Mitsubishi Ud8350u Projector User Manual
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EN-21 C. Installing the terminal cover This projector includes a terminal cover. If necessary, install the terminal cover to the projector. 1. Fit two hooks of the terminal cover into the projector. (a) Viewing computer images (continued) VIDEO IN S-VIDEO IN IN-1 (b) You can use the buttons on the operation panel by removing the door of the terminal cover. 3. Remove the door (b) of the terminal cover. Important: tDon’t carry the projector by the terminal cover. t 8IFOUIFUFSNJOBMDPWFSJTBUUBDIFE SFNPUFDPOUSPMNBZ not work properly from behind the projector. VIDEO IN S-VIDEO IN IN-1 2. Tighten the attachment screws (a) firmly.

EN-22 Viewing computer images (continued) D. Projecting images Preparation: t 3FNPWFUIFMFOTDBQ COMPUTER 1, 2 buttons Main power switchPOWER indicator LAMP 2 indicator LAMP 1 indicator DVI-D(HDCP) button ENTER button , , , buttons POWER button (ON/STANDBY) , , , buttons COMPUTER/DVI-D button ENTER button ZOOM/FOCUS button LENS SHIFT button POWER button (ON/STANDBY) LENS SHIFT button ZOOM/FOCUS button 1. Put the projector into standby mode by pressing the main power switch. The POWER indicator lights up red. t *GUIFQSPKFDUPSXBTUVSOFEPGGCFGPSFUIFMBNQXBTDPPMFEEPXOTVGmDJFOUMZMBTUUJNF UIFGBONBZTUBSUSPUBUJOH and the POWER button may not work after the main power switch is turned ON. (The LAMP indicator blinks green.) After the fan stops rotating, press the POWER button to turn back on the POWER indicator. 2. Turn on the power of the connected computer. 3. Press the POWER button. t *UNBZUBLFBCPVUNJOVUFTGPSUIFMBNQUPMJHIUVQ t 5IFMBNQGBJMTUPMJHIUVQPOSBSFPDDBTJPOT*OTVDIBDBTF XBJUGPSBGFXNJOVUFTBOEUIFOUSZBHBJO t %POPUDPWFSUIFMFOTXJUIUIFMFOTDBQXIJMFUIFMBNQJTPO%POPUTUSJQPGGUIFBMVNJOJVNTIFFUJOTJEFUIF lens cap. t GUFSUIF108&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE UIFJNBHFNBZnJDLFSCFGPSFUIFMBNQCFDPNFTTUBCMF5IJTJTOPUB product malfunction. t 5IFMBNQPQFSBUJPOCFDPNFTTUBCMFJONJOVUFBGUFSUIFQPXFSJTUVSOFEPOBOEUIFOUIFMBNQNPEFTFMFDUFE in the menu is activated. During the activation, displayed images may be disturbed. t 5IFQSPKFDUPSTUBSUTXBSNJOHVQXIFOUIF108&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE%VSJOHUIFXBSNVQQSPDFTT JNBHFT may appear dark and no commands are accepted. t #ZCMJOLJOHSFE UIF-.1JOEJDBUPSJOEJDBUFTUIBUUIFMBNQTIPVMECFSFQMBDFETPPO3FQMBDFUIFMBNQXIFO the LAMP indicator blinks red. (See page 71.) 4. Press the ZOOM/FOCUS button to display the ZOOM/FOCUS menu. 5. Adjust with the or button to get a fine picture. t 8IFOUIF&/5&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFEXIJMFUIF;00.0$64NFOVJTEJTQMBZFE UIFBEKVTUNFOUNPEFJT switched between FAST and STEP. When FAST is selected, the speed of focus controlled by the or button becomes fast, and it becomes slow when STEP is selected. 