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InFocus Projector In2112 Quickstart Manual

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    							S-Video Cable
    12 4
    1    Connect the power cord to the projector
           and to an electrical outlet
    3    Turn on the projector
    4    Wait for the lamp to warm up
    5    Turn on computer or other source
    6    Change source if needed
    The power light       on the projector will light amber.
    Touch the power light (or press power on the remote).
    The power light will start blinking green.
    After a few seconds, the power light will stop blinking and 
    turn green. It can take a minute for the lamp to reach 
    full brightness.
    If needed, press source (on the projector or remote) to view 
    the source. You may have to press it more than once.
    You may need to press a specific key combination to activate
    your laptops external video port. On most laptops, hold down
    the FN key while pressing a key labeled CRT/LCD, LCD/VGA,
    a monitor icon       , or similar. Key combos for popular models:
    Warning: Do not look directly into the lens
    while the projector is being used.
    Important: If there is still no video, restart your
    computer (first make sure its connected to the
    projector and the projector is turned on).
    Apple  F7
    Dell  Fn+F8
    Fujitsu Fn+F10 Sony Fn+F7
    Toshiba Fn+F5
    HP/Compaq Fn+F4 or Fn+F6
    IBM ThinkPad Fn+F7
    Turn on projector and source
    Unpack the box
    Heres whats included:
    Put batteries in the remote
    The remote uses 2 AA batteries.
    Connect source
    Color-coded connections make it easy.
    You can connect more than one source if needed.
    Computer Cable
    Save the box and packing materials.Remote
    Power Cable
    The top of your projector includes 
    a convenient indicator panel with 
    symbols that light up to show 
    important status.
    For details, see Troubleshooting.
    USB Cable
    Regulatory model V2000 and M2100
    Status Indicator Panel
    2    Slide open the lens cover
    Please read the safety instructions booklet before setting up the projector.
    Audio Out
                      RV ideo
    Carry Case
    C omp uter C able (inc luded)
    C omp uter
    Connect  to:  DVD , VCR
    1Connect video u sin g a 
    ompo sit e  Video c able
    .infocus. com/stor e part no . S P-CP STVID-5M or SP-SVIDEO-10M2
     Connect  audio u sin g a  Mini Plug Audio  Y-C ab le      A
    vailab le fr om A/V  dealer or r etailer
    Got an Apple computer?
    You may need an adapter. For more 
    information, see How-To Guides at 
    Connect  to:  Other k inds of  sour ce s
    Ho w-To Guide s ar e av ailab le at  www .infocus. com/s uppor t/ho wto
    Connect to: Computer 
    Service Required
    High Temperature Replace Lamp
    5-10 sec.
    or an S-Video cable
    2 3
    Please dispose of batteries in an environmentally proper manner.
    Buy a Full-Featured Remote and Other Custom Accessories
    Complete laptop activation chart at www.infocus.com/support
    Quick Start Guide English 
    For other languages, see booklet
    Français – voir la brochure
    Deutsch – siehe Broschüre
    Español – ver folleto
    Italiano – vedi opuscolo
    Nederlands – zie boekje
    Português – consulte livreto
    Svenska – se häftet
     – . 
    한국어 –소책자 참조
    Mini Plug Audio  Y-C ab le
    ompo sit e  Video C able
    DVD  or V CR*
    *Also for game console or cable
      B
    							Project or L ocation
    1    Hei ght
    2    Keystone
    3     Zoom and f ocus
    View phot os fr om a USB fla sh drive
    1Hold do wn the r elease b utton 
    u nder the fr ont of the pr oject or.
    2 Lif t the fr ont of the pr oject or t o 
    the de sir ed height .
    3 Rel ease the b utton.
    1Press  menu, then press      or      t o review menu s. 
    2 Press  select  to ent er a menu, then press      or      t o review settings.
    3 Press  select  t o c han ge a settin g. If this shows  more choic es, pres s
           or      t o update the settin g, then press  select  or menu t o save it .
