LG Gr M392 Yvq Owners Manual
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OPERATIONS 11 STARTING When y\fur refri\berat\fr \Tis first installed, \Tall\fw it 2-3 h\furs t\f \Tstabilize at n\frmal \T\fperatin\b temperature\Ts pri\fr t\f fillin\b it \Twith fresh \fr fr\fzen \Tf\f\fds. If \fperati\fn is inter\Trupted, wait 5 minute\Ts bef\fre restartin\b. BEFORE SETTING THE TEMPERATURE The temperature \ff th\Te refri\berat\fr is kep\Tt c\fnstant re\bardles\Ts \ff chan\bes in r\f\fm \Ttemperature. It is rec\fmmended tha\Tt, \fnce set, the temper\Tature settin\bs(the c\fn\Ttr\fls f\fr the refri\be\Trat\fr and freezer c\fmpartments) \Tn\ft be chan\bed unless \Tnecessary. This refri\berat\fr has\T \fne temperature c\fnt\Tr\fl butt\fn f\fr the ref\Tri\berat\fr c\fmpartment\T and \fne temperature c\fntr\fl d\Tial f\fr the freezer c\T\fmpartment. The default settin\b \f\Tf the temperature c\fn\Ttr\fl butt\fn f\fr the r\Tefri\berat\fr c\fmpartme\Tnt is ‘3°C’. The default settin\b \f\Tf the temperature c\fn\Ttr\fl dial f\fr the fr\Teezer c\fmpartment is \T'5'. This refri\berat\fr has\T a temperature sens\fr\T in the refri\berat\fr \Tc\fmpartment. It will \Tstart and st\fp the c\fmpress\fr aut\fmatic\Tally as needed. DOOR ALARM When the d\f\fr \ff the r\Tefri\berat\fr \fr the fr\Teezer is \fpen f\fr 1 mi\Tnute, an alarm will \Ts\fund three times. It the d\f\fr remains \fp\Ten, the alarm will re\Tpeat every 30 sec\fnds. SELF TEST Y\fur refri\berat\fr c\fnt\Tains a built in dia\T\bn\fstic capability. If\T it devel\fps a malfun\Tcti\fn in certain ar\Teas, it will display an err\fr c\fd\Te t\f assist the repa\Tir technician. While \Tan err\fr c\fde is dis\Tplayed, \fther c\fntr\fl \Tand display functi\fns wi\Tll n\ft \fperate. If an err\fr c\fde is d\Tisplayed, c\fntact a s\Tervice center. D\f n\ft d\Tisc\fnnect the p\fwer c\T\frd fr\fm the \futlet. CONTROLS FOR FREEZER COMPARTMENT The hi\bher number th\Fe control \fettin\b i\f, \Fthe lower the temperature of the f\Freezer compartment \Fbecome\f. Since the temperat\Fure of the refri\bera\Ftor and freezer compartment\f i\f cont\Frolled with a fixed \Famount of cooled air, the refri\berator com\Fpartment will be w\Farmer if the freez\Fer compartment become\f \Fcolder. When the freezer com\Fpartment i\f not cold\F enou\bh in winter, adju\ft the control for\F the freezer to Hi\bh\F(6~8). Settin\b the Freezer\F Knob at will \fati\ffy 4 STAR. S\Fettin\b the Freezer \FKnob at NORMAL will hav\Fe \fufficient freezin\b \Feffect, \fo it i\f reco\Fmmended to \fet the \FKnob at NORMAL. °ownloadedOfromO4ridge:ManualjcomOManuals
OPERATIONS 12 SUPER COOL The Super C\f\fl featur\Te \fperates when the re\Tfri\berat\fr is first turned \fn. The \Tc\fmpress\fr and circu\Tlatin\b fan \fperate at maximum c\f\T\flin\b capacity t\f qui\Tckly l\fwer the refri\berat\fr temperat\Ture. It shuts \fff aut\T\fmatically. If warm f\f\fd is place\Td int\f the refri\berat\T\fr, Super C\f\fl can be started with t\The butt\fn \fn the c\fntr\T\fl panel. Super C\f\fl will shut\T \fff when the tempera\Tture reaches the pr\fper level \fr it\T can be shut \fff man\Tually by pressin\b the Super C\f\fl butt\fn.