HS America HS 2000 Owners Manual
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NEVER TAKE ANYONE’S WORD THATA GUN IS UNLOADED: CHECK FOR YOURSELF, WITH FINGERS OFF THE TRIGGER, AND GUN POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION.TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE When transporting your pistol, keep it unloaded for your safety and for the safety of others. Know and comply with all laws governing the transportation of firearms in your locality.When storing your pis- tol, keep it separated from ammunition, under lock and key and out of the reach of children and other inexperienced or unauthorized persons. Never place or store any firearm in such a manner that it may be dislodged or dropped. Firearms should always be stored securely and unloaded, away from children and unauthorized per- sons. STORE SECURELY & UNLOADED Before firing, remove all oil and grease from the bore. Do not keep the pistol stored in a leather holster or case. leather attracts moisture, even though the holster or case may appear to be perfectly dry. PROPER PLACEMENT OF COMMON TYPES OF GUN LOCKSTRIGGER LOCKCABLE LOCKCABLE SHOULD NOT REST AGAINST LOADED CHAMBER INDICATOR26Your HS 2000 pistol will function effectively and safely with a wide variety of c o m m e rcial and military-standard ammunition. Here are some suggestions that will help you keep your pistol free from ammunition-related problems: 1. Use only ammunition of the caliber for wh i ch your pistol is ch a m b e r e d . The correct caliber is permanently engraved on your pistol. 2. Use only clean, dry, undamaged new factory-manufactured ammunition. A l ways use ammunition that complies with the performance standards estab- lished by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc. of the United States (SAAMI). 3. A l ways inspect your ammunition before use to be certain all cartridges are the correct caliber. READ ANY WARNINGS OR INSTRUCTIONS T H AT COME WITH YOUR A M M U N I T I O N . 4. Keep your cartridges free of oil. Wipe the chamber clean of any oil or p r e s e r va t ive before you shoot. Oil in the chamber creates dangerous stresses. 5. Should your pistol experience a failure to fire, follow this procedure: A lways hold the pistol keeping it pointed towa rds the targetand wait 30 seconds when pistol fails to fire. If a hangfire (slow ignition) has occurred, the round will fire within 30 seconds. If the round does not fire, remove the magazine, eject the round and examine the primer. If the firing pin indent on primer is light, off center, or non-existent, have your pistol examined by a competent gunsmith. If the firing pin indent on primer appears normal (in comparison with similar previously fired round(s) you may assume you have a faulty round of ammunition, segregate misfired round(s) from other live ammunition and empty cases, reload and continue firing. N OT E :Dispose of misfired rounds in accordance with ammunition m a n u f a c t u re r’s instructions. 11USING THE WRONG AMMUNITION COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE COULD OCCUR.A P P R O V E D A M M U N I T I O NWA R N I N G : “DISCHARGING FIREARMS IN POORLY V E N T I L ATED AREAS, CLEANING FIREARMS, OR HANDLING AMMUNITION MAY RESULT IN EXPOSURE TO LEAD AND OTHER SUBSTA N C E S K N OWN TO CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS, REPRODUCTIVE HARM, AND OTHER SERIOUS PHYSI- CAL INJURY. HAVE A D E QUATE V E N T I L ATION AT ALL TIMES. WASH HANDS T H O R O U G H LY AFTER EXPOSURE.”T R A N S P O RT AT I O N A N D S T O R A G E
