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Lenovo U 160 Service Manual

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    Important service information
    Use  the  following  strategy  to  prevent  unnecessary  expense  for  replacing  and servicing FRUs:
    If you are instructed to replace an FRU, but the replacement does not solve • the problem, reinstall the original FRU before you continue.
    Some  computers  have  both  a  processor  board  and  a  system  board.  If  you • are instructed to replace either of them, and replacing one of them does not solve the problem, reinstall that board, and then replace the other one. 
    If  an  adapter  or  a  device  consists  of  more  than  one  FRU,  any  of  the  FRUs • may  be  the  cause  of  the  error.  Before  replacing  the  adapter  or  device, remove the FRUs one by one to see if the symptoms change. Replace only the FRU that changed the symptoms. 
    Attention:  The  setup  configuration  on  the  computer  you  are  servicing  may have  been  customized.  Running  Automatic  Configuration  may  alter  the settings.  Note  the  current  configuration  settings  (using  the  View  Configuration option);  then,  when  service  has  been  completed,  verify  that  those  settings remain in effect.
    Strategy for replacing a hard disk drive
    Always  try  to  run  a  low-level  format  before  replacing  a  hard  disk  drive.  This will  cause  all  customer  data  on  the  hard  disk  to  be  lost.  Make  sure  that  the customer has a current backup of the data before performing this action.
    Attention: The  drive  startup  sequence  in  the  computer  you  are  servicing  may have  been  changed.  Be  extremely  careful  during  write  operations  such  as copying, saving, or formatting. If you select an incorrect drive, data or programs can be overwritten.
    Important notice for replacing a system board 
    Some  components  mounted  on  a  system  board  are  very  sensitive.  Improper handling  can  cause  damage  to  those  components,  and  may  cause  a  system malfunction.
    Attention:  When handling a system board:
    Do not drop the system board or apply any excessive force to it.• 
    Avoid rough handling of any kind.• 
    Avoid  bending  the  system  board  and  hard  pushing  to  prevent  cracking  at • each BGA (Ball Grid Array) chipset. 
    IdeaPad U160/U165 Hardware Maintenance Manual
    Important information about replacing RoHS compliant FRUs
    R o H S ,   T h e   R e s t r i c t i o n   o f   H a z a r d o u s   S u b s t a n c e s   i n   E l e c t r i c a l   a n d Electronic  Equipment  Directive  (2002/95/EC)  is  a  European  Union  legal requirement affecting the global electronics industry. RoHS requirements must  be  implemented  on  Lenovo  products  placed  on  the  market  after June  2006.  Products  on  the  market  before  June  2006  are  not  required  to have  RoHS  compliant  parts.  If  the  original  FRU  parts  are  non-compliant, replacement  parts  can  also  be  non-compliant.  In  all  cases  if  the  original FRU  parts  are  RoHS  compliant,  the  replacement  part  must  also  be  RoHS compliant.
    Note:  RoHS  and  non-RoHS  FRU  part  numbers  with  the  same  fit  and  function are identified with unique FRU part numbers.
    Lenovo  plans  to  transit  to  RoHS  compliance  well  before  the  implementation date  and  expects  its  suppliers  to  be  ready  to  support  Lenovo’s  requirements and  schedule  in  the  EU.  Products  sold  in  2005  and  2006  will  contain  some RoHS compliant FRUs. The following statement pertains to these products and any product Lenovo produces containing RoHS compliant FRUs.
    RoHS  compliant  FRUs  have  unique  FRU  part  numbers.  Before  or  after  the RoHS  implementation  date,  failed  RoHS  compliant  parts  must  always  be replaced  with  RoHS  compliant  ones,  so  only  the  FRUs  identified  as  compliant in the system HMM or direct substitutions for those FRUs may be used. 
    Products marketed before June 2006Products marketed after June 2006 
    Current or original part Replacement FRU Current or original part Replacement FRU
    Non-RoHSCan be Non-RoHS
    Must be RoHSMust be RoHSNon-RoHSCan be RoHS
    Non-RoHSCan sub to RoHS
    RoHSMust be RoHS
    Note: A  direct  substitution  is  a  part  with  a  different  FRU  part  number  that  is automatically shipped by the distribution center at the time of the order. 
    General checkout 
    General checkout 
    This chapter presents the following information:
    • “What to do first” on page 20
    • “Power system checkout” on page 21
    Before you go to the checkout, make sure to read the following important notes:
    Important notes:
    •	 Only	certified	trained	personnel	can	service	the	computer.
