Land Rover R380 Gearbox Overhaul 1995 2nd Edition Rover Manual
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MANUALGEARBOX OVERHAUL 31 Reverse and5thgear -Reassembly 1. Fitmainshaft reversegearselectable washer, bush andneedle bearing. 2. Fitmainshaft reversegearandsynchromesh baulk ring. 3. Fitlayshaft reversegear. 4. Assemble selectorspool,selector forkand reverse /5thgear synchromesh hub.Fitasone assembly tomainshaft splinesandselector shaft. (Ensure synchromesh baulkringlocates inside hub). 5. Fitnew circlip. NOTE: Thefitof the circlip iscontrolled by the selectable washerbehindthereverse gear. Adjust to...
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MANUALGEARBOX 32 OVERHAUL 12.Using toolLRT-37-015 andLRT-37-021 press mainshaft rearsupport bearingtracktocollar on mainshaft. 13. Apply smallamount ofheat andfitlayshaft rear support bearing. 14.Fitcentre platedetent balland spring. 15. Fitand tighten plugto25 Nm. NOTE: Patchlok plugmaybere-used provided threadsareundamaged. 16. Move selector shaftandcheck thatdetent balls can befelt toengage indetent. Extension housing-Type Aand BGearbox - Refit 1. Remove allslave boltsfromcentre plateand casing. 2....
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MANUALGEARBOX OVERHAUL 33 5.Apply Hylosil RTV102toextension casespool retainer, fitretainer andtighten boltto8Nm. 6. Using LRT-37-015 andLRT-37-21 presson mainshaft oilseal collar. Extension housing-Type Cgearbox -Refit 1. Lubricate anew selector shaftoilseal with gearbox oil. 2. Fitselector shaftoilseal. 3. Refit oilfilter. 4. Apply Hylosil RTV102tomating surfaces. 5. Fitextension housingensuring oilpick -up pipe locates infilter anddrive locates inoil pump. CAUTION: Donot use force, ifnecessary, remove...
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MANUALGEARBOX 34 OVERHAUL Extension housing-Type Dgearbox -Refit 1. Remove allslave boltsfromcentre plate. 2. Refit oilfilter. 3. Apply Hylosil RTV102tomating surfaces and fit extension housing.Ensurethatoilpipe locates infilter andthatroller bearings arenot dislodged. CAUTION: Donot use force. Ifnecessary, remove extension housingandre-align oil pump drive. 4. Bolt extension housingtocentre plateand main casing. 5.Apply Hylosil RTV102andfitextension case spool retainer, fitand tighten boltto8Nm....
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MANUALGEARBOX OVERHAUL 35 Gear change leveryoke-Type Bgearbox -Refit 1. Position gearchange leveryokeonselector shaft withballfacing towards outputshaft. 2. Apply Loctite 270tothreads ofanew setscrew, fit and tighten screwto25 Nm. CAUTION: Ensureendofsetscrew locates in hole inselector shaft. Gear change leveryoke-Type Dgearboxes - Refit 1. Position gearlever yokeonselector shaftwith ball facing towards outputshaft. 2. Apply Loctite 270tothreads ofnew setscrew. Fit and tighten screwto25 Nm. CAUTION:...
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MANUALGEARBOX 36 OVERHAUL Remote housing -Type Agearbox -Refit 1. Apply Hylosil RTV102tomating surfaces and fit to extension housing. 2. Position remotehousing toextension housing and gearcase ensuringrollerslocatein quadrant. 3. Fitbut donot fully tighten 3bolts inpositions shown. Transfer boxselector housing -Type Agearbox - Refit 1. Smear anew gasket withgrease andfitto remote housing. 2. Position transferboxselector housing to remote housing. 3. Fitbut donot fully tighten 4bolts. Gear change housing...
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MANUALGEARBOX OVERHAUL 37 Gear change housing -Type Bgearbox -Refit 1. Apply Hylosil RTV102tomating surfaces of extension housing. 2. Position gearchange housing toextension housing ensuring thatgear lever passes through centreofgear change leveryokeand engages inthe gate plate. 3. Fitbolts andtighten to25 Nm. Remote gearchange -Type Cgearbox -Refit 1. Apply lithium basedgrease toselector rod yoke. 2. Position remotegearchange toextension housing ensuring selectorshaftpinislocated in selector rodyoke. 3....
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MANUALGEARBOX 38 OVERHAUL Bias spring adjustment -Type Agearbox NOTE: Thepurpose ofthis adjustment is to set both bolts sothat thebias spring legs apply equalpressure onboth ends of the gear lever cross pinwhen thirdorfourth gear is engaged. Thiswillensure thatwhen thelever is in neutral, thegear change mechanism is automatically alignedforthird orfourth gear. 1.Select thirdorfourth gear. 2. Adjust thetwo adjusting screwsuntilboth legs of the spring areapproximately 0.5mm clear of the cross pininthe gear...
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MANUALGEARBOX OVERHAUL 39 Bias spring adjustment -Type Cgearbox NOTE: Thepurpose ofthis adjustment is to ensure thatwhen biasspring is correctly adjusted, thegear change mechanism isautomatically alignedfor3rd or 4th gear selection whengearlever isin neutral. 1. Adjust bothbiasspring adjustment boltsuntila clearance of0.05mm existsbetween bothlegs of bias spring andgear lever cross pin. 2. Apply alight load tomove gearlever tothe left and adjust righthand boltuntil right hand legof bias spring...
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MANUALGEARBOX 40 OVERHAUL Clutch housing -Type Bgearbox -Refit 1. Position clutchhousing togearbox. 2. Fitsecuring bolts. NOTE:The12x45mm boltsmustbefitted through locating dowels. 3. Tighten boltsbydiagonal selection to72 Nm. 4. Apply lithium basedgrease topivot post, release lever,socket andpush rod. 5. Fitanew Cclip topivot post, fitpost. 6. Fitspring cliptorelease lever,fitbut donot tighten bolt. 7. Position releaselevertopivot postensuring spring clipislocated behindCclip; tighten bolt. 8. Fitclutch...