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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Reports Manual

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Graphical Information Report3-21
 AUX The total time during the collection interval that the 
agent was in the AUX work state in all splits/skills or 
 RINGING The time during the collection interval that the agent 
had split/skill and direct agent ACD calls ringing.sum(I_RINGTIME)
 OTHER The time during the collection interval that the agent 
was doing other work in all splits/skills. For Generic 

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Other Reports3-22
Other Reports
PurposeThis section discusses other reports.
Organization of this
sectionThis section contains the following topics:
•General Information About Other Reports...

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
General Information About Other Reports3-23
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................General Information About Other Reports
What Other reports
containThe Real-Time Other reports give you the following specific information 
•A summary...

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Event Count Summary Report3-24
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Event Count Summary Report
OverviewThe Event Count Summary report displays the number of times during 
the current interval that an agent in a split/skill pressed any of...

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Event Count Summary Report3-25
Event Count Summary
input fieldsThe following table describes the input fields on real-time Event Count 
Summary report input windows:
Event Count Summary
report exampleThe following figure provides an example of the Event Count Summary 
report: Field Definition
Split/Skill: Fill in the split or skill name or number for which you want to run the 
report. You can enter a split/skill name only if the name has been...

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Event Count Summary Report3-26
Event Count Summary
report descriptionThe following table describes the report fields:
HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation,  
 Split/Skill The name or number of the split(s)/skill(s) that is 
selected for this report.syn(SPLIT) 
 Agents Staffed The total number of agents that are logged into 
each split/skill. STAFFED 
 Agent Name The name(s) of the agent(s) assigned to this split/
skill and...

Page 157

  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Multi-ACD Report3-27
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Multi-ACD Report
OverviewThis report displays real-time call-handling information. This information 
can be requested simultaneously for up to eight splits/skills and up to 

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Multi-ACD Report3-28
Multi-ACD report input
windowThe following figure shows an example of the Multi-ACD Report input 
window. You must fill in the report input window to run the report. 

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Multi-ACD Report3-29
Multi-ACD report Input
FieldsThe following table describes the input fields on real-time Multi-ACD 
report input windows:
Field Definition
First through Eighth ACD: Fill in the names or numbers of the First through Eighth 
ACD(s) for which you want to run the report. You can 
enter an ACD name only if the name has been defined 
in Dictionary.
Split/Skill: Fill in the names or numbers of the Split/Skill(s) for 
which you want...

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  Real-Time Reports CentreVu®  Supervisor Version 8 Reports
Multi-ACD Report3-30
Multi-ACD report
exampleThe following figure provides an example of the Multi-ACD report:
Multi-ACD report
descriptionThe following table describes the report fields:
HeadingDescription Database Item, Calculation, 
 Split/Skill The name(s) or number(s) of the splits/skills 
selected for this report. syn(SPLIT) 
 ACD The name or number of the ACD for which the 
data was selected. syn(ACD)
Skill State The current...
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