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Loewe Individual 46 Compose Full Hd Operating Instructions

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Connecting other speaker systems or active 
speakers to the Dolby Digital Decoder
If	you	 want	 to	use	 another	 similar	speaker	 system	or	 active	 speakers,	
you	 can	connect	 these	to	the	AUDIO LINK 	interface	 of	the	 TV	set	 with	
an	adapter	cable.
The 	adapter 	cable 	is 	available 	from 	your 	dealer 	(see 	Accessories, 	page 	55).
Before 	connecting 	any 	devices 	ensure 	that 	they 	are 	switched 	off 	or	
unplug	their	mains	plug.
Plug	 the	adapter	 cable	into	the	

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Operating additional equipment
If	you	want	to	set	new	sound	components	or	change	them:
	34	Select	Configuration/modification,		OK   calls	the	selection,	whether	complete,	partial	or	
new	set-up.
	 6 	Select	
Complete,		OK  continue	to	connect	and	set	the	front speakers.
34 	Select	External speakers,	
	 6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below	and
34	 	set	the	
lower limit frequency 	of	the	front	speakers	
in	10	Hz	steps.
➠  Select	 the	start	 value	 of	the	 frequency	 response	of	the	
speakers	 for	the...

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Operating additional equipment
 OK   continue	to	set	the	Distance from the left front speaker.
➠  Measure	 the	distances	 from	your	sitting	 position	 to	
the 	front, 	surround, 	and 	centre 	speakers 	respectively. 	The	
Dolby	 Digital	 Decoder	 calculates	 the	delay	 times	 for	the	
speaker	 signals	from	these	 so	that	 they	 reach	 the	listen
er	simultaneously.
34	 	Set	the	distance	between	the	left	 front	speaker	
and 	your 	listening 	position 	in 	10 	cm 	steps.
  OK  continue...

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Connecting audio amplifiers
The	sound	 components	 wizard	permits	 configuration	 of	different	 audio	
amplifiers 	(stereo 	amplifiers, 	surround 	amplifiers, 	analogue 	or 	digital) 	with	
different 	digital 	audio 	formats 	(Dolby 	Digital, 	dts, 	MPEG, 	and 	stereo/PCM).	
See	the	operating	manual	of	the	audio	amplifier	for	more	information.
TV menu.
 34	Select	Connections,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
	34	 Select	Sound components.
  OK  calls	the	sound	components	wizard
6	 Mark	the...

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Assignment of the digital audio input
Your	TV	set	 can	 assign	 an	AV	 input	 to	the	 digital	 audio	input	socket	AU-DIO DIGITAL IN .	When	switching	over	to	this	AV	input,	the	digital	audio	
signal 	at 	the 	AUDIO DIGITAL IN 	input 	is 	passed 	on 		to 	the 	integrated 	Dolby	
Digital	 Decoder	 and	the	digital	 audio	output	 socket	AUDIO DIGITAL OUT .	
You	 will	hear	 the	digital	 sound	 of	the	 assigned	 AV	input,	 if	available,	 in	
place	of	the	analogue	sound.
Connecting devices to the digital...

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Operating additional equipment
The direct way to record
You	can	programme	 timer	recordings	 via	the	 integrated	 Digital	Recorder	
or	 connected	 recorders	on	the	 TV	set.	 The	 recording	 wizard	is	 integrated	
at 	several 	places 	for 	programming 	a 	recording. 	Further 	information	
about	 recording	 with	the	Digital	 Recorder	 can	be	found	 in	a	separate	
operating	manual.
Programming a timer recording with the EPG
➠ 	You	are	in	EPG	mode,if	not,	press	the	EPG button.
	6 	Mark	the	desired...

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Operating additional equipment
Programming the timer with the timer overview
A	timer	recording	can	also	be	programmed	manually.
Timer list.
You	see	a	list	of	all	previously	programmed	timers:
Green button: 		Change	timer	recording.
Yellow button: 		Delete	timer	recording.
Red button: 		New	timer	recording.
Programming the timer manually
	➠  The	timer	overview	is	open.
Red button: 	 Call	the	recording wizard.
	34	Select	Manual,		OK call	Station selection.
346	 Select	station.
 calls	the...

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You	can 	view 	photos 	in 	the 	standard 	JPEG 	format 	stored 	on 	a 	USB 	stick	
or 	a 	memory 	card 	in 	a 	card 	reader. 	You 	can 	also 	collect 	photos 	in 	a 	slide	
Plug	 a	card	 reader	 (with	a	USB	 cable)	 or		a	USB	 stick	 into	the	USB	 con-
nection	on	the	TV	set	(see	page	5).	
If,	 due	 to	the	 selected	 installation	 solution	of	the	 TV	set	 (e.g.	 for	wall	 as
sembly),	 the	USB	 socket	 is	difficult	 to	access,	 use	a	USB	 extension	 cable	
for	the	USB...

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Calling the PhotoViewer menu 
In	the	 PhotoViewer	 menu	you	 can	make	 picture	 settings	 and	select	 the	
memory	medium.
➠ 	The	photo	overview	is	displayed.
Call	the	
PhotoViewer menu.
Explanations of the setting possibilities Within	the	folder	 select	a	photo	 directly	 or	go	 to	the	
beginning	or	end	of	the	folder.
W i t h 	
O p t i m u m   s i z e   t h e	p h o t o 	i s 	re d u c e d 	o r 	e n-
larged 	in 	size 	so 	that 	the 	screen 	is 	optimally 	filled.	
With 	Original resolution  each...

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Setting the remote control to other Loewe devices
The	 specified	 key	combinations	 must	be	depressed	 until	one	of	the	 LEDs	
flashes	 twice	(approximately	 5s).	The	 devices	 marked	 by	
	are	 preset	 in	
the	remote	control	included	with	the	TV	set.	
	 	 	Button combination
Loewe 	TV 	(Chassis 	L  700)	 	
	+ 		
Loewe 	Centros 	110 /117 	 	
Loewe 	Centros 	1 0/ 10 	HD/ 17 	HD		+ 		
Loewe 	ViewVision 	DR+	 	
Loewe 	ViewVision...
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