\T CHILD LOCK CHILD LOCK Press and h\fld the CH\TILD LOCK butt\fn f\fr 3 sec\fnds t\f l\fck the \Tchild l\fck. When it is l\fcked, th\Te L\fck LED will be \fn and the \fther butt\fn \Twill n\ft \fperate. T\f unl\fck, press and h\fl\Td the CHILD LOCK butt\fn f\fr 3 sec\fnds a\T\bain. CONTROLS FOR REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT Display \braphic can\T be different that y\fu\T have which type refri\T\berat\fr. Press REFRIGERATOR button to control refrigerator temperature. Whenever pressing the button, the LED emits light. The number showing up on the LED luminesce indicate the temperature of refrigerator compartment. You can select the desired setting point seven steps, from 0°C to 6°C. The anion coating in the duct cover purifies the air and helps stored foods remain fresh longer. If water of foreign substances enter the cool air vent while cleaning, efficiency will be lowered. In addition, if gasket is damaged, efficiency may be lowered owing to the escape of cool air. GREEN ION DOOR COOLING (OPTIONAL)
OPERATIONS 13 ICE MAKING (OPTIONAL) Choose the type of ice Making you have.General Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and place it on the ice cube box. Then insert the ice cube box in the freezer compartment. To remove ice cubes, hold the tray at its end and twist gently. Ice Trays Ice Cube Box Twisting Ice Serve Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and insert in its position. To remove ice cubes, hold the lever of the tray and pull turn gently. Then, ice cubes drop int to the ice cube box. Ice Trays Ice Cube Box FRESH ZONE When the door i\f open\Fed, the warmer air \Fdon't influence in the fre\fh zone. S\Fo you can \ftore food mo\Fre fre\fh in it. °ownloadedOfromO4ridge:ManualjcomOManuals
OPERATIONS 13 DEODORIZER (OPTIONAL) Unplea\fant odor of foo\Fd in fre\fh food compartment i\f deodo\Frized with no harm \Fto you and the food.How to use • A\f Deodorizer i\f locat\Fed in coolin\b air in\Flet for circulatin\b \Fair in fre\fh food co\Fmpartment, there i\f \Fno need for any handlin\b. • Do not prick the coo\Flin\b air inlet with\F a \fharp tip becau\fe\F Deodorizer may be d\Fama\bed. • When \ftorin\b food with\F a \ftron\b odor, wrap i\Ft or \ftore it in a c\Fontainer with a lid\F becau\fe odor may be pa\f\fed on to other fo\Fod\f. Re-Using of Deodorizer • U\fed \fome len\bth and \Fthe odor i\f \ftron\b, Deodorizer can be r\Fevived and re-u\fed. • Separate Deodorizer\F in ceilin\b of refr\Fi\berator compartment, u\fin\b ha\Fir drier to remove moi\fture or malodor an\Fd oxidize under \funli\b\Fht to decompo\fin\b malodor\F by ultraviolet. DEFROSTING Defro\ftin\b take\f pla\Fce automatically. The defro\fted water \Fflow\f down to the eva\Fporatin\b tray which \Flocated in the lower back \fide\F of the refri\berator\F and i\f evaporated a\Futomatically. VEGETABLE DRAWER Magic Crispers • Ma\bic Cri\fper\f provide\F fre\fher-ta\ftin\b frui\Ft and ve\betable\f by lettin\b you ea\fily k\Feep humidity in\fide \Fthe drawer. • A lattice on the und\Fer\fide of the cover t\Fo efficiently hold or\F relea\fe moi\fture. • Sealin\b \ftructure kee\Fp the humidity. Vitamin Kit (Optional) • Vitamin Kit u\fed to k\Feep fruit\f more fre\fh\Fer. • Plea\fe try to keep th\Fe kit from \bettin\b w\Fet a\f thi\f would decrea\fe i\Ft\f effectivene\f\f. Absorb moisture Release moisture Overly humid Humid deficiency Vitamin Kit
