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Lucent Technologies BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum
Lucent Technologies BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum
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Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 2-1 Overview 2 BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 2 2Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System Overview The Messag ing 2000 (M2000) System p rovid es Voic e Mail servic es for the MERLIN Leg end Communic ation System. The system is PC b ased and utilizes the IBM OS-2 op erating system. The system is c onnec ted to the Leg end system via line-sid e VMI p orts. These p orts allow ac c ess to the voic e mailb oxes assoc iated with eac h PBX sub sc rib er. Maintaining Message 2000 System Security The M2000 system inc lud es features that c an enhanc e the sec urity of the M2000 system. It is rec ommend ed that the end -user review the following sec urity measures and implement them as ap p rop riate. nPreventing Callers from Transferring to Extensions Not Assig ned M2000 Sys t e m M a il b o xe s On some p hone systems, c allers c an transfer to a system extension and then use that extension to ac c ess an outsid e line. This is most relevant for M2000 ports used for outc alls for networking or messag e notific ation to a b eep er. By p reventing c allers from ac c essing system extensions not assig ned M2000 system mailb oxes, the risk of outsid e c allers ac c essing an outsid e line may b e red uc ed . Setting the following p arameters on the Invalid Mailb ox tab in System Setup c an p revent c allers from ac c essing non-assigned extensions. — Transfer Invalid Mailb oxes During Hours — Transfer Invalid Mailb oxes After Hours

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 2-2 Maintaining Message 2000 System Security 2 When these p arameters are d isab led , c allers d ialing an extension that has not b een assig ned an M2000 mailbox will hear, “ Mailb ox numb er is not valid . Please redial the numb er of the p erson you are c alling .” NOTE: It is rec ommend ed that these p arameters are set to d isab le transfer to invalid mailb oxes. nImp eding Callers from Ac c essing the Quic k Assist Maintenanc e Mailb ox When Quic k Assist is run in Rec over Mod e, the system c an automatic ally assign messages with invalid header information to a default mailbox. This allows the system manag er to then c op y the messag es to the c orrec t sub sc rib er mailbox. The d efault for this maintenanc e mailb ox is the last mailb ox numb er availab le on the system. For examp le, on an M2000 system with 4-d ig it mailb oxes, mailbox 9999 is used . Sinc e it is easier for an outsid e c aller attemp ting to g ain unauthorized mailb ox ac c ess to g uess a mailb ox numb er suc h as 9999, it is rec ommend ed that the system mailb ox in whic h unattac hed messag es will b e p lac ed , b e sp ec ified explic itly. In ad d ition, it is strong ly rec ommend ed that this mailb ox b e assig ned a long p assword that c ould not easily b e g uessed b y an outsid e c aller attemp ting to ac c ess the system. When Quic k Assist is run in Rec over Mod e from the Quic k Assist ic on in the Luc ent folder, use the “ Mailb ox to Rec eive Unattac hed Messages” field on the Rec over Files d ialog b ox to spec ify a mailb ox in whic h to p lac e messag es with invalid head er information. When Quick Assist is run from the \CVR p romp t or in b atc h mod e as p art of reg ular system maintenanc e, sp ec ify this mailb ox b y inc lud ing the -M n p arameter, where n ind ic ates the numb er of the mailb ox to b e used , in the Quic k Assist c ommand line. nAssig ning Rand omly Generated Password s to M2000 System Mailb oxes During System Setup , M2000 allows selec tion of the typ e of p assword assig ned to new system mailboxes. You may assig n the same d efault p assword to all new mailb oxes, or not req uire a p assword , or have the M2000 system automatic ally assig n a random p assword to eac h new mailb ox. For sec urity p urp oses, it is rec ommend ed that rand om password assig nment b e used . This makes it muc h more d iffic ult for a c aller to g uess a mailb ox’s p assword . When rand om password assig nment is used , the M2000 system d isp lays the p assword s assig ned to the new mailb oxes when they are c reated . nReq uiring Password s at Least 1 Dig it Long er than Mailb ox Numb ers The long er the p assword s assig ned to system mailb oxes, the hard er it is for a c aller to g uess them. The Minimum Leng th of Password p arameter on the Sub sc rib er p arameters tab in the System Setup utility allows you to set the least number of digits required in a mailbox password. It is rec ommend ed that this p arameter b e set to at least 1 d igit hig her than the leng th of the system’s mailb ox numb ers. For examp le, if the system uses 4-d ig it mailboxes, it is rec ommend ed that the Minimum Leng th of

