Portable Radio
Motorola Astro Digital Mobile Radio Xtl5000 Detailled 6881096c74 B Manual
Motorola Astro Digital Mobile Radio Xtl5000 Detailled 6881096c74 B Manual
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Page 521
Index-v 6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 mobile 700-800 MHz ....................................................... xlii UHF Range 1 .........................................xxxiv, xxxvi UHF Range 2 .................................................. xxxix VHF ........................................................... xxix, xxxi motorcycle 700-800 MHz ........................................................ xli UHF Range 1 ..........................................xxxii, xxxiii UHF Range 2...
Page 522
Index-vi May 25, 20056881096C74-B handling ................................................................. 4-1 heat-related ............................................................ 4-2 preselector filters, receiver front-end 136-174 MHz band .............................................. 3-14 380-470 MHz band .............................................. 3-16 450-520 MHz band .............................................. 3-18 700-800 MHz band .................................................
Page 523
Index-vii 6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 low-noise amplifier (LNA) .............................. 3-19 mixer ............................................................. 3-20 preselector filters .......................................... 3-19 troubleshooting ............................................. 4-34 radios .................................................................. 2-9 back-end, introduction .......................................... 3-20 front-end, introduction...
Page 524
Index-viii May 25, 20056881096C74-B transmitter injection ....................................... 3-52 transmitter VCOs .......................................... 3-53 voltage multiplier ........................................... 3-51 major board sections .......................................... 3-6 receiver back-end ....................................................... 3-21 front-end ....................................................... 3-15 transmitter introduction...
Page 525
Index-ix 6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 antenna switch .......................................... 3-39 harmonic filter ............................................ 3-39 introduction ................................................ 3-38 power detector .......................................... 3-39 power control ................................................ 3-39 RFPA driver stage ............................................... 3-38 final stage .................................................. 3-38...
Page 526
Index-x May 25, 20056881096C74-B keyload failure .................................................... A-2 table ....................................................................... 5-3 test points ............................................................. 5-12 waveforms .............................................................. 6-2 U UHF Range 1 radio specifications .............................. xlv UHF Range 2 radio specifications ............................. xlvi universal crypto module...
Page 528
6881096C 74-B * 6881096C74* M OTO RO LA , th e S ty liz e d M L ogo, A STR O a nd F LA SH port a re re gis te re d in th e U .S . P ate nt a nd T ra dem ark O ff ic e . A ll o th erpro duct o r s e rv ic e n am es a re th e p ro perty o f th eir r e sp ectiv e o w ners .© M oto ro la , In c. 2 005.A ll r ig hts r e se rv e d. P rin te d in U .S .A . M oto ro la , In c. 8 000 W est S unris e B oule va rd F t. L auderd ale , F L 3 3322