6. Select an input source. t 1SFTTUIF$0.165&3%7*%CVUUPOPOUIFQSPKFDUPSPSUIF$0.165&3 $0.165&3PS%7*% )%$1 button on the remote control that is corresponding to the terminal in use. t 5IFJOQVUTPVSDFJTTXJUDIFEGSPN$0.165&3UP$0.165&3UP%7*BUFWFSZQSFTTPGUIF$0.165&3 DVI-D button on the projector. t 5IFQSPKFDUPSBVUPNBUJDBMMZTFMFDUTUIFBQQSPQSJBUFTJHOBMGPSNBU5IFTFMFDUFETJHOBMGPSNBUJTEJTQMBZFEPO the screen. t :PVDBOOPUDIBOHFUIFJOQVUTPVSDFXIJMFUIFNFOVJTCFJOHEJTQMBZFE t 5IPVHIJUNBZUBLFTPNFUJNFCFGPSFBOJNBHFJTEJTQMBZFEPOUIFTDSFFOEFQFOEJOHPOUIFUZQFPGUIFJOQVU signal, such symptom is not a malfunction. t *NBHFTNBZOPUCFQSPKFDUFEJOUIFDPSSFDUQPTJUJPO EFQFOEJO press the AUTO POSITION button. (See page 24.) t 8IFO$0.165&3PS$0.165&3JTDIPTFOBTUIFTPVSDF JNBHFTTVQQMJFEGSPNUIFDPNQVUFSNBZ flicker. Press the or button on the remote control to reduce flicker, if it occurs. (Fine adjustment) 7. Adjust the position of the projector to keep an appropriate projection distance with which images are projected in their specified sizes. 8. Adjust the position of the projector so that the projector and the screen are perpendicular to each other. (See page 11.) tWhen the projector cannot be positioned perpendicularly to the screen, adjust the projection angle. (See page 14.)

EN-23 Viewing computer images (continued) 9. Press the ZOOM/FOCUS button to display the ZOOM/FOCUS menu. 10. Adjust with the or button to get an approximate size. t 8IFOUIF&/5&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFEXIJMFUIF;00.0$64NFOVJTEJTQMBZFE UIFBEKVTUNFOUNPEFJT switched between FAST and STEP. When FAST is selected, the speed of zoom controlled by the or button becomes fast, and it becomes slow when STEP is selected. 11. Press the LENS SHIFT button. The LENS SHIFT menu appears at the center of the screen. 12.Press the or button to adjust the vertical position and or button to adjust the horizontal position of the displayed image. t 8IFOUIFJNBHFJTOPUEJTQMBZFEXJUIJOUIFTDSFFO BEKVTUUIFQSPKFDUJPOBOHMF*OBEEJUJPO QFSGPSNUIF keystone adjustment, if necessary. (See page 14.) Repeat steps 4, 5 and 9 to 12, if necessary. Important: t PDVT [PPNBOEMFOTTIJGUBEKVTUNFOUJTQPTTJCMFJOUIFOPSNBMQJDUVSFNPEFPOMZ t 8IFOBJNBHFJTLFQUEJTQMBZFEGPSBMPOHUJNFCFGPSFEJ may appear on the 4:3 image screen. Consult your dealer in this case. To stop projecting: 13. Press the POWER button. t DPOmSNBUJPONFTTBHFJTEJTQMBZFE t 5PDBODFMUIFQSPDFEVSF MFBWFUIFQSPKFDUPSGPSBXIJMFPSQSFTTBOZCVUUPOFYDFQUUIF108&3CVUUPO 14. Press the POWER button again. t 5IFMBNQHPFTPVUBOEUIFQSPKFDUPSHPFTJOUPBTUBOECZNPEF*OUIJTTUBOECZNPEF UIF-.1JOEJDBUPS blinks green. 15. Wait about 2 minutes for the LAMP indicator to be turned off. t %VSJOHUIJTQFSJPEPGNJOVUFTJOUIFTUBOECZNPEF UIFJOUBLFGBOBOEFYIBVTUGBOSPUBUFUPDPPMUIFMBNQ t 5IFBJSPVUMFUGBOTSPUBUFGBTUFSBTUIFUFNQFSBUVSFBSPVOEUIFQSPKFDUPSSJTFT t 5IPVHIUIFGBOTNBLFMPVETPVOETEVSJOHDPPMJOH TVDITZNQUPNJTOPUBNBMGVODUJPO 16. Turn off the main power switch. t 5IF108&3JOEJDBUPSXJMMHPPVU t *GUIFNBJOQPXFSTXJUDITIPVMECFUVSOFEPGGPSUIFQPXFSDPSETIPVMECFVOQMVHHFEBDDJEFOUBMMZXIJMFFJUIFS the air inlet fan or the air outlet fans are operating or the lamp is on, allow the projector to cool down for 10 minutes with the power off. To light the lamp again, press the POWER button. If the lamp doesn’t