Mitsubishi Xd700u Dlp Projector User Manual
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EN-11 Installation (continued) Front projection, ceiling mounting For ceiling mounting, you need the ceiling mount kit designed for this projector. Ask a specialist for installation. For details, consult your dealer. t 5IFXBSSBOUZPOUIJTQSPKFDUPSEPFTOPUDPWFSBOZ damage caused by use of any non-recommended ceiling mount kit or installation of the ceiling mount kit in an improper location. t 8IFOVTJOHUIFQSPKFDUPSNPVOUFEPOUIFDFJMJOH set Image Reverse in the Installation menu to Mirror Invert. See page 27. t 8IFOUIFQSPKFDUPSJTNPVOUFEPOUIFDFJMJOH images may appear darker than those projected in the case of tabletop mounting. This isn’t a product malfunction. Ceiling mount installation If you wish to install the projector using a ceiling mount, please use the screw holes as the illustration shows. Important: t 4DSFXTBSFOPUJODMVEFE1MFBTFPCUBJOUIF appropriate screws for your type of ceiling. (M4 diameter) t *UJTSFDPNNFOEFEUIBUZPVLFFQBSFBTPOBCMF space between the bracket and the projector to allow for proper heat distribution. Caution: t *OTUBMMBUJPONVTUCFEPOFCZBRVBMJmFE professional. When the projector is installed on the ceiling using the ceiling mount kit, it is recommended to hold the mount kit and the projector using a metal bar or wire in addition to the mount kit fixing screws to prevent the projector from falling due to an earthquake or other cause. For that purpose, use a metal bar, wire, or screw that bears a load of at least 55 kgf. When using a metal wire, secure one end to a screw hole marked with an arrow on the rear terminal panel and the other end to the mount kit. (Don’t use screw holes without arrow marks.) In this case, make sure that the screw is inserted in the projector at least 5 mm. The length of the screw TIPVMECFNNPSTIPSUFSMTPNBLFTVSFUIBU no electrical current is flowing in the mount kit due to current leakage or other cause. Rear projection Ask a specialist for installation. For details, consult your dealer. t PSSFBSQSPKFDUJPO TFU*NBHF3FWFSTFJOUIF Installation menu to Mirror. See page 27. Caution: t 1MBDJOHUIFQSPKFDUPSEJSFDUMZPOBDBSQFUJNQBJST ventilation by the fans, causing damage or failure. Put a hard board under the projector to facilitate ventilation. t 1MBDFUIFQSPKFDUPSBUMFBTUDN PSJODI BXBZ from the wall to prevent the intake vents and the exhaust vents that emit hot air from being blocked. t %POPUVTFUIFQSPKFDUPSJOUIFGPMMPXJOHMPDBUJPOT and manners, which may cause fire or electric shock. t *OBEVTUZPSIVNJEQMBDF t *OBTJEFXBZTPSVQTJEFEPXOQPTJUJPO t /FBSBIFBUFS t *OBOPJMZ TNPLZ PSEBNQQMBDFTVDIBTB kitchen. t *OEJSFDUTVOMJHIU t 8IFSFUIFUFNQFSBUVSFSJTFTIJHI TVDIBTJOB closed car. t 8IFSFUIFUFNQFSBUVSFJTMPXFSUIBO

EN-12 Basic connections This projector can be connected with various devices such as a VCR, video camera, videodisc player, and personal computer that have analog RGB output connectors. Important: t .BLFTVSFUIBUUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDFJTUVSOFEPGGCFGPSFTUBSUJOHDPOOFDUJPO t 1MVHJOUIFQPXFSDPSETPGUIFQSPKFDUPSBOEUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDFTmSNMZ8IFOVOQMVHHJOH IPMEBOEQVMMUIF plug. Do not pull the cord. t 8IFOUIFQSPKFDUPSBOEUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDFTBSFMPDBUFEUPPDMPTFUPFBDIPUIFS UIFQSPKFDUFEJNBHFNBZCF affected by their interference. t 4FFUIFPXOFSTHVJEFPGFBDIEFWJDFGPSEFUBJMTBCPVUJUTDPOOFDUJPOT Projector + AV device VCR, etc. S-VIDEO (option) VIDEO (option) AUDIO IN-3L (option) AUDIO IN-3R To audio output (L) To