    4 Press  menu to g o b ack. Press it  again t o remo ve the menu.
    Press the 
    key stone  butt ons t o
    m ak e the pict ure s quar e.
    Adju st zoom first, then f ocus the
    c ent er of  the im ag e.
    To flip the im ag e, t urn on the  Cei lin g 
    Mou nt settin g in the Set up menu.
    Usin g the menu s
    Cei lin g mou nt?
    Adjust  the pict ure
    U se Lit ePort Sour ce
    T urn off  the project or
    As di stanc e increase s, the
    im ag e g ets  l
    arger and
    mo ves  upwards.
    W e’r e her e to s uppor t you w ith your new p urchase. We c an help  you w ith…
    •  D eterminin g screen s izes
    •  Doc ument ation in other l angua ges
    •  C onnectin g your sour ce s (T V, D VD , Cable/Sat ellit e, G ame, et c.)
    •   Sel ectin g option al acce ssorie s
    •  Pr oduct  warr anty  protection p lan s
    Hg - Lamp c ontains mercu ry . M an ag e in ac co rdanc e with loc al di sp osa l l aws .
    See www .lampr ecycle .o rg  
    D eclar ation of  C onf ormity
    M anuf acturer: InF ocu s C orpor ation, 27500  SW Park way Ave. Wilson vill e, Oreg on 97070-8 238 US A
    W e dec la re u nder our sole responsi bility that this pr oject or c onforms  t o the fol lo w in g dir ectives  and norms: E uP Directive: 2005/32/E C, 
    EMC  Directiv e 200 4/108/E C, EMC: EN 550 22, EN 55024, EN 6 1000-3-2, EN 6 1000-3-3, L ow  V o lt a g e Dir ectiv e 2006/95/E C, Saf ety: IEC 
    6 0950-1:2005(MOD).
    T ra dem arks
    D ispl
    a yLink  is a tr adem ark of Di spl ayLink  C orpor ation.
    A pple, M acintosh, and P owerBook are tr adem arks or reg iste red tr adem arks of  Apple C ompute r, Inc . IBM is a tr adem ark or reg iste red 
    t r a dem ark of Int ern ation al B usine ss Machine s, Inc . Microsoft, P owerPoint, and Windows  are tr adem arks or reg iste red tr adem arks of  
    Microsoft  C orpor ation. Ado be and Acroba t ar e tr adem arks or reg iste red tr adem arks of  Adobe Systems  Incorpor ated. DLP® and the DLP 
    log o ar e reg iste red tr adem arks of  T e xas In struments  and Brill iantC olor™ is a tr adem ark of T e xas In struments. InF ocu s, In F ocu s, and 
    INFOC US (s tyliz ed) ar e either reg iste red tr adem arks or tr adem arks of  InFocu s C orpor ation in the Unit ed Sta tes  and other c ountrie s.  
    F C C  W arnin g
    This dev ic e c omp lies w ith p art 15 of  the FC C R ules. Oper ation is su bject  t o the 
    fol lo w in g tw o condition s: (1) This dev ic e m ay not  c a u se 
    h armful  interfe renc e, and (2) this dev ic e mu st accept  any int erfe renc e receiv ed, inc luding interfe renc e th at m ay c a u se u ndesir ed 
    oper ation. 
    Not e: This equipment  has been tested and f ound t o comp ly  w ith the limits  f or a C lass B digit al dev ic e, p ursuant  t o p art 15 of  the FC C 
    R ules.  These limits  are de signed t o provide r easonab le pr otection a gain st h armful  interfe renc e in a res idential in sta llation.  This 
    equipment  g ener ates, u se s and c an rad ia te r adio fr equency  energy and, if  not insta ll ed and u sed in ac co rdanc e with the in struction s, 
    m ay c a u se h armful  interfe renc e to r adio c ommu nication s. Howe ve r, ther e is no guar antee th at int erfe renc e will not  occur in a p articul ar 
    i n sta llation. If  this equipment  doe
    s c a u se h armful  interfe renc e to r adio or t ele vision r eception, whic h can be det ermined by  turnin g the 
    equipment  off and on, the u ser is encourag ed t o try t o c orr ect  the int erfe renc e by one or mor e of the fol lo w in g meas ures :
    — R eorient  or reloc ate the r eceiv in g ant enna.