light up immediately, press the POWER button a few minutes later. If it should still fail to light up, replace the lamp. t $PWFSUIFMFOTXJUIUIFMFOTDBQUPQSPUFDUJUGSPNEVTU t PSTBGFUZTTBLF VOQMVHUIFQPXFSDPSEGSPNUIFPVUMFU t 8IFOZPVSFQFBUUVSOJOHPGGUIFNBJOTXJUDIXJUIJONJOVUFTGSPNUIFMBNQJMMVNJOBUJPO BOFSSPSNBZPDDVS in the clock function of this product. Direct Power OFF You can turn off this projector just by turning off the power switch or unplugging the power cord without pressing the POWER button. t %POUTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXIJMFUIF-.1JOEJDBUPSJTCMJOLJOHBGUFSUIFMBNQMJHIUTVQCFDBVTFUIFMBNQTMJGF may be shortened. t %POUUVSOUIFQSPKFDUPSCBDLPOSJHIUBGUFSTIVUUJOHJUEPXOCFDBVTFUIFMBNQTMJGFNBZCFTIPSUFOFE 8BJUBCPVU 10 minutes before turning the projector back on.) t #FGPSFTIVUUJOHEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPS CFTVSFUPDMPTFUIFNFOVTDSFFO*GZPVTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXJUIPVU closing the menu, the setting data of the menu may not be saved. t *GZPVTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXIJMFDPOUSPMMJOHUIFQSPKFDUPSVTJOHUIFOFUXPSLGVODUJPO UIFBQQMJDBUJPOTPGUXBSF such as ProjectorView may fail. The data such as the operating time and temperature display may not be changed. In such a case, close the browser and then start up again.

EN-24 Blanking the screen temporarily (BLANK) The video signal is temporarily muted when the BLANK button is pressed. The screen turns black. You will hear a mechanical shutter sound inside the projector. To cancel muting, press the BLANK button again. AUTO POSITION button When the image supplied from the computer is displaced, carry out the following procedure. 1. Project a bright image containing as many texts and characters as possible. 2. When the screen saver has been enabled, disable it. 3. Press the AUTO POSITION button. The projector automatically makes optimum positional settings for the input signal. t *GUIFQSPKFDUFEJNBHFJTTUJMMEJTQMBDFEFWFOBGUFSQSFTTJOHUIF650104*5*0/CVUUPOTFWFSBMUJNFT SFGFSUP the procedure to adjust computer images. (See pages 45 and 46.) t 8IFOZPVDBSSZPVUUIJTQSPDFEVSFXJUIBEBSLJNBHF UIFJNBHFNBZCFEJTQMBDFE When connecting to a notebook computer: When the projector is connected to a notebook computer, images may not be projected in some cases. In such cases, set the computer so that it can output signals externally. The setting procedure varies depending on the type of the computer. See the instruction manual of your computer. Example of the setting procedure for external output Press the [Fn] key and any of the keys [F1] to [F12] at the same time. (The key to be pressed depends on the type of the computer you use.) Setting of the resolution If the resolution of the computer doesn’t match with that of the projector, projected images may be obscured. Ensure that their resolutions are the same (see page 73). For the method to change the output resolution of the computer, contact the manufacturer of the computer. Viewing computer images (continued)

