LG Gn B392 Ylc Owners Manual
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INNER PARTS NOT\f●This guide covers several different models. The refrigerator you havepurchased may have some or all of the features shown above. u u NON DOOR COOLING MODEL Freezer Temperature Contr ol Dial Twisting Ice Serve (Optional) or General Type Ice Making Fresh Zone Freezer Shelf Deodorizer (Optional) Refrigerator Temperature Electr onic Contr ol Lamp Vitamin Kit (Optional) Multi Flo w Duct Shelves (Plastic or Steel or Tempered Glass) Freezer Door Rack Egg Stora ge Rack Refrigerator Door Rac k Le veling Scre w V egetable Dra wer (Option if Steel Shelf) (Plastic or Steel) 11
OPERATIONS CONTRO\bS FOR R\fFRIG\fRATO\RR COMPARTM\fNT FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL Ref. Temp Control Button ● Press REFRIGERATOR button to control refrigerator temperature. ● Whenever pressing the button, the LED emits light. ● The number showing up on the LED luminesce indicate the temperature of refrigerator compartment. ● You can select the desired setting point seven steps, from 0°C to 6°C. STARTING When your refrigerator is first installed, allow it 2-3 hours to stabili\ ze at normal operating temperatures prior to filling it with fresh or frozen foods. If operation is interrupted, wait 5 minutes before restarting. The default setting of the temperature contr\Wol button for the refrigerator compartment is NORMAL. To control the refrigerator temperature, p\Wress the Ref. Temp Control button. When the button is pressed, the LE\bs l\Wight. The temperature is set in 5 steps, from M\WIN to MAX cooling.(MIN = warmest, MAX = c\Woldest temperature.) FOR NON DOOR COOLING MODEL BEFORE SETTING THE TEMPERATURE (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL)●The temperature of the refrigerator is kept constant regardless of chang\ es in room temperature. It is recommended that, once set, the temperature settings (the controls for the refrigerator and freezer compartments) not be changed unless necessary. ●This refrigerator has one temperature control button for the refrigerato\ r compartment and one temperature control dial for the freezer compartment. ●The default setting of the temperature control button for the refrigerat\ or compartment is ‘3°C’. ●The default setting of the temperature control dial for the freezer comp\ artment is 5. ●This refrigerator has a temperature sensor in the refrigerator compartme\ nt. It will start and stop the compressor automatically as needed. SELF TEST (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL) ● Your refrigerator contains a built in diagnostic capability. If it devel\ ops a malfunction in certain areas, it will display an error code to assist the repair technician. While an error co\ de is displayed, other control and display functions will not operate. ● If an error code is displayed, contact a service center. Do not disconne\ ct the power cord from the outlet. DOOR ALARM (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL) When the door of the refrigerator i\Ws open for 1 minute, an alarm will so\Wund three. It the door remains open, the alarm will repeat every 30 seconds. 12
OPERATIONS CONTRO\bS FOR FR\f\fZ\fR COMP\RARTM\fNT SUPER COOL (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL) ● The Super Cool feature operates when the refrigerator isfirst turned on. The compressor and circulating fanoperate at maximum cooling capacity to quickly lower therefrigerator temperature. It shuts off automatically. ● If warm food is placed into the refrigerator, Super Coolcan be started with the button on the control panel. Super Cool will shut off when the temperature reachesthe proper level or it can be shut off manually by pressingthe Super Cool button. CHILD LOCK (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL) ● CHILD LOCK Press and hold the CHILD LOCK button for3 seconds to lock the child lock.When it is locked, the Lock LED will be onand the other button will not operate. Tounlock, press and hold the CHILD LOCKbutton for 3 seconds again. • FREEZER CONTROL- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Setting at 8, the freezer compartment becomes colder. But the refrigerator compartment becomes warmer because less cold air flows into the refrigerator compartment. • In cold weather the unit operates less and the freezer compartment has a tendency to warm up. For colder freezer, turn the FREEZER CONTROL to 7~8. its temper-, If you take a lot of foods in the freezer or open its door frequently •. In this case, set the FREEZER CONTROL dial ature is apt to be somewhat higherbetween 7 and 8 to cool it. Return the FREEZER CONTROL dial to the original.position to cut down the consumption of energy • In hot weather or to put much foods in the refrigerator compartment, the refrigerator compartment has a tendency to warm up. For colder refrigerator, turn the FREEZER CONTROL to 2~4 to direct more cold air into the refrigerator compartment, and the REFRIGERATOR TEMP. CONTROL to MAX or 6. Setting at 7~8 of the FREEZER CONTROL, the refrigerator compartment will not be cold enough. • Setting the Freezer Knob at will satisfy 4 STAR. Setting the Freezer Knob at NORMAL will have sufficient freezing effect, so it is recommended to set the Knob at NORMAL. 13
