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Motorola C333 Manual

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Page 81

Personalizing Your Phone
Deleting a Tone
You cannot delete the standard alert tones included with 
your phone. To delete a custom tone that you created:
Personalizing Display Text
To change the text displayed when you turn on 
your phone:
Personalizing the Menu
You can reorder the items in your phone’s main menu.
6OK(+) store the details
Find the FeatureM>Ring Styles
>My Tones
S scroll to the tone
2M open the My Tones Menu
3S scroll to Delete
4SELECT(+) delete the tone 
Find the...

Page 82

Personalizing Your Phone
Note: You cannot alter the location of the More (>) 
graphic icon. This icon remains in the introductory menu 
display to provide access to additional menu features.
Personalizing Soft Keys
You can relabel the soft keys (left - and right +) to 
access different main menu items from the idle display.
Find the FeatureM>Settings 
Other Settings 
Main Menu
S scroll to a menu item
2GRAB(-) grab the menu item
3S move the item to a new 
location in the...

Page 83

Personalizing Your Phone
Setting the Menu Language
Set the language in which menu features and options are 
Setting Menu Scroll Behavior
Set the highlight bar to stop or wrap around when you 
reach the top or bottom of a menu list.
Setting Menu Animation
Menu animation provides smooth scrolling of the highlight 
bar and menu items as you scroll through a menu list. Turn 
off menu animation to extend battery life.
Find the FeatureM>Settings 
Other Settings 
Initial Setup 

Page 84

Personalizing Your Phone
Resetting All Options
You can reset all options back to their factory settings 
except for the unlock code, security code, and lifetime 
Clearing All Information
You can reset all options back to their factory settings 
except for the unlock code, security code, and lifetime 
timer and clear all user entries (such as Phonebook 
entries and downloaded wallpapers, screen savers, 
and sounds).
Caution: Master clear erases all user-downloaded 
content and user-entered...

Page 85

Personalizing Your Phone
Using MyMenu
Your phone includes several standard shortcuts. You can 
create additional custom shortcuts to frequently used 
menu items.
Standard Shortcuts
The following shortcuts are pre-programmed in your 
phone. You cannot edit or delete these shortcuts.
Do ThisTo
Press M, then press 
and hold 
M (within 
two seconds)zoom in/out on your phone 
M * in idle lock/unlock your keypad 
S down when 
your phone is ringingswitch to vibrate alert, then 

Page 86

Personalizing Your Phone
Creating a MyMenu Shortcut
To add a menu item to the MyMenu list, just select the 
menu item and hold 
M until the phone asks you for a 
Using a MyMenu Shortcut
You can use MyMenu from the idle display, while on a call, 
or while scrolling through a menu. Just press 
M and then 
the MyMenu key number (
1 through 99).
To select a feature from the MyMenu list:
Note: To edit or delete a MyMenu feature, highlight it in the 
list and press 
M to open a menu of options...

Page 87

Personalizing Your Phone
The Shortcut Menu can include the following options:
Edit Edit the shortcut.
Tip: Use this option to delete the 
associated voice shortcut.
Reorder List  Change the shortcut list order.
Delete  Delete the shortcut.
Delete All Delete all shortcuts. 

Page 88

Getting More Out of Your Phone
Getting More Out of 
Your Phone
Making a Three-Way Call
During a call, you can call and connect a third 
party for a three-way call. You cannot do this if 
you already have a call on hold.
Restricting Calls
You can stop all incoming and/or outgoing calls, or you 
can restrict outgoing calls to the numbers stored in your 

You can make emergency calls when outgoing calls 
are restricted.
keypad keys dial the third party’s number
Note: Some...

Page 89

Getting More Out of Your Phone
Your phone still receives incoming text messages 
when incoming calls are restricted.
Tip: The phonebook is not locked when you restrict 
outgoing calls to numbers stored in the phonebook. To 
prevent a user from adding (and then calling) a new 
phonebook entry, you may want to lock the phonebook. 
See page 110.
Using TTY Mode
You can use an optional TTY device with your 
phone to send and receive calls. You must plug the 
TTY device into the phone’s headset jack and...

Page 90

Getting More Out of Your Phone

Use a TSB-121 compliant cable (provided by the TTY 
manufacturer) to connect the TTY device to your 
Set the phone volume to level 4 (middle setting) for 
proper operation. If you experience a high number of 
incorrect characters, adjust the volume as necessary 
to minimize the error rate.
For optimal performance, your phone should be at 
least 12 inches (30 centimeters) away from the TTY 
device. Placing the phone too close to the TTY device 
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