Kyocera FS 1028DP User Manual
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HP 7550A Emulation [KC-GL] (Mode 8) 7-99 1 = Printing System remains in mode A even when the IP instruction includes a nega- tive parameter value. Enhance Mode (bit 3) This bit supports the enhance mode of HP 7550A and HP 758X plotters. 0 = Normal mode (HP 7550A standard mode and HP 758X emulation mode). 1 = Enhance mode (HP 7550A enhance mode and HP 758X standard mode). The enhance mode should be turned on when the printing system uses the HP 758X mode. The enhance mode affects the KC-GL IW...
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Chapter 7 Emulation 7-100 7 = pen 7 8 = pen 8 xx: Line-width (in dots): 0 to 99 (0 - line not printed) Positions in the plot area can be defined as plotter units or user units. These units are explained next. Note Since the pen thickness is measured in the unit of dot, printing an object in the 600-dpi res- olution will result in the thickness of lines being half that expected in the 300-dpi resolu- tion. To avoid this, switch the printing resolution to 300 dpi using the FRPO N8 command or,...
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HP 7550A Emulation [KC-GL] (Mode 8) 7-101 Setting the Scaling Points At power-up, scaling point P1 will be in the lower left corner of the paper, the default plot position. Point P2 is always diagonally opposite to P1. These two points define the diagonal of a rectangle, which by default is centered on the paper. P1 and P2 can be moved by an instruction which defines any rectangle, independent of the actual paper size. The default positions of the scaling points in modes A and B are listed at the...
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Chapter 7 Emulation 7-102 Figure 7. 30. KC-GL Sample Program Plotter Status Information When the RS-232C interface is used, in addition to receiving data, the plotter (printing system) can return information such as the current pen position, pen status, and error numbers. This return information applies to the following KC-GL instructions. All of these instructions use the same syntax and must be followed immediately by a ter- minator. They use no parameters. The functions of these instructions...
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HP 7550A Emulation [KC-GL] (Mode 8) 7-103 OA [Output Actual position and pen status] The plotter returns the x- and y-coordinates of the current pen position and indicates whether the pen is currently up or down. This information is given by ASCII-coded inte- gers in the following format: X, Y, P TERM X: x-coordinate in absolute plotter units Y: y-coordinate in absolute plotter units P: 0 if the pen is up; 1 if the pen is down OC [Output Commanded po sition and pen status] The plotter returns...
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Chapter 7 Emulation 7-104 OI [Output Identification] This instruction returns a character string indicating the plotter model being emulated, as follows: OL [Output Label length] This instruction returns information on the cont ents of the label buffer. This may be used together with the BL instruction for accessi ng the necessary space for the buffered label before printing it. length, characters, linefeeds, TERM OO [Output Options] This instruction returns eight ASCII-coded in tegers separated...
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HP 7550A Emulation [KC-GL] (Mode 8) 7-105 OS [Output Status] This instruction returns an integer from 0 to 255 giving one byte of status information, as follows: status TERM The following table describes the individual bits in the status byte. After powered up or an IN instruction, bit positions 3 and 4 turn on making the bit value to be 24. Bit position 3 is cleared subsequently after delivering the status. OT [Output carousel Type] This instruction delivers information on th e current carousel...
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Chapter 7 Emulation 7-106 OW [Output Window] This instruction returns the x- and y-coordinates of two diagonally opposite corners of the current plottable area. Four ASCII-coded integers indicating the lower left and upper right corner coordinates are returned by using the following format: X LL, YLL, XUR, YUR, TERM LL: lower left UR: upper right Device-Control Instructions KC-GL uses device-control instructions to retu rn buffer status information and other sta- tus information from the...
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HP 7550A Emulation [KC-GL] (Mode 8) 7-107 Fonts and Symbol Sets in KC-GL KC-GL uses a special stroke font. The fonts employed in the other emulations cannot be used in KC-GL. The default height and width of the stroke font vary depending on the paper size. The following character sets are available for the KC-GL emulation. 25 The buffer is empty and the printing system is off-line. 33 The buffer is full with the printing system under one of the following conditions: cover open, paper empty, or...
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Chapter 7 Emulation 7-108 KC-GL Symbol Sets ANSI ASCII (0)Roman Extensions (7) Downloaded From Manuals