ICE MAKING(OPTIONAL) Choose the type of ice-making system you have.General Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and place it in the freezer. To remove ice cubes, hold the tray at its ends and twist gently. To remove ice cubes easily, run water on the tray before twisting. Twisting Ice Serve Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and insert in its position. To remove ice cubes, hold the knob of the tray and turn gently. Then, ice cubes drop in to the ice cube box. IC\f MAKING (OPTIONA\b) Choo\fe the type of ice\F-makin\b \fy\ftem you have\F. General Type To make ice cube\f, fil\Fl the ice tray with \Fwater andplace it on the Ice\F cube box. Then in\fert \Fthe ice cubebox in the freezer c\Fompartment. To remove ice cube\f, ho\Fld the tray at it\f e\Fnd\f andtwi\ft \bently. Twisting \bce Serve \GType To make ice cube\f, fil\Fl the ice tray with \Fwater andin\fert in it\f po\fiti\Fon. To remove ice cube\f, ho\Fld the knob of the t\Fray andturn \bently. Then, ice\F cube\f drop in the i\Fce cube box. You can remove Twi\ftin\b\F Ice Serve to u\fe fr\Feezercompartment lar\ber. You \fhould remove Ice \FTray\f and Ice Cube Box f\Fir\ftthen pull the fram\Fe out ri\bht \fide. VITAMIN V\fG\fTAB\b\f DRA\RW\fR (OPTIONA\b) Vitamin KIT u\fed to ke\Fep fruit\f more fre\fh\Fer. Plea\fe try to keep th\Fe kit from \bettin\b we\Ft a\f thi\f woulddecrea\fe it\f effect\Fivene\f\f. OPERATIONS GREEN ION DOOR COOLING (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL ) The anion coating in the duct cover purifies the air and helps stored foods remain fresh longer. If water of foreign substances enter the cool air vent while cleaning, efficiency will be lowered. In addition, if gasket is damaged, efficiency may be lowered owing to the escape of cool air. ICE MAKING (OPTIONAL) To remove ice cubes, hold the lever of the tray and pull turn gently. Then, ice cubes drop int to the ice cube box. To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and insert in its position. Twisting Ice Serve Type General Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and place it on the ice cube box. Then insert the ice cube box in the freezer compartment. To remove ice cubes, hold the tray at its end and twist gently. Choose the type of ice Making you have. Ice Trays Ice Cube Box Ice Trays Ice Cube Box ICE MAKING (OPTIONAL) Choose the type of ice Making you have. General Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and place it on the ice cube box. Then insert the ice cube box in the freezer compartment. To remove ice cubes, hold the tray at its end and twist gently. Ice Trays Ice Cube Box Twisting Ice Serve Type To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water and insert in its position. To remove ice cubes, hold the lever of the tray and pull turn gently. Then, ice cubes drop int to the ice cube box. Ice Trays Ice Cube Box 14
OPERATIONS FR\fSH ZON\f When the door i\f open\Fed, the warmer air d\Foe\fn't influence in the fre\fh zone. S\Fo you can keep food f\Fre\fher in it. D\fFROSTING Defro\ftin\b take\f plac\Fe automatically. The defro\fted water f\Flow\f down to the evapor\Fatin\b tray which i\f l\Focated in the lower \Fback \fide of the refri\berator and i\f \Fevaporated automatic\Fally. D\fODORIZ\fR (OPTIONA\b) By u\fin\b a cataly\ft, de\Fodorizin\b performanc\Fe i\f \buaranteed. Unplea\fant odor of foo\Fd in fre\fh food comp\Fartment i\f deodorize\Fd with no harm to you\F and the food. To remove the deodoriz\Fer, take down while p\Fullin\b itforward after in\fert\Fin\b type drive\Fr into the in\fide hole a\f \fhown in the \Ffi\bure at ri\bht. How to use A\f the cataly\ft i\f loc\Fated in coolin\b air \Foutlet for circulat\Fin\b air in fre\fh foo\Fd compartment, there\F i\f no need for any handlin\b. Do not prick the cool\Fin\b air outlet with \Fa \fharp tip becau\fe \Fthe deodorizin\b cata\Fly\ft may be dama\bed. When \ftorin\b food with\F a \ftron\b odor, wrap i\Ft or \ftore it in a c\Fontainer with a lid \Fbecau\fe odor may be pa\f\fed on to other fo\Fod\f. VITAMIN KIT (OPTIONAL) I V T ATMIK IN N K II MTATIV It contains anti-oxydant that is able to avoid oxidation process in order to make the fruits and vegetables fresh for longer time. This part contains anti-oxydant substance that do not to eat. Opening and closing the door too much often can reduce its lifetime. 15
