Kenwood D710 Manual
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25 AUX Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 517EXT. DATA BANDExternal TNC data band type A-BAND/ B-BAND/ TX:A-BAND RX:B-BAND/ RX:A-BAND TX:B-BAND A-BAND 518EXT. DATA SPEEDExternal TNC data communications speed1200/ 9600 bps1200 bps 519PC PORT BAUDRATE PC terminal baud rate speed 9600/ 19200/ 38400/ 57600 bps9600 bps 520SQC SOURCESQC output type OFF/ BUSY/ SQL/ TX/ BUSY or TX/ SQL or TX BUSY or TX 521AUTO PM STOREAutomatic PM entryOFF/ ONON 522 2REMOTE IDPersonal...
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26 AUX Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 500POWER ON MESSAGEPower on message setupUp to 8 charactersHELLO !! 501BRIGHTNESSDisplay brightnessOFF/ LEVEL 1 ~ LEVEL 8LEVEL 8 502AUTO BRIGHTNESSDisplay auto brightnessOFF/ ONOFF 503BACKLIGHT COLORBacklight colorAMBER/ GREENAMBER 504CONTRASTDisplay contrastLEVEL 1 ~ LEVEL 16LEVEL 8 505DISPLAY REVERSE MODEDisplay reverse modePOSITIVE/ NEGATIVEPOSITIVE 521AUTO PM STOREAutomatic PM entryOFF/ ONON 524DATEDateSee explanation–...
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27 APRS Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 600 BASIC SETTING MY CALLSIGNCall sign entryUp to 9 charactersNOCALL BEACON TYPEBeacon typeAPRS/ NAVITRAAPRS 601 INTERNAL TNC DATA BAND *RC-D710 + TM-V71 Data band type A-BAND/ B-BAND/ TX:A-BAND RX:B-BAND/ RX:A-BAND TX:B-BAND A-BAND DATA SPEEDData communications speed1200/ 9600 bps1200 bps DCD SENSEDCD sense type D or RxD BAND/ BOTH BAND/ IGNORE DCD *RC-D710 + TM-V71 D or RxD BAND ON/ IGNORE DCD *RC-D710 + PG-5J ON TX DELAYTX...
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28 APRS Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 604COM PORT OUTPUTCOM port outputOFF/ ONOFF 605 MY POSITION NAMEName entrySee explanation− LATITUDELatitude entrySee explanation− LONGITUDELongitude entrySee explanation− 606 BEACON INFORMATION SPEEDSpeed information setupOFF/ ONON ALTITUDEAltitude information setupOFF/ ONON POSITION AMBIGUITYPosition ambiguity modeOFF/ 1-DIGIT ~ 4-DIGITOFF 607 POSITION COMMENT POSITION COMMENTPosition commentSee explanationOff Duty 608 STATUS TEXT...
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29 APRS Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 612PACKET PATH TYPEPacket path typeSee explanation 613 NETWORK NETWORKNetworkUp to 9 charactersAPK102 614 VOICE ALERT *RC-D710 + TM-V71 VOICE ALERTVoice alertOFF/ ONOFF CTCSS FREQUENCYCTCSS frequencySee explanation100.0 Hz 615 WEATHER STATION TXWeather TXOFF/ ONOFF TX INTERVALWeather TX interval time5/ 10/ 30 min5 min 616DIGIPEAT (MY CALL) DIGIPEATDigipeatOFF/ ONOFF 617UI CHECK TIMEUI check time0 ~ 250 sec28 sec 618 UIDIGI...
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30 APRS Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 623 GROUP FILTERING MESSAGEMessage groupUp to 59 charactersALL, QST, CQ, KWD BLNBLN groupUp to 29 characters− 624 SOUND RX BEEPRX BeepOFF/ MESSAG E ONLY/ MINE/ ALL NEW/ ALLALL SPECIAL CALLSpecial callUp to 9 characters− APRS VOICE *RC-D710 + TM-V71APRS voiceOFF/ ONON 625 INTERRUPT DISPLAY DISPLAY AREADisplay area OFF/ HALF/ ENTIRE *RC-D710 + TM-V71 ENTIRE OFF/ ENTIRE *RC-D710 +PG-5JENTIRE AUTO BRIGHTNESSAuto brightnessOFF/ ONON CHANGE...
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31 APRS Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 629 NAVITRA MESSAGE MESSAGEMessageUp to 20 characters− SKY CMD (RC-D710 + TM-V71) Menu No.DisplayDescriptionSetting Values Default Setting 700 2COMMANDER CALLSIGNCommander call signUp to 9 charactersNOCALL 701 2TRANSPORTER CALLSIGNTransporter call signUp to 9 charactersNOCALL 702 2TONE FREQUENCYTone frequencySee explanation88.5Hz 703 2SKY COMMANDSKY commandOFF/ COMMANDER/ TRANSPORTEROFF AUX 2 (RC-D710 + TM-V71) Menu...
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32 ch A r A ct E r E N try Certain menus require you to enter characters, such as the power on mess\ age and memory names. When character entry is required, a cursor will appea\ r on the display. 1 Press the Tuning control. • The cursor will blink. 2 Rotate the Tuning control to select your desired character. 3 Press the Tuning control to set the selected character. • The cursor will move to the next digit. • You can move the cursor to the left or right by pressing [←] or [→]. • You can...
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33 n Microphone Keypad c haracter Entry (with t M-V71) The microphone keys can also be used to enter characters. Refer to the \ table below for characters corresponding to microphone keys. KeyCharacter Display (with each press of the key)KeyCharacter Display (with each press of the key) 1QZ17PRS7 2ABC28TUV8 3DEF39WXY9 4GHI40(space)0 5JKL5Not used 6MNO6#–/@ For a memory name, status text, and message: KeyCharacter Display (with each press of the key) 1qz1QZ 2abc2ABC 3def3DEF 4ghi4GHI 5jkl5JKL...
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34 MAINTENANCE GENERAL INFORMATION This product has been factory aligned and tested to specification before\ shipment. Attempting service or alignment without factory authorization can void t\ he product warranty. SERVICE When returning this product to your dealer or service center for repair,\ pack it in its original box and packing material. Include a full description of th\ e problem(s) experienced. Include your telephone number along with your name and add\ ress in case the service...
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