EN-25 Viewing computer images (continued) Setting the aspect ratio You can change the aspect ratio of the input video signal (or the ratio of width to height of the image). Change the setting according to the type of the screen to be used or your preference. How to change the settings: With the remote control: 1. Press the ASPECT button. t &WFSZUJNFUIF41&$5CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE UIFBTQFDUNPEFDIBOHFTGSPN/03.- 6-- UP/03.- to NORMAL (4:3), to 16:9, to REAL, to FULL, and back to NORMAL (FULL). t 5IFGPMMPXJOHUBCMFTIPXTUIFJNBHFEJTQMBZQBUUFSOTEFQFOEJOHPOUIFTFUUJOHT UXGA signal 1600 x 1200 (4:3) WUXGA signal 1920 x 1200 (16:10) 1080p signal 1920 x 1080 (16:9)16:10 NORMAL (FULL) Input signal Setting NORMAL (16:9) NORMAL (4:3) 16:9REAL FULL Input video signal is displayed at the max height (1200 pixels) or max width (1920 pixels) of the panel while its aspect ratio is maintained.Select this setting when using a 16:9 screen. Select this setting when using a 4:3 screen.Regardless of the type of input signal, image is displayed at 16:9 aspect ratio (1920 x 1080 pixels). Select to expand squeezed (or horizontally compressed) images such as DVD images to 16:9.Input video signal is displayed at its original pixel size. (When the pixel size is larger than the panel size, only the center part of the image is displayed.) Regardless of the type of input signal, image is displayed at the full panel size (1920 x 1200 pixels). 4:3 1600 x 1200 16:9 1920 x 1080 16:10 1440 x 1080 1728 x 1080 16:9 1920 x 1080 4:34:3 1600 x 1200 16:9 1600 x 900 16:916:9 1920 x 1080 16:1016:9 1920 x 1080 16:9 1920 x 1080 16:1016:10 1920 x 1200 16:10 1920 x 1200 4:3 1600 x 1200 16:10 1920 x 1200 1600 x 1000 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1200 1920 x 1200 With the FEATURE menu: (See page 32 for menu setting.) 1. Display the FEATURE menu. 2. Select ASPECT by pressing the or button. 3. Select your desired aspect ratio by pressing the or button. When 16:9 is selected with the FEATURE menu, you can select whether or not to display signals at 16:9 depending on their type using the following procedures. 4. Press the ENTER button. 5. Select a setting for the item MODE by pressing the or button. t --4*(/-4 All signals are always displayed at 16:9 irrespective of their type. t 7*%&00/-: Signals supplied from video devices only are displayed at 16:9. To cancel the menu: 6. Press the MENU button. Important: t *GZPVDIBOHFUIFBTQFDUSBUJPUP 3&- PS6--XIJMFEJTQMBZJOHJNBHFTPOBTDSFFOXJUIUIFBTQFDU ratio set to NORMAL (4:3), images appear partly off screen. t *OTVDIDBTFTBTXIFOZPVLFFQEJTQMBZJOHJNBHFTJOUIFNPEFGPSBMPOHUJNFBOEUIFODIBOHFUIFNPEFUP FULL, the masking areas may remain as afterimage around the displayed image. Consult your dealer in this case. t 8IFOUIFJOQVUWJEFPTJHOBMJTJOUFSSVQUFEXJUI/03.- PS/03.- TFMFDUFE UIFJNBHFUVSOTCMVF and appears partly off screen. In this case, set BACK COLOR in the INSTALLATION 2 menu to BLACK. FEATURE ASPECT PROJECTOR IDNORMAL (FULL) ALL FEATURE ASPECT – 16:9 12opt. MODE ALL SIGNALS 12