audio output (R) To video output To S-Video output Important: t .BUDIUIFDPMPSTPGUIFWJEFPBOEBVEJPQMVHTPOUIFVEJPDBCMFXJUIUIPTFPGUIFUFSNJOBMT t 4QFBLFSPVUQVUJTNPOP Projector + DVD player or HDTV decoder Some DVD players have an output connector for 3-line fitting (Y, CB, CR). When connecting such DVD player with this projector, use the COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN terminal. BRG Audio cable (option) DVD player or HDTV decoder To audio output BNC - RCA connector (option) No connection COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN Mini D-SUB 15-pin - BNC conversion cable (option) Important: t 5IFUFSNJOBMTOBNFT: 1 B, and PR are given as examples of when a HDTV decoder is connected. t 5IFUFSNJOBMTOBNFTWBSZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDFT t 6TFBNJOJ%46#QJO#/$DPOWFSTJPODBCMFGPSDPOOFDUJPO t *NBHFNBZOPUCFQSPKFDUFEDPSSFDUMZXJUITPNF%7%QMBZFST t 8IFODPOOFDUJOHB)%57EFDPEFSIBWJOH3(#PVUQVUUFSNJOBMT TFU$PNQVUFS*OQVUUP3(#JOUIF4JHOBMNFOV

EN-13 Basic connections (continued) Connection (for video equipment having an HDMI terminal) Equipment having an HDMI terminal To HDMI terminal HDMI HDMI (with HDMI logo) cable (option) Important: t 6TFBDPNNFSDJBMMZBWBJMBCMF)%.* XJUI)%.*MPHP DBCMF t :PVEPOUIBWFUPDPOOFDUBOZDBCMFGPSBVEJPJOQVU:PVDBOJOQVUWJEFPBOEBVEJPVTJOHBO)%.*DBCMFPOMZ t 8IFO)%.*BVEJPJTOUPVUQVU JUNBZCFPVUQVUCZUVSOJOHPGGUIFQPXFSPGUIFWJEFPFRVJQNFOUXJUIUIFQSPKFDUPS and the video equipment connected to each other and then turning back on the power. t 4PNFDBCMFTNBZOPUCFDPOOFDUFEDPSSFDUMZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFTJ[FBOETIBQFPGUIFJSDPOOFDUPST When you connect this projector and a Digital device (such as a DVD player) via the HDMI terminal, black color may appear dark and deep, depending on the type of the connected device. t 5IJTEFQFOETPOUIFCMBDLMFWFMTFUUJOHPGUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDF5IFSFBSFUXPLJOETPGNFUIPETUPEJHJUBMMZ transfer image data, in which different black level settings are employed respectively. Therefore, the specifications of the signals output from DVD players differ, depending on the type of the digital data transfer method they use. t 4PNF%7%QMBZFSTBSFQSPWJEFEXJUIBGVODUJPOUPTXJUDIUIFNFUIPETUPPVUQVUEJHJUBMTJHOBMT8IFOZPVS%7% player is provided with such function, set it as follows. EXPAND or ENHANCED NORMAL t 4FFUIFVTFSTHVJEFPGZPVS%7%QMBZFSGPSEFUBJMT t 4FU*OQVU-FWFMJOUIF1JDUVSFNFOVEFQFOEJOHPOUIFEFWJDFUPCFVTFE

EN-14 Projector + Computer For computer with mini D-SUB COMPUTER/ COMPONENT VIDEO IN MONITOR OUT Audio cable (option) PC audio cable (option) To PC audio outputTo monitor port AUDIO IN-1 or IN-2 AUDIO OUTNecessary when outputting to both a PC monitor and the projector.Computer cable Computer cable (option)Computer For analog connection: 1. Connect one end of the supplied computer cable to the COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN terminal (1, 2) of the projector. 2. Connect the other end of the computer cable to the monitor port of the computer. For monitor connection: Connect the computer cable from the monitor to the MONITOR OUT terminal of the projector. t *NBHFTNBZOPUCFEJTQMBZFEDPSSFDUMZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFUZQFPGUIFJOQVUTJHOBM4FFUIFJOTUSVDUJPONBOVBMPG the monitor. t 4JHOBMTBSFDPNJOHGSPNUIF$0.165&3$0.10/&/57*%&0*/UFSNJOBMPGUIFQSPKFDUPS t 8IFO4UBOECZ.PEFPGUIF&GmDJFOU.PEFNFOVJOUIF*OTUBMMBUJPONFOVJTTFUUP.POJUPS0VU UIF.0/*503065 terminal outputs signals during standby mode. Important: t 8IFOZPVVTFBMPOHFSDPNQVUFSDBCMFJOTUFBEPGUIFQSPWJEFEDBCMF