Portable Radio
Motorola Astro Digital Mobile Radio Xtl5000 Detailled 6881096c74 B Manual
Motorola Astro Digital Mobile Radio Xtl5000 Detailled 6881096c74 B Manual
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main Board 7-1816881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-124. Rear Accessory Connector (J0402) Schematic VIP_OUT_2_12V UARTB_RTS-BUSY USB+EMERGENCY SPKR+ USB_PWR RX_FILT_AUDIO SW_B+ CHAN_ACT UARTA_TXD SPKR- ONE_WIRE MONITOR PTT* CTS_DCE (DB9-Pin 7) RTS_DCE (DB9-Pin 8) UARTB_RXD-BUS- UARTA_RXD UARTB_TXD-BUS+ J0402 UARTB_CTS-RESET UARTA_RTS AUX_MIC TX_DCE (DB9-Pin 2) RX_DCE (DB9-Pin 3) UARTA_CTS VIP_OUT_1_12V 26 PIN CONN IGNITION...
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7-182Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-125. Control-Head Front Connector Schematic SPARE_1UARTA_RXD BUSY SPI_MOSIB Interface SPI_SCKB OPTB+_BOOTSEL_VPP AUX_RX NAUTILUS_CS* RS232 BUS VIP_OUT_1_12V MIC_HI FOR NEW CH/ACCYs IGNITION SW_B+ SSI / NAUTILUS SPI_MISOB PTT* SAP_DCLK UARTA_CTSSB9600 NOT USED NAUTILUS_INT*LH_RESET VIP_OUT_2_12V VIP_IN_2_5V AUDIO Programming Cable AUX_MIC ONE_WIRE SPKR- SAP_RX BOOT_RX...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main Board 7-1836881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-126. Controller Power Supply and Emergency Schematic VCC3 Mic Bias Circuit 2.85 / 100 mA T-Gates, VIPS, SB9600 NP 1.8V Digital Supply Regulator Audio PA FILT_B+ Emergency Sense Block 9V Regulator 5.0 / Battery Battery VCC5 SOURCED BY: NP Battery VCC5 I/O Ring, EEPOTs 9.3V / 1A UNSW_5V Voltage Translation USB, Codec DC DISTRIBUTION SW_B+ V(operating)/mA(max) A+...
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7-184Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-127. Controller RS232/SB9600 Schematic NP BUFFER SUPPLY NAND SUPPLY Connector IFNAND SUPPLY BUFFER SUPPLY BUFFER SUPPLY Patriot UART B BUFFER SUPPLY MC74LCX125 U0602-2 5 4 6 0.1uF C0610 C0614 SB96_RS232*_EN_INV R0627 100K 0.1uFC0613 0.1uF VCC2.85VCC Q0610 U0608-2 PWR_GND 3GND5 U0607-2 PWR_GND 3GND5VCC U0602-5 PWR_GND 7GND14VCC C0604 0.1uF TC7S00FU U0609-1 1 2 4 100 R0623...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main Board 7-1856881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-128. Controller VIP Input/Output Schematic 41 2 4 U0605-1 TC7S00FU 1 2 VCC5 TC7S00FUU0601-1 0.1uF VCC5 0.1uF C0605 C0601 GND 5VCC U0601-2 PWR_GND 3GND5VCC 8 U0605-2 PWR_GND 3 12 13 11 U0603-3 MC74LCX125 9 10 VIP_IN_1_3V VIP_IN_2_3V VIP_IN_1_5V VIP_OUT_1_3V VIP_OUT_1_5V VIP_OUT_2_3V VIP_OUT_2_5V VIP_IN_2_5V U0603-4 MC74LCX125 MAEPF-27848-O Part Series 600-2
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7-186Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-129. Controller Secure Interface Connector Schematic Control / I/O SAP SSI Audio Bus 100pF C0700 J0501-8 J0501-7 J0501-9J0501-19 J0501-20 J0501-16 J0501-18 A+ VCC2.85 SW_B+ J0501-13 J0501-4 J0501-10 C0712 100pF C0711 100pF C0710 100pF C0709 100pF 220pF C0713 220pF C0714 J0501-17 J0501-1J0501-5 J0501-6 J0501-11 J0501-14 J0501-3 VCC5 J0501-2 100pF J0501-12 J0501-15 C0708 C0706...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main Board 7-1876881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-130. Secure Interface Board Schematic 11P501-2 U803-4 12 13 VCC2.85 0.1uF C811 10K R806 P501-12 0 R808 J701-13 J701-15 *P501-11* J701-27 J701-34 J701-12 VCC2.85 VCC2.85 J701-36 J701-7 R802 1K SW_B+ J701-22 J701-24 100K R807 VCC2.85 J701-16 Q4 8 RESET 12 J701-6 J701-10 U802-2 CLK 13 Q111 Q2 10 Q3 9 U803-1 1 2 3 U803-3 9 10 8 P501-9 0.1uF C809 VCC2.85 PWR_GND U805-2 GND...
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7-188Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-131. HUF4017A Controller Urchin IC, MUX, and AD5320 DAC Schematic NP 0.1uF C0901 C0917 100pF R0903 100K C0906 VCC2.85 0.1uF C0918 100pF VCC2.85 R0904 100K 4 DIN 2GND 5 SCLK 6 SYNC 3 VDD 1 VOUT AD5320BRT U0900 VCC2.85 C0910 0.1uF 4 3 1 5 2 R0901 8.2K LMV7219 U0903 C7 VCC2 E2 VCC3 G4 VCC4 VCC2.85 C0909 0.1uF B6 NC8 C2 NC9 A6 RESET E5 TCK B1 TDI TDO B7 D2 TMS B3 VCC1 G3 NC29...
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Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main Board 7-1896881096C74-B May 25, 2005 Figure 7-132. HUF4017A Controller Power Supply Schematic 1% 1% 1%1% 1% 1% 1% 9.3V_TX_ REGULATOR 1% 1% 1% 1% 9.3V REGULATOR 1%VTEMP BATTERY CONNECTOR 1% N/P N/P 1% VCONTROL 1% A+ FORWARD_POWER REVERSE_POWER 1% VCURRENT 1% R0948 10K 30K *R0939* 0 *R0936* R0978 10K C0959 0.1uF U0956-2 LMC6484 6 5 7 4 11 VCC3 U0957-1 MC33204 2 3 1 4 11 A+ R0990 C0973 5.1K 1uF VR0951 5.6V U0960-2 MC33204...
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7-190Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists: HUF4017A (700-800 MHz) Main BoardMay 25, 2005 6881096C74-BFigure 7-133. HUF4017A Receiver Back-End Schematic NO PLACE To Controller Pin ## # * * # CLOCK LF SPF_3.5V From IF Section 2nd LO VCO 2nd LO LF RX 2nd LO Shield CLOCK VCO # # ### 270nH E6001 BK1005HM471 0.1uF C6019L6004 VN_T6007VN_T6008 VN_T6009 0.1uF C6018 C6030 L6002 10uH TP6001 1 .01uFVN_B6002 VN_T6013,VN_B6005 VN_T6010 VN_B6004, VN_T6011, VN_T6004, VN_T6001 1uF C6068 IF6007...