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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual

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Page 151

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-17 Automated Attendant Examples 
This utility searc hes auto attend ant menus to verify that eac h mentioned  auto attend ant 
mailb ox exists and  that the nec essary personal g reeting (s) have b een rec ord ed. The 
program keep s testing  nested  mailboxes until they have all b een tested . As it works, it 
disp lays the results of the searc h. The information you enter on this sc reen determines how 

Page 152

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-18 Automated Attendant Examples 
Switc h administration d etermines the c irc umstanc es for routing c alls to the main 
attend ant’s extension. For examp le, the switc h c ould  b e ad ministered  to route all 
inc oming  c alls to this extension instead  of to a rec ep tionist, or to route c alls to this 
extension only after normal b usiness hours or d uring  b usy p eriods when the 
volume of inc oming...

Page 153

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-19 Automated Attendant Examples 
Setting Up Nested Attendants
A nested  attend ant is an attend ant that is invoked by another attend ant. The 
nested  attend ant also may b e a main attend ant; that is, the extension c an b e 
reac hed direc tly b y internal and  external c allers who d ial the extension number 
For examp le, c allers who d ial the ac c ounting  d epartment’s extension d irec tly 

Page 154

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-20 Automated Attendant Examples 
Setting Up Shared Extensions
Several subsc rib ers sharing  a sing le p hone (shared  extensions) req uire that the 
DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovid e a simp le method for the c alling  p arty to leave a 
messag e for the c alled extension (any of the users) or for a sp ec ific  ind ivid ual. An 
automated  attend ant c an hand le this task b y p rovid ing c allers with op tions to...

Page 155

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-21 Automated Attendant Examples 
If someone c alls the information d esk and  the telep hone is not answered  or is 
b usy, the c all is routed  to the DEFINITY AUDIX system automated  attend ant. The 
automated  attend ant in this examp le p romp ts c allers to leave a messag e for the 
information d esk or for one of the ind ividuals who staff the d esk. 
If the c aller selec ts an individ ual (b utton 2 or 3...

Page 156

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-22 Automated Attendant Examples 
Another examp le of a non-resid ent sub sc rib er is an outsid e salesman who need s 
to rec eive messag es from c lients. To ac c ommodate this typ e of user, an 
automated  attend ant c an b e set up  to move c allers d irec tly to non-resid ent 
sub sc rib er mailboxes. The c aller would  need  to know only the numb er of the 
automated  attend ant and  the non-resid ent sub sc...

Page 157

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-23 Automated Attendant Examples 
Name Addressing
The automated  attend ant c an b e ad ministered  to use name ad d ressing . For 
examp le, the automated attend ant c ould  g reet c allers with the following: 
“ Thank you for c alling  ABC Comp any.”
“To leave a message for one of our sales agents, please enter
his or her name starting  with the last name.”
To administer name ad d ressing , enter name in the Ad...

Page 158

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-24 Automated Attendant Examples 
In this examp le, the automated  attend ant would  p romp t the c aller to p ress the 
ap p rop riate b utton to hear a b ulletin b oard  messag e. Callers are not allowed  to 
use *T c all transfer from this attendant sinc e it is d enied  on the Sub sc rib er
sc reen. In ad d ition, if the c aller in this examp le d oes nothing  for five sec ond s, 
s/he is asked to leave a...

Page 159

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-25 Automated Attendant Examples 
For examp le, you c ould  d efine the following  g reeting s for the automated  
attend ant: 
1. For all external c alls, the g reeting  is: 
“ Thank you for c alling  Smith and  Jones.”
“ To transfer to a sp ec ific  extension, enter that extension.”
“To reach the sales d ep artment, p ress 1.”  
“ To reac h the ac c ounting  d ep artment, p ress 2.”  
“ To reac h the p ersonnel...

Page 160

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Automated Attendant 
9-26 Automated Attendant Examples 
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