12NEVER POINT YOUR PISTOL AT ANYTHING YOU DO NOT INTEND TO SHOOT.LOADING THE MAGAZINE 1 .Press down on the magazine follower with the cartridge case rim. 2 .Push the cartridge to the rear and under the magazine lips. 3 .Continue until the magazine holds the desired number of cartridges. 4 .Number of inserted rounds can be ch e cked through the indicator holes on the back of the magazine. 25A LWAYS WEAR EAR PROTECTION WHEN SHOOTING, ESPECIALLY ON A RANGE. WITHOUT EAR PROTECTION THE NOISE FROM YOUR PISTOL AND OTHER GUNS CLOSE TO YOU COULD LEAVE A “RINGING” IN YOUR EARS FOR SOME TIME AFTER FIRING A N D COULD LEAD TO A CUMULATIVE AND LONG TERM PERMANENT HEARING LOSS.I N S P E C T I O N S / R E A S S E M B L YSAFETY CAU T I O N :If the trigger safety fails to keep the trigger from mov i n g re a rwa r d ,and the pistol dry fire s ,D ON OT LOAD ORF I R EYO U RHS 2000P I S- TO L .I n s t e a d ,h ave the pistol inspected and re p a i red by HS A m e r i ca ,L LC or a H S - c e rtified A r m o re r. 1 1 .GRIP SAFETY CHECK.Be sure that the pistol is unloaded, and cycle the slide to reset the safety locked action. With the pistol pointed in a safe direction, g rasp the pistol with out depressing the grip safety. Pull the trigger and trigger safety to the rear. The pistol should not dry fire. S A F E T YCAU T I O N :If the grip safety fails to keep the pistol from dry firi n g , do not load or fire your HS 2000 pistol.I n s t e a d ,h ave the pistol inspected and re p a i red by HS A m e r i ca ,L LC or a HS-Ce rtified A r m o re r. 12.TRIGGER RESET T E S T.Being sure that the pistol is U N L OA D E Dand pointed in a safe directions, pull the trigger and hold the trigger to the rear. Yo u should hear and feel the firing pin fall. Pull the slide to the rear and release it, a l l owing it to snap forward. Now release the trigger. The trigger should reset to its forward position. Repeat seve ral times. 1 3 . M AG A Z I N EINSPECTION. Inspect all magazines for dirt or visible damage, taking special care to look for spread or damaged feed lips or broken maga- zine followers. Press down on the follower with your fingertips and release. The follower should spring fully upward, and should not stick inside the mag- azine tube. 1 4 .SLIDE LOCK-OPEN T E S T. Insert an E M P T Ymagazine into your pistol. Pull the slide fully to the rear. The slide should lock open. Repeat using each of yo u r E M P T Ym a g a z i n e s . INSPECTION BY CERTIFIED HSA R M O R E R HS pistols carried by law enforcement, security, or military personnel, and other HS pistols subjected to heavy usage, should be inspected periodically by a HS- certified A r m o r e r, or by returning the pistols to HS America, LLC. for inspection. Although the appropriate inspection intervals will depend on the conditions of use, a reasonable rule of thumb for law enforcement, security, and military users is that the pistols should be inspected by a HS-certified Armorer at annual inter- va l s . To locate a HS-certified Armorer in your area, contact your local HS dealer or HS America, LLC. R E A S S E M B LY Reassembling the HS pistol is carried out by reversing the disassembly procedure. L O A D I N G M A G A Z I N E S
24ALWAYS CARRY YOUR PISTOL EMPTY AND OPEN WHILE ON THE RANGE UNTIL PREPARING TO FIRE. KEEP IT POINTING TOWARD THE BACKSTOP DURING LOADING, FIRING AND UNLOADING OF THE PISTOL.(continued from page 23): 4 .F I R I N GP I NS A F E T YC H E C K .G rasp the slide (with barrel and recoil spring assembly removed). Pull rearward on the lug of the firing pin, Pulling the firing pin all the way to the rear of the slide, ch e ck that the firing pin status indicator ( 6 )protrudes from the back of the slide, and then ease the firing pin forward until it stops in contact with the firing pin safety. (Note: D O N OT a l l ow the firing pin to snap forward against the firing pin safety, as damage to the firing pin or firing pin safety could result.) Then press the firing pin forward with your forefinger using moderate force (approximate- ly 5-8 pounds). The firing pin should not slip forward past the firing pin s a f e t y, and should not protrude from the breech face of the slide. 