OPERATIONS 16 DAIRY CORNER(OPTIONAL) Use the m\fvin\b by pushi\Tn\b ri\bht the left wit\Th pr\ftruded handle. H\fw t\f rem\fve the c\fver wh\Ten y\fu clean Push the c\fver and m\fve\T it t\f the center \ff \Tbasket M\fve the c\fver at the mi\Tddle \ff basket and al\Ti\bn the h\fle with b\fthsides \ff\T the basket After ali\bnin\b,turn b\Tasket fr\fm back t\f fr\T\fnt and pull \fut with b\fth hands. °ownloadedGfromG‘ridge,?anualWcomG?anuals
SUGGESTIONS ON FOOD STORAGE 14 STORING FOOD Store fre\fh food in \Fthe refri\berator com\Fpartment. How food i\f \Ffrozen and thawed i\F\f an important factor in maintaini\Fn\b it\f fre\fhne\f\f and \Fflavor. Do not \ftore food whi\Fch \boe\f bad ea\fily at\F low temperature\f, \fuc\Fh a\f banana\f, pineap\Fple\f, and melon\f. Allow hot food to cool \Fprior to \ftorin\b. Plac\Fin\b hot food in the \Frefri\berator could \fp\Foil other food, and lead to hi\bher elec\Ftric bill\f! When \ftorin\b the food,\F cover it with vinyl \Fwrap or \ftore in a c\Fontainer with a lid\F. Thi\f prevent\f moi\fture from evaporat\Fin\b, and help\f food t\Fo keep it\f ta\fte and\F nutrient\f. Do not block air vent\F\f with food. Smooth ci\Frculation of chilled\F air keep\f refri\ber\Fator temperature\f eve\Fn. Do not open the door \Ffrequently. Openin\b the\F door let\f warm air \Fenter the refri\bera\Ftor, and cau\fe temperature\f to ri\fe.\F FREEZER COMPARTMENT Do not \ftore bottle\f \Fin the freezer comp\Fartment - they may br\Feak when frozen. Do not refreeze food\F that ha\f been thaw\Fed. Thi\f cau\fe\f lo\f\f of \Fta\fte and nutrition. When \ftorin\b frozen f\Food like ice cream \Ffor a lon\b period, pl\Face it on the freez\Fer \fhelf, not in the\F door rack. Loadin\b for Freezin\b -\F It i\f recommended \Fto load newly introdu\Fced food\f on the foll\Fowin\b po\fition for freezin\b: REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT Avoid placin\b moi\ft fo\Fod on deep interior \Frefri\berator \fhelve\f, it could free\Fze upon direct conta\Fct with chilled air. To avoid thi\f it \Fi\f better to \ftore f\Food in the covered container. It i\f de\firable to \f\Ftore moi\ft food (e\fpe\Fcially ve\betable and fruit) in the ve\b\Fetable \ftora\be compa\Frtment. If it i\f nece\f\fary to \ftore on \Fa \fhelf of the refr\Fi\berator, put it clo\fe to the door awa\Fy from the back wall\F of the refri\berator to avoid\F bein\b frozen by the\F cool circulatin\b in \Fthe refri\berator. Alway\f clean food pri\For to refri\beration. \FVe\betable\f and fruit\F\f \fhould be wa\fhed an\Fd wiped, and packed food \fhould be\F wiped clean, to pre\Fvent adjacent food fr\Fom \fpoilin\b. When \ftorin\b e\b\b\f in t\Fheir \ftora\be rack, en\F\fure that they are f\Fre\fh, and alway\f \ftore\F them in a up- ri\bht po\fition, which\F keep\f them fre\fh l\Fon\ber. °ownloadedOfromO4ridge:ManualjcomOManuals
CLEANING 15 It i\f important tha\Ft you refri\berator be\F kept clean to prevent unde\firabl\Fe odor\f. Spilled food \F\fhould be wipe up immediat\Fely, \fince it may aci\Fdify and \ftain pla\ftic \furface\F\f if allowed to \fett\Fle. Never u\fe metallic \fco\Furin\b pad\f, bru\fhe\f, coar\fe abra\five clean\Fer\f or \ftron\b alkalin\Fe \folution\f on any \furface\F. Before you clean, howeve\Fr, remember that da\Fmp object\f will \ftick or\F adhere to extremely\F cold \furface\f. Do not touch \Ffrozen \furface\f with \Fwet or damp hand\f. EXTERIOR -U\fe a lukewarm \folution\F of mild \foap or di\fh wa\fhable\F \folution to clean th\Fe durable fini\fh of your\F refri\berator. Wipe w\Fith a clean, damp cloth an\Fd then dry. INTERIOR - Re\bular cleanin\b of t\Fhe interior and interior part\f i\f re\Fcommended. U\fe a lukew\Farm \folution of mild \foap \For di\fh wa\fhable \folut\Fion to clean the durable f\Fini\fh of your refri\ber\Fator. Wipe with a clean, damp \Fcloth and then dry. INTERIOR PARTS - Wa\fh compartment \fhel\Fve\f, door rack\f, \ftora\be tr\Fay\f and ma\bnetic door\F \feal\f etc. U\fe a lukew\Farm \folution of mild \F\foap or di\fh wa\fhable \folut\Fion to clean the dur\Fable fini\fh of your refri\be\Frator. Wipe with a c\Flean, damp cloth and then\F dry. WARNING Alway\f remove power cor\Fd from the wall outl\Fet prior to cleanin\b in\F the vicinity of ele\Fctrical part\f(lamp\f, \fwitche\f\F, control\f, etc.). Wipe up exce\f\f moi\fture\F with a \fpon\be or cloth to prevent wat\Fer or liquid from \bet\Ftin\b into any electrical part\F and cau\fin\b electri\Fc \fhock. Do not u\fe flammable \For toxic cleanin\b liq\Fuid\f. • Caution for Cleanin\b\F Not in u\fe : Surface active a\bent, Car wax,\F Anticorro\five, All \fort\F\f of oil, Ga\foline, Acid\f,\F Wax. • U\fable Deter\bent Ve\F\betable di\fh wa\fhabl\Fe \folution, Soapy water. • When carele\f\f u\fin\b, \Fit can occur a color chan\be. GENERAL INFORMATION VACATION TIME Durin\b avera\be len\bth\F vacation\f, you will pr\Fobably find it be\ft to lea\Fve the refri\berator \Fin operation. Place freezable ite\Fm\f in freezer for l\Fon\ber life. When you plan to be aw\Fay for an extended p\Feriod, remove all food, di\fco\Fnnect the power cor\Fd, clean the interior thorou\bh\Fly, and leave each do\For OPEN to prevent odor forma\Ftion. POWER FAILURE Mo\ft power failure\f a\Fre corrected in an \Fhour or two and will not affect\F your refri\berator te\Fmperature\f. However, you \fhould minim\Fize the number of do\For openin\b\f while the p\Fower i\f off. Durin\b po\Fwer failure\f of lon\ber dur\Fation, place a block\F of dry ice on top of your frozen pac\Fka\be\f. IF YOU MOVE Remove or \fecurely fa\ft\Fen down all loo\fe it\Fem\f in\fide the refri\ber\Fator. To avoid dama\bin\b the \Flevelin\b \fcrew(\f), turn\F them all the way into the\F ba\fe. ANTI-CONDENSATION PIPE The out\fide wall of t\Fhe refri\berator cab\Finet may \fometime\f \bet warm, e\fpecially ju\ft after in\ftallation. Don't be alarmed. Thi\f i\f due to the an\Fti- conden\fation pipe, wh\Fich pump\f hot refri\berant\F to prevent "\fweatin\b" on \Fthe outer cabinet wall. Caution Electrical Shock Hazard Before replacin\b a b\Furned-out li\bht bulb, e\Fither unplu\b the refri\berat\For or turn off power \Fat the circuit breaker or f\Fu\fe box. NOTE: Movin\b the control to \Fthe OFF po\fition doe\f not remove power \Fto the li\bht circuit\F. °ownloadedOfromO4ridge:ManualjcomOManuals
16 LAMP REPLACEMENT REFRIGERATOR LAMP Unplu\b the power cord\F from the outlet. Remove refri\berator \f\Fhelve\f. Remove the room lamp \Flid by pullin\b it for\Fward. Make \fure the bulb\f a\Fre cool to the touch. \FRemove the lamp by t\Furnin\b it counterclockwi\fe. Not all appliance bu\Flb\f will fit your ref\Fri\berator. Be \fure to r\Feplace the bulb wit\Fh one of the \fame \fize, \fhape and \Fwatta\be. NOTE
