Luxeon Projector D520p Specifications
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> Next Gener ation DLP > Na tive X GA (1024 x 7 68) with Brigh t 2000 ANSI > P ictur e-In-P ictur e (PI P) Func tion > Vivid C olor P erformanc e at 15 00 :1 High C ontrast > Horiz ontal and Ver tical > Input Source Suppor t including H DTV and S-video > A uto-Aspec t R atio R ecognition > Ne xt Gener ation DLP > Na tive X GA (1024 x 7 68) with Brigh t 2000 ANSI > P ictur e-In-P ictur e (PI P) Func tion > Vivid C olor P erformanc e at 15 00 :1 High C ontrast > Horiz ontal and Ver tical > Input Source Suppor t including H DTV and S-video > A uto-Aspec t R atio R ecognition TH E DLP D520P>> LU XEON D520P DLP D520P

The DLPAll other trademark s are used with permission or ar e for iden tifica tion purpose only and ar e proper ty of their r espec tive c ompanies. ©2003 Lux eon USA, Corp . All Righ ts Reser ved 1-866 -4-LUXEON w ww.lux eonusa.c om Projec tor Distanc e and Diag onal Screen Size Display Technolog y Resolution C on trast Ratio Brigh tness Color R eproduc tion Projec tion Distanc e Lamp Zoom R atio Aspec t R atio PI P F unc tion Keyst one C orrection Projec tion Method Compa tibility Input/Output T erminals R emote C ontrol F eatur e Sound Output Dimensions ( W x H x D) Weigh t Noise Po w er R equir emen ts Po w er C onsumption Safety C ertifica tion Operation Temper atur e OSD C ontrols OSD Languag es Supplied Accessories Optional Ac cessories W arr anty DLP XG A (1024 x 7 68) Native C olors (S XG A C ompr essed ) 1500 : 1 (Full On/ Off ) 2000 ANSI Lumens 16. 7 Millions (24 bit /pix el) 4.9 f t - 32.8 f t (1.5 - 9.6m) 200 W (lif e 2000 hrs ) 1.2 : 1 4:3 and 16 :9 A utoma tic Recognition Yes ( Video on Da ta) Horizontal +/- 10 degree Ver tical +/- 20 degree Fron t, F ron t C eiling , R ear , R ear C eiling RGB Digital DVI-I RGB Analog IBM P C or C ompa tibles (V G A, SVG A, XGA, SXG A), Apple Mac HDTV Suppor t 480p, 480i, 720p, 1080i (R GB HV) Video NTSC/N TSC 4 .43 , P AL, SEC AM Audio In/ Out 1/8 Ster eo mini jack x2 PC-In D-Sub H D 15 pins x 1 DVI-I In 24 pins x1 Monitor Out D-Sub H D 15 pins x1 Video In RC A jack x1 S- Video In Mini DIN 4 pins x1 USB In Type B r eceptacle Wireless r emote c ontrol with mouse func tion; Laser P ointer; P ow er , Sour ce Selec t, Menu, By Pass for Selec ting the Sour ces thr ough Monit or; Aut o f or adjusting fr equency and phase; Full OSD c ontrol; V olume, Zoom, Keyst one, Blank 2.0 W x 1 mono speak er 11.2 x 3.4 x 8.3 (283mm x 86mm x 220mm) 5.9 lbs < 35 dB 100 -240V AC +/- 10%, 60/50 Hz, auto-ranging (PF C function included ) 270W ( On), 3.5W (Stand-By) FC C, EMI Class B , U L, C-U L, C E/ TU V.C B, C CC 5 C on trast, Brigh tness, K eyst one, V olume (A udio), Horiz ontal P osition, V er tical P osition, T racking , F requency , C olor , T in t, V ideo A GC (Automa tic Gain C ontrol), Digital Z oom, Displa y Mode, OSD Position, Aut o P ow er O ff T imeout, Aut o Imag e On/Off, F ac tor y R ecall, Status, C olor Manag er. English/F rench/ German/Italian/ Spanish/Portuguese /Japanese / Chinese (simplified ) DVI-Analog Video C able, RCA A udio C able, S-Video C able, Pow er C ord, R emote C ontrol with x2 A AA Ba ttery, Quick Star t Guide, Users Manual (Multi-Languag e), So ft C arr ying C ase, Lens C ap DVI Digital C able, Componen t V ideo C able 2-Y ear Standar d (Extended Warr anty A vailable) SPECI FICATIONS Pr ojection Distanc e 4.9 ft. ~ 32.8 f t. (1.5 m ~ 10 .0 m) Specification subjec t t o chang e without prior notic e. En jo y th e im pact o f u lt ra b rig h t a n d v iv id p re se n ta tio n s an ywher e with the Luxeon D520P , a DLP