InFocus Projector In2124 Specifications
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Ultra-Bright, Ultra-Connected, Ultra-Affordable in 2120

The affo rd abl e InFo cu s IN 212 4 and I N2126 p ro je cto rs deliv er ult ra -br ig h t 3200 lumen ima ges and ad vanc ed netw orki ng t o light u p and connec t la rger meetin g a nd c lass rooms withou t brea king t he bank . E as y to buy a nd buil t to per fo rm over the lon g ha ul, th ese p ro je cto rs pack hig h b rig htn ess and cont rast, H DMI c onnecti vity , yo ur c hoic e of X GA or WXG A re so lu tion, netw orki ng a nd Brillia n tC olor™ te chno logy int o a s leek , light weig ht d esi gn tha t ma ke s t hem easy to mov e or i ns tall. M ak e a c onnection w ith your audienc e and IT en vir onment Wh y c hoo se the IN2120 Series? ¡ U p t o 3200 lumens ¡ Net work c onnectivity ¡ Lo ng lif e la m ps with Eco Mode ¡ HDMI connec tivity ¡ W eig hs o nly 4.8 poun ds (2.17 kg) ¡ C re stron RoomView Connect ed and AMX Devi ce D is cov ery buil t i n ¡ 3D te chno logy su p por ts up t o 120Hz f rame rate ¡ 5 -y ea r limit ed warranty , p lu s extended warranty options Bu ilt to Perform and to Bu ild-In Impr essi ve im ag e quality With up t o 3200 lumens, connect ivity with the latest widescreen noteb ook and HDMI devi ce s, high c ontrast, and Bri lliantC olor™ DLP imagin g, the IN21 20 s erie s pro ject s big, b right b eautif ul i ma ges with the lights on and t he blind s open. P reset mode s quic kly opt imize the ima ge quality when p ro jectin g on screens , whiteb oards, and even beige walls. C onne ct to the la test devic es T h ese pr oject ors are l oaded with c onnectivi ty opt ions . Proje ct f r om PCs , M acs , video sour ce s, ta blets and s martphone s. The IN2 126 with WXGA res olut ion pro jects high definit ion video a nd wide screen notebooks a t full resolution without scalin g. in 2120 XG A (1024 x 768) 3200 lumens i n 2124 WX GA (1280 x 800) 3200 lumens i n 2126

Impress your IT department Control over your network The IN2124 and IN2126 have built-in services and can be controlled over the network using a browser. These projectors are compatible with ProjectorNet™ 3.0, our free asset management software that enables you to get an email notification of low lamp life, set up automatic power-down scheduling and receive immediate theft prevention notices when a projector goes off-line. Send important announcements or emergency notifications for instant display to all or specific projectors on the network. Crestron RoomView Connected and AMX Device Discovery technology is built into the projectors for easy connectivity, programming and control with those room control systems. Ready for work 24/7 Rated for 24/7 operation and they’re designed for easy maintenance with no filters to buy or replace. The lamp door is on top of the projector for easy replacement, even when the projectors are installed. Go wireless with LiteShow Connect the optional InFocus LiteShow III wireless adaptor to any projector or other display to quickly and easily share data, audio and video over a secure wireless connection. Send data, audio, and video over a 300-foot (91m) range. Even your finance department will be impressed With low prices up front, long lasting lamps and filter-free operation, these projectors take low total cost of ownership to new lows. A 5-year limited warranty and extended warranty options lower the risk of replacement costs. LiteShow III Comprehensive Connectivity HDMI 1.4 Composite Video VGA x 2 RJ45/LAN S-Video USB Mini (control & firmware) 3.5mm stereo input