5 .F I R I N GP I N.Depress in on the firing pin/drop safety with your fingertips. Then push the firing pin forward with your forefinger using moderate forc e (approximately 5-8 pounds). The tip of the firing pin should protrude from the breech face. Examine the tip of the firing pin for damage. 6 .L OADED CHAMBER INDICATO R .Look across the breech face to inspect the loaded chamber indicator. Check for cleanliness, spring tension and damage. The loaded chamber indicator should move up easily with slight pressure from your finger. 7 .E X T R AC TOR. Look across the breech face to inspect the extractor for cleanliness and to be sure the extractor claw is not broken. 8 .E J E C TOR. The ejector in the rear of the pistol should appear intact (not b r o k e n ) . 9 .S L I D ES TO PLEVER T E S T. Pull upward on the slide stop lever and release. The lever should snap down sharply into the frame. If the lever is sluggish or remains in the upward position, refer the pistol to HS America, LLC or a HS-certified A r m o r e r. 10. REASSEMBLY A N DT R I G G E RS A F E T YCHECK. Reassemble the pistol. B E S U R ET H ATT H EP I S TO LI SU N L OA D E D, and cycle the slide to reset the safety locked action. Depress the grip safety. With the pistol pointed in a safe direction, grasp the sides of the trigger (without touching or depress- ing the trigger safety) and attempt to pull the trigger to the rear. The trigger safety should prevent rearward movement of the trigger, and the pistol should not dry fire.13NEVER SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER OR PUT YOUR FINGER IN THE TRIGGER GUARD UNTIL YOU ARE AIMING ATTHE TARGET YOU INTEND TO SHOOTL O A D I N G T H E P I S T O L LOADING THEPISTOL 1 .Point the pistol in a safe direction. 2 .Insert loaded magazine ( 2 3 )and ch e ck that the magazine catch ( 9 ) e n g a g e s . 3 .With your finger outside the trigger guard, and pointing the pistol in a safe direction, draw the slide ( 1 7 )b a ck to the rear stop and allow it to fly forward. The pistol is now re a dy to fire . 4 .The loaded chamber indicator( 5 )will be in the up position. 5 .The firing pin status ( 6 )indicator will be in the “out” position.5 17 6 9 23I N S P E C T I O N S
INSPECTION OF YOURPISTOL Performed at regular intervals, a limited (user- l e vel) inspection of yo u r HS 2000 pistol can help to confirm that it is functioning properly. Failure of any of the following ch e cks, wh i ch cannot be remedied by cleaning, should be referred to HS America, LLC, your local HS deal- e r, or a HS-certified A r m o r e r. To inspect your HS 2000 pistol, follow these steps: SAFETY CAU T I O N : ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CHECKS AND INSPECTIONS ARE PERFORMED WITH AN UNLOADED PISTO L : 1 .U N L OA D.Be certain that your HS 2000 pistol is UNLOADED by f o l l owing the steps of the unloading procedure (on page 17). 2 .E X T E R NAL INSPECTION.Inspect the outside of your pistol for dirt, corrosion, or any visible damage. Pay special attention to the sights, t r i g g e r, trigger safety, grip safety, slide stop leve r, magazine catch , and loaded chamber indicator. 3 .F I E L DS T R I PA N DBA R R E LI N S P E C T I O N .Field strip the pistol, r e m oving and inspecting the barrel for dirt, leading, bulges, cra ck s , or obstructions. S A F E T YCAU T I O N : A cra cked, bulged, or obstructed barrel should not be used, but should be re f e r red to HS America, LLC or HS-certified A r m o rer for repair or re p l a c e m e n t . 23ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTIVE SHOOTING GLASSES FOR EYE PROTECTION. DO NOT FIRE THE PISTOL NEAR YOUR EYES AS THE SLIDE WILL SHARPLY MOVE BACK UPON FIRING.I N S P E C T I O NWARNING DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DISASSEMBLE YOUR PISTOL BEYOND THE POINT EXPLAINED IN THIS MANUAL THIS SHOULD BE DONE ONLY BY A QUALIFIED GUNSMITH OR A CERTIFIED HS ARMORER. 