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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Manual

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Page 321

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Attendance Report4-13
AUX Time The total time that the agent spent in AUX work in 
all splits/skills and on AUXIN/AUXOUT calls for 
the specified time period. sum(TI_AUXTIME) 
ACD Calls The total number of split/skill and direct agent 
ACD calls answered by the agent. sum(ACDCALLS + 
Extn In Calls The number of inbound extension calls 
completed by the agent during the period 
covered. This includes calls received...

Page 322

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Event Count Report4-14
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Agent Event Count Report 
OverviewThe Agent Event Count report shows the total number of times that an 
individual agent pressed an Event Count (sometimes referred to as...

Page 323

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Event Count Report4-15
Agent Event Count
report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields:
Field Description Database Item, Calculation, or 
Date, Week 
Starting, or 
Month StartingThe day, week, or month for which the report ran. 
You can make these selections in the report input 
window. ROW_DATE 
Agent Name The name or login ID of the agent. You can make 
this selection in the report input window. syn(LOGID)
ACD  The...

Page 324

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Graphical Time Spent Daily Report4-16
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Agent Graphical Time Spent Daily Report 
OverviewThis report shows historical information and statistics for the specified 
Things to know about...

Page 325

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Graphical Time Spent Daily Report4-17
Agent Graphical Time
Spent Daily report
exampleThe following figure provides an example of an Agent Graphical Time 
Spent report. 
Agent Graphical Time
Spent Daily report
descriptionThe following table describes the report fields:
Field Description Database Item, Calculation, or 
Agent: The name (or agent login ID if the names have 
not been assigned in Dictionary) of the agent. syn(LOGID) 

Page 326

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Graphical Time Spent Daily Report4-18
ACW The time during the collection interval that the 
agent was in after call work (ACW). This includes 
ACW for split/skill ACD calls and ACW not 
associated with the call. sum() 
AUX The time during the collection interval that the 
agent was in the AUX work state in all splits/skills 
RINGING The time during the collection interval that the 

Page 327

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Graphical Time Spent Daily Report4-19
OTHER The time during the collection interval that the 
agent was doing other work in all splits/skills. For 
Generic 3 switches, while in Auto-in or Man-In: 
the agent put any call on hold and performed no 
further action, the agent dialed to place a call or 
to activate a feature, or an extension call rang 
with no other activity. For all switches, 
TI_OTHERTIME is collected for the time period...

Page 328

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Group Attendance Report4-20
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Agent Group Attendance Report 
OverviewThe Agent Group Attendance report summarizes staffed time, ACD time, 
ACW time, AUX time, time in the ringing state, extension...

Page 329

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Group Attendance Report4-21
Agent Group Attendance
report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields:
Field Description Database Item, Calculation, or 
Date, Week 
Starting, or 
Month Starting The day, week, or month for which the report ran. 
You can make these selections in the report input 
window. ROW_DATE 
Agent Group The name of the group of agents. You can make 
this selection in the report input window. No...

Page 330

  Historical Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Agent Group Attendance Report4-22
ACD Calls  The total number of split/skill and direct agent 
ACD calls answered by the agents in this group 
that completed during the specified time period.sum(ACDCALLS + 
Extn In Calls The number of inbound extension calls that were 
completed by the agent during the period 
covered. This includes calls received while the 
agent was in the following work modes: 
•Auto-In or Manual-In...
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