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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Enterprise Communications Server Release7 Manual
Lucent Technologies Enterprise Communications Server Release7 Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Glossary and Abbreviations 75 The communic ations system itself consists of a d ig ital comp uter, software, storage d evic e, and carriers with sp ec ial hard ware to p erform the c onnec tions. A c ommunic ations system provid es voic e and d ata c ommunic ations services, inc lud ing ac c ess to p ublic and p rivate networks, for telep hones and d ata terminals on a c ustomer’s p remises. See also switc h. confirmation tone A tone c onfirming that feature ac tivation, deactivation, or cancellation has b een ac cep ted . console See attend ant c onsole. COR See Class of Restriction (COR). COS See Class of Servic e (COS). coverage call A call that is automatically red irec ted from the c alled p arty’s extension to an alternate answering p osition when certain coverage c riteria are met. D Direct Extension Selection (DXS) A feature on an attend ant console that allows an attend ant d irec t ac c ess to p hones b y p ressing a group-select button and a DXS button. E external call A connection b etween a c ommunic ations system user and a party on the p ub lic network or on another communications system in a p rivate network. F FA C Feature Ac c ess Cod e facility A telec ommunic ations transmission pathway and associated eq uip ment. feature A sp ec ific ally d efined function or servic e provided by the system. feature button A lab eled b utton on a telephone or attendant c onsole used to acc ess a sp ecific feature.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Glossary and Abbreviations 76 I inside call A call p lac ed from one telephone to another within the loc al c ommunic ations system. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) A pub lic or p rivate network that p rovid es end -to-end d ig ital c ommunic ations for all servic es to whic h users have ac cess by a limited set of stand ard multip urp ose user-network interfaces d efined b y the CCITT. Throug h internationally ac c ep ted stand ard interfac es, ISDN p rovid es dig ital circuit-switc hed or pac ket-switc hed c ommunic ations within the network and links to other ISDNs to p rovid e national and international d igital c ommunic ations. See also Integ rated Servic es Digital Network Primary Rate Interfac e (ISDN-PRI). Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface (ISDN-PRI) The interfac e b etween multip le c ommunic ations systems that in North America inc lud es 24 64-kb p s c hannels, correspond ing to the North Americ an d igital sig nal level-1 (DS1) standard rate of 1.544 Mbp s. The most c ommon arrang ement of channels in ISDN-PRI is 23 64-kbp s B-channels for transmitting voic e and d ata and 1 64-kb p s D-channel for transmitting assoc iated B-c hannel call control and out-of-band sig naling information. With nonfac ility-assoc iated sig naling (NFAS), ISDN-PRI can include 24 B-c hannels and no D-channel. See also Integ rated Servic es Digital Network (ISDN) . intercept tone A tone that ind icates a d ialing error or denial of the service req uested . internal call A connection b etween two users within a system. ISDN trunk A trunk administered for use with ISDN-PRI. Also c alled ISDN fac ility. L line A transmission path b etween a c ommunic ations system or CO switching system and a p hone or other terminal. line appearance See ap p earanc e. LW C Leave Word Calling M multiappearance phone A terminal equipp ed with several call-ap pearance b uttons for the same extension, allowing the user to hand le more than one call on that same extension at the same time.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Glossary and Abbreviations 77 N network A series of p oints, nod es, or stations c onnec ted b y c ommunic ations c hannels. P PBX Private b ranc h exchang e PRI See Primary Rate Interfac e (PRI). Primary Rate Interface (PRI) A stand ard ISDN frame format that sp ecifies the p rotocol used between two or more communications systems. PRI runs at 1.544 Mb p s and , as used in North America, provid es 23 64-kb p s B-c hannels (voice or d ata) and one 64-kb p s D-channel (sig naling ). The D-c hannel is the 24th c hannel of the interfac e and c ontains multip lexed sig naling information for the other 23 channels. principal A terminal that has its p rimary extension b ridg ed on one or more other terminals. principal (user) A person to whom a telephone is assigned and who has message-c enter c overag e. private network A network used exc lusively for the telec ommunications need s of a p artic ular c ustomer. public network The network that c an b e op enly acc essed by all c ustomers for loc al and long -d istanc e calling . Q queue An ordered sequence of calls waiting to be processed. S SAC Send All Calls simulated bridged appearance The same as a temporary b ridg ed ap pearanc e; allows the terminal user (usually the princip al) to b rid g e onto a c all that had b een answered b y another party on his or her behalf.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Glossary and Abbreviations 78 single-line phone A phone served b y a single-line tip and ring circuit (mod els 500, 2500, 7101A, 7103A). split See AD. status lamp A g reen lig ht that shows the status of a c all ap pearanc e or a feature b utton b y the state of the lig ht (lit, flashing , fluttering , b roken flutter, or unlit). switch Any kind of telep hone switc hing system. See also c ommunic ations system. switchhook The buttons loc ated und er the rec eiver on a phone. system administrator The person who maintains overall c ustomer resp onsib ility for system ad ministration. Generally, all ad ministration func tions are p erformed from the Manag ement Terminal. The switc h requires a sp ecial log in, referred to as the system ad ministrator login, to gain acc ess to system-administration c ap abilities. T TAAS Trunk Answer from Any Station terminal A devic e that sends and receives d ata within a system. See also administration terminal. U Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) A feature that allows a uniq ue 4- or 5-d ig it number assig nment for eac h terminal in a multiswitc h config uration such as a DCS or main-satellite-trib utary system.

