InFocus LP840 Projector User Manual
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51 Function Com- mand Min Max De- fault Step Rear 0: disable 1: enableREA at RW 0 1 0 Factory Reset 0: not reset 1: resetRST at W 0 1 -1 Sharpness 5 = Sharpest 6 = Sharper 7 = Standard 8 = Softer 9 = SoftestSHP at RW 126 130 128 1 Source 0: computer1 1: computer2 2: video 1 3: video 2 4: video 3 5: computer 3SRC at RW 0 5 0 Screen Save 0: 5 minutes 1: 10 minutes 2: 15 minutes 3: 20 minutes 4: 25 minutes 5: 30 minutesSSV at RW05 01 Function Com- mand Min Max De- fault Step Color Temp 0: 9300K 1: 6500K 2: 7200K 3: UserTMP at RW 0 3 2 Tint TNT at RW 114 142 128 1 Vo l u m e V O L a t RW 0 3 2 1 6 1 Vertical Position VPS at RW 0 def: auto x 2auto 1 Video Standard 0: Auto 1: NTSC 2: PAL 3: SECAMVSU at RW 0 3 0 IR Receiver front 0: disable 1: enableIRF at RW 0 1 1 IR Receiver rear 0: disable 1: enableIRR at RW 0 1 1 IR Receiver top 0: disable 1: enableIRT at RW 0 1 1

52 Function Com- mand Min Max De- fault Step PiP Size Selection 0: off 1: small 2: medium 3: largePSS at RW 0 3 0 PiP Input 3: video 2 1: video 3PIN at RW 3 4 3 PiP Position 0: lower right 1: upper right 2: lower left 3: lower right 10: userPPO at RW 0 4 2

53 Numerics 1024x768 resolution 6AAbout 38 Aspect Ratio 38 audio 29 Audio In connector 9, 15 Auto Image 38 Auto Power 36 Autosource 36BBlank 38 BNC 10, 16 BNC connectors 16 Brightness 14CCapture Position 37 Capture Start 37 changing the lens 40 cleaning the dust filter 43 cleaning the lens 40 Color 18 colors are incorrect 24 component cable connector 15 computer 10 computer connections optional 9 required 9 computer image optimize 30 troubleshooting 20 connector panel 7 contacting InFocus 26 Contrast 14, 18 custom logo startup screen 37customer service contact information 26 DDefault gateway 39 DHCP 39 Display Messages 36 displaying computer image 11 PiP 38 video image 17 Drivers 12 USB 13 Windows 98 13 dust filter, cleaning 43EEffect Key 38 elevator foot 14, 17FFactory Reset 39 Filter Reset 39 first time use driver installation 12 focus 14, 18 Freeze 38 fuzzy image 22Iimage display computer 11 display video 17 size 8 image does not fit screen 23 image not centered 26 image not sharp 23 image not square 23 image reversed 24 image size matrix 44 image upside down 24

54 Info network 39 IP Address 39 IR Receivers 36Llamp replacement 41 Lamp Reset 39 lamp won’t turn on 25 Language 39 laptop connecting 9 external video port 11 LED 19 blinking red 25 solid red 25 lens changing 40 cleaning 40 Logo Capture 37 Low Power 36MMagnify 38 Main menu 32 menu system 32 Monitor connector 10 mouse, using your 9 Mute 38NNetwork 39 Network connector 10 Network Info 39 NND 36 no computer image 21 no startup screen 20 Oonly startup screen appears 20 Overscan 35PPicture in Picture 38 Picture menu 33 PiP 38 Power button 17 power cable 9, 15 Power Save 36 Power-up Source 36 presentation features 30 projection distance 8 projector connector panel 7 customizing 31 positioning 8 setting up 8 shutdown 19 troubleshooting problems 19 projector height 14, 17 projector positioning 14, 17RRear 36 remote 9 remote control 28 not working 22 replacing the lamp 41 RS-232 cable 10 connecting 7

55 S security lock 43 Serial connection 10 serial connection 7 Service 39 Service Code 39 Settings menu 36 shutdown projector 19 solid red 47 Source 38 Source troubleshooting 20 Sources 36 Subnet mask 39 S-video connector 15TTint 18 Troubleshooting 20 troubleshooting 19UUSB, using your mouse 9Vvideo 16 Video button 17 video connections optional 15 standard 15 Video connector 15 video images optimizing 31 Video Standard 35 volume adjustment 18 Wwarranty 26, 57 Windows 2000 13 Windows 98 12 Windows ME, XP 13 wired 9 wired remote 9XXGA 6Zzoom 14, 18