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 2-3 Maintaining Message 2000 System Security 2 Password p arameter b e set to at least 5. Note that the leng th of this p arameter must b e set to b alanc e system sec urity ag ainst ease of use for the sub sc rib ers. Setting this p arameter too hig h may make it d iffic ult for system sub sc rib ers to rememb er their p assword s. nRequiring Subscribers to Regularly Change Their Passwords The requirement that subscribers regularly change their passwords helps p revent outsid e c allers from d etermining sub sc rib er p assword s and g aining unauthorized acc ess to system mailb oxes. The Days Before Forc ed Password Change p arameter on the Sub sc rib er tab in System Setup should be used to spec ify the req uired internal b efore sub sc rib ers are req uired to c hang e their mailb ox p assword s. When this parameter is enab led , subsc rib ers must c hang e their p assword the first time they log into their mailb oxes and after the numb er of sp ec ified d ays exp ires b efore they c an p roc eed to the main menu. nMonitoring Uninitialized Mailb oxes If the Days Before Forc ed Password Chang e parameter in System Setup is d isab led , sub sc rib ers are not req uired to c hang e their p assword s. This c an make it easier for a c aller to g uess a sub sc rib er’s p assword, esp ec ially if a d efault p assword is used for all mailb oxes instead of rand omly assig ned p assword s for eac h mailb ox. The Uninitialized Mailb ox rep ort lists all mailb oxes for which the p assword has not yet b een c hanged from the initially assig ned p assword . It is rec ommend ed that this rep ort b e regularly reviewed to d etermine whic h sub sc rib ers have not yet c hang ed their p assword s. Sub sc rib ers should b e reminded that they should c hang e their p assword s reg ularly to p revent anyone b ut themselves from ac c essing their mailb oxes. If it is found that many subsc ribers are not c hanging their p asswords, the Days Before Forc ed Password Chang e p arameter in the System Setup utility should b e enab led to req uire them to reg ularly c hang e their p assword s. nU s in g Ex t e n d e d Pa s sw o rd Se c u r it y Extend ed p assword sec urity req uires sub sc rib ers to p ress the “ #” key after entering their p assword s to ac c ess their mailb oxes. If sub sc rib ers d o not p ress the “ #” key, the system p auses b efore allowing mailbox ac c ess. The Enab le Extend ed Password Sec urity parameter on the Sub sc rib er tab in System Setup d etermines whether the system waits for the sub sc rib er to p ress “ #” or allows immed iate mailb ox ac c ess after suc c essful p assword entry. This p arameter help s p revent unauthorized users from d etermining the numb er of d ig its in M2000 system mailbox password s. NOTE: It is rec ommend ed that this feature b e enab led .

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 2-4 Maintaining Message 2000 System Security 2 nProvid ing Notific ation of Unsuc c essful Mailb ox Login Attemp ts The M2000 system c an send voic e notific ation to sub sc rib ers when one or more unsuc c essful log in attemp ts have been mad e to their mailb oxes. This feature informs sub sc rib ers that someone may have attemp ted to g ain unauthorized ac c ess to their mailb oxes. The Failed Log in Notific ation op tion on the Class of Servic e d ialog b ox determines whether this feature is enabled. The Failed Login Notify option on the Sub sc rib er Setting s d ialog b ox c ontrols this feature b y ind ivid ual mailb ox. When an unsuc c essful log in attempt oc c urs, it is rec ommend ed that the sub sc rib er c hang e their mailb ox p assword immed iately and notify the system manag er of the attemp ted log in. NOTE: It is rec ommend ed that this feature b e enab led for all mailb oxes. nLoc king Sub sc rib er Mailb oxes After Unsuc c essful Login Attemp ts The M2000 system can lock a mailbox when a caller attempting to log into the mailb ox is d isc onnec ted after entering the inc orrec t p assword a sp ec ified numb er of times. A loc ked mailb ox p revents any c aller, inc lud ing the sub sc rib er, from log ging into the mailb ox until the system manag er manually unloc ks the mailb ox. Mailbox Lock-Out Option on the Class of Service dialog box determines whether this feature is enab led . The Mailb ox Loc k-Out op tion on the Sub sc rib er Setting s d ialog b ox c ontrols this feature by ind ivid ual mailb ox. The Consec utive Login Failures Before Loc k-Out p arameter on the Sub sc rib er Parameters tab in System Setup d etermines the number of failed log in attempts allowed b efore the mailb ox is loc ked , if the Mailb ox Loc k-Out op tion is enab led for the mailb ox. NOTE: It is rec ommend ed that this feature b e enab led for all mailb oxes. nMonitoring Failed Login Attempts The Login Failure report provides a list of all unsuccessful login attempts to system mailb oxes. This report should b e reviewed p eriod ic ally to d etermine if there are a lot of failed log in attempts to a p artic ular mailbox and when the failed attemp ts oc c ur. A hig h numb er of failed log in attemp ts may ind ic ate the mailb ox owner req uires ad d itional training or that an unauthorized user is attemp ting to g ain ac c ess to the mailb ox. nHaving Sub sc rib ers Rec ord Their Name Promp ts When sub sc rib ers rec ord their Name promp ts, those p romp ts are voic ed as c onfirmation to c allers send ing messag es to system mailb oxes. This ensures that messag es will b e sent to the c orrec t mailboxes. If a Name p rompt is not rec ord ed for a sub sc rib er mailbox, only the mailb ox numb er is voic ed to c allers sending messages to that mailb ox.