    •	 Before	replacing 	any 	FRU, 	read 	the 	entire 	page 	on 	removing 	and 	replacing	
    •	 When	you	replace	FRUs,	use	new	nylon-coated	screws.
    •	 Be 	extremely 	careful 	during 	such 	write 	operations 	as 	copying, 	saving, 	or 	
    formatting.  Drives  in  the  computer  that  you  are  servicing  sequence  might 
    have  been  altered.  If  you  select  an  incorrect  drive,  data  or  programs  might  be 
    •	 Replace 	an 	FRU 	only 	with 	another 	FRU 	of 	the 	correct 	model.   When  you 
    replace an FRU, make sure that the machine model and the FRU part number are 
    correct by referring to the FRU parts list. 
    •	 An 	FRU 	should 	not 	be 	replaced 	just 	because 	of 	a 	single, 	unreproducible 	
    failure.	 Single  failures  can  occur  for  a  variety  of  reasons  that  have  nothing  to 
    do  with  a  hardware  defect,  such  as  cosmic  radiation,  electrostatic  discharge,  or 
    software  errors.  Consider  replacing  an  FRU  only  when  a  problem  recurs.  If  you 
    suspect that an FRU is defective, clear the error logs and run the test again. If the 
    error does not recur, do not replace the FRU. 
    •	 Be	careful	not	to	replace	a	nondefective	FRU. 
    IdeaPad U160/U165 Hardware Maintenance Manual
    What to do first
    When  you  do  return  an  FRU,  you  must  include  the  following  information  in  the parts exchange form or parts return form that you attach to it:
    1. Name and phone number of servicer
    2. Date of service
    3. Date on which the machine failed
    4. Date of purchase
    5. Procedure index and page number in which the failing FRU was detected 
    6. Failing FRU name and part number
    7. Machine type, model number, and serial number
    8. Customer’s name and address
    Note  for  warranty:  D u r i n g   t h e   w a r r a n t y   p e r i o d ,   t h e   c u s t o m e r   m a y   b e responsible  for  repair  costs  if  the  computer  damage  was  caused  by  misuse, accident,  modification,  unsuitable  physical  or  operating  environment,  or improper maintenance by the customer.
    The  following  is  a  list  of  some  common  items  that  are  not  covered  under w a r r a n t y   a n d   s o m e   s y m p t o m s   t h a t   m i g h t   i n d i c a t e   t h a t   t h e   s y s t e m   w a s subjected to stress beyond normal use.
    Before checking problems with the computer, determine whether the damage is covered under the warranty by referring to the following list:
    The following are not covered under warranty: 
    LCD  panel  cracked  from  the  application  of  excessive  force  or  from  being • dropped
    Scratched (cosmetic) parts• 
    Distortion, deformation, or discoloration of the cosmetic parts• 
    Plastic  parts,  latches,  pins,  or  connectors  that  have  been  cracked  or  broken • by excessive force
    Damage caused by liquid spilled into the system• 
    Damage caused by the improper insertion of a PC Card or the installation of • an incompatible card
    Improper • disc insertion or use of an optical drive 
    Diskette  drive  damage  caused  by  pressure  on  the  diskette  drive  cover, • foreign material in the drive, or the insertion of a diskette with multiple labels 
    Damaged or bent diskette eject button• 
    Fuses blown by attachment of a nonsupported device• 
    Forgotten computer password (making the computer unusable)• 
    Sticky keys caused by spilling a liquid onto the keyboard• 
    Use of an incorrect AC adapter on laptop products• 
    The following symptoms might indicate damage caused by nonwarranted activities: 
    Missing parts might be a symptom of unauthorized service or modification. • 
    If the spindle of a hard disk drive becomes noisy, it may have been subjected • to excessive force, or dropped. 
    General checkout 
    Power system checkout
    To verify a symptom, follow the steps below:
    1. Turn off the computer.
    2. Remove the battery pack.
    3. Connect the AC adapter.
    4. Make sure that power is supplied when you turn on the computer.
    5. Turn off the computer.
    6. Disconnect the AC adapter and install the charged battery pack.
    7. Make  sure  that  the  battery  pack  supplies  power  when  you  turn  on  the computer.
    If you suspect a power problem, see the appropriate one of the following\
     power supply checkouts:
    • “Checking the AC adapter ” on page 21
    • “Checking operational charging” on page 21
    • “Checking the battery pack ” on page 22
    Checking the AC adapter 
    You are here because the computer fails only when the AC adapter is used. 
