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Key Voice Voice Processing System Supervisor And Subscriber Guide

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    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-12to automatically play the message time and date at the beginning or end of the
    message on the OTHER CUSTOMIZATIONS screen (VP systems) / GENERAL
    INFORAMTION screen (NTVP systems).
    2.5 Sending a MessageIf you press 2 from the Main menu to send a message, the VP system prompts you to indicate
    the box number.  You can send a message to any mailbox or Group box, or to several
    mailboxes or Group boxes. You can also send a message to one of the personal distribution
    lists defined for the mailbox.To send a message to…Do thisA single mailboxEnter the mailbox numberSeveral mailboxesEnter the first mailbox numberAll members of a Group boxEnter the Group box numberAll members of a personal distribution listEnter the distribution list numberIf you do not know the box number of the person to whom you want to send the message,
    press * to access the dial-by-name system directory.
    Once you have entered the box number, the VP system plays the name of the owner of that
    box and asks you to confirm you have indicated the correct box.  For example:
    “John Smith.  If this is correct, press 1.” 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-13If you press 1, the VP system asks you to record your message after the tone.  Once you
    record the message, the VP system offers the following options:DigitFunctionDescription1SendSend the message.  You are offered the following sending options:
    1. Send with normal delivery (the default).
    2. Send as an urgent message. Urgent messages are played first.
    3. Send as a private message. Private messages cannot be
    5. Send and be notified when recipient has listened to the message.
    (This is the same as choosing option 5 below).2ReplayPlay the message back, so you can hear how it sounds.3Re-recordDelete this message, and record a new one.4CancelDelete this message, without sending it.5Send with
    confirmationSend the message, and have the VP system notify you when the
    recipient first listens to it.  Once the message has been heard by the
    recipient, the VP system sends a message to your mailbox, telling
    you when the message was received and who received it (in case it
    was automatically forwarded to a third party).  This message from
    the VP system is treated as a normal message in that it activates all
    the normal message notification, pager, message-waiting features.
    (This is the same as choosing option 1 above, and then pressing 5).6Multiple sendSend this message to several mailboxes or Group boxes.  The VP
    system sends the message to the mailbox (or Group box) you first
    specified, then asks you for more box numbers.  Enter each mailbox
    (or Group box) number when asked, then press # when you are
    finished.8AppendContinue making the recording of this message from the point
    where you left off.  You may continue recording up to the total
    message length allowed by the receiving mailbox’s assigned class
    of service.9RecapPlay back the last 5 seconds of the recorded message. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-14DigitFunctionDescription*ScheduleSchedule this message for delivery at a future time and date.  The
    VP system prompts you to enter the time and date for delivery of the
    message, then plays back the information you entered for
    confirmation.  Choosing this option takes the place of pressing 1
    (send), which would deliver the message immediately.2.6 Changing Mailbox OptionsIf you press 3 from the Main menu to change the mailbox options, the VP system voices the
    Options menu:
    “To record your name, press 1.
    To record your greeting, press 2.
    To change your password, press 3.
    To change your call transfer feature, press 4.
    To change your message notification feature, press 5.
    To change your pager feature, press 6.
    To review messages scheduled for future delivery, press 7.
    To change your personal distribution lists, press 8.
    To reactivate the tutorial, press 9.
    To retrieve a message you have already sent to another mailbox, press *.
    Or, to return to the Main menu, press #.”
    Note:If this mailbox is the owner of an ACD box, the menu also includes an optionto log agents into or out of the ACD group.If you do not make a selection, the VP system returns you to the Main menu. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-152.6.1 Recording a Name
    If you press 1 from the Options menu to record a name in the mailbox, the VP system plays
    the current recording of the name and prompts you to change it:
    “To replay your name, press 1.
    To re-record your name, press 2.
    To delete your name, press 3.
    Or, to exit, press #.”
    If you press 1, the VP system plays the current recording of the name, then plays the menu
    If you press 2, the VP system asks you to record your name after the tone.  Speak the name,
    then press # to end the recording.  If you do not press #, the VP system will record a few
    seconds of silence before ending the recording.  This will slow the progression of calls to the
    mailbox.  Once the name has been recorded, the VP system plays the above menu again.
    If you press 3, the VP system deletes the current recording of the name.  If you press #, you
    return to the Options menu.
    2.6.2 Recording a Greeting
    If you press 2 from the Options menu to record a greeting, the VP system examines the class
    of service assigned to the mailbox and checks to see if you are the owner of any other box in
    the system (Routing box, Questions box, etc.).  The next prompt you hear depends on:
    · Whether the mailbox is allowed to record multiple greetings, a single greeting, or no
    personal greeting, as defined in the assigned class of service.  If the mailbox is not
    permitted to record a personal greeting, the VP system says, “That was not a valid
    entry,” and plays the Options menu again.  When a call is routed to this mailbox, the
    caller hears the default system greeting, “[Name] is not available right now...”