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 2-5 Maintaining Message 2000 System Security 2 nDeleting Unused Mailboxes Immediately If a mailb ox is no longer b eing used , it is rec ommend ed that the mailb ox b e immed iately d eleted from the M2000 system. This will p revent anyone from g aining unauthorized system ac c ess throug h the mailb ox. If a mailbox is being reassigned to a new mailbox owner, it is strongly rec ommend ed that the mailb ox b e d eleted , then re-c reated . nReq uiring Callers to Enter Passwords to Proc eed in V-Trees If V-Trees are used to d istribute or c ollec t sensitive information, suc h as p ric ing d ata or c ustomer d ata, it is strong ly rec ommend ed that you use the Require Password to Proc eed to Next Level op tion. This op tion requires c allers to a V-Tree to correctly enter a predefined password b efore they are allowed to p roc eed in the V-Tree. You c an use this op tion on multip le levels to p rotec t ind ivid ual op tions, or it c an b e used on the first level of the V-Trees to limit ac c ess to the entire V-Tree. This ensures that only authorized c allers c an g ain ac c ess to the information p rovid ed in the V-Tree. nSec uring the M2000 System PC It is imp erative that the M2000 system PC b e p rotec ted from unauthorized system manag ement ac c ess. Unauthorized ac c ess to the M2000 system PC could result in system setup chang es, loss of mailb oxes and messag es, and d atabase c orrup tion. The b est way to p revent unauthorized system manag ement ac c ess to the M2000 system PC is to store the PC in a sec ure area, suc h as a loc ked room. If the M2000 system PC c annot b e stored in a sec ure area, the b uilt-in PC sec urity features, suc h as p assword s, must b e used to p rovid e a d eg ree of p rotec tion. Refer to your PC d oc umentation for information on sec urity features available on the PC. Note that b efore imp lementing sec urity features on the PC, a Luc ent tec hnic al sup p ort rep resentative should b e c ontac ted to assure that these features will not d isrup t M2000 system p erformanc e. nUtilizing Phone System Sec urity Features Luc ent Communic ation systems have sec urity features that allow one to help p revent unauthorized ac c ess to system p orts. A Luc ent system rep resentative should b e c ontac ted to determine what sec urity features are availab le for the Merlin Leg end system and how to implement them. nUsing Supervisor Password s to Restrict System Manag ement Acc ess Ac c ess to M2000 system manag ement features is p assword -protec ted . There are two levels of system manag er p assword s. Level 2 ac c ess allows a system manag er to c reate, ed it, and d elete mailb oxes; ac c ess reports and system statistic s; c reate and sp ec ify p rompts; maintain network nod es; and c reate V-Trees. Level 3 ac c ess allows a system manag er to p erform all level 2 tasks, to set system p arameters using the System Setup module, configure greetings by port, modify classes of service, and c onfig ure multiling ual M2000 systems.

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 2-6 Security Recommendations for Remote Access 2 It is rec ommend ed that at least a 6-dig it p assword b e used for b oth the level 2 and level 3 p assword s. The long er the level 2 and level 3 p assword s, the more d iffic ult it b ec omes for someone to g uess them. It is also rec ommend ed that all sup ervisor p assword s b e c hang ed on a reg ular b asis to further p rotec t ag ainst unauthorized system manag er ac c ess. nUsing the Auto Log off Feature to Restric t System Manag ement Ac c ess The M2000 system’s “ auto log off feature” allows one to spec ify the maximum amount of time a system management session c an remain inac tive b efore the M2000 system automatic ally logs out that user and terminates the session. This feature help s p revent unauthorized system manag er ac c ess. To set the auto log off, the numb er of minutes of inac tivity allowed b efore log off must b e entered in the “ Log off In_____ Minutes” field on the Sup ervisor Password d ialog b ox when log g ing into the system. Security Recommendations for Remote Access Remote ac c ess to the system should b e sec ured via the following g uid elines: nAll remote ac c ess logins to the system must b e ad ministered to req uire the use of a sec ond ary p assword nThe end -user must p eriod ic ally/freq uently c hang e all sec ond ary passwords. After changing the secondary passwords, the end-user should notify the ap p rop riate Luc ent supp ort org anization(s) that the p assword s have b een c hanged . n The mod em c onnec tion to the system should b e “ d isab led ” when it is not req uired for use b y b enefit p ersonnel. This c onnec tion should b e enab led only b y the system administrator on an “ as need ed” b asis.