    If  the  power-on  indicator  does  not  turn  on,  check  the  power  cord  of  the AC • adapter for correct continuity and installation.
    If  the  computer  does  not  charge  during  operation,  go  to • “ C h e c k i n g operational charging”.
    To check the AC adapter, follow the steps below:
    1. Unplug the AC adapter cable from the computer.
    2. Measure  the  output  voltage  at  the  plug  of  the AC  adapter  cable.  See  the following figure:
    Voltage (V DC)
    Note: Output voltage for the AC adapter pin No. 2 may differ from the one you are servicing.
    3.  If the voltage is not correct, replace the AC adapter.
    4. If the voltage is acceptable, do the following: 
    Replace the system board.• 
    If the problem continues, go to • “Lenovo IdeaPad U160/U165” on page 27.
    Note: Noise from the AC adapter does not always indicate a defect.
    Checking operational charging
    To  check  whether  the  battery  charges  properly  during  operation,  use  a discharged  battery  pack  or  a  battery  pack  that  has  less  than  50%  of  the  total power remaining when installed in the computer.  
    IdeaPad U160/U165 Hardware Maintenance Manual
    Perform  operational  charging.  If  the  battery  status  indicator  or  icon  does  not light on, remove the battery pack and let it return to room temperature. Reinstall the  battery  pack.  If  the  charge  indicator  or  icon  is  still  off,  replace  the  battery pack.
    If  the  charge  indicator  still  does  not  light  on,  replace  the  system  board.  Then reinstall the battery pack. If it is still not charged, go to the next section.
    Checking the battery pack 
    Battery charging does not start until the Power Meter shows that less than 95% of  the  total  power  remains;  under  this  condition  the  battery  pack  can  charge  to 100%  of  its  capacity. This  protects  the  battery  pack  from  being  overcharged  or from having a shortened life.
    To  check  your  battery,  move  your  cursor  to  the  Power  Meter  icon  in  the  icon tray of the Windows® taskbar and wait for a moment (but do not click it), and the percentage of battery power remaining is displayed. To get detailed information about the battery, double-click the Power Meter icon.
    Note:  If  the  battery  pack  becomes  hot,  it  may  not  be  able  to  be  charged. Remove it from the computer and leave it at room temperature for a while. After it cools down, reinstall and recharge it.
    To check the battery pack, follow the steps below: 
    1. Turn off the computer.
    2. Remove  the  battery  pack  and  measure  the  voltage  between  battery terminals 1 (+) and 7 (-). See the following figure:
    1 +0 to +14
    7 Ground (-)
    oltage (V DC)
    3.  I f   t h e   v o l t a g e   i s   l e s s   t h a n   + 11 . 0   V   D C ,   t h e   b a t t e r y   p a c k   h a s   b e e n discharged. 
     Note:  Recharging  will  be  continued  for  at  least  3  hours,  even  though  the indicator does not light on.
     If  the  voltage  is  still  less  than  +11.0  V  DC  after  recharging,  replace  the battery. 
    4. If  the  voltage  is  more  than  +11.0  V  DC,  measure  the  resistance  between battery terminals 5 and 7. The resistance must be 4 to 30 KΩ.
     If  the  resistance  is  not  correct,  replace  the  battery  pack.  If  the  resistance  is correct, replace the system board. 
    Related service information
    Related service information
    This chapter presents the following information:
    • “Restoring the factory contents by using OneKey Recovery” on page 23
    • “Passwords” on page 24
    • “Power management” on page 25
    Restoring the factory contents by using OneKey Recovery
    Restore of factory default
    The  IdeaPad U160/U165  computers  come  with  pre-installed  OneKey  Rescue System.  In  order  to  save  application  files  and  the  initial  backed  up  files  of  the system, the hard disk in a Lenovo computer includes a hidden partition when it is  shipped.  If  you  need  to  restore  the  system  to  the  point  of  your  first  boot  up, just enter Lenovo OneKey Rescue System and run Restore to factory default. For  details  of  OneKey  Rescue  System,  see the  User  Guide  for  OneKey  Rescue System.
    Note:  This  will  delete  all  the  new  data  on  the  system  partition  (C  drive),  which 
    is not recoverable. Make sure to back up your critical data before you perform this  action.
    Using recovery discs
    When  you  replace  a  hard  disk  drive  in  your  computer,  you  are  unable  to  use the pre-installed Lenovo OneKey Recovery and OneKey Rescue. However, you can use the recovery discs that store your backed up data to restore your new hard drive to a previous backup status.