    — Increase the sep aration betw een the equipment  and receiv er.
    — C onnect  the equipment  into an outl et on a c ircuit  different  from th at t o whic h the r eceiv er is  connect ed.
    — C onsul t the de aler or an e xperienced radio/TV  te chnic ian f or help .
    C han ges or modific ations to this equipment  that ar e not  e xpres sly  ap pro ved by InF ocu s C orp . may void the u ser’s authority  t o oper ate  
    the equipment.
    C an ada
    This  Class B digit al appa ra tu s c omp lies w ith C an ad ian ICES-00 3.
    C et appa re il numéri que de l a classe B est  c onf orme à l a norme NMB-00 3 du Can ada .
    A gency  Approval s
    cMET us. Other s pecific 
    Countr y Ap prova ls  m ay appl y. Pl ease see pr oduct c e rtific ation l abel.
    Inp ut r atin gs:   100- 240V ac, 2. 5A, 50-60Hz
    InF ocu s reser ves the right  t o alt er pr oduct  offerings  and specifications at  any time w ithout notice.
    US A, C an ada, Latin Amer ica
    C ustomer  Sup por t T el ephone
    +1 (5 03) 685-8888
    T OLL  FREE: 800-799-9911
    Mon-Fri, 6 am – 5 pm P acific
    t ec hs up por t@inf ocus. com As
    ia P acific
    C ustomer  Sup por t T el ephone
    Sin gapor e: 800-101-1864
    Chin a: 800-828-2268
    Au str ali a: 1800-6 30-957
    Au str ali a Dir ect Sales:  1800-885-841
    New  Ze al and:  0800-44 9-854
    Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm  SGT
    asi a-sup port@inf ocus. com
    C opy JPE G pictures to a USB flash driv e, then plug the driv e 
    int o the pr oject or’s  LitePort c onnect or. The s lideshow star ts 
    aut omatic ally. Press arrow k eys to chan ge s lide s, press sel ect 
    t o see thumbn ails and c han ge folder s, press sel ect again t o 
    r e
    turn t o the s lideshow.
    If ther e is no pict ure or the pict ure is b lank
    If the power li ght is off , make s ure the power c ord is c onnect ed and p lugged 
    int o a liv e electric al outl et. If  the power li ght is amber and not  blink ing, t ouc h 
    the power light  (or press power on the r emote).
    Chec k video sour ce and c ables.  Mak e s ure the video sour ce (c omp uter, D VD 
    p layer , VCR, et c.) is t urned on and c ables  are sec urely  connect ed betw een the 
    sour ce and the pr oject or.
    If y our c omputer is c onnect ed usin g Di spla yLink  (not VGA), please see the 
    Di spl ayLink  Man ag er U sers  Guide f or more troub leshootin g information.  
    M ak e s ure your c omputers video por t is en abled.  Press the k ey comb ination 
    th at activ ates your l aptops  ext ern al video por t (see step    ). If ther e is s till no 
    im ag e, rest art your l aptop. 
    Pr ess the  Source b utton.  Y ou m ay need t o p
    ress it several time s t o view the 
    c orr ect  sour ce.
      Press the Aut o Image button.
    If Si gnal out  of ran ge is sho wn, or the pict ure looks bad
    Pr ess the Aut o Image button.  If th at doesnt  help (and the sour ce is a c omputer), 
    r educ e your c omputers  displ ay reso lution or  ver tic al refresh r ate. 
    If the r eplac e lamp li ght is on
      Turn the pr oject or off  and w ait at leas t one minut e, then turn it on again. If  the 
    r ep lac e l amp light  turns on a gain, the l amp need s t o be r eplac ed.  For lamp 
    r ep lac ement  instruction s, see the R efer enc e Guide, whic h can be do wnloaded at
    On ly InF ocus g enuine l amps ar e tested f or use in this pr oject or.