56 Limited Warranty InFocus Corporation (“InFocus”) warrants that the Projector (“Product”) purchased from InFocus, an InFocus distributor, or an InFocus reseller will conform to the man- ufacturers specifications and be free from defects in material or workmanship for the Warranty period provided below. InFocus does not warrant that the Product will meet the specific requirements of the end-user customer. If the Product, which is the subject of this Limited Warranty, is defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period, InFocus, at its option , will REPAIR or REPLACE the Product. All exchanged parts and products replaced under this Warranty will become prop- erty of InFocus. InFocus’ sole obligation is to supply (or pay for) all labor necessary to repair the Product found to be defective within the Warranty period and to repair or replace defective parts with new parts or, at the option of InFocus , serviceable used parts that are equivalent or superior to new parts performance. Limited Warranty Alternatives: Subject to the Limitations, Exclusions and Dis- claimers, InFocus Warrants as follows: 2 Year Parts and Labor Product Warranty - From the date of purchase, InFo- cus warrants that the Product will conform to the manufacturers’ specifications and be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of two (2) years. 1 Year Parts Only Accessory Warranty - From the date of purchase, InFocus warrants that the customer replaceable and accessory products will conform to the manufacturers’ specifications and be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year. 90 Day/500 Hour Replacement Lamp Warranty - Lamp Products purchased in projectors or separately as replacements after the original projector purchase is Ninety (90) days or 500 hours, whichever comes first. During the Warranty period for the Product, InFocus warrants that Replacement lamps, which are purchased at the time of projec- tor purchase, will have a 90-day or 500 hour warranty, whichever comes first, from the date the spare lamp is put into use. WARRANTY LIMITATION AND EXCLUSIONTHIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH INFOCUS’ MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ITS PRODUCT. THIS WARRANTY EXTENDS ONLY TO PRODUCTS PURCHASED FROM INFOCUS OR AN INFOCUS AUTHORIZED RESELLER. InFocus shall have no further obligation under the foregoing Limited Warranty if the Product has been damaged due to abuse, misuse, neglect, smoke exposure (cigarette or otherwise), accident, unusual physical or electrical stress, unauthorized modifications (including use of an unauthorized mount), tampering, alterations, or service other than by InFo- cus or its authorized agents, causes other than from ordinary use or failure to prop- erly use the Product in the application for which said Product was intended. This Warranty excludes Product or accessory cleaning, repair, or replacement of plas- tics due to cosmetic damage and damage as a result of normal wear. Product repair outside of the terms of the Limited Warranty will be on a time and materials basis. Prolonged Product “demonstration” causes unusual Product wear and is not consid- ered normal use under the terms of this Limited Warranty. The Accessory Warranty covers the accessory item only and excludes normal wear. The Lamp Product Warranty excludes expected lamp degradation. Remanufactured Products and Software Products are exempt from the foregoing Limited Warranty. Please refer to the appropriate Remanufactured Product Limited Warranty or Software Product Limited Warranty for applicable Warranty informa- tion.DISCLAIMER OF UNSTATED WARRANTIESTHE WARRANTY PRINTED ABOVE IS THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUD- ING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- ITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. THERE ARENO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACEHEREOF AND THE FOREGOING WARRANTY SHALL NOT BE EXTENDED, ALTERED OR VARIED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN INSTRUMENT SIGNED BY INFO- CUS. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY MAY LAST, SO SUCH LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.