14NEVER SHOOT ATA HARD SURFACE, SUCH AS A ROCK, OR A LIQUID SURFACE, SUCH AS WATER. A BULLET MAY RICOCHET AND TRAVEL IN ANY DIRECTION TO STRIKE YOU, OR AN OBJECT YOU CANNOT SEE.S I G H T P I C T U R E / F I R I N G T H E P I S T O L SHOOTINGTHEPISTOL 1 .Ensure that the shooter and bystanders are wearing proper ear and e ye protection. 2 .Aim the pistol at a safe target. 3 .Place finger on trigger ( 1 5 )and pull back trigger( 1 5 )to disch a r g e the round. 4 .Keep the pistol aimed at the target and fire further rounds as desired. 5 .While pointed in a safe direction, remove the magazine and unload the pistol. If the pistol has been fired until the magazine is empty, the slide ( 1 7 )will be caught in the open position. If firing is to con- tinue, reload the pistol (page 16). PROPER SIGHTALIGNMENT
BARREL AND CHAMBER Clean the barrel and the chamber from the rear with a quality clean- ing solvent, using a cleaning rod and brush of the correct caliber. Never clean the barrel from the muzzle end. Wipe the interior and exterior of the barrel free of all residue. Lightly lubricate the barrel, inside and out, with a quality lubricant designed for firearms. BREECH FACE AND LOCKING INSERT Use a small nylon bristle brush to thoroughly clean the breech face and locking insert. EXTERNAL METAL SURFACES After each use, wipe all metal surfaces with a cloth lightly dampened with a lubricant preservative. This will remove any foreign material and preserve the finish of the pistol. Before reassembling the pistol, lightly lubricate, with one drop of oil, the dual tension recoil spring (19)and frame rails (21). FRAME The frame should be checked for cleanliness. Exposed parts in the frame may be wiped with a clean, soft cloth that has been slightly dampened with a quality firearm cleaning solvent. All solvent should then be wiped from the parts so that they are clean and dry. NOTE:Some cleaning solvents may be harmful to the finish of your pistol.Read the solvent manufacturer’s product use instructions and warning labels before using. Do not over lubricate your HS pistol. Large quantities of oil or grease will collect unburnt powder and dirt which will accelerate wear.22ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR PISTOL IS UNLOADED BEFORE CLEANING. STORING, TRAVELING, OR HANDING IT TOANOTHER PERSON, AND MAKE SURE THE SLIDE IS LOCKED OPEN WITH THE MAGAZINE REMOVED.IMPORTANT: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN YOUR PISTOL, IF RUST APPEARS IN THE BORE, THE BARREL SHOULD BE REPLACED. PRIOR TO SHOOTING MAKE SURE THE BORE IS DRY.15ALWAYS KNOW YOUR TARGET,AND THE MAXIMUM RANGE OF THE AMMUNITION THAT YOU ARE USING.9 x 1 9 M M B A L L I S T I C S G R A P H9 X 19MM PARABELLUM 115 GRAIN FMJ 9 X 19MM PARABELLUM 124 GRAIN FMJ C L E A N I N G T H E F I E L D S T R I P P E D P I S T O L
21ALWAYS BE ABSOLUTELY SURE OF YOUR TARGET AND THE AREA BEHIND IT BEFORE YOU SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER. A BULLET COULD TRAVEL THROUGH OR PAST YOUR TARGET UP TO 1 1/2 MILES. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT SHOOT.M A G A Z I N E D I S A S S E M B L Y Magazines do not normally need to be disassem- bled for cleaning each time your HS pistol is cleaned. Disassembling and cleaning magazines at less frequent intervals (perhaps every 3-4 months) is normally sufficient, unless the magazines have been exposed to dirt or other adverse conditions or inspection indicates the need for cleaning. When it is necessary to disassemble magazines for cleaning, proceed as follow s : S A F E T YCAU T I O N : The magazine spring, followe r, and inner floor plate are under spring tension, and can cause eye or other injury if not controlled during re m ova l . Wear pro t e c t ive safety glasses to reduce the risk of eye injuries. Be sure to maintain dow n wa rd p re s s u re on the magazine spring, with yo u r thumb, while disassembling. D i s a s s e m b ly of the HS magazines is accomplished by depressing the magazine locking plate and sliding the floor plate forwa rdU N L OA D E DM AG A Z I N EI N S P E C T I O N 1 .Inspect condition of magazine body for signs of damage or dirt (feed lips and floor plate). 