New and Updated Security Checklists 3-1 Overview 3 BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 3 3New and Updated Security Checklists Overview The following c hec klists d esc rib e sec urity features for a new Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p rod uc t, the Messag ing 2000 Voic e Mail System, and up d ates the sec urity feature c hec klist for several PARTNER c ommunic ations systems and PARTNER mail systems. NOTE: The c hec klists p rovid e sp ac e for marking the features as you c omplete them and for writing notes if nec essary.

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-2 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 3 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System See also the g eneral sec urity c hec klist for all BCS Prod uc ts in the BC S Pro d u c t s Sec urity Handb ook , 555-025-600, Ap p end ix H, and see the sec urity list for the host c ommunic ations system. C us tom er : _________________________________________ PBX Typ e: _________________________________________ Loc ati on: _________________________________________ N ew Ins tal l: _________________________________________ Sys tem U p g r ad e: _________________________________________ Por t A d d i tio ns : _________________________________________ Table 3-1. Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System Y/N 1Note N/A System Administration Passwords [ Req uired ] Set the Minimum Leng th of Password p arameter on the Sub sc rib er tab in System Setup at least 1 d ig it hig her than the numb er of d ig its system mailb oxes. [ Req uired ] Set the Days Before Forc ed Password Change p arameter on the Sub sc rib er tab in System Setup to req uire sub sc rib ers to reg ularly c hang e their mailbox passwords. The rec ommend ed setting is a value from 182 to 365. [ Req uired ] Use at least 6-d ig it level 2 and level 3 sup ervisor p assword s to p revent unauthorized system manag er ac cess.

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-3 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 3 [ Req uired ] All remote ac c ess logins to the system must b e ad ministered to req uire the use of a sec ond ary p assword . [ Rec ommend ed] Use the Rand omly Generated method of assigning passwords to new mailb oxes. [ Rec ommend ed] Reg ularly monitor the Uninitialized Mailb ox rep ort to d etermine if subsc rib ers have changed their mailboxes p assword s. Remind sub scrib ers that have not initialized their mailb oxes that they should c hange their p asswords immed iately to p revent unauthorized ac c ess to their mailb oxes. [ Rec ommend ed] Ac tivate the Enab le Password Sec urity p arameter on the Sub sc rib er tab in System Setup to req uire sub sc rib ers to p ress the “ #” key after they finish entering their p assword s. [ Rec ommend ed] Write d own level 2 and level 3 p assword s and keep them in a sec ure plac e. [ Rec ommend ed] Notify the loc al servic e p rovid er of any c hang es to level 2 or level 3 sup ervisor p assword s in case remote maintenance is req uired. Log in Attemp ts [ Req uired ] Enab le the Failed Log in Notific ation in sub sc ribers’ c lasses of servic e and the Failed Log in Notify op tion on the Sub sc rib er Setting s d ialog b ox so the system notifies sub sc rib ers when one or more unsuc c essful log in attempts are mad e to their mailb oxes. Table 3-1. Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-4 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 3 [ Req uired ] Set the Consec utive Log in Failures Before Loc k-Out p arameter on the Sub sc rib er tab in System Setup to sp ec ify how many unsuc c essful log in attemp ts are allowed before mailboxes are loc ked . [ Req uired ] Enab le the Mailb ox Loc k-Out Op tion in subsc ribers’ c lasses of servic e and the Mailb ox Loc k-Out op tion on the Sub sc rib er Setting s d ialog b ox to loc k sub sc rib er mailb oxes after the numb er of unsuc c essful log in attemp ts spec ified in the Consec utive Log in Failures Before Loc k-Out parameter have oc c urred . [ Rec ommend ed] Reg ularly monitor the Log in Failure rep ort to d etermine if a hig h numb er of unsuc c essful log in attemp ts are occ urring on a mailb ox or if the login attemp ts are oc c urring after b usiness hours. Misc ellaneous [ Req uired ] Set the Auto Log off feature to a low value to ensure that the M2000 system returns to sec urity level 1 after a short p eriod of inac tivity. [ Rec ommend ed] When Quic k Assist is run in recover mod e from the Quic k Assist ic on in the Luc ent fold er, sp ec ify a Mailb ox to Receive Unattac hed Messages on the Rec over Files d ialog b ox. Table 3-1. Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A