    · Whether the mailbox is the owner of one or more other system boxes. If the mailbox
    is an owner of another system box, the VP system prompts you to select which box
    you want to change the greeting in, “Please enter the box number.” 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-16If you enter a number for a box that you do not own, the VP system says, “I’m sorry,
    you do not own that box.” then re-plays the Options menu.  If you enter a number of
    a box that you do own, the VP system plays the following menu:
    “To replay the greeting, press 1.
    To re-record the greeting, press 2.
    To delete the greeting, press 3
    To select a new active greeting, press 5.
    Or, to exit, press #.”
    Options 1, 2, and 3 function the same way as when you use them to record a name for
    the mailbox (see above).  The only difference involves boxes that are allowed
    multiple greetings.  If the box is allowed multiple greetings and you select option 1,
    2, or 3, the VP system prompts you to indicate the number of the greeting (0 – 9) you
    want to modify.
    Note:If a mailbox is not allowed any greetings, then any boxes “owned” by thatmailbox are also not allowed any greetings.Enter the greeting number (or press * if you want to work with whichever greeting is
    currently active).  If the number you enter is higher than the maximum number of
    greetings allowed by the assigned class of service, the VP system says, “That was not
    a valid entry,” and replays the Greeting menu.  If the greeting number is valid, the
    VP system allows you to play, re-record, or delete it using the same functionality it
    uses when you play, re-record, or delete the mailbox name (see above).
    Note:If the mailbox is allowed multiple greetings, recording one of the greetingsdoes not affect which greeting is active.  That is, if greeting 0 is currently theactive greeting, recording greeting 1 does not automatically make it theactive greeting.  You must use option 5 to activate a different greeting.Option 5 allows you to select another greeting as the currently active greeting.  The
    active greeting is the greeting played to callers when they are routed to the mailbox.
    Once you select a new active greeting, the VP system plays the greeting back to you
    for confirmation. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-17Note:If the class of service assigned to the mailbox allows multiple greetings(ranging from 0 to 9), record greeting 0 first since this is the active greetingby default. You can then record additional greetings 1 through 9, as allowedby the class of service.2.6.3 Changing a Password
    If you press 3 from the Options menu to change your password, the VP system prompts you
    to enter a new password.  The password can contain the digits 0 – 9 and the character *, and it
    can be up to 10 digits/characters long.
    Once you enter a new password, the VP system prompts you to re-enter it for confirmation.
    This ensures you do not accidentally mis-enter the password you intended to use.  Once you
    enter the same password twice, the VP system plays the prompt, “Your password has been
    changed and will be in effect the next time you call.”
    If you do not re-enter the password when prompted or you do not enter two matching
    password as prompted, the VP system does not accept the new password and plays the
    prompt, “Your password has not been changed.”
    Note:If you do not want to password-protect a mailbox, enter 0000 (four zeros) asthe password.  If the mailbox contains the password 0000, the VP systemdoes not prompt the mailbox owner to enter a password when logging intothe mailbox.  Be advised that when the mailbox does not prompt for apassword, anyone can open it.  You are strongly urged to always password-protect a mailbox and change the password regularly for maximum security.Note:Mailbox owners are barred from remotely changing their passwords if thepassword field entry is enclosed in brackets [ ] on the MAILBOX screen.2.6.4 Changing the Call Transfer Service
    If you press 4 from the Options menu to change the call transfer service, the VP system
    announces the current state of the service.  If the service is currently enabled (on), you hear
    the prompt, “Your calls are currently being transferred to [number].  Press 1 if you would 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-18like to change the number.”  If the call transfer service is currently disabled (off), you hear
    the prompt, “Your calls are currently being transferred to voice mail.  Press 1 if you would
    like to change the number.”
    Press * to toggle the call transfer service on (callers are transferred to the telephone) and off
    (callers hear the mailbox greeting immediately).  After you press *, the VP system voices a
    confirmation prompt indicating the current state of service.
    Press 1 if you want to enter a new call transfer number.  The VP system asks you for the new
    number, “Please enter the new number.”  Once you enter the new number, the VP system
    plays the confirmation prompt, “Your calls are currently being transferred to [number].”
    Press # to accept the number and return to the Options menu, or press 1 to enter a different
    Note:Mailbox owners are barred from modifying the call transfer number if thenumber is enclosed in brackets [ ] on the MAILBOX screen.When you specify a call transfer number, you can enter the following special characters:
    · ### is interpreted as a hook-flash.
    · *** is interpreted as a pause.  The default length of the pause is equal to one comma
    (,).  To remotely enter a longer pause, enter ****** (6 stars).