EN-26 Viewing video images Connecting to a video player, etc. 1. Connect one end of a commercially available BNC cable to the VIDEO IN terminal of the projector. 2. Connect the other end of the BNC cable to the video output terminal of the video equipment. When the video equipment is equipped with the S-video output terminal, make the connection as follows: 1. Connect one end of a commercially available S-video cable to the S-VIDEO IN terminal of the projector. 2. Connect the other end of the S-video cable to the S-video output terminal of the video equipment. t MTPSFBEUIFJOTUSVDUJPONBOVBMPGUIFFRVJQNFOUUPCFDPOOFDUFE t $POUBDUZPVSEFBMFSGPSEFUBJMTPGDPOOFDUJPO When a TV tuner or VCR is connected: When you use this projector with a TV tuner or VCR connected, no image may appear or a message of “NO SIGNAL” may appear on the screen when you change the channel via any channel that is not being received. In such a case, set the channels of the TV tuner or VCR again. To avoid such symptom, use the TV tuner or VCR with its channel skip function (that is a function not to display channels that are not being received) enabled. A. Connecting the projector to video equipment Preparation: t Make sure that the power of the projector and that of the video equipment are turned off. 12To S-VIDEO IN terminalS-video cable (option) To S-video output terminalVideo player, or the like 1To VIDEO IN terminal (BNC) BNC cable (option) To video output terminalVideo player, or the like BNC-RCA connector (option)

EN-27 Viewing video images (continued) Projector + DVD player or HDTV decoder Some DVD players have an output connector for 3-line fitting (Y, CB, CR). When connecting such DVD player with this projector, use the COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN-2 terminals. CB(PB) Y CR(PR) B G R DVD player or HDTV decoder COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN-2 BNC-RCA connector (option) BNC cable (option) t 5IFUFSNJOBMTOBNFT: 1B, and PR are given as examples of when a HDTV decoder is connected. t 5IFUFSNJOBMTOBNFTWBSZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDFT t 6TF#/$DBCMFTGPSDPOOFDUJPO t *NBHFNBZOPUCFQSPKFDUFEDPSSFDUMZXJUITPNF%7%QMBZFST t *GDPMPSTBSFOUEJTQMBZFEDPSSFDUMZXIFOUIFQSPKFDUPSJTDP and B output terminals, set COMPUTER INPUT to RGB in the SIGNAL menu. (See page 39.) Connecting to video equipment having a HDMI terminal or DVI-D terminal You can project high-quality images by connecting the COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO DVI-D IN (HDCP) terminal of this projector to video equipment having a HDMI output terminal or DVI-D terminal. In addition, this projector supports HDCP and is able to receive encrypted digital video data that are output from DVD players. tHDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection), developed by Intel Corporation, is a method to encrypt digital video data for the purpose of copy protection. tHDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is fully backward compatible with computers, displays and consumer electronics devices