UIFJNBHFNBZOPUCFQSPKFDUFEDPSSFDUMZ t 4PNFDPNQVUFSTSFRVJSFBEEJUJPOBMDPOOFDUPSTPSBOBMPH3(#PVUQVUBEBQUFSTUPCFDPOOFDUFEXJUIUIJT projector. Contact your dealer for further information. t 5IJTQSPKFDUPSVTFTTUFSFPNJOJKBDLGPSJUTBVEJPJOQVU$IFDLUIFUZQFPGUIFBVEJPPVUQVUUFSNJOBMPGUIF connected computer and prepare a proper cable for connection. Some computers don’t have the audio output terminal. t 4QFBLFSPVUQVUJTNPOP t 8IFOUIFBVEJPDBCMFJTDPOOFDUFEUPUIF6%*0065UFSNJOBM UIFTQFBLFSPVUQVUJTNVUFE For Macintosh t *GZPVS.BDJOUPTIIBTOPWJEFPQPSU BNPOJUPSPVUQVUBEBQUFSJTSFRVJSFE$POUBDUZPVSEFBMFSGPSGVSUIFS information. t 4PNF.BDJOUPTIFTSFRVJSFB.$BEBQUFSGPSUIFDPNQVUFSDBCMFGPSDPOOFDUJPOXJUIUIJTQSPKFDUPS$POUBDUZPVS dealer for further information. About DDC The COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN-1 terminal of this projector complies with the DDC 1/2B standard. When a computer supporting this standard is connected to this terminal, the computer will automatically load the information from this projector and prepare for output of appropriate images. t GUFSDPOOFDUJOHBDPNQVUFSTVQQPSUJOHUIJTTUBOEBSEUPUIJTUFSNJOBM QMVHUIFQPXFSDPSEPGUIFQSPKFDUPSJOUIF wall outlet first, and then boot up the computer. Basic connections (continued)

EN-15 Preparation Preparation for projection 1. Attach the provided power cord to the projector. 2. Plug the power cord in the wall outlet. 3. Remove the lens cap. Warning: t %POPUMPPLJOUPUIFMFOTEJSFDUMZXIFOUIFQSPKFDUPS is on. t 5IFMFOTDBQJTGPSQSPUFDUJOHUIFMFOT*GZPVMFBWF the lens cap on the lens with the projector turned on, it may be deformed because of heat build- up. Remove the lens cap when you turn on the projector. t 0OFPGQPXFSDPSETGPSUIF64 &VSPQF U.K., Australia, and South Korea is provided appropriately. t 5IJTQSPKFDUPSVTFTUIFQPXFSQMVHPGUISFFQJO grounding type. Do not remove the grounding pin from the power plug. If the power plug doesn’t fit your wall outlet, ask an electrician to change the wall outlet. t *ODBTFUIBUUIFQPXFSDPSEGPSUIF64JTQSPWJEFE with this projector, never connect this cord to any outlet or power supply using other voltages or frequencies than rated. If you want to use a power supply using other voltage than rated, prepare an appropriate power cord separately. t 6TF7$)[UPQSFWFOUmSFPS electric shock. t %POPUQMBDFBOZPCKFDUTPOUIFQPXFSDPSEPS do not place the projector near heat sources to prevent damage to the power cord. If the power cord should be damaged, contact your dealer for replacement because it may cause fire or electric shock. t %POPUNPEJGZPSBMUFSUIFQPXFSDPSE*GUIFQPXFS cord is modified or altered, it may cause fire or electric shock. Caution: t 1MVHJOUIFQPXFSDPSEmSNMZ8IFOVOQMVHHJOH hold and pull the power plug, not the power cord. t %POPUQMVHJOPSPVUUIFQPXFSDPSEXJUIZPVS hand wet. It may cause electric shock. t 8IFOZPVNPWFUIFQSPKFDUPS UVSOPGGUIFQPXFS unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and then remove the connected cords. Otherwise, the power cord may be damaged, resulting in fire or electric shock. t *GEVTUPSNFUBMMJDTVCTUBODFJTPOPSBSPVOEUIF pins of the power plug, unplug the power cord and clean it using a dry cloth. If you continue to use the projector without cleaning, it may result in fire or electric shock. Clean the power plug periodically at least once a year. t #FTVSFUPVOQMVHUIFQPXFSDPSEGSPNUIFXBMM outlet if the projector will not be used for a long period of time. Otherwise, it may cause fire.Important: t 8IFO4UBOECZ.PEFPGUIF&GmDJFOU.PEFNFOV in the Installation menu is set to LAN, Speaker Out, or Monitor Out, the fans rotate at very low speed