Kodak Dp 800 Projector Quickstart Guide
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This Read Me file contains the latest Acrobat Reader information and program installation instructions.1 .Install the Adobe A c robat Reader software.You must have Adobe A c robat Reader or Exchange installed in order to make use of the PDF files on this CD-RO M . Macintosh Users: - To install A c robat Reader 2.1 on your hard disk d r i ve , double click on the folder called AC RO _ V 2 . Within the AC RO_V2 fo l d e r, double-click the AC RO M AC folder and then double-click on the ENGLISH fo l d e r. Within the ENGLISH fo l d e r, double-click the AC RO R E A D. M AC icon and fo l l ow the instructions on your scre e n .W i n d ows Users: - To install A c robat Reader 2.1 on your hard drive, f rom the W i n d ows Program Manager, choose Run f rom the File menu ;type [cd-drive ] : a c ro _ v 2 \ a c row i n e n g l i s h a c ro re a d . e xe - Fo l l ow the instructions on your scre e n . - Installation re q u i res ap p rox i m a t e ly 3 MB of fre e h a rd disk space . Unix Users: - The Adobe A c robat 2.1 Readers have been included on this CD RO M . - For installation instructions, license agreement and k n own issues please read the ap p ropriate re a d m e file for your system. DOS Users: - For installation instructions, system re q u i re m e n t s and other information please see the readme file located at: AC RO _ V 2 / AC RO D O S / R E A D M E . T X T 2 .A c robat 2.1 users are encouraged to use the S TA RT.PDF file to navigate through the contents of this CD-RO M . How to use this CD-Rom 32 V i ew i n gS e a rc h To o l sF irst Page Last PageD i s p l ays whole pageF i n d P revious Page / Ne xt Page P revious Page / N ext Page Page 1. C o n t e n t s D i s p l ays p rev i o u s p age viewS ets page v i ew to 100%Scales page to the window w i d t h Click to s t a rt re a d i n gPage NumberM ag n i f i c a t i o nDocument A re a0510 CD-Inledning.ENG 12-03-98 16:39 Side 2

Thank you for buying this Projector,and for choosing the brighter way of presenting.The Projector will display high brightness images with vivid colours, even under normal light conditions.A s input for your presentation you can use CD-I,( a s k your dealer for the CD-I player),CD RO M ,P h o t o C D s ,Laser Disks, normal VCRs or computers.You can connect a microphone and have multiple inputs connected simu l t a n e o u s ly for high impact true multimedia pre s e n t a t i o n . Thanks to the unique Graphical User interface,t h e P rojector offer true plug and play operation fro m remote contro l ,which by the way can also contro l your computer! For good measure we have eve n included the Slide Works presentation utility software with over 50 powerful presentation tools included. Ask your dealer for information about other p resentation products and accessories. For add e d security and convenience try our extended warr a n t y p ro g r a m .Before you startPlease take a few minutes to make sure that yo u r system contains the necessary components for yo u r p a rticular ap p l i c a t i o n : P rojector Lamp module Serial cable (8 pin) Super video cable (4 pin) Composite video cable Cable for Audio (2RCAm - 2RCA m ) AC cable (4m) 2 Macintosh adap t e r s 9 pin serial adap t e r A d apter BNC-Composite I n t e r a c t i ve remote contro l D i s kette with Macintosh driver software D i s kette with the Slideworks p resentation utility software Batteries for the remote contro l 5 meter (16 ft.) RGB buffer cable If you want to use the Projector to display video i n fo r m a t i o n ,you will need the cables for S-video or composite video, all depending on the system you use . 1Introduction2Identifying the different parts of the Projector 54 123456789101 11 21 3 1 41 5This section describes how to connect the Projector to your PC, Macintosh,Powerbook or notebook in order to show computer graphics. 1 .Identify the parts needed to connect yo u r computer with the Pro j e c t o r. 2 .Identify the RGB Out connector on the back of your computer (the one that connects the monitor to the computer). 