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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Manual

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Page 441

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Report4-133
Avg Inbound 
Trunk Hold TimeAverage holding time for all incoming calls that 
completed during the specified time period. 
Average holding time includes time in vector 
processing, in queue, ringing, talking, and 
holding.INTIME / INCALLS; 

Inbound CCS Total trunk occupancy by incoming calls during 
the specified time period.I_INOCC / 100
Outbound Calls  Total number of all outgoing calls carried by this 
trunk that completed...

Page 442

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Report4-134
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Trunk Group Report 
OverviewThe Trunk Group report summarizes the incoming and outgoing traffic of 
every trunk in a trunk group for the specified time period. You could use...

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  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Report4-135
Trunk Group report
exampleThe following figure provides an example of the Trunk Group report.
Trunk Group report
descriptionThe following table describes the report fields.
Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or 

Date, Week 
starting, Month 
startingDay, week, or month for which the report was run 
(selected in the report input window). ROW_DATE 
Trunk Group 
NameTrunk group name or number for which...

Page 444

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Report4-136
Avg Inbound 
Trunk Hold Tim eAverage holding time for all incoming calls that 
completed during the time period. Average 
holding time includes time in vector processing, 
in queue, ringing, talking, and on hold.sum(  INTIME)/sum(  INCALLS)  

Inbound CCS Total trunk occupancy by incoming calls during 
the specified time period.sum(I_INOCC)/100
Outbound Calls Number of outbound calls that were carried by 
this trunk that...

Page 445

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Summary Report4-137
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Trunk Group Summary Report 
OverviewThe Trunk Group Summary report shows the level of incoming and 
outgoing call traffic for an individual trunk group. You could use...

Page 446

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Summary Report4-138
Trunk Group Summary
report exampleThe following figure provides an example of the Trunk Group Summary 
Trunk Group Summary
report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields.
Report Heading Description Database Item, Calculation, or 

Trunk Group 
Name:Name or number of the trunk group for which 
the report was requested.syn(TKGRP)
Number of 
trunks:Number of trunks in the trunk group....

Page 447

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Summary Report4-139
Other Calls Number of inbound calls that were not 
answered as ACD calls or abandoned. This 
includes calls that were forced busy, 
disconnected, answered extension-in calls, 
calls outflowed off the switch, short inbound 
calls, and calls with unknown dispositions.sum(OTHERCALLS)
Avg Inbound 
Trunk Hold TimeAverage trunk holding time for all incoming calls 
that completed during the period. This is the 

Page 448

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Trunk Group Summary Report4-140
% All Trunks 
BusyPercentage of time that all trunks were busy 
during the specified time period.For interval
100*sum(ALLINUSETIME) / 
sum(INTRVL*60) For daily: 
For weekly: 
For monthly: 

% Maint Busy Percentage of time that trunks were out of 
service for maintenance during the specified 
time period.for interval: 
100*sum(MBUSYTIME) / 
For daily: 
For weekly: 

Page 449

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
VDN Reports4-141
VDN Reports
PurposeThis section describes VDN reports.
OrganizationThis following topics are described:
•General Information About VDN Reports
•VDN Reports Selector Window...

Page 450

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
General Information About VDN Reports4-142
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................General Information About VDN Reports
What a VDN Report
containsThe VDN reports give you the following specific information about VDNs 
and vectors: 
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