incorporating the DVI standards. tThis projector can be linked with video devices equipped with HDMI output terminal or DVI-D output terminal. However, with some of them, this projector may not display any image or not operate correctly. tIf this projector doesn’t display any image or not operate correctly, see the operation manual of the video device for its connection. tUse of a long cable may decrease the quality of projected images. Connection (for video equipment having an HDMI terminal) tUse a commercially available HDMI (with HDMI logo) cable. t 4PNFDBCMFTNBZOPUCFDPOOFDUFEDPSSFDUMZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFTJ[FBOETIBQFPGUIFJSDPOOFDUPST t 8IFO)%.*JTTFMFDUFEBTUIFJOQVUTPVSDF TFUUJOHTPG*/&4:/$ 53$,*/( )0-% FUDBSFVOBWBJMBCMF Equipment having an HDMI terminal To HDMI terminal HDMI IN HDMI (with HDMI logo) cable (option)

EN-28 Connection (for video equipment having a DVI-D terminal) Equipment having a DVI-D terminal To DVI-D terminal DVI cable (option)COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO DVI-D IN (HDCP) t PSDPOOFDUJPOUPUIF%7*%UFSNJOBM VTFBDPNNFSDJBMMZBWBJMBCMF%7*DBCMF t 4PNFDBCMFTNBZOPUCFDPOOFDUFEDPSSFDUMZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFTJ[FBOETIBQFPGUIFJSDPOOFDUPST t 8IFO%7*JTTFMFDUFEBTUIFJOQVUTPVSDF TFUUJOHTPG*/&4:/$ 53$,*/( )0-% FUDBSFVOBWBJMBCMF When you connect this projector and a digital device (such as a DVD player) via the HDMI IN or COMPUTER/ COMPONENT VIDEO DVI-D IN (HDCP) terminal, black color may appear dark and deep, depending on the type of the connected device. t 5IJTEFQFOETPOUIFCMBDLMFWFMTFUUJOHPGUIFDPOOFDUFEEFWJDF5IFSFBSFLJOETPGNFUIPETUPEJHJUBMMZUSBOTGFS image data, in which different black level settings are employed respectively. Therefore, the specifications of the signals output from DVD players differ, depending on the type of the digital data transfer method they use. t 4PNF%7%QMBZFSTBSFQSPWJEFEXJUIBGVODUJPOUPTXJUDIUIFNFUIPETUPPVUQVUEJHJUBMTJHOBMT8IFOZPVS%7% player is provided with such function, set it as follows. EXPAND or ENHANCED NORMAL t 4FFUIFVTFSTHVJEFPGZPVS%7%QMBZFSGPSEFUBJMT t 8IFOZPVSEJHJUBMEFWJDFEPFTOPUIBWFTVDIGVODUJPO TFU*/165-&7&-UP&/)/$&%JOUIF%7/$&% MENU of the IMAGE menu of this projector, or adjust the black color by viewing the image. B. Plugging in the power cord Plug the power cord in the same way as in the case of “Viewing computer images.” (See page 20.) C. Installing the terminal cover If necessary, install the terminal cover to the projector in the same way as in the case of “Viewing computer images.” (See page 21.) Viewing video images (continued)