    If the hi gh temper atur e li ght  is on
    Turn the pr oject or off  and r emove an ythin g that m ay  be b lockin g the air  vents 
    on its s ide. Leav e the pr oject or off  for at  leas t one minut e to let it coo l bef ore 
    urnin g it on a gain.  Impo rtan t: Continuou s oper ation at  high temper atur e m ay 
    r educ e the lif etime of  the lamp and/or pr oject or. 
    If the ser vic e r equir ed light is on
    Turn the pr oject or off  and w ait at leas t one minut e, then turn it on again.  If the 
    ser vic e r equir ed light  turns on a gain, the pr oject or need s t o be ser vic ed.  See 
    belo w for ser vic e c ont act inf orm ation. 
    Mor e troub leshootin g options ar e in the  Ref er enc e Guide
    War ning: In the u nlik ely  event  of a l amp rupt ure, p articles  may be ej ected fr om the 
    pr oject or. K eep out  of the ar ea u nder and ar ound the pr oject or while the pr oject or is in u se.  
      See the s afety  instructions book let  for mor e details.
    Sc reen  Size  Di
    stanc e to Sc reen
    Minimum        M aximum
    60 / 1. 5m
    80 / 2m
    90 /2.286m
    150 / 3. 8m6
    .48’ / 1. 98m
    8.64’ / 2. 63m
    9. 72’ / 2. 96m
    16 .20’ / 4. 94m7
    .80’ / 2. 38m
    10 .40’ / 3.1 7m
    11. 70’ / 3. 57m
    1 9. 50’ / 5. 94m
    C ontr ollin g your pr esent ation s
    Connect  the USB c able betw een the pr oject or and your c omputer (see step       ),
    then press       and      t o move thr ough your present ation slides.  
    Not e: You don’t  need to install Di splayLink  Man ag er sof tware t o u se this f eat ur e.
    Question s? We’r e her e to help!
    Press the power b utton
    The power light  on the project or w ill b link  while the f an cools  
    the l amp. If you need t o unplug the pr oject or, w ait unti l the 
    f an stop s and the power light  stops b link ing and s ta ys on. 
    Not e: While the power light  is blinking, b utton pres ses on the 
    pr oject or and r emote are ignor ed.
    The Refer enc e Guide is av ailab le in mu ltiple langua ges. It  cover s a dv anc ed set up and oper ation, 
    inc ludin g instructions f or LAN/netw ork fu nctions (IN2 114 & IN2116 only) and l amp replac ement .
    Lens center line
    Note: Most  picture settings  are di sab led (gr ay) u nless a sour ce is bein g displayed.
    Down load it  at www .infocus. com/s uppor t
    Eur ope, Mid dle E ast, Afr ica
    C ustomer  Sup por t T el ephone
    Fr anc e: 0800 90 5-993
    Germ any: 0800 181-364 9
    It aly:  0800 877-2 38
    Spain:  900 99 3-163
    UK: 0800 0 28-6470
    Other: 008000 46 3-6287
    Mon-Fri, 08:00 - 1 7:00 CET
    eme a.suppor t@inf ocus. com
    60 / 1. 5m
    80 / 2m
    90 / 2.286m
    150 / 3. 8m6
    .2 1’ / 1. 89m
    8 .34’ / 2. 54m
    9.40’ / 2. 86m
    15. 77’ / 4. 81m7
    .7 4’ / 2. 36m
     10 .36’ / 3.16m
     11. 68’ / 3. 56m
    1 9. 55’ / 5. 96m
    IN2112 and IN2114
    Int eractiv e Sc reen  Size and
    Di stanc e Calculat or
    www .infocus. com/c alculat or
    Visit us at:   www .infocus. com/s uppor t
    Down load it  at www .infocus. com/s uppor t
    www .infocus. com/s uppor t
    Buy  a Sc reen and Other A ccessor ies
    www .infocus. com/s tor e
    Need Help ?
    Press the Help button at any 
    time to get help with connect-
    ing sources and improving 
    the picture.
    (IN2114 and IN2116 on ly)    
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