Mitsubishi X490u Projector User Manual
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Printed in Japan 871D340B30 Manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 1 Zusho Baba, Nagaokakyo-City, Kyoto Japan
1 Control projector by using a personal computer 1) Interface This projector can be controlled by connecting a personal computer with RS-232C terminal. Functions can be controlled by a personal computer: • Turn the ON or OFF • Changing input signals • Menu setting Connection to Com1 Comport to RS-232C terminal RS-232C cable D-SUB 9P Mini DIN 8P REMOTE AUDIO 2 IN COMPUTER 2 IN AUDIO OUT COMPUTER OUT AUDIO 1 IN COMPUTER 1 INDIGITAL ANALOGINPUT SELECT MAIN AC IN OI L R S-VIDEO VIDEO AUDIO VIDEO 1 IN VIDEO 2 INUSB RS-232C Important: •Make sure that your computer and projector are turned off before connection. •Turn on the projector after the computer is started up. (If you do not follow this order, the Comport may not function.) •Adapters may be necessary depending on the PC connected to this projector. Contact your dealer for details. PROTOCOL RS-232C BAUD RATE 9600 [bps] DATA LENGTH 8 [bits] PARITY BIT NONE STOP BIT 1 [bit] FLOW CONTROL NONE This projector uses RXD, TXD and GND lines for RS-232C control. For RS-232C cable,the reverse type cable should be used. 2) Control command diagram The command is structured by the address code, function code, data code and end code. The length of the command is different by each function. Address code Function code Data code End code HEX 30h 30h Function Data 0Dh ASCII 0 0 Function Data [Address code] 30h 30h (In ASCII code, 0 0) fixed. [Function code] A code of each fixed control move. [Data code] A code of each fixed control data (number) and not always indicated. [End code] 0Dh (In ASCII code, ) fixed. LCD Projector X500U / X490U / S490U
2 3) Control sequence (1) Send the command from a personal computer to the projector. (The commands must be sent at least 400ms apart.) (2) The projector will send a return command 400ms* after it has received an end code. If the command is not received correctly, the projector will not send the return command. (3) The personal computer checks the command and confirms if the command which has been sent has been executed or not. (4) This projector sends various codes other than the return code. When having a control sequence by RS- 232C, reject other codes from personal computer side. •* : The sending time of return command may delay depending on the condition (during changing the input signal, etc.). [Example] Turn the power ON ( is for ASCII code) Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 21 0D Command for POWER ON 0 0 ! 30 30 21 0D Command received 0 0 ! (Command echo back) Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 5F 72 31 0D Command for setting the input 0 0 _ r 1 signal to COMPUTER 1 30 30 5F 72 31 0D Command received 0 0 _ r 1 (Command echo back) Operation ASCII HEX POWER ON ! 21h POWER OFF 22h INPUT COMPUTER 1 _r1 5Fh 72h 31h INPUT COMPUTER 2 _r2 5Fh 72h 32h INPUT VIDEO 1 _v1 5Fh 76h 31h INPUT VIDEO 2 _v2 5Fh 76h 32h 4) Operation commands The operation commands execute the basic operation setting of this projector. It may not operate when chang- ing the signal. •POWER OFF command will not work for 1 minute after the power is turned on. •POWER ON command will not work for 1 minute after the power is turned off. [Example] Set the input signal to COMPUTER 1 ( is for ASCII code) 5) Computer input commands (For X500U only) The computer input commands execute INPUT SELECT setting of COMPUTER 1. Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 44 49 46 32 0D Command for setting the INPUT SELECT 0 0 D I F 2 to DIGITAL. 30 30 44 49 46 32 0D Command received 0 0 D I F 2 (Command echo back) ITEM ASCII HEX VALUE INPUT SELECT DIF 44h 49h 46h0 : The same as INPUT SELECT switch setting of Terminal board. 1 : ANALOG setting (Mini D-SUB 15P). 2 : DIGITAL setting (DVI-24P). [Example] Set INPUT SELECT (of COMPUTER 1) to DIGITAL. ( is for ASCII code) How to set the grade Use ASCII letters code to set the grade for setting data. Please refer to the table below for HEX code. ASCII 0 1 2 HEX 30h 31h 32h
3 Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 72 35 34 0D Command as same as MENU button 0 0 r 5 4 30 30 72 35 34 0D Command received 0 0 r 5 4 (Command echo back) [Example] Display MENU selection bar. ( is for ASCII code) Buttons name on remoteASCII HEX + VOLUME r06 72h 30h 36h – VOLUME r07 72h 30h 37h FOCUS/ZOOM r0f 72h 30h 66h KEYSTONE r43 72h 34h 33h EXPAND r02 72h 30h 32h PinP r04 72h 30h 34h MUTE ra6 72h 61h 36h {r53 72h 35h 33h }r2b 72h 32h 62h $r4f 72h 34h 66h %r59 72h 35h 39h MENU r54 72h 35h 34h ENTER r10 72h 31h 30h AUTO POSITION r09 72h 30h 39h STILL ra4 72h 61h 34h 7) Remote commands Some remote control operations can be done by remote command codes. 8) Reading command diagram Monitor projector operation status. The power ON, OFF and input terminal settings can be monitored. ASCII HEX Function Data (Receive) Function Data (Receive) POWER ON vP 1 76h 50h 31h POWER OFF vP 0 76h 50h 30h INPUT COMPUTER 1 vI r176h 49h 72h 31h INPUT COMPUTER 2 vI r276h 49h 72h 32h INPUT VIDEO 1 vI v1 76h 49h 76h 31h INPUT VIDEO 2 vI v2 76h 49h 76h 32h Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 76 49 0D Command to confirm input 0 0 v I 30 30 76 49 76 31 0D Command (Input is Video 1) 0 0 v I v 1 carrired out When a personal computer sends the command, data code will not be attached. On the other hand, the projector which has received a command will attach the recent operating status and then send. [Example ] Input was Video 1 when the operating status of the input terminal was confirmed. 6) Volume commands The volume commands execute the volume setting of this projector with the value. [Example] Set the volume to 15 (Standard value) ( is for ASCII code) Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 56 4C 31 35 0D Command for setting the volume 0 0 V L 1 5 30 30 56 4C 31 35 0D Command received 0 0 V L 1 5 (Command echo back) ITEM ASCII HEX VALUE VOLUME VL 56h 4Ch00 - 31 How to set the grade Use ASCII letters code to set the grade for setting data. Please refer to the table below for HEX code. ASCII 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HEX 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h