    You may enter the number of a telephone outside of the telephone system, provided the
    telephone system supports this feature and the VP system has been programmed to perform
    external transfers.  Long distance (toll) numbers can be restricted in the mailbox owner’s
    assigned class of service.
    2.6.5 Changing the Message Notification Service
    If you press 5 from the options menu to change the message notification feature, the VP
    system informs you of the current state of the feature, “Your message notification feature is
    [telephone number],” or, “Your message notification feature is off.  Press 1 to change the
    number or press pound if you’re finished.” 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-19To change the message notification number, use the technique described above for changing
    the call transfer service.  To toggle the message notification feature on or off, press *, also as
    described above.
    Note:This option allows you to change the first telephone number the VP systemcalls to inform you that you have new messages.  You can also togglemessage notification on and off using this option.2.6.6 Changing the Pager Service
    If you press 6 from the Options menu to change the pager service, the VP system informs you
    of the current state of the feature, “Your pager service is [telephone number],” or, “Your
    pager service is off.  Press 1 to change the number or press pound if you’re finished.”
    To change the pager service, use the technique described above for changing the call transfer
    service.  To toggle the pager service feature on or off, press *, also as described above.
    2.6.7 Reviewing Messages Scheduled for Future Delivery
    If you press 7 from the Options menu to review future delivery messages, the VP system
    plays information about the next message you have scheduled for future delivery, “Message
    for [receiving mailbox owner’s name] [date] at [time],” or, “You have no messages
    scheduled for future delivery.”
    If you currently have messages scheduled for future delivery, the VP system plays the
    following menu of options:
    “To listen to the message, press 1.
    To hear the next message, press 2.
    To cancel the message, press 4.
    Or, to exit, press #.”
    You can only listen to or cancel future delivery messages from this menu.  If the contents of
    the message are not satisfactory you must delete the message, then return to the Main menu
    and press 2 to re-record and reschedule the message. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-20If you do not have any messages scheduled for future delivery, or after you have listened to
    all of the future delivery messages, the VP system says, “You have no [more] messages
    scheduled for future delivery,”
    2.6.8 Changing the Personal Distribution Lists
    If you press 8 from the Options menu to change a personal distribution list, the VP system
    prompts you through the process of making personal distribution list modifications.  This
    option allows you to add mailboxes to or remove mailboxes from a personal distribution list.
    2.6.9 Retrieving a Message Already Sent to Another Mailbox
    If you press * from the Options menu to retrieve a previously sent message, the VP system
    prompts you to enter the recipient’s mailbox number.  If the mailbox contains messages you
    have sent, and the mailbox owner has not yet listened to those messages, the VP system plays
    each one.  After each message plays, the VP system allows you to skip it, re-play it, re-record
    it, or delete it.
    2.6.10 Logging into and out of ACD Boxes
    If you press 0 from the Options menu for ACD administration, the VP system asks you to
    indicate the number of the ACD box you want to modify.  Enter the ACD box number.  The
    VP system voices the following options:
    “To add an extension to this ACD group, press 1.
    To remove an extension, press 2.
    To exit, press #.”
    If you select option 1 or 2, the VP system asks you for the extension number.
    Note:Enter an extension number, not a mailbox number.  The numbers listed inthe ACD box are extension numbers. 
    							SYSTEM SUPERVISOR AND SUBSCRIBER GUIDE 9.0 VER. 12-21Once the VP system adds the extension you specified to or deletes it from the ACD group,
    the system voices the confirmation prompt, “Extension [number] has been [added to /
    deleted from] ACD group [name].”
    2.7 Listening to Question Box AnswersIf the mailbox owns one or more Question boxes, you can press 4 to listen to answers
    recorded as messages in the mailbox.  If you press 4 from the Main menu to listen to answers,
    the VP system asks you whether you want to listen to new or old questionnaire answers:
    “For new questionnaire answers, press 1.
    For old questionnaire answers, press 2.
    Or, to exit, press #.”
    When you select option 1 or 2, the VP system searches through all the Question boxes owned
    by the mailbox and plays any old or new messages it finds.
    Note:Questionnaire answers are arranged in sets, with each set consisting of theanswers supplied to the questions (1 through n) recorded in the Questionbox.While the VP system plays back a set of answers, you can press 8 to replay the last answer.
    You can also press 9 to skip forward to the next answer and press 0 to pause the playback.
    To resume playback you have paused, press 0 again or wait 30 seconds and the VP system
    will automatically resume playback.
    After an entire set of questionnaire answers has played, the VP system voices the following
    “To replay the message, press 1.
    To play the next message, press 2.
    To save the message as new, press 3.
    To delete the message, press 4.
    For message time and date, press 5.
    To exit, press #.” 
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