3 .M a ke sure that the computer, monitor and the P rojector are switched off. 4 .Connect the power cable from the Projector to the wall outlet. 5 .Locate the O n/Off switch on the Pro j e c t o r.W i t h all the connections done and the screws pro p e r ly f a s t e n e d ,the Pro j e c t o r, and computer may be p owe red up. Switch on the units in the mentioned s e q u e n c e. 6 .The Projector will now automatically display the c o m p u t e r ’s image in parallel with the monitor. 7 .If you want to control your computer with the remote contro l ,also connect the serial interface cable from the RGB buffer cable to the computer C O M - p o rt ,see fig 2 or 3. Connecting the serial interface cable. 3Connecting the Projector to your computer Fig 2. Connecting to a desktop computer or a standard l a p t o p ,n o t e b o o k Fig 3. Connecting to an Apple Macintosh desktop computer or Ap ple Macintosh Pow e r b o o k To Projector To Projec to r0510 CD-Inledning.ENG 12-03-98 16:40 Side 4

76 4Connecting the Projector to your video playerUsing composite video 1 .Find the Composite video cable, and the audio c a b l e. All cables and adapters are provided with the Pro j e c t o r. 2 .M a ke sure that the video source and the P rojector are switched off. Connect the Composite video cable from the Video out connector of the video source to the Composite video connector on the Projector plug panel,s e e f i g .4 .Connect the audio cable from the Audio out connectors of the video source to the Composite Audio in connectors on the Pro j e c t o r.C o n n e c t the red plug to the red connector, and the other plug to the white connector. Red is the right s t e reo channel.3 .Connect the power cable from the Projector to the wall outlet. 4 .When all the connections are done and ve r i f i e d , switch on the video sourc e, and then switch on the Pro j e c t o r. 5 .The Projector will now automatically display the p i c t u res from the video sourc e. If not, see the section Trouble shooting. You can connect external speakers to the Pro j e c t o r f rom the Audio out connectors on the plug panel.Using Scart video The signals from the Scart connector are the same as f rom the Composite connector. If you have a Scart connector on your video, you will have to purchase a S c a rt to Composite interc o n n e c t i o n .Connect the S c a rt end of the interconnection cable to your video, and then fo l l ow the pro c e d u re in the previous section, Using composite video. Plug pa nel Connect to video out pa rt of V C RR L Connect to VCR audio out F i g .4 .Connecting to a composite video sourceUsing composite video1 .Find the SuperVideo cable. All cables and adap t e r s a re provided with the Projector . 2 .M a ke sure that the video source and the P rojector are switched off. Connect the SuperVideo cable from the S-video out connector on the video source to the S-video connector on the Projector plug panel, see fig.5 . Connect the audio cable from the audio out connectors on the video source to the S-video Audio in connectors on the Pro j e c t o r.C o n n e c t the red plug to the red connector, and the other plug to the white connector. Red is the right s t e reo channel. 3 .Connect the power cable from the Projector to the wall outlet.4 .When all the connections are done and ve r i f i e d , switch on the video sourc e, and then switch on the Pro j e c t o r. 5 .The Projector will now a u t o m a t i c a l ly display the pictures from the video s o u rc e. If not, see the section Trouble shooting. You can connect external speakers to the Pro j e c t o r f rom the Audio out connectors on the plug panel.Using external speakers You can connect external speakers to the Projector in t wo way s : 1 .Powe red speakers (Speakers with built in a m p l i f i e r ) .These speakers can be connected d i re c t ly to the audio out connectors on the P rojector amplifier. 2 .A m p l i f i e r. Connect the amplifier to the audio out on the Pro j e c t o r. When external speakers are connected, These can be turned on or off from the Pro j e c t o r. Plug panel Connect to V C R ,S-video out. F i g .5 .Connecting to a SuperVideo source0510 CD-Inledning.ENG 12-03-98 16:40 Side 6