2 .Inspect free movement and spring action of follow e r. 3 .Inspect that the magazine floor plate is properly lock e d . 4 .Inspect for smooth insertion of maga- zine into pistol and proper engage- ment of floor plate magazine l o ck / r e l e a s e .FOLLOWER FEED LIPS FLOOR PLATE MAGAZINE BODY LOCKINGPLATERELOADING DURING SHOOTING When the magazine is empty, the slide catch lever ( 1 6 )holds the slide open. Press the magazine release ( 9 )to remove the empty magazine ( 2 3 )and insert a loaded one. Push down the slide catch lever ( 1 6 )w i t h the thumb of the shooting hand, or draw back the slide (17) and allow it to fly forward. The pistol is again loaded and ready to fire in the safe- ty locked action mode.16NEVER USE YOUR PISTOL IF IT FAILS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY. NEVER FORCE A JAMMED ACTION, AS THE JAMMED ROUND MAY EXPLODE.R E L O A D I N G D U R I N G S H O O T I N G SLIDE CATCH LEVER16 9MAGAZINE RELEASE
20ALWAYS BE SURE YOUR BACKSTOP IS ADEQUATE TO STOP AND CONTAIN BULLETS BEFORE BEGINNING TARGET PRACTICE SO THAT YOU DO NOT HIT ANYTHING OUTSIDE THE RANGE SHOOTING AREA.7 .R e m ove the dual tension recoil spring ( 1 9 ),from the slide ( 1 7 ). Take care to control the release of the spring tension. The pistol is now fully field stripped and re a dy for cleaning. Further dismantling is not n e c e s s a ry for cleaning and should only be done by a qualified gunsmith or HS A r m o re r.19 178 .R e m ove the barrel ( 1 8 )from the slide ( 1 7 ). 18 1717ALWAYS TRANSPORT YOUR PISTOL UNLOADED.U N L O A D I N G T H E P I S T O LVISUAL AND PHYSICALLY INSPECT CHAMBER UNLOADINGTHEPISTOL 1 .Pointing the pistol in a safe direction. 2 .Keep your finger off the trigger ( 1 5 )and remove the magazine ( 2 3 ). 3 .Pull the side ( 1 7 )r e a r ward one or more times to insure the chamber is empty. wa t ch for a live round or empty case to be ejected. Pull side ( 1 7 )r e a r ward and l o ck it with the slide catch lever ( 1 6 )holding the slide open. 4 .Make sure the last round in the chamber has been extracted and ejected. Visually and physically ch e ck the chamber and the magazine well to make sure the pistol has been unloaded. Physically insert your index finger in the ch a m b e r and feel for the presence of a round or cartridge case in ch a m b e r. The pistol is n ow unloaded and safe. 5 .Depress the slide catch lever (16 )the slide ( 17)will be released forwa r d . 6 .Unload and store the magazine ( 2 3 ). 7 .P i ck up and store all loose rounds and empty cartridge cases. 8 .The pistol must be cleaned after every shooting session. WARNING: NEVER PLACE YOUR HAND OVER THE EJECTION PORT WHEN UNLOADING F I E L DS T R I P P I N G
Follow these instructions and your HS 2000 pistol will remain in excellent condition even after years of hard service.18BEFORE PERFORMING ANY CLEANING OR MAINTENANCE, MAKE SURE THE PISTOL IS COMPLETELY UNLOADED (THIS INCLUDES THE MAGAZINE AND CHAMBER).FIELD STRIPPINGTHEPISTOL 1 .Unload the pistol (page 17). 2 .D raw back the slide ( 1 7 )to the rear stop position and lock it open , thumb- ing up the slide catch lever ( 1 6 ). 3 .Visually inspect the chamber to confirm the pistol is unloaded (page 17). 4 .Rotate the slide take down lever (22) to a vertical 12 o’clock position.16SLIDE CATCH LEVER 22GROOVED SLIDE TAKE DOWN LEVER19BEFORE PERFORMING ANY DISASSEMBLY, MAKE SURE YOU ARE WEARING EYE PROTECTION.F I E L DS T R I P P I N G5 .Pull the slide ( 1 7 )slightly to release the slide catch lever ( 1 6 ).Then allow the slide to slowly move forward until the spring tension is released. Pull the trigger to fully unlock the side from the fra m e . 6 .N ow slip the complete assembly {slide ( 1 7 ), barrel ( 1 8 )and dual tension recoil spring ( 1 9 )} forward and off the frame ( 2 0 ). 1617 1718 19 20F I E L DS T R I P P I N G