Index 79 DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 IN Index Numerics 302A/B c onsole d iag ram,6 302C console diagram,7 A abbreviated dialing,30 see speed dialing,30accessing individual operators,55ac tivating d on’t sp lit see d on’t sp lit ,54ac tivating the c onsole,24alarm lamp,10 alarm rep orted lamp,10maintenanc e c ommunic ations,10alarms alarm rep orted lamp ,10alarm, maintenanc e required,10alphanumeric display call purpose ,16call status,17c alling p rivileg es,16 c over msg rt button,13d ate time b utton,13delete msg,14 incoming c all button,14inspect mode button,13intgrtd directory,14 make c all button,14next b utton,14normal mod e b utton,13 stored numb er b uttons,14timer button,13answering emergency calls,27 atnd lamp,8attend ant b ac kup,35 see b ac king up the c onsole,35attend ant c all waiting,43see using c all waiting,43 attend ant c onference,31see connecting multiple callers,31attend ant c ontrol of trunk g roup acc ess,50, 72 see c ontrolling ac cess to outsid e lines,50attend ant d irec t trunk group selection,52see c hoosing outsid e lines,52 attend ant intrusion,45see interrupting a call,45attend ant loc kout,32 see loc king out the operator,32attend ant overrid e of d iversion features,46see overrid ing d iversion features,46

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Index 80 attend ant recall,32 see recalling the operator,32attend ant serial calling,49see p lac ing a series of c alls,49 auto start,24, 29automatic alternate routing and automatic route selec tion,52see c hoosing the b est route for c alls,52 B b ac king up the c onsole,35b ranch loc ations,66 busy lamp,7b usy lamp field (BLF),19b uttons cancel ,10c over msg rt,13d ate time,13 delete msg,14feature b utton area,12incoming c all,14 insp ect mod e,13intgrtd directory,14make c all,14 next,14normal mod e,13release,10 start,10stored numb er,14timer,13 C call ap pearance b utton,8call ap pearance b uttons,8 atnd lamp,8call ap pearnc e b uttons hold lamp,8 call coverage,35see c overing c alls from the console,35 c all forward ing all c alls,36, 72see forward ing all c alls,36call park,37 see parking calls,37call p roc essing ind ic ators alarm lamp,10 alarm rep orted lamp,10c all waiting lamp,10c alls waiting warning,11 individ ual calls waiting lamp,11p os avail lamp,11call purpose,16 call p urp ose id entifiers,16call status,17call status id entifiers,18