during standby after plugging the power cord (with 5 second high speed rotation at the beginning) and after turning off the lamp. This is to cool down the projector operating various functions during standby and is not a malfunction. (When Standby Mode is set to Low, the fans stop during standby.) Adjusting the position of the projected image To adjust the position of the projected image on the screen, use the LENS SHIFT dial. 1. Rotate the LENS SHIFT dial inside the top cover of the projector to adjust the image position. t 3PUBUJOHUIFEJBMDMPDLXJTF PSDPVOUFSDMPDLXJTF for a ceiling-mount projector) moves the image up. t 3PUBUJOHUIFEJBMDPVOUFSDMPDLXJTF PSDMPDLXJTF for a ceiling-mount projector) moves the image down. t #FDBSFGVMOPUUPCFDBVHIUJOUIFPQFOJOHJOUIF lens while the lens is moving. t 8IJMFUIFMFOTTIJGUJTXPSLJOH UIFTDSFFONBZ flicker. t 1SPKFDUFEJNBHFTNBZCFDPNFEJTUPSUFE IBWF decreased resolution, or have shadows at their corners if they are positioned close to the top or bottom.

EN-16 Adjustment of the projection angle For the best projection, project images on a flat screen JOTUBMMFEBUEFHSFFTUPUIFnPPS*GOFDFTTBSZ UJMUUIF projector using the two adjustment feet on the bottom of the projector. Using the adjustment feet (front) 1. Tilt up the projector to the appropriate angle. 2. Rotate the adjustment feet (front) for fine adjustment. Important: t *OTUBMMUIFTDSFFOPOBnBUXBMMBUEFHSFFTUPUIF floor. t 4MBOUJOHUIFQSPKFDUPSNPSFUIBO

EN-17 Basic operation Power-on 1. Turn on the device connected to the projector first. 2. Plug the power cord in the wall outlet. t 5IF108&3JOEJDBUPSMJHIUTVQ t *GUIFQPXFSDPSEJTVOQMVHHFEGSPNUIFXBMM outlet before the projector is cooled down completely after use, the fans may start rotating when the power cord is plugged in next time and the POWER button may not function. In this case, wait for the fans to stop and press the POWER button to light the indicator. 3. Press the POWER button on the control panel or the ON button on the remote control. t *UNBZUBLFBCPVUPOFNJOVUFGPSUIFMBNQUP light up. t 5IFMBNQPDDBTJPOBMMZGBJMTUPMJHIUVQ8BJUB few minutes and try to light the lamp again. t GUFSUIF108&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE UIFJNBHF may flicker before the lamp becomes stable. This is not a product malfunction. t 3FHBSEMFTTPGUIFTFUUJOHPG-BNQ.PEFJOUIF Installation menu, the Standard lamp mode is activated by default whenever the projector is turned on. The Lamp Mode is set to either Standard or Low depending on the setting last selected, and you cannot switch the Lamp Mode in about one minute after the lamp is on. Indicator ConditionSTATUS POWER Stand-by - Red When the lamp is on. Green Green Important: t *GUIFMBNQFYDFQUJPOBMMZUVSOFEPGGEVFUPUIF power interruption or voltage drop, it can happen that the lamp does not turn on even if you switch again the power supply on. In that case, please pull the electric cord out of the consent and put it again JOUIFDPOTFOUBCPVUNJOVUFTMBUFS t %POPUDPWFSUIFMFOTXJUIUIFMFOTDBQXIJMFUIF lamp is on.t 5IFQSPKFDUPSTUBSUTXBSNJOHVQXIFOUIF108&3 button is pressed. During the warm-up process, images may appear dark and no commands are accepted. t #ZCMJOLJOHSFE UIF45564JOEJDBUPSJOEJDBUFTUIBU the lamp should be replaced soon. Replace the lamp when the STATUS indicator blinks red. (See page 53 and 57.) t *NBHFTNBZOPUCFQSPKFDUFEXJUIHPPERVBMJUZJO an extremely hot or cold environment. (This is not a product malfunction.) t *OPSEFSUPFOTVSFUIFTBGFUZJODBTFPGUSPVCMFXJUI the projector, use an electrical outlet having an earth leakage breaker to supply the