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LG G Pad F 8.0 Instruction Manual

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Page 101

100For Your Safety
Areas	with 	a 	potentially 	explosive 	atmosphere 	are 	often, 	but 	not 	always 	marked 	clearly. 	
Potential 	areas 	may 	include: 	fueling 	areas 	(such 	as 	gasoline 	stations); 	below 	deck 	on	
boats; 	fuel 	or 	chemical 	transfer 	or 	storage 	facilities; 	vehicles 	using 	liquefied 	petroleum	
gas 	(such 	as 	propane 	or 	butane); 	areas 	where 	the 	air 	contains 	chemicals 	or 	particles	
(such 	as 	grain, 	dust, 	or 	metal 	powders); 	and 	any 	other 	area 	where 	you 	would...

Page 102

101For Your Safety
What is the FDA’s role concerning the safety of tablets?
Under 	the 	law, 	the 	FDA 	does 	not 	review 	the 	safety 	of 	radiation-emitting 	consumer	
products 	such 	as 	tablets 	before 	they 	can 	be 	sold, 	as 	it 	does 	with 	new 	drugs 	or 	medical	
devices. 	However, 	the 	agency 	has 	authority 	to 	take 	action 	if 	tablets 	are 	shown 	to 	emit	
Radio 	Frequency 	(RF) 	energy 	at 	a 	level 	that 	is 	hazardous 	to 	the 	user. 	In 	such 	a 	case, 	the	
FDA 	could 	require...

Page 103

102For Your Safety
The	FCC 	also 	regulates 	the 	base 	stations 	that 	the 	tablet 	networks 	rely 	upon. 	While	
these 	base 	stations 	operate 	at 	higher 	power 	than 	do 	the 	tablets 	themselves, 	the 	RF	
exposures 	that 	people 	get 	from 	these 	base 	stations 	are 	typically 	thousands 	of 	times	
lower 	than 	those 	they 	can 	get 	from 	tablets. 	Base 	stations 	are 	thus 	not 	the 	subject 	of 	the	
safety 	questions 	discussed 	in 	this 	document.
What kinds of devices are the subject...

Page 104

103For Your Safety
December	2000. 	Between 	them, 	the 	studies 	investigated 	any 	possible 	association	
between 	the 	use 	of 	wireless 	devices 	and 	primary 	brain 	cancer, 	glioma, 	meningioma, 	
or 	acoustic 	neuroma, 	tumors 	of 	the 	brain 	or 	salivary 	gland, 	leukemia, 	or 	other 	cancers. 	
None 	of 	the 	studies 	demonstrated 	the 	existence 	of 	any 	harmful 	health 	effects 	from	
wireless 	device 	RF 	exposures. 	However, 	none 	of 	the 	studies 	can 	answer 	questions	
about 	long-term...

Page 105

104For Your Safety
Electro	Magnetic 	Fields 	(EMF) 	Project 	since 	its 	inception 	in 	1996. 	An 	influential 	result 	of	
this 	work 	has 	been 	the 	development 	of 	a 	detailed 	agenda 	of 	research 	needs 	that 	has	
driven 	the 	establishment 	of 	new 	research 	programs 	around 	the 	world. 	The 	project 	has	
also 	helped 	develop 	a 	series 	of 	public 	information 	documents 	on 	EMF 	issues. 	
The 	FDA 	and 	the 	Cellular 	Telecommunications 	& 	Internet 	Association 	(CTIA) 	have 	a	

Page 106

105For Your Safety
What has the FDA done to measure the Radio Frequency energy coming 
from tablets?
The 	Institute 	of 	Electrical 	and 	Electronic 	Engineers 	(IEEE) 	is 	developing 	a 	technical	
standard 	for 	measuring 	the 	Radio 	Frequency 	(RF) 	energy 	exposure 	from 	tablets 	and	
other 	wireless 	handsets 	with 	the 	participation 	and 	leadership 	of 	FDA 	scientists 	and	
engineers. 	The 	standard, 	“Recommended 	Practice 	for 	Determining 	the 	Spatial-Peak	
Specific 	Absorption 	Rate...

Page 107

106For Your Safety
What about children using tablets?
The	scientific 	evidence 	does 	not 	show 	a 	danger 	to 	users 	of 	tablets, 	including 	children	
and 	teenagers. 	If 	you 	want 	to 	take 	steps 	to 	lower 	exposure 	to 	Radio 	Frequency 	(RF)	
energy, 	the 	measures 	described 	above 	would 	apply 	to 	children 	and 	teenagers 	using	
tablets. 	Reducing 	the 	time 	of 	tablet 	use 	and 	increasing 	the 	distance 	between 	the 	user	
and 	the 	RF 	source 	will 	reduce 	RF 	exposure. 	

Page 108

107For Your Safety
interference	occurs 	when 	a 	person 	uses 	a 	“compatible” 	device 	and 	a 	“compatible” 	
hearing 	aid 	at 	the 	same 	time. 	This 	standard 	was 	approved 	by 	the 	IEEE 	in 	2000. 	
The 	FDA 	continues 	to 	monitor 	the 	use 	of 	wireless 	communications 	devices 	for 	possible	
interactions 	with 	other 	medical 	devices. 	Should 	harmful 	interference 	be 	found 	to 	occur, 	
the 	FDA 	will 	conduct 	testing 	to 	assess 	the 	interference 	and 	work 	to 	resolve 	the 	problem....

Page 109

108For Your Safety
Open Source Software Notice Information
To	obtain 	the 	source 	code 	under 	GPL, 	LGPL, 	MPL, 	and 	other 	open 	source 	licenses, 	that	
is 	contained 	in 	this 	product, 	please 	visit 	http://opensource.lge.com.
In 	addition 	to 	the 	source 	code, 	all 	referred 	license 	terms, 	warranty 	disclaimers 	and	
copyright 	notices 	are 	available 	for 	download. 	
LG 	Electronics 	will 	also 	provide 	open 	source 	code 	to 	you 	on 	CD-ROM 	for 	a 	charge	
covering 	the 	cost 	of...

Page 110

109For Your Safety
Limited Warranty Statement
LG	offers 	you 	a 	limited 	warranty 	that 	the 	enclosed 	subscriber 	unit 	and 	its 	enclosed	
accessories 	will 	be 	free 	from 	defects 	in 	material 	and 	workmanship, 	according 	to 	the	
following 	terms 	and 	conditions:
(1) 		The 	limited 	warranty 	for 	the 	product 	extends 	for 	TWELVE 	(12) 	MONTHS 	beginning	
on 	the 	date 	of 	purchase 	of 	the 	product 	with 	valid 	proof 	of 	purchase, 	or 	absent 	valid	
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