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Lucent Technologies Audix Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Audix Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference Manual
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585-300-706 Comcode 107307365 Issue 1 August 1994 Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference

Copyright Ó 1996, Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change. Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party, for example, persons other than your company’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your company’s behalf. Note that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications system and, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your system, such as programming and configuring your equipment to prevent unauthorized use. The system manager is also responsible for reading all installation, instruction, and system administration documents provided with this product in order to fully understand the features that can introduce risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier telecommunication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use. Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistance, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at 1 800 643-2353. Federal Communications Commission Statement Part 15: Class B Statement. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient the receiving television or radio antenna where this may be done safely. • To the extent possible, relocate the receiver with respect to the telephone equipment. • Where the telephone equipment requires ac power, plug the telephone into a different ac outlet so that the telephone equipment and receiver are on different branch circuits. Part 68: Network Registration Number. This equipment is registered with the FCC in accordance with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. It is identified by FCC registration number AS593M-11185-MF-E. Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling. Allowing this equipment to be operated in a manner that does not provide proper answer-supervision signaling is in violation of Part 68 rules. This equipment returns answer-supervision signals to the public switched network when: • Answered by the called station • Answered by the attendant • Routed to a recorded announcement that can be administered by the CPE userThis equipment returns answer-supervision signals on all DID calls forwarded back to the public switched telephone network. Permissible exceptions are: • A call is unanswered • A busy tone is received • A reorder tone is received Trademarks DEFINITY is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies in the U.S. and throughout the world. AUDIX is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies. Ordering Information Call: Lucent Technologies Publications Center Voice 1 800 457-1235 International Voice 317 361-5353 Fax 1 800 457-1764 International Fax 317 361-5355 Write: Lucent Technologies Publications Center P.O. Box 4100 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Order: Document No. 585-300-706 Comcode 107307365 Issue 1, August 1994 For additional documents, refer to the section entitled, “Related Documents” in “About This Book.” You can be placed on a Standing Order list for this and other documents you may need. Standing Order will enable you to automatically receive updated versions of individual documents or document sets, billed to account information that you provide. For more information on Standing Orders, or to be put on a list to receive future issues of this document, please contact the Lucent Technologies Publications Center. Warranty Lucent Technologies provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to the “Limited use Software License Agreement” card provided with your package. European Union Declaration of Conformity Lucent Technologies Business Communications Systems declares that XXX equipment specified in this document conforms to the referenced European Union (EU) Directives and Harmonized Standards listed below: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC The “CE” mark affixed to the equipment means that it conforms to the above Directives. Disclaimer Intellectual property related to this product and registered to AT&T Corporation has been transferred to Lucent Technologies Incorporated. Any references within this text to American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation or AT&T should be interpreted as references to Lucent Technologies Incorporated. The exception is cross references to books published prior to December 31, 1996, which retain their original AT&T titles. Heritage Lucent Technologies - formed as a result of AT&T’s planned restructuring - designs, builds, and delivers a wide range of public and private networks, communication systems and software, consumer and business telephone systems, and microelectronics components. The world-renowned Bell Laboratories is the research and development arm for the company. Acknowledgment This document was prepared by the Product Documentation Development group, Lucent Technologies, Denver, CO and Columbus,

Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference Page iii Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference 585-300-706 Issue 1 August 1994 Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference . Notice Every effort was mad e to ensure that the information on this b roc hure is c omp lete and ac c urate at the time of printing . However, information is subjec t to c hange. Ordering Information The ord er numb er for this broc hure is 585-300-706. To ord er more broc hures, c all the AT&T Customer Information Center at 1-800-432-6600 (in Canad a, 1-800-255-1242). For more information ab out AT&T doc uments, refer to the Global Business Communic ations Systems Pub lic ations Catalog (555-000-010). Prepared by AT&T Product Documentation Development Department Denver, Colorado

Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference 585-300-706 Issue 1 August 1994 Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference Page iv Outcalling allows you to have your AT&T voice messaging system call you at another number to notify you of new messages. You may also set up outcalling to notify you of priority messages only. For example, you might be working at home or in another office to finish an important project. In that case, you might only want to be disturbed for important (priority) messages from your supervisor or key associates who have permission to send priority messages. You can also have the system call your pager. Return to the Ac tivity Menu Help 4H 7R

Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference 585-300-706 Issue 1 August 1994 Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference Page v # a) Press a) Press b) Enter b) ListenNo NoYe s Ye s Tu r n o n ? Tu r n o n ?Outcalling Numb er Fo r a l l calls Fo r a l l callsFo r p ri o r it y calls only Fo r p ri o r it y calls only 1 6 6 1 12 2 6 69 9N NY Y The system saves your outc alling numb er even when you turn outc alling off. You c an always turn it on ag ain without re-entering the number, unless you want to change it. For a detailed d esc ription of d ialing c onventions, p ress 6 3 from the Ac tivity Menu. Your messag e waiting indic ator op erates normally with outc alling. NOTE:Enter all numb ers just as you mig ht normally d ial them. Start with 9 for examp le, to g et an outsid e line if nec essary. Numb er & Status

Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference 585-300-706 Issue 1 August 1994 Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference Page vi # # a) Press b) Press c) Enter d) Enter f) Enter e) Enter To h a v e t h e system call you at any timeTo h a v e t h e system call you only d uring b usiness hours Star ting Time (405 = 4:05) End i ng Tim e (905 = 9:05)AM or PM, then# ApproveAM or PM, then# To s e t t i m e s for the system to c all youTolistentoa summary of p red efined business hours 123 4 NOTE:Your system administrator sets the businesshours and p ossib le outc alling times. For example, as a prac tic al c ourtesy, the ad ministrator may have d efined the outc alling hours so that no outc alls are p lac ed between 10 PM and 7 AM. 2 6 or or# # #2 2A A7 7P P You must always ap prove an outc alling numb er by p ressing#. However, an off-premises number or p ag er numb er may also require p auses (using ) or a p ound sign (#) as an ac tual p art of the number. To inc lud e a 1.5 sec ond p ause at any point in the d ialed numb er To inc lud e p ound sig n other than at the b eg inning of the number. (The tells the system to inc lud e # in the numb er. In this c ase, the system d oes not reg ister as a p ause) To inc lud e a p ound sign (#) at the b eg inning of the numb er enter# enter# enter Example:Say that for the system to reac h your p ag er with an outc all, it may need to d ial a 9, wait 3 sec ond s, d ial a seven-d igit numb er, then dial#and a three-d ig it numb er. You would enter the following : 9 1234567#123 and ap p rove it with#.