    Note: You can create recovery  discs by burning the backup image to a CD/DVD 
    as  recovery  discs.  For  details  of  Create	recovery	 discs,  see  the  User  Guide  for 
    OneKey Rescue System . 
    IdeaPad U160/U165 Hardware Maintenance Manual
    When  you  use  the  recovery discs  to  boot  your  computer,  the  system  will  enter the  user  interface  for  system  recovery  automatically.  Please  follow  the  prompt to insert the backup discs to complete the whole recovery process. 
    Note: The recovery process might take up to 2 hours. 
    As many as two passwords may be needed for any Lenovo IdeaPad computer: the power-on password (POP) and the supervisor password (SVP).
    If  any  of  these  passwords  has  been  set,  a  prompt  for  it  appears  on  the  screen whenever  the  computer  is  turned  on.  The  computer  does  not  start  until  the password is entered.
    Exception:  If  only  an  SVP  is  installed,  the  password  prompt  does  not  appear when the operating system is booted.
    Power-on password
    A  power-on  password  (POP)  protects  the  system  from  being  powered  on  by an  unauthorized  person.  The  password  must  be  entered  before  an  operating system can be booted.
    Supervisor password 
    A  supervisor  password  (SVP)  protects  the  system  information  stored  in  the BIOS  Setup  Utility.  The  user  must  enter  the  SVP  in  order  to  get  access  to  the BIOS Setup Utility and change the system configuration.
    Attention:  If  the  SVP  has  been  forgotten  and  cannot  be  made  available  to the  servicer,  there  is  no  service  procedure  to  reset  the  password.  The  system board must be replaced for a scheduled fee. 
    Related service information
    Power management
    Note: Power management modes are not supported for APM operating system.
    To  reduce  power  consumption,  the  computer  has  three  power  management modes: screen blank, sleep (standby), and hibernation.
    Screen blank mode
    If  the  time  set  on  the  “Turn  off  monitor”  timer  in  the  operating  system  expires, the LCD backlight turns off. You can also turn off the LCD backlight by pressing  Fn+F2. 
    To end screen blank mode and resume normal operation, press any key.
    Sleep (standby) mode
    When the computer enters sleep (standby) mode, the following events occur in addition to what occurs in screen blank mode:
    The LCD is powered off.• 
    The hard disk drive is powered off.• 
    The CPU stops.• 
    To enter sleep (standby) mode, press Fn+F1. 
    In  certain  circumstances,  the  computer  goes  into  sleep  (standby)  mode automatically:
    If a “suspend time” has been set on the timer, and the user does not do any • operation  with  the  keyboard,  the  hard  disk,  the  parallel  connector,  or  the diskette drive within that time.
    If the battery indicator • starts blinking, indicating that the battery power is low. (Alternatively,  if Hibernate  when  battery  becomes  low  has  been  selected in  the  “Power  Management  Properties”  window,  the  computer  goes  into hibernation mode.)
    To  cause  the  computer  to  return  from  sleep  (standby)  mode  and  resume  the operation, do one of the following:
    Press the Fn key.• 
    Open the lid.• 
    Turn on the power switch.• 
    Also,  in  the  following  event,  the  computer  automatically  returns  from  sleep (standby) mode and resumes the operation:
    The time set on the resume timer elapses.• 
    Note:  The  computer  does  not  accept  any  input  immediately  after  it  enters sleep  (standby)  mode.  Wait  a  few  seconds  before  taking  any  action  to  reenter operation mode. 
    IdeaPad U160/U165 Hardware Maintenance Manual
    Hibernation mode
    In hibernation mode, the following occurs:
    The system status, RAM, VRAM, and setup data are stored on the hard disk.• 
    The system is powered off.• 
    To cause the computer to enter hibernation mode, follow the steps below:
    If  you  are  using  the  ACPI  operating  system  and  have  defined  one  of  the • following  actions  as  the  event  that  causes  the  system  to  go  into  hibernation mode, perform that action: 
    – Closing the lid.
    – Pressing the power button.
    Also,  the  computer  goes  into  hibernation  mode  automatically  in  either  of  the following conditions:
    If a “hibernation time” has been set on the timer, and if the user does not do • any  operation  with  the  keyboard,  the  hard  disk  drive,  the  parallel  connector, or the diskette drive within that time.
    If the timer conditions are satisfied in suspend mode.• 
    When the power is turned on, the computer returns from hibernation mode and resumes operation. The hibernation file in the boot record on the hard disk drive is read, and system status is restored from the hard disk drive.  
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