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Index 81 call waiting warning,11 called -party identification,15caller information,14call-handling buttons cancel ,10release,10start,10 calling other console op erators,57calling p rivileg e identifiers,16calls waiting lamp,10 cancel b utton,10cancelling CAS calls,69CAS alphanumeric d isp lay,66 CAS b ackup servic e,68CAS night service,68using multi-line p hones,68 CAS night service operations,68CAS tones,66chime pag ing,39 choosing outsid e lines,52choosing the best route for calls,52cleaning the console,72 clocked manual override,62code calling access,39see chime paging,39 c ommerc ial p ower failure,72conferenc e c alls,26connec ting c allers,26 connec ting multip le c allers,31console 302A/B,5, 6 302C,5, 7ac tivating the,24c leaning the,72 d eac tivating the,24layout,5selector console area,19 testing the 302A/B,71testing the 302C,72tones,21 control lamp,8controlled restric tions,52, 72restricting c alls,52 controlling acc ess to outsid e lines,50conventions used in d oc ument,2 cover msg rt b utton,13c overing c alls from the c onsole,35crisis alert,48 p rovid ing emerg enc y notific ation to the op erator,48see emergency notification to d ig ital telep hones,46sing le user responds,47 D d ate time b utton,13d eactivating the console,24 delete msg button,14

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Index 82 d ialing keyp ad area,9 d irect extension selection (DXS),19display,12c alled-p arty id entific ation,15 c aller information,14diagram,12d on’t split,54 E emerg enc y c alls,27emerg enc y notific ation every user resp ond s ,46excep tions transferring,26 extension numb er status,20 F feature access codes,29 feature button area, d iag ram,12forward ing all c alls,36 H hold,31placing calls on,26hold lamp,8 hold-automatic,31see hold ing calls automatically,31holding c alls automatic ally,31 hundreds group select (HGS),19 I immed iate manual overrid e,61inc oming call b utton,14ind ivid ual attendant ac cess,55 ac cessing ind ivid ual operators,55ind ivid ual c alls waiting,11insp ec t b utton,13 integrated directory,56using the internal d irec tory,56Inter-PBX attend ant c alls,57 c alling other c onsole op erators,57interrup ting a c all,45intgrtd directory button,14

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Index 83 L lamp -test switc h,6 leave word calling,57leaving messag es,57leaving messages,57 loc king out the op erator,32loudspeaker paging,41paging with voice paging,41 loudspeaker paging access — deluxe,33, 42paging with deluxe voice paging,33, 42 M make call b utton,14messag e retrieval,58retrieving messag es,58 multi-line p hone hand ling,68multip le listed d irec tory numb ers,35routing c alls throug h the operator,35 N next b utton,14nig ht servic e,59, 72 using night service,59normal mod e,14call purpose,16 call status,17c alled-p arty id entific ation,15c aller information,14 c alling p rivileg es,16incoming c all button,14normal mod e button,13 normal mod e d isp lays,14 O outsid e line buttons busy lamp,7outsid e lines b uttons control lamp ,8diagram,8warning lamp,8 overrid ing d iversion features,46 P paging with deluxe voice paging,33, 42

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Console Operations 555-230-700 Issue 4 June 1999 Index 84 paging with voice paging,41 parking calls,37p lacing a series of calls,49p lacing c alls on hold,26 p lacing remote-hold calls,68pos avail,11p osition availab le, see pos avail,11 principal,23p rincip al console,23p rovid ing emerg enc y ac cess to the operator,48 p rovid ing emerg enc y notification to the op erator,48 R rec alling the op erator,32 release b utton,10remote hold,68, 69, 70restric ting c alls,52 retrieving messag es,58ring er volume,18ring ing and tones d esc riptions,21 ring ing desc riptions,21routing calls ec onomically,60c loc ked manual overrid e,62 immed iate manual overrid e,61routing calls throug h the op erator,35 S sec urity measures,2selec t b utton,7selec tor c onsole area,19 diagram,20sing le-line p hone nig ht servic e,70speed dialing,30 sp lit-swap,44start b utton,10stored number button,14 system user c alling privileg es,16 T terminating a call release b utton,10testing facilities,55 testing the 302A/B console,71testing the 302C c onsole,72time-of-day routing,60 c loc ked manual overrid e,62immed iate manual overrid e,61routing c alls economic ally,60 timer select b utton,7