OPERATIONS DAIRY CORN\fR (FOR DOOR COOLING MODEL) U\fe the movin\b by pu\fhi\Fn\b ri\bht the left wi\Fthprotruded handle. How to remove the cover\F when you clean Pu\fh the cover and mo\Fve it to the center \Fof ba\fket Move the cover at the\F middle of ba\fket an\Fd ali\bh thehole with both\fide\f of\F the ba\fket After ali\bnin\b,turn b\Fa\fket from back to fr\Font and pullout with both hand\f. 16
SUGGESTIONS ON FOOD STORAGE STORING FOOD Store fre\fh food in \Fthe refri\berator com\Fpartment. How food i\f \Ffrozen and thawed i\f\F an importantfactor in maintaini\Fn\b it\f fre\fhne\f\f and \Fflavor. Do not \ftore food which\F \boe\f bad ea\fily at lo\Fw temperature\f, \fuch \Fa\f banana\f, pineapple\F\f, andmelon\f. Allow hot food to cool \Fprior to \ftorin\b. Plac\Fin\b hot food in the \Frefri\berator could \f\Fpoil other food, andlead to hi\bher elec\Ftric bill\f! When \ftorin\b the food,\F cover it with vinyl wr\Fap or \ftore in a con\Ftainer with a lid. Th\Fi\f prevent\fmoi\fture from evapora\Ftin\b, and help\f food \Fto keep it\f ta\fte an\Fd nutrient\f. Do not block air vent\f \Fwith food. Smooth circ\Fulation of chilled \Fair keep\f refri\bera\Ftor temperature\feven. Do not open the door f\Frequently. Openin\b th\Fe door let\f warm air \Fenter the refri\bera\Ftor, and cau\fetemperature\f to ri\fe\F. FR\f\fZ\fR COMPARTM\fNT Do not \ftore bottle\f in\F the freezer compar\Ftment - they may brea\Fk when frozen. Do not refreeze food \Fthat ha\f been thawed\F. Thi\f cau\fe\f lo\f\f of t\Fa\fte and nutrition. When \ftorin\b frozen f\Food like ice cream \Ffor a lon\b period, pl\Face it on the freez\Fer \fhelf, not in the\F door rack. Loadin\b for Freezin\b \F- It i\f recommended \Fto load newly introdu\Fced food\f on the foll\Fowin\b po\fition for freezin\b: R\fFRIG\fRATOR COMPARTM\fN\RT Avoid placin\b moi\ft fo\Fod on deep interior \Frefri\berator \fhelve\f, it could fre\Feze upon direct con\Ftact with chilled air. To avoid thi\f it \Fi\f better to \ftore foo\Fd in the covered container. It i\f de\firable to \ft\Fore moi\ft food (e\fpec\Fially ve\betable and fruit) in the \Fve\betable \ftora\be comp\Fartment. If it i\f nece\f\fary to \ftore on \Fa \fhelf of the refr\Fi\berator, put it clo\fe to the door away\F from the back wall \Fof the refri\berator to avoid\F bein\b frozen by the c\Fool circulatin\b in t\Fhe refri\berator. Alway\f clean food prio\Fr to refri\beration. V\Fe\betable\f and fruit\f \F\fhould be wa\fhed and \Fwiped, and packed food \fhould be\F wiped clean, to pre\Fvent adjacent food fr\Fom \fpoilin\b. When \ftorin\b e\b\b\f in t\Fheir \ftora\be rack, en\F\fure that they are f\Fre\fh, and alway\f \ftore \Fthem in a up- ri\bht po\fition, which \Fkeep\f them fre\fh lon\F\ber. VegetableDrawer RefrigeratorShelfNe wly Intr oduced Food 17
CLEANING It is important that you refrigerator be kept clean to prevent undesirable odors. Spilled food should be wipe up immediately, since it may acidify and stain plastic surfaces if allowed to settle. Never use metallic scouring pads, brushes, coarse abrasive cleaners or strong alkaline solutions on any surface. Before you clean, however, remember that damp objects will stick or adhere to extremely cold surfaces. Do not touch frozen surfaces with wet or damp hands. EXTERIOR -Use a lukewarm solution of mild soap or dish washable solution to clean the durable finish of your refrigerator. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth and then dry. INTERIOR - Regular cleaning of the interior and interior parts is recommended. Use a lukewarm solution of mild soap or dish washable solution to clean the durable finish of your refrigerator. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth and then dry. INTERIOR PARTS - Wash compartment shelves, door racks, storage trays and magnetic door seals etc. Use a lukewarm solution of mild soap or dish washable solution to clean the durable finish of your refrigerator. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth and then dry. GENERAL INFORMATION VACATION TIME During average length vacations, you will probably find it best to leave the refrigerator in operation. Place freezable items in freezer for longer life. When you plan to be away for an extended period, remove all food, disconnect the power cord, clean the interior thoroughly, and leave each door OPEN to prevent odor formation. POWER FAILURE Most power failures are corrected in an hour or two and will not affect your refrigerator temperatures. However, you should minimize the number of door openings while the power is off. During power failures of longer duration, place a block of dry ice on top of your frozen packages. IF YOU MOVE Remove or securely fasten down all loose items inside the refrigerator. To avoid damaging the leveling screw(s), turn them all the way into the base. ANTI-CONDENSATION PIPE The outside wall of the refrigerator cabinet may sometimes get warm, especially just after installation. Dont be alarmed. This is due to the anti- condensation pipe, which pumps hot refrigerant to prevent sweating on the outer cabinet wall. WARNING Always remove power cord from the wall outlet prior to cleaning in the vicinity of electrical parts(lamps, switches, controls, etc.). Wipe up excess moisture with a sponge or cloth to prevent water or liquid from getting into any electrical part and causing electric shock. Do not use flammable or toxic cleaning liquids. Caution for Cleaning Not in use : Surface active agent, Car wax, Anticorrosive, All sorts of oil, Gasoline, Acids, Wax. Usable Detergent Vegetable dish washable solution, Soapy water When careless using, it can occur a color change. Anti-Condensation Pipe 18
IMPORTANT WARNINGS DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD If possible, connect the refrigerator to its own individual electrical outlet to prevent it and other appliances or household lights from causing an overload that could cause a power outage. ACCESSIBILITY OF SUPPLY PLUG The refrigerator-freezer should be so positioned that the supply plug is accessible for quick disconnection when accident happens. SUPPLY CORD REPLACEMENT If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard. In the event of an electric short circuit, grounding (earthing) reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current. In order to prevent possible electric shock, this appliance must be grounded. Improper use of the grounding plug can result in an electric shock. Consult a qualified electrician or service person if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if you have doubts on whether the appliance is properly grounded. DO NOT MODIFY OR EXTEND THE POWER CORD LENGTH. It will cause electric shock or fire. ABOUT GROUNDING (EARTHING) This appliance must be grounded (earthed).DONT WAIT! DO IT NOW! or chemicals in the refrigerator. Do not store inflammable materials, explosives LAMP REPLACEMENT 1. Unplug the power cord from the outlet. 2. Remove refrigerator shelves. , insert type driver at the one of under hole of theo remove the lamp cover3. Tforwards.lamp cover and pull it out urn the lamp counterclockwise.4. T . Replacement bulb must be the5. Assemble in reverse order of disassemblysame specification as original. REFRIGERATOR LAMP An empty refrigerator can be a dangerous attraction to children. Remove either gaskets, latches, lids or the entire door from your unused appliance, or take some other action to make it harmless. VERY DANGEROUS ATTRACTION The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. 19
BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE SERVICE CALLS CAN OFTEN BE AVOIDED! IF YOU FEEL YOUR REFRIGERATOR IS NOT OPERATING PROPERLY, CHECK THESE POS\ SIBLE CAUSES FIRST : PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES REFRIGERATOR DOES NOT OPERATE REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER COMPARTMENT TEMPERATURE TOO WARM ABNORMAL NOISE(S) REFRIGERATOR HAS ODOR DEW FORMS ON THE CABINET SURFACE Has a house fuse blown or circuit breaker tripped? Has the power cord plug been removed or loosened from the electrical wall outlet? Temperature control not set on proper position. Appliance is placed close to wall or heat source. Warm weather-frequent door openings. Door left open for a long time. Large amount of foods are kept in the refrigerator. Refrigerator is installed in a weak or uneven place, or leveling screw needs adjusting. Unnecessary objects placed in the back side of the refrigerator. Foods with strong odors should be tightly covered or wrapped. Interior needs cleaning. Not unusual during periods of high humidity. Door may have been left ajar. DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD APPLIANCE 1. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. 2. All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separate\ ly from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointe\ d by the government or the local authorities. 3. The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potentia\ l negative consequences for the environment and human health. 4. For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, p\ lease contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. 20