power to the projector. If you do not have such outlet, ask your dealer to install it. 4. Adjust the focus by turning the focus ring. 5. Choose your desired external input source using the COMPUTER, HDMI, LAN DISP., USB DISP., VIEWER, VIDEO, or S-VIDEO button. t 5IFJOQVUTPVSDFJTTXJUDIFECFUXFFO Computer1, Computer2, HDMI, LAN Display, USB Display, and PC Less Presentation at every press of the COMPUTER button on the control panel. t 5IFJOQVUTPVSDFJTTXJUDIFECFUXFFO7JEFPBOE S-Video at every press of the VIDEO button on the control panel. t 8IFOQSFTTJOHUIF$0.165&3 PS )%.* LAN DISP., USB DISP., VIEWER, VIDEO, or S-VIDEO button on the remote control, the input source switches directly as the button pressed. t :PVDBOOPUDIBOHFUIFJOQVUTPVSDFXIJMFUIF menu is being displayed. t 8IFO$PNQVUFSJTDIPTFOBTUIFTPVSDF images supplied from the computer may flicker. Press the or button on the remote control to reduce flicker, if it occurs. t 5PBWPJEQFSNBOFOUMZJNQSJOUJOHBmYFEJNBHF onto your projector, please do not display the same stationary images for long period. ON ASPECT EFFICIENTMODE MAGNIFY KEYSTONEVOL UP 3DDOWN STANDBY MENU FREEZE AU TO POSITION AV MUTE ENTER 1 2COMPUTERVIDEOVIEWER UNPLUGS-VIDEO USB DISP. LAN DISP.DV IHDMI 5 4 6 5 31, 2 3, 1, 2

EN-18 Basic operation (continued) 6. Adjust the image size by turning the zoom ring. 7. Adjust the vertical position of the displayed image by turning the LENS SHIFT dial. t *GOFDFTTBSZ BEKVTUUIFGPDVTBOE[PPNBHBJO When fine streaks are seen on projected images This is due to interference with the screen surface and is not a malfunction. Replace the screen or displace the focus a little. Power-off Use the following procedure to turn off the projector. The lamp may deteriorate if the projector is powered PGGBOEPOSFQFBUFEMZXJUIJONJOVUFTBGUFSUIFMBNQ is lighted. 1. Press the POWER button on the control panel or the STANDBY button on the remote control. t 5IFNFTTBHFi1PXFS0GG 1SFTT again” appears on the screen. t 5PDBODFM QSFTTBOZCVUUPOFYDFQUUIF108&3 button. (Some buttons on the remote control don’t function for cancel.) 2. Press the POWER button on the control panel or the STANDBY button on the remote control within TFDPOETBHBJO t 5IFMBNQXJMMHPPVUBOEUIF45564JOEJDBUPS will start blinking. 3. 8BJUBCPVUTFDPOETGPSUIF45564JOEJDBUPSUP be turned off. 4. Unplug the power cord. t 5IF108&3JOEJDBUPSXJMMHPPVU t *GUIFQPXFSDPSETIPVMECFVOQMVHHFE accidentally while either the STATUS indicator is blinking or the lamp is on, allow the projector to DPPMEPXOGPSNJOVUFTXJUIUIFQPXFSPGG5P light the lamp again, press the POWER button (or ON button). If the lamp doesn’t light up immediately, repeat pressing the POWER button (or ON button) two or three times. If it should still fail to light up, replace the lamp. Important: t 8IFOTUPSJOHUIFQSPKFDUPSJOUIFDBSSZJOHDBTF UIF lens should face up. Before carrying the projector, rotate the focus ring and zoom ring to adjust the lens to the shortest. This prevents the possible damages of the lens. Direct Power OFF You can turn off this projector just by unplugging the power cord without pressing the POWER button. t %POUTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXIJMFUIF45564 indicator is blinking after the lamp lights up because the lamp’s life may be shortened. t %POUUVSOUIFQSPKFDUPSCBDLPOSJHIUBGUFSTIVUUJOH it down because the lamp’s life may be shortened. 