EN-29 Viewing video images (continued) D. Projecting images Preparation: t 3FNPWFUIFMFOTDBQ COMPUTER 1, 2 buttons Main power switchPOWER indicator LAMP 2 indicator LAMP 1 indicator DVI-D(HDCP) buttonS-VIDEO button VIDEO button VIDEO/HDMI/SDI button SDI button HDMI button ENTER button , , , buttonsPOWER button (ON/STANDBY) , , , buttons COMPUTER/DVI-D button ENTER button ZOOM/FOCUS button LENS SHIFT button POWER button (ON/STANDBY) LENS SHIFT button ZOOM/FOCUS button 1. Put the projector into standby mode by pressing the main power switch. The POWER indicator lights up red. t *GUIFQSPKFDUPSXBTUVSOFEPGGCFGPSFUIFMBNQXBTDPPMFEEPXOTVGmDJFOUMZMBTUUJNF UIFGBONBZTUBSUSPUBUJOH and the POWER button may not work after the main power switch is turned ON. (The LAMP indicator blinks green.) After the fan stops rotating, press the POWER button to turn back on the POWER indicator. 2. Turn on the power of the connected video equipment. 3. Press the POWER button. t *UNBZUBLFBCPVUNJOVUFTGPSUIFMBNQUPMJHIUVQ t 5IFMBNQGBJMTUPMJHIUVQPOSBSFPDDBTJPOT*OTVDIBDBTF XBJUGPSBGFXNJOVUFTBOEUIFOUSZBHBJO t %POPUDPWFSUIFMFOTXJUIUIFMFOTDBQXIJMFUIFMBNQJTPO%POPUTUSJQPGGUIFBMVNJOJVNTIFFUJOTJEFUIF lens cap. t GUFSUIF108&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE UIFJNBHFNBZnJDLFSCFGPSFUIFMBNQCFDPNFTTUBCMF5IJTJTOPUB product malfunction. t 5IFMBNQPQFSBUJPOCFDPNFTTUBCMFJONJOVUFBGUFSUIFQPXFSJTUVSOFEPOBOEUIFOUIFMBNQNPEFTFMFDUFE in the menu is activated. During the activation, displayed images may be disturbed. t 5IFQSPKFDUPSTUBSUTXBSNJOHVQXIFOUIF108&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFE%VSJOHUIFXBSNVQQSPDFTT JNBHFT may appear dark and no commands are accepted. t #ZCMJOLJOHSFE UIF-.1JOEJDBUPSJOEJDBUFTUIBUUIFMBNQTIPVMECFSFQMBDFETPPO3FQMBDFUIFMBNQXIFO the LAMP indicator blinks red. (See page 71.) 4. Press the ZOOM/FOCUS button to display the ZOOM/FOCUS menu. 5. Adjust with the or button to get a fine picture. t 8IFOUIF&/5&3CVUUPOJTQSFTTFEXIJMFUIF;00.0$64NFOVJTEJTQMBZFE UIFBEKVTUNFOUNPEFJT switched between FAST and STEP. When FAST is selected, the speed of focus controlled by the or button becomes fast, and it becomes slow when STEP is selected. 6. Select an input source. t PS6%6BOE6%-6 Press the VIDEO/HDMI/SDI button on the projector or the VIDEO, S-VIDEO, HDMI or SDI button on the remote control that is corresponding to the terminal in use. The input source is switched between VIDEO, S-VIDEO, HDMI and SDI at every press of the VIDEO/HDMI/SDI button on the projector. t PS6%6BOE6%-6 Press the VIDEO/HDMI button on the projector or the VIDEO, S-VIDEO or HDMI button on the remote control that is corresponding to the terminal in use. The input source is switched between VIDEO, S-VIDEO and HDMI at every press of the VIDEO/HDMI button on the projector. t :PVDBOOPUDIBOHFUIFJOQVUTPVSDFXIJMFUIFNFOVJTCFJOHEJTQMBZFE t 5IPVHIJUNBZUBLFTPNFUJNFCFGPSFBOJNBHFJTEJTQMBZFEPOUIFTDSFFOEFQFOEJOHPOUIFUZQFPGUIFJOQVU signal, such symptom is not a malfunction. t 4PNFJNBHFTCFDPNFFBTJFSUPWJFXXIFOUIFTFUUJOHPGBTQFDUSBUJPJTDIBOHFE 4FFQBHF t 8IFOQSPKFDUJOHJNBHFTGSPNB%7%QMBZFSUIBUJTDPOOFDUFEUPUIF$0.165&3$0.10/&/57*%&0%7*% IN (HDCP) terminal, press the COMPUTER/DVI-D button on the projector to select DVI or press the DVI-D (HDCP) button on the remote control. t 8IFOQSPKFDUJOHJNBHFTGSPNB%7%QMBZFSUIBUJTDPOOFDUFEUPUIF$0.165&3$0.10/&/57*%&0*/PS COMPUTER/COMPONENT VIDEO IN-2 terminal, press the COMPUTER/DVI-D button on the projector or the COMPUTER 1 or COMPUTER 2 button on the remote control.