IMPORTANT WARNINGS 17 DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD If po\f\fible, connect \Fthe refri\berator to \Fit\f own individual electrica\Fl outlet to prevent i\Ft and other appliance\f or hou\fehol\Fd li\bht\f from cau\fin\b \Fan overload that could c\Fau\fe a power outa\be. ACCESSIBILITY OF SUPPLY PLUG The refri\berator-free\Fzer \fhould be \fo po\fit\Fioned that the \fupply plu\b i\f acc\Fe\f\fible for quick di\fc\Fonnection when accident happ\Fen\f. SUPPLY CORD REPLACEMENT If the \fupply cord i\f\F dama\bed, it mu\ft be \Freplaced by the manufacturer or \Fit\f \fervice a\bent or \Fa \fimilarly qualified per\fon in o\Frder to avoid a haza\Frd. ABOUT GROUNDING (EARTHING) In the event of an e\Flectric \fhort circui\Ft, \broundin\b (earthin\b) reduce\f th\Fe ri\fk of electric \F\fhock by providin\b an e\fcape w\Fire for the electri\Fc current. In order to prevent \Fpo\f\fible electric \fh\Fock, thi\f appliance mu\ft be \br\Founded. Improper u\fe of the \b\Froundin\b plu\b can re\ful\Ft in an electric \fhock. Con\ful\Ft a qualified electr\Fician or \fervice per\fon if the\F \broundin\b in\ftruction\F\f are not completely under\ftood, \For if you have doubt\f on\F whether the applia\Fnce i\f properly \bround\Fed. DO NOT MODIFY OR EXTEND THE POWER CORD LENGTH. It will cau\fe electr\Fic \fhock or fire. VERY DANGEROUS ATTRACTION An empty refri\berator\F can be a dan\berou\f attraction to child\Fren. Remove either \ba\F\fket\f, latche\f, lid\f or the \Fentire door from your \Funu\fed appliance, or take \f\Fome other action to \Fmake it harmle\f\f. This appliance must be grounded (earthed). DONT WAIT! DO IT NOW! Do not store inflammable materials, explosivesor chemicals in the refrigerator. Disposal of the old appliance Thi\f appliance conta\Fin\f fluid (refri\bera\Fnt, lubricant) and i\f\F made of part\f and \Fmaterial\f which are\F reu\fable and/or recyclable. All the important ma\Fterial\f \fhould be \fen\Ft to the collection \Fcenter of wa\fte mat\Ferial and can be r\Feu\fed after rework (recyclin\b). For\F take back, plea\fe c\Fontact with the loc\Fal a\bency. °ownloadedOfromO4ridge:ManualjcomOManuals
BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE 18 SERVICE CALLS CAN OFTEN BE AVOI\FDED! IF YOU FEEL YOUR REFRIGERATOR \FIS NOT OPERATING PROPERLY, CHECK \FTHESE POSSIBLE CAUSES FIRST : PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES REFRIGERATOR DOES NOT OPERATE REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER COMPARTMENT TEMPERATURE TOO WARM ABNORMAL NOISE(S) REFRIGERATOR HAS ODOR DEW FORMS ON THE CABINET SURFACE Ha\f a hou\fe fu\fe blown \For circuit breaker t\Fripped? Ha\f the power cord pl\Fu\b been removed or loo\F\fened from the electrical wal\Fl outlet? Temperature control n\Fot \fet on proper po\fi\Ftion. Appliance i\f placed \Fclo\fe to wall or hea\Ft \fource. Warm weather-frequent\F door openin\b\f. Door left open for a\F lon\b time. Lar\be amount of food\f a\Fre kept in the ref\Fri\berator. Refri\berator i\f in\ft\Falled in a weak or \Funeven place, or levelin\b \fcrew need\f \Fadju\ftin\b. Unnece\f\fary object\f pla\Fced in the back \fid\Fe of the refri\berator. Food\f with \ftron\b odor\f\F \fhould be ti\bhtly cove\Fred or wrapped. Interior need\f clea\Fnin\b. Not unu\fual durin\b perio\Fd\f of hi\bh humidity. Door may have been le\Fft ajar. °ownloadedOfromO4ridge:ManualjcomOManuals