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Motorola 120c Manual

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Page 101

101 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF Safety 
Program (select ÒInformation on Human Exposure to RF Fields 
from Cellular and PCS Radio TransmittersÓ):
World Health Organization (WHO) International Commission 
on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (select Qs & As):
United Kingdom, National Radiological Protection 
Cellular Telecommunications  Industry Association (CTIA): 
U.S. Food and...

Page 102

Limited Warranty for Motorola Personal 
Communications Products Purchased in the 
United States and Canada
I. What This Warranty  Covers
¥ Products. Defects in materials and workmanship in wireless 
cellular telephones, pagers, and/or two-way radios, and 
certain accessories that are sold with them, such as the 
battery, battery charger and holster manufactured and/or 
sold by Motorola (Products).
¥ Batteries
. Defects in materials and workmanship in 
batteries that are manufactured by...

Page 103

II. What the Period of Coverage Is
From the date the Products are purchased by the Þrst end-user:
¥ Products
. The warranty is for one year. Exception: The 
warranty for Spirit GT series and Talkabout series two-way 
radio accessories is for 90 days.
¥ Softw
are. The warranty is for 90 days.
¥ Repairs/Replacements
. The warranty is for the balance of 
the original warranty or for 90 days from the date you 
receive it, whichever is longer.
III. Who is Covered
This warranty extends to the...

Page 104

104You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products to 
Motorola. You must ship the Products to us with freight, duties 
and insurance prepaid. Along with the Products you must 
include: (a) a copy of your receipt, bill of sale or other 
comparable proof of purchase; (b) a written description of the 
problem; (c) the name of your service provider (if this Product 
requires subscription service); (d) the name and location of the 
installation facility (if applicable) and, most...

Page 105

¥ Someone other than Motorola (or its authorized service 
centers) tests, adjusts, installs, maintains, alters, modiÞes or 
services the Products in any way. Any of these voids the 
¥ Rechargeable batteries that: (a) are charged by other than 
the Motorola-approved battery charger speciÞed for 
charging such batteries; (b) have any broken seals or show 
evidence of tampering; (c) are used in equipment other 
than the Product for which they are speciÞed; or (d) are 
charged and...

Page 106

106¥ Failure of Products that is due primarily to any 
communication service or signal you may subscribe to or 
use with the Products.
¥ Coil cords that are stretched or that have any broken 
modular tabs. 
¥ Products that are leased.
Flat-rate repair rates may apply to Products not covered by this 
warranty. To obtain information about Products needing repairs 
that are not covered by this warranty, please call the telephone 
number previously listed. We will provide information on repair...

Page 107

by third parties, that the operation of the software 
products will be uninterrupted or error free, or that all 
defects in the software products will be corrected. 
In no event shall Motorola be liable, whether in 
contract or tort (including negligence) for damages in 
excess of the purchase price of the Product, or for any 
indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages 
of any kind, or loss of revenue or proÞts, loss of 
business, loss of information or data, or other Þnancial...

Page 108

108Motorola will have no liability to you with respect to any claim of 
patent infringement that is based upon the combination of the 
Products or parts furnished under this limited warranty with 
ancillary equipment, as deÞned in VI., above.
This is MotorolaÕs entire liability with respect to 
infringement of patents by the Products. 
Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for 
Motorola and other third party software providers certain 
exclusive rights for copyrighted software,...

Page 109

To correspond with Motorola about the Products, please write us 
http://www.motorola.com or at: USA
Cellular 1-800-331-6456 
Paging 1-800-548-9954 
Two-Way 1-800-353-2729 
TTY (Text Telephone) 1-888-390-6456 
All Products 1-800-461-4575 
TTY (Text Telephone) 1-888-390-6456 
In the USA: 
Motorola, Inc.
600 North U.S. Highway 45
Libertyville, IL 60048
In Canada: 
Motorola Canada Limited
5875 Whittle  Road
Mississauga, ON L4Z 2H4
User.Guide.Tarpon.book  Page 109  Thursday, April...

Page 110

Export Law Assurances
This product is controlled under the export regulations of the 
United States of America and Canada. The Governments of the 
United States of America and Canada may restrict the 
exportation or re-exportation of this product to certain 
destinations. For further information contact the U.S. 
Department of Commerce or the Canadian Department of 
Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
User.Guide.Tarpon.book  Page 110  Thursday, April 26, 2001  2:23 PM 
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