LG 32ld340 Users Guide Specification
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Page 91
MOVIE LIST USB 89 The movie list is activated once a USB drive is detected. It is used when playing movie files on TV. \fisplays the movies in the USB folder and supports play. Allows playback of all movies in the folder and user desired files. Editing such as delete and add is not allowed. It is a movie list that displays folder information and \fivX file. MOVIE(*.avi/*.divx) supporting file Sampling frequency : within 32 KHz ~ 48 KHz(MP3) Bit rate : within 32 kbps ~ 320 kbps(MP3) mpg, mpeg, mpe, vob,...
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USB 90 USB Movie Selection and Popup Menu Page 1/1No MarkedMOVIE LIST Up Folder 624 x 352, 699MB Drive 1 Z.Knight.Rider Move Page Change Mark CHMARK Option Duration Title Up Folder Good Bye Z.Knight.Rider Page 1/1No MarkedMOVIE LIST Up Folder 624 x 352, 699MB Drive 1 Z.Knight.Rider Move Page Change Mark CHMARK Option Duration Title Up Folder Good Bye Z.Knight.Rider 01:00:05 01:19:24 624x352, 699MBPlay Mark All Delete Close Use the C C H H button to navigate in the movie page. Use the M M...
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USB 91 Picture Size Subtitle Language Audio Language Subtitle . Language . Sync . PositionF F Full ScreenG G --- --- --- --- --- Close 1/1(MP3) DivX A\fdio Lang\fage & S\fbtitle Lang\fage When DivX is playing, the O O p pt ti io o n n menu is displayed.1 RED 3Select P P i ic c t tu u r re e S S i iz z e e , , S S u ub b t ti it t l le e L L a a n n g gu u a ag g e e, , A A u ud d i io o L L a a n n g gu u a ag g e e, , S S u ub b t ti it t l le e , , L L a a n n g gu u a ag g...
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\fIVX \bEGIST\bATION CO\fE USB 92 USB EnterMoveUSB EnterMoveUSB Photo List Music List Movie List DivX Reg. Code Deactivation Photo List Music List Movie List DivX Reg. Code Deactivation Display D D i iv v X X R R e eg g . . C C o od de e .3 ENTER Select U U S SB B . Select D D i iv v X X R R e eg g . . C C o od de e . 1 MENU 2 ENTER Confirm the DivX registration code number of the TV. Using the registration number, movies can be rented or pur- chased at www.divx.com/vod. With a...
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\fEACTIVATION USB 93 Select U U S SB B . 1 MENU EnterMoveUSB Photo List Music List Movie List DivX Reg. Code Deactivation EnterMoveUSB Photo List Music List Movie List DivX Reg. Code Deactivation Select Y Y e es s or N N o o . 3 Select D D e ea ac ct ti iv v a a t ti io o n n .2 ENTER 5 RETURN Return to the previous menu. MENU Return to TV viewing. ENTER 4 Delete the existing authentication information to receive a new DivX user authentication for TV. Once this function is executed, a DivX...
Page 96
PICTUR\b CONTROL 94 PICTUR\b \fIZ\b (A\fP\bCT RATIO) CONTROL PICT\bRE CO\fTROL This feature lets you choose the way an analog picture with a 4:3 aspect ratio is displayed on your TV. RGB-PC input source use 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio. EnterMovePICTURE E Aspect Ratio : 16:9Energy Saving : O f f Picture Mode : Vivid • Backlight 100 • Contrast 100 • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 70 • Color 70 You can a\bso adjus\f A A s sp p e ec c\f \f R R a a\f \fi io o in \fhe Q Q . .M M e en n u u. Press \fhe...
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16:9 Adjus\f \fhe pic\fure horizon\fa\b\by, in a \binear pro- por\fion \fo fi\b\b \fhe en\fire screen. Just Scan Norma\b\by \fhe edges of video signa\bs are cropped 1-2%. Jus\f Scan \furns off \fhis cropping and shows \fhe comp\be\fe video. No\fes: If \fhere is noise on \fhe ed\Ages of \fhe origina\b signa\b, i\f wi\b\b be visib\be when Jus\f Scan is ac\fiva\fed.J J u u s s\f \f S S c ca a n n opera\fes on\by in Componen\f/HDMI/DVI(72 0p/1080i/1080p) inpu\f source. 4:3 Choose 4:3...
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PICTUR\b CONTROL 96 PR\b\f\bT PICTUR\b \f\bTTING\f - PICTUR\b MOD\b PICTUR\b CONTROL There are factory presets for picture settings available in the user menus. You can use a preset, change each setting manually, or use the Intelligent \fensor.Se\bec\f P P I IC C T TU U R RE E . Se\bec\f P P i ic c \f \fu u r re e M M o od de e . Se\bec\f I I n n \f \fe e \b \b\b \bi ig g e en n \f \f S S e en n s so o r r (For 42/47/55LH50YR, 32/42/47LH70YR, 42/47LH90QR, 32/42/47/55SL80YR,...
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PICTUR\b CONTROL 97 MANUAL PICTUR\b ADJU\fTM\bNT - U\f\bR MOD\b Adjust the picture appearance to suit your preference and viewing situations. Se\bec\f P P I IC C T TU U R RE E . Make appropria\fe adjus\fmen\fs. Se\bec\f B B a ac ck k\b \bi ig g h h \f \f , C C o on n\f \fr ra a s s\f \f , B B r ri ig g h h \f \fn n e es ss s , S S h ha ar rp p n ne es ss s , C C o o\b \bo o r r , or T T i in n \f \f . 1 MENU Se\bec\f P P i ic c \f \fu u r re e M M o od de e . 2 ENTER Se\bec\f V V i iv v i...
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PICTUR\b CONTROL 98 PICTUR\b IMPROV\bM\bNT T\bCHNOLOGY PICTUR\b CONTROL You can calibrate the screen for each Picture Mode or set the video value according to the special video screen. You can set the video seeing differently for each input. To reset to the factory default after making adjustments to each input source, execute the P P i ic c t tu u r re e R R e es se e t t function for each P P i ic c t tu u r re e M M o od de e . Se\bec\f P P I IC C T TU U R RE E . Se\bec\f A A...