57 Limited Warranty PeriodThe Limited Warranty period commences on the date of purchase by the end-user customer for both the 2 year Product Warranty and the 1 year Accessory Warranty. These Limited Warranty provisions shall apply only to the end-user purchaser (first person or entity that purchased a new Product for personal or business use and not for the purpose of distribution or resale). To Be Eligible For Limited Warranty CoverageAny person exercising a claim under this Limited Warranty must establish to the sat- isfaction of InFocus both the date of purchase and that the Product was purchased new. The sales receipt or invoice, showing the date of purchase of the Product or Accessory is the proof of the date of purchase.To Obtain Warranty ServiceDuring the Limited Warranty period, to exercise this Limited Warranty, the purchaser must first contact 1) InFocus, 2) a service facility authorized by InFocus or 3) the place of original purchase. InFocus Customer Service - 1-800-799-9911 or [email protected] For Warranty service, the purchaser will be advised to return or deliver the defective Product freight and all fees prepaid, to an InFocus Service Center or to a service facil- ity authorized by InFocus. When returning Product to InFocus, a Return Material Authorization Number (RMA #) is required and must be clearly displayed on the out- side of the shipping carton or a similar package affording an equal degree of protec- tion. InFocus or the service facility authorized by InFocus will return the repaired/ replaced Product freight prepaid to the purchaser. Products returned for Warranty service must be accompanied by a written letter that: (i) explains the problem; (ii) provides proof of date of purchase; (iii) provides the dealer ’s name; and (iv) provides the model and serial number of the Product. Upon request of InFocus Corporation or an InFocus authorized repair center receiving the Product, proof of legal importation must accompany the warranty repair Product, otherwise the Product must be returned to the place of original purchase, to the man- ufacturer (Purchaser must bear all tax, duty and freight), or the Purchaser must bear charges for the warranty repair.No repair or replacement of Product or part thereof shall extend the Limited War- ranty period as to the entire Product. Warranty on the repair part and workmanship shall only be effective for a period of ninety (90) days following the repair or replace- ment of that part or the remaining period of the Product Limited Warranty whichever is greater. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT INFOCUS’ LIABILITY WHETHER IN CONTRACT, IN TORT, UNDER ANY WARRANTY, IN NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER- WISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE RETURN OF THE AMOUNT OF THE PUR- CHASE PRICE PAID BY PURCHASER AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL INFOCUS BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CON- SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUES OR LOST SAV- INGS. THE PRICE STATED FOR THE PRODUCTS IS A CONSIDERATION IN LIMITING INFOCUS’ LIABILITY. Limitation on Bringing Action - No action, regardless of form, arising out of the agreement to purchase the product may be brought by purchaser more than one year after the cause of action has accrued. Governing Law - Any action, regardless of form, arising out of the agreement to purchase the product is governed by Oregon law. Mandatory Arbitration - Any action, regardless of form, arising out of the agree- ment to purchase the product is subject to mandatory arbitration. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, DEPENDING ON JURISDICTION.

IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE…call InFocus Customer Ser vice directly at 1-800-799-9911.SUPPORT IS FREE between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday. Suppor t is available in Nor th America after hours and weekends for a fee at 1-888-592-6800. Or, send us an e-mail at techsuppor [email protected]. IN EUROPE, call InFocus Customer Ser vice directly at (+31) 20 579 2820. Suppor t is free between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET, Monday through Friday. Suppor t is available in EMEA after hours and weekends for a fee at (+31) 20 579 2828. Or, send us an e-mail at emea.suppor [email protected]. IN ASIA, call InFocus in Singapore at (65) 6334-9005.Many resources are available on our website at Here’s a sample: •product registration at •product data sheet at •view optional accessories at •technical specifications, an interactive image size calculator, laptop activation commands, connector pin outs, command line inter face (CLI) and a glossar y at •more information about ProjectorNet software at WA R NING: This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to the State of California to cause bir th defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. WARNING:This product contains a lamp which contains mercur y. Dispose of it as required by local ordinances and regulations. Agency Approvals UL, CUL, TUV, GOST Other specific Countr y Approvals may apply, please see product cer tification label. 6442LP840_UG.qxd 10/10/03 9:22 AM Page 2

LP ®840/ LP ®850 INSTALLATION & INTEGRATION PROJECTOR. USER’S GUIDE LP ®840/ LP ®850 INSTALLATION & INTEGRATION PROJECTOR. InFocus Corporation 27700B SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9215 1-800-294-6400 •503-685-8888 Fax : 503-685-8887 In Europe: InFocus International BV Strawinskylaan 585 1077 XX Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone: +31 20 579 2000 Fax: +31 20 579 2999 In Asia : 238A Thomson Road #18-01/04 Novena Square Singapore 307684 Telephone: (65) 6334-9005 Fax : (65) 6333-4525 USER’S GUIDE 6442LP840_UG.qxd 10/10/03 9:22 AM Page 2