EN-30 7. Adjust the position of the projector to keep an appropriate projection distance with which images are projected in their specified sizes. 8. Adjust the position of the projector so that the projector and the screen are perpendicular to each other. (See page 11.) t 8IFOUIFQSPKFDUPSDBOOPUCFQPTJUJPOFEQFSQFOEJDVMBSMZUPUIFTDSFFO BEKVTUUIFQSPKFDUJPOBOHMF 4FFQBHF 14.) 9. Press the ZOOM/FOCUS button to display the ZOOM/FOCUS menu. 10. Adjust with the or button to get an approximate size. t When the ENTER button is pressed while the ZOOM/FOCUS menu is displayed, the adjustment mode is switched between FAST and STEP. When FAST is selected, the speed of zoom controlled by the or button becomes fast, and it becomes slow when STEP is selected. 11. Press the LENS SHIFT button. The LENS SHIFT menu appears at the center of the screen. 12. Press the or button to adjust the vertical position and or button to adjust the horizontal position of the displayed image. t 8IFOUIFJNBHFJTOPUEJTQMBZFEXJUIJOUIFTDSFFO BEKVTUUIFQSPKFDUJPOBOHMF*OBEEJUJPO QFSGPSNUIF keystone adjustment, if necessary. (See page 14.) Repeat steps 4, 5 and 9 to 12, if necessary. Important: t PDVT [PPNBOEMFOTTIJGUBEKVTUNFOUJTQPTTJCMFJOUIFOPSNBMQJDUVSFNPEFPOMZ To stop projecting: 13. Press the POWER button. t DPOmSNBUJPONFTTBHFJTEJTQMBZFE t 5PDBODFMUIFQSPDFEVSF MFBWFUIFQSPKFDUPSGPSBXIJMFPSQSFTTBOZCVUUPOFYDFQUUIF108&3CVUUPO 14. Press the POWER button again. t 5IFMBNQHPFTPVUBOEUIFQSPKFDUPSHPFTJOUPBTUBOECZNPEF*OUIJTTUBOECZNPEF UIF-.1JOEJDBUPS blinks green. 15. Wait about 2 minutes for the LAMP indicator to be turned off. t %VSJOHUIJTQFSJPEPGNJOVUFTJOUIFTUBOECZNPEF UIFJOUBLFGBOBOEFYIBVTUGBOSPUBUFUPDPPMUIFMBNQ t 5IFBJSPVUMFUGBOTSPUBUFGBTUFSBTUIFUFNQFSBUVSFBSPVOEUIFQSPKFDUPSSJTFT t 5IPVHIUIFGBOTNBLFMPVETPVOETEVSJOHDPPMJOH TVDITZNQUPNJTOPUBNBMGVODUJPO 16. Turn off the main power switch. t 5IF108&3JOEJDBUPSXJMMHPPVU t *GUIFNBJOQPXFSTXJUDITIPVMECFUVSOFEPGGPSUIFQPXFSDPSETIPVMECFVOQMVHHFEBDDJEFOUBMMZXIJMFFJUIFS the air inlet fan or the air outlet fans are operating or the lamp is on, allow the projector to cool down for 10 minutes with the power off. To light the lamp again, press the POWER button. If the lamp doesn’t light up immediately, press the POWER button a few minutes later. If it should still fail to light up, replace the lamp. t $PWFSUIFMFOTXJUIUIFMFOTDBQUPQSPUFDUJUGSPNEVTU t PSTBGFUZTTBLF VOQMVHUIFQPXFSDPSEGSPNUIFPVUMFU t 8IFOZPVSFQFBUUVSOJOHPGGUIFNBJOTXJUDIXJUIJONJOVUFTGSPNUIFMBNQJMMVNJOBUJPO BOFSSPSNBZPDDVS in the clock function of this product. Direct Power OFF You can turn off this projector just by turning off the power switch or unplugging the power cord without pressing the POWER button. t %POUTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXIJMFUIF-.1JOEJDBUPSJTCMJOLJOHBGUFSUIFMBNQMJHIUTVQCFDBVTFUIFMBNQTMJGF may be shortened. t %POUUVSOUIFQSPKFDUPSCBDLPOSJHIUBGUFSTIVUUJOHJUEPXOCFDBVTFUIFMBNQTMJGFNBZCFTIPSUFOFE 8BJUBCPVU 10 minutes before turning the projector back on.) t #FGPSFTIVUUJOHEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPS CFTVSFUPDMPTFUIFNFOVTDSFFO*GZPVTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXJUIPVU closing the menu, the setting data of the menu may not be saved. t *GZPVTIVUEPXOUIFQSPKFDUPSXIJMFDPOUSPMMJOHUIFQSPKFDUPSVTJOHUIFOFUXPSLGVODUJPO UIFBQQMJDBUJPOTPGUXBSF such as ProjectorView may fail. The data such as the operating time and temperature display may not be changed. In such a case, close the browser and then start up again. Viewing video images (continued)