1st mixer TX_INJTX VCO output to transmitter input Ref. No. Series Circuit Block