11.81 i n / 284 m m 2.76 i n / 70 m m 9.25 i n / 235 m m www.infocus. com In Fo cus C orpo rate Headqu ar te r s13190 SW 68th Park w ay P o rtla nd, Oreg on 97223-8368 , U SA P hone: (1) 503-207-4 700 T o ll Free: (1) 877-388-8385 F ax: (1) 503-207-1937 Option al A cce ssorie s Rep la cement Lamp (S P-LAMP-070) U niv ers a l C eilin g Mou nt ( P R J-MNT -UNIV) Lit eSho w W ir e less A dap te r ( INLITE SH O W3) Lit eSho w Mou nt (PRJ -MNT -LS3) Sof t C arr y C ase (CA -SOF TCASE- MTG ) C ab les and ad apt ers E xtended warr an tie s F or mor e inf ormation, ple ase v is it: w ww.inf ocus .c om/a cc e ssor ie s W arr anty Pro vidin g t he highest quality p rodu cts a nd su p por t i s ve ry impor ta n t t o u s. The IN 212 0 Serie s c ome s s tand ard wit h a 5 -y e a r limit ed fa cto ry w arrant y (inc lu din g p arts 1 a nd la b or2), 6 -month limit ed la mp re p la cement w arra nty , and 5 -y e a r DLP® w arra n ty . Ext ended pr oduct a nd la mp wa rranty pro grams a re a lso ava ila b le . F or mor e inf orm ation, ple ase v is it : w w w.inf ocu s.c om/s up por t/w arrant y Specifications* Nat ive R esolut ion Display T ec hnolog y B right ness L amp Lif e** L amp P ower C ontrast Rat io C olor Whe el Audib le Noise C omput er C omp atibility P roject ion Of fset L ens Type L ens - Thr ow R atio - Zoom R atio Number of C olor s Aspect Rat io S ync h - Horiz ontal Scan F req - Ver tic al Scan F req V ideo Comp atibility Audio Input Sour ce s O ut put Sour ce s C ontr ol Imag e Siz e (widt h) K eyst one (Aut o) P rodu ct Dimension s - W×D×H P rodu ct W eight S hip ping Dimension s - W×D×H S hip ping W eight P ow er C onsumpt ion M aximum Altitude Oper ating Temper atur e R emot e Contr ol Sec urity Feat ur es S hips wit h - Acce ssorie s W arranty L amp W arranty Ac ce ssories W arranty M enu L anguages Ap provals 3200 lumen s Normal Mode (2500 lumen s E co M ode) 350 0 hours Normal (5000 hou rs E c o M ode) 2 30 W UH B 4 00 0:1 6 segment , 2 x spe ed 3 0 dB Normal Mode (2 8dB E co M ode) PC, Mac 1 30% ±5 % M anual z oom and f ocu s 1 6.7 mill ion 3 1-100 kH z 5 0-120 Hz SD TV (N TS C, PA L, SEC AM ), SD (4 80i, 57 6i), ED/H DTVH D (480 p,576 p, 720p, 1080p) 2W mono H DM I 1 .4 , V GA x 2 , C o mpo site Video , S -Vi deo , 3 .5 mm s tere o inp ut, USB M ini (c o ntr ol & firmw are ), RJ45 /L A N M on ito r O ut (V GA), 3.5mm s tere o o u tp ut Pr ojecto r Keyp ad, IR R emo te, RS 23 2, USB M in i B f o r m ous e 11. 81 x 9 .25 x 2 .76 in / 284 x 2 3 5 x 70 m m 4.8 lb s / 2 .1 7 kg (est imated) 1 3 x 1 3 x 5 .9 in / 3 30 x 330 x 150 m m 8.0 lb s / 3 .6 7 kg (est imated) 4 4 0W e co / 54 0W normal / 1 5W stand by 1 0,000 ft / 3 ,0 6 8 m 4 1 – 99° F / 5 – 3 5° C F u ll f u nct ion Secu rit y Lo ck Slot, Securit y bar, User PIN, A nti T h eft Network N otific ation P ow er co rd, V GA ca b le, Safe ty I nst ru ction s, User Manual, Remote contr ol 5 y ea rs p arts, 2 y ears l a bor 6 months 9 0 days 19 la nguages (E ngli sh , Frenc h, German, Itali an , Korea n, N orw egian , Portu gu ese, Ru ssia n, Si mplified Chinese, Sp anis h, T radi tional Chine se, Swedi sh , D utc h, Polish , T u rki sh , Dani sh , Finnish, A ra b ic a nd Vi etn ame se) U L a nd c-U L ( US/C an ad a), FC C ( US/C anad a), CE ( Eu ro pe) in 2\f24in 2\f26 XGA ( 102 4 × 768) D LP® 0 .55 (450 type) DDP2431+DDR1 1DLP® WXGA (1280 × 8 00 ) D LP® 0 .65 (450 type) DDP243 1+DDR11DLP® 1.97- 2.17 ( 50 in @ 2 m) 1 .1 :1 1.47 -1.83 ( 9 9.6 i n @ 3.2m) 1.2:1 4 :3 (Na tiv e ), Su pp orts 1 6:9 , 16:10 , A uto 16:10 (Na tiv e ), Su pp orts 4 :3 , 16 :9, Auto 32- 560 i n (0. 82-14 .2 m ) ± 40° vertic al / ±20° h orizonta l 3 4.5 -60 3 in ( 0.88-15.3 m) ± 15° vertic al / ±5 ° hor iz o n ta l * Produ ct spec ification s, terms, and offerin gs ar e s ubject to c han ge at any t ime wit hout notice. ** Act ual l amp lif e may var y based on t he ambient environment and projector us age. Condit ions t hat ma y affect lamp lif e include t emper atur e, alt itude, and r apidly swit chin g the pr ojector on and of f. ©2012 InF ocus Corpor ation. All rig\fts r eserved. \bpecifications \gar e subject to c\fange\g wit\fout fur t\fer notice. InFocus and InFocus Brig\ft Ideas Ma\gde Brilliant ar e eit\fer trademarks or r egistered trademarks of InF ocus Corpor ation in t\fe United\g \b tates and ot\fer cou\gntries. D LP, t\fe D LP logo, and t\fe D LP medallion ar e trademarks of Texas Instruments. \gAll tr ademarks are used wit\f permiss\gion or ar e for identificatio\gn purposes only an\gd ar e t\fe pr operty of t\feir r espective companies. 1Excludes po wer supply , fans, color w\feel\g and lig\ft tunnel w\f\gic\f ar e cover ed for two ( 2) years. 2Labor is co ver ed for two (2) y ears from date of pr oof of purc\fase. InF ocus_ in2120_\beries_D\b_E N_08MA\f12 .