4 9) Menu setting commands The menu setting commands execute the menu setting of this projector. If the personal computer doesn’t send the commands without attaching the data code, the projector which has received the command replays the setting data as data code. ITEM ASCII HEX VALUE CONTRAST P 50h±30±30±30 (R from G+Main data+B from G) BRIGHTNESS Q 51h±30±30±30 (R from G+Main data+B from G) sRGB SRGB 53h 52h 47h 42h0 (OFF), 1 (ON) COLOR MATRIX (MODE)CMT 43h 4Dh 54h1 (VIDEO), 2 (COMPUTER), 3 (USER), 4 (OFF) COLOR MATRIX (R, G, B)MRGB 4Dh 52h 47h 42h±30±30±30 (R+G+B) COLOR MATRIX (Y, C, M)MYCM 4Dh 59h 43h 4Dh±30±30±30 (Y+C+M) COLOR MATRIX (SATURATION)MSAT 4Dh 53h 41h 54h±05 COLOR TEMP. A 41h1 (Standard), 2 (High), 3 (Low), 4 (User) COLOR T 54h±10 TINT S 53h±10 SHARPNESS R 52h±10 IRIS AI 41h 49h0 (OFF), 1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3) AUTO POWER ON APON 41h 50h 4Fh 4Eh0 (OFF), 1 (ON) AUTO POWER OFF APOF 41h 50h 4Fh 46h00 (Off) , 05, 10, 15, 30, 60 SPLASH SCREEN SS 53h 53h0 (OFF), 1 (ON) BACK COLOR BB 42h 42h0 (BLACK), 1 (BLUE) LAMP MODE LM 4Ch 4Dh0 (STANDARD), 1 (LOW) IMAGE REVERSE IR 49h 52h0 (OFF), 1 (Mirror), 2 (Invert), 3 (Mirror invert) MENU POSITION MP 4Dh 50h0 (Upper left), 1 (Lower right) EXPAND MODE EX 45h 58h1 - 4 FRAME POSITION FM 46h 4Dh1 - 5 VIDEO SIGNAL VS 56h 53h0 (AUTO), 1 (NTSC), 2 (PAL), 3 (SECAM) , 4 (4.43NTSC), 5 (PAL-M), 6 (PAL-N), 7 (PAL-60) ANAMORPHIC SC 53h 43h0 (OFF), 1 (ON) LANGUAGE LG 4Ch 47h0 ( ), 1 (English), 2 (Español), 3 (Deutsch) , 4 (Frençais), 5 (Italiano), 6 ( ) RESET ALLRSTALL52h 53h 54h 41h 4Ch 4Ch MEMORY CALL MMC 4Dh 4Dh 43h0 (AUTO), 1 (USER1), 2 (USER2) HORIZ. POSITION HP 48h 50h+ (increase), – (decrease) VERT. POSITION VP 56h 50h+ (increase), – (decrease) FINE SYNC. FN 46h 4Eh00 - 39 TRACKING TRK 54h 52h 4Bh+ (increase), – (decrease) COMPUTER INPUT CIN 43h 49h 4Eh0 (RGB), 1 (YCBCR/YPBPR) HOLD HLD 48h 4Ch 44h0 (AUTO), 1 (ON), 2 (OFF) HOLD BEGIN HLB 48h 4Ch 42h–01 - –99 HOLD END HLE 48h 4Ch 45h01 - 99 CLAMP POSITION CLP 43h 4Ch 50h00 - 63 CLAMP WIDTH CLW 43h 4Ch 57h01 - 63 HORIZ. PIXELS HPL 48h 50h 4Ch0000 - 9999 VERT LINES VLN 56h 4Ch 4Eh0000 - 9999 VERT.SYNC VSC 56h 53h 43h0 (AUTO), 1 (ON), 2 (OFF) SHUTTER (U) SHU 53h 48h 55h000 - 383 (000-299 : For S490U) SHUTTER (L) SHL 53h 48h 4Ch000 - 383 (000-299 : For S490U) SHUTTER (LS) SHLS 53h 48h 4Ch 53h000 - 510 (000-398 : For S490U) SHUTTER (RS) SHRS 53h 48h 52h 53h000 - 510 (000-398 : For S490U) MUTE MUTE 4Dh 55h 54h 45h0 (MUTE OFF), 1 (MUTE ON)
5 How to set the grade Use ASCII letters code to set the grade for setting data. Please refer to the table below for HEX code. ASCII + Å| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HEX 2Bh 2Dh 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h [Example 1] Set the AUTO POWER ON to ON. [Example 2] Set the difference data of R from G to +10, the setting main data to 0 and the difference data of B from to -5. Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 50 2B 31 30 2B 30 30 2D 30 35 0D Command for setting the 0 0 P + 1 0 + 0 0 - 0 5 picture control 30 30 50 2B 31 30 2B 30 30 2D 30 35 0D Command received 0 0 P + 1 0 + 0 0 - 0 5 (Command echo back) Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 41 50 4F 4E 31 0D Command for setting the 0 0 A P O N 1 AUTO POWER ON to ON 30 30 41 50 4F 4E 31 0D Command received 0 0 A P O N 1 (Command echo back) The data code of CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS is structured by the difference data of R from G, the main data and the difference data of B from G. [Example 3] The TINT was set to +10 when the setting status was confirmed. Sending commands Status code from Meaning from the PC etc. projector 30 30 53 0DCommand to confirm 0 0 S setting of TINT 30 30 53 2B 31 30 0D Command (setting of TINT 0 0 S + 1 0 is +10) carried out