8BJUBCPVUNJOVUFTCFGPSFUVSOJOHUIFQSPKFDUPS back on.) t #FGPSFTIVUUJOHEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPS CFTVSFUPDMPTF the menu screen. If you shut down the projector without closing the menu, the setting data of the menu may not be saved. t *GZPVTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXIJMFDPOUSPMMJOH the projector using the network function, the application software such as ProjectorView may fail. For details, see “User Manual of LAN Control Utility” contained in the CD-ROM. AUTO POSITION button When the image isn’t projected in the right position with Computer selected as the input source, follow the procedure below. 1. Project a bright image such as the “Recycle Bin” window on the full screen. 2. If the screen saver is running, turn it off. 3. Press the AUTO POSITION button. t *GUIFJNBHFJTTUJMMOPUJOUIFSJHIUQPTJUJPO adjust the image position using the Signal menu. See page 25. Volume from the speaker Press the VOLUME or button to change the volume from the speaker. The volume control bar will appear on the screen. 16Volume t 5IFWPMVNFDPOUSPMCBSXJMMEJTBQQFBSBCPVU seconds after the VOLUME button is released. t 5IF70-6.&CVUUPOTEPOUGVODUJPOXIJMFUIF menu is being displayed. t 8IFOBIJHIMFWFMBVEJPTJHOBM TVDIBTB%7% audio signal, is supplied to the AUDIO IN terminal, the output from the speaker may be distorted. You can change the volume also by using the Volume setting in the Audio menu. (See page 22 for menu setting.) 1. Display the Audio menu. 2. Select Volume by pressing the or button. 3. Adjust the volume by pressing the or button. 4. Press the MENU button to exit the menu. AV mute The video and audio signals are temporarily muted when the AV MUTE button is pressed. To cancel muting, press the AV MUTE button again.

EN-19 Basic operation (continued) Setting the aspect ratio You can change the aspect ratio of the input video signal (or the ratio of width to height of the image). Change the setting according to the type of the input video signal. With the remote control: 1. Press the ASPECT button. t &WFSZUJNFUIF41&$5CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE UIF aspect mode changes from Normal to 16:9, to Full, and back to Normal. With the Picture menu: (See page 22 for menu setting.) 1. Display the Picture menu. 2. Select Aspect Ratio by pressing the or button. Aspect RatioNormal 3. Select your desired aspect ratio by pressing the or button. When 16:9 is selected. (For XD700U only) 4. Press the ENTER button. 5. Select your desired position (Center, Upper or Lower) by pressing the or button. To cancel the menu: 6. Press the MENU button. Important: t 8IFOBJNBHFJTLFQUEJTQMBZFEGPSBMPOH time before displaying 4:3 image, the afterimages of the black bars may appear on the 4:3 image screen. Consult your dealer in this case. Caution: t 5IFMBNQDBOUCFMJUBHBJOGPSPOFNJOVUFBGUFS turned off for safety purpose. It will take another one minute for the STATUS indicator to go out. If you want to turn on the projector again, wait until the indicator goes out, and then press the POWER button. t 5IFFYIBVTUGBOTSPUBUFGBTUFSBTUIFUFNQFSBUVSF around the projector rises. t 8IFOUIFUFNQFSBUVSFBSPVOEUIFQSPKFDUPSSJTFT high, the sign “Temperature!!” blinks red on the screen. If the temperature stays high, the lamp will go out automatically. Important: t %POPUEJTQMBZBTUJMMQJDUVSFGPSBMPOHUJNF because the afterimages may persist on the screen. When connecting to a laptop computer: When this projector is connected to a laptop computer, there may be times when images may not be projected. When it occurs, set the computer so that it can output signals externally. The procedure varies across computers in use. See the instruction manual of your computer. Watching 3D content You can enjoy 3D content with this projector. In order to watch 3D content, you need to have the following items: t JFMETFRVFOUJBM%WJEFPDPOUFOUT t %-1

