Lenovo Yoga 3 Service Manual
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57 Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro-1370 Keyboard Table 4. Parts list – Keyboard FRULanguageP/N CRU ID. Arabic69KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDArabicSN20F66296 N Belgian70KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDBelgianSN20F66297 N Bulgarian70KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDBulgarianSN20F66301 N Brazilian70KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDBrazil- PortugueseSN20F66303 N Iceland70KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDIcelandicSN20F66304 N US69KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDEnglishSN20F66305 N LatinSpa70KeyST3YBJMEBlackKeyKBDLa-SpanishSN20F66308 N...
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58 Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro-1370 Hardware Maintenance Manual FRULanguageP/N CRU ID. LatinSpa70KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDLa-SpanishSN20F66307 N Brazilian70KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDBrazil- PortugueseSN20F66309 N Slovenian70KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDSlovenianSN20F66314 N CanadFrEn70KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDEnglish- FrenchSN20F66315 N Japanese73KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDJapaneseSN20F66317 N Korean69KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDKoreanSN20F66320 N UK70KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDEnglish-UKSN20F66321 N Dutch70KeyST3YBOKIBlackKeyKBDDutchSN20F66323...
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59 Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro-1370 Screws Table 5. Parts list – screws FRUP/NCRU ID. Screw 2.0D 2.5L K 4.5D 0.5T ZK 5S10G99209 N Screw 2.0D 4.0L K 6.0D 0.7T BNI 5S10G99211 N Screw 2.0D 2.0L K 5.5D 0.5T BNI 5S10G99212 N Screw 2.0D 3.0L K 3.5D 0.7T NL 5S10G99215 N AC adapters Table 6. Parts list – AC adapters FRU P/NCRU ID. Delta ADL40WDA 20V/5.2V 2A 40W adapter 36200561 * Delta ADL40WDJ 20V/5.2V 2A 40W adapter 36200562 * Delta ADL40WDB 20V/5.2V 2A 40W adapter 36200563 * Delta ADL40WDD 20V/5.2V 2A 40W adapter...
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60 Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro-1370 Hardware Maintenance Manual Notices Lenovo may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in all countries. Consult your local Lenovo representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to a Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that Lenovo product, program, or service may be used. Any...
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61 Notices Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the result obtained in other operating environments m a y v a r y s i g n i f i c a n t l y. S o m e m e a s u r e m e n t s m a y h a v e b e e n m a d e o n development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements w i l l b e t h e s a m e o n g e n e r a l l y a v a i l a b l e s y s t e m s . F u r t h e r m o r e , s o m e...