&/ Basic operation (continued) t 5IF.(/*:NPEFDBOOPUCFVTFEXIFOWJFXJOH 3D contents on the projector. t *UNBZPDDVSUIBUUIFJNBHFNBZOPUCFFOPVHI% image because setting such as fluorescent lighting may occur loss of synchronism of glasses. t %JNBHFNBZOPUBQQFBSPOUIFTDSFFOEFQFOEJOH on the PC performance such as graphics board, memory, or CPU. t 5IFTJHOBMTTQFDJmFEJOUIFUBCMFPOQBHF can be displayed with viewing 3D contents on the projector. If a different signal is inputted, the projector shows no 3D contents even with the 3D option set to On in the Picture menu. t *G%7%JTSVOCZQTJHOBMT %JNBHFNBZOPUCF displayed correctly depending on the DVD player. t 8IFO%JNBHFJTQSPKFDUFEPOUIFTDSFFOJO )[PSVTJOHDFSUBJOUZQFPGQMBZCBDLTPGUXBSFPG PC, the image may not appear on the screen. Caution: Notes on danger to public health during watching 3D image t 4UPQWJFXJOHUIF%JNBHFJNNFEJBUFMZJGZPVGFFM tired, discomfort, or any other abnormality. It may cause you to feel unwell if continuing to watch the 3D image in such cases. Please take the necessary rest, do not continue watch the 3D image for a long time. Stop using the 3D glasses if you can clearly see double images when viewing 3D content. Prolonged use may cause eyesight fatigue. t 5IFGPMMPXJOHQFPQMFOFFEUPSFGSBJOGSPNVTFBT with 2D image. t BQIPUPTFOTJUJWFQBUJFOU t BQBUJFOUXJUIIFBSUEJTFBTF t BQFSTPOJOQPPSQIZTJDBMDPOEJUJPO t BTMFFQZQFSTPO t BWFSZUJSFEQFSTPO t BESVOLQFSTPO t DIJMESFO t 8IFOXBUDIJOH%NPWJFT UBLFBOBQQSPQSJBUF break after watching a movie. When watching 3D content on interactive devices such as 3D games or computers, take an appropriate break every NJOVUFT1SPMPOHFEVTFNBZDBVTFFZFTJHIU fatigue. t 8IFOZPVGFFMVODPNGPSUBCMF TUPQWJFXJOH 3D images and playing 3D games until you are restored. If necessary, consult a doctor. Also, stop driving a car until you are restored (for about 2 hours). The period to restore varies with the individual. t TBHVJEF %HMBTTFTTIPVMEOPUCFVTFECZ children younger than 5 - 6 years old. As it is difficult to judge younger children’s reactions to fatigue or discomfort, their physical condition may deteriorate suddenly. When this product is being used by a child, the parent or guardian should check to ensure that the child’s eyes are not becoming tired.t 8IFOWJFXJOHUIFQJDUVSFTUIBUSPMMPWFSBOE shake or many dynamic pictures, if you feel uncomfortable, please look at another place. t 8IFOWJFXJOHDPOUFOUTXJUINPWFNFOUTTVDIBT rotation, or horizontal or vertical oscillation, you may feel as if you are actually moving. If such a feeling results in discomfort, look away from the screen. t 8IFOVTJOHUIF%HMBTTFT CFDBSFGVMOPUUPTUSJLF the screen or other people by mistake. As the images are in 3D, you may mistake the distance from the screen, causing to strike the screen which may result in injury. When using the 3D glasses, do not place breakable objects near the glasses. You may move by mistaking the 3D objects you are viewing as the real objects, causing damages to surrounding objects that may lead to injury. t 8IFOVTJOHUIF%HMBTTFT NBLFTVSFZPVSFZFT are on an approximate horizontal level. If you suffer from myopia (short sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), astigmatism, or have eyesight differences between the left and right eyes, please use corrective glasses or other such methods to correct your eyesight before putting on the 3D glasses. t 8IFOZPVWJFXUIF%JNBHFT LFFQBEJTUBODF from the screen of about three times the effective height of the screen.