HP OfficeJet J5783 User Manual
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voice mail, set up 34, 43, 45, 206 volume 22 fax problems blank pages 146, 183 blurry printouts 141 fax tones recorded 194 not printing 202 pages missing 180, 199 poor print quality 131, 134, 141, 143, 146, 181 receiving 170, 185, 187, 193 sending 170, 176, 178, 185 slanted printouts 143 slow transmission 185 smeared ink 130 static on phone line 212 text cut off 183, 203 troubleshoot 170 FCC requirements 271 statement 272 file invalid name 244 supported formats 244 unsupported formats 244 firmware revision mismatch 240 fit to page 77 fit to page fails 226 FoIP 99, 220 forward fax calls 96 G glass clean 105 load original 56 group speed dial entries 50 H hardware test, fax 214 header, fax 48 help button 12 other resources 9 I images edit scanned 82 scan 81 improper shutdown 249individual speed dial entries 49 ink drying time 246 low 166, 250 sprays inside device 147 sprays inside HP All-in- One 170 ink cartridges. See print cartridges ink levels, check 109 Internet, fax using 99, 220 invalid file name 244 IP phone 99, 220 ISDN line, set up with fax 31 J jams media to avoid 57 jams, paper 68 junk fax number 98 K keypad 12, 13 L labels specifications 266 language, set 19 left arrow 12 legal paper copy 74 load 63 specifications 266 letter paper copy 74 load 63 specifications 266 lid backing, clean 105 light copy 223 lighten copies 78 faxes 91 line condition test, fax 217 load 10 x 15 cm photo paper 66 4 x 6 inch photo paper 66 A4 paper 63 envelopes 68 full-size paper 63 index cards 67legal paper 63 letter paper 63 original 55 log, fax 101 M Mac OS system requirements 265 maintenance align print cartridges 116 check ink levels 109 clean exterior 106 clean glass 105 clean lid backing 105 clean print cartridges 118 print cartridges 111 prompt delay time 20 remove print cartridges 261 replace print cartridges 112 restore factory defaults 21 self-test report 110 set scroll speed 20 make a copy 73 manual receive, fax 93 send, fax 85, 86 margins duplexer 62 incorrect 160 setting, specifications 62 text or graphic cut off 163 media selecting 57 specifications 58 supported sizes 58 types and weights supported 61 memory delete faxes 96, 199, 206 reprint faxes 95 save faxes 94 missing information from copy 225 text from scan 236 modem. See computer modem monitor dialing 86 N no scan options error 245 normal copy quality 75 number of copies 74 Index 279

O OK button 12 on button 13 one-touch speed dial buttons 12 operating systems supported 265 order paper 255 print cartridges 255 Setup Poster 256 software 256 User Guide 256 out of paper 246 output tray media supported 61 P paper feed fails 147 incompatible types 62 jam 240, 247 jams 68, 127 legal to letter copy 78 load 63 misfeed 247 order 255 out of 246 paper sizes 266 recommended copy types 74 size incorrect 247 size, set for fax 97 specifications 266 tips 126 type incorrect 247 width incorrect 247 paper size copy setting 74 paper tray capacities 266 parallel phone system 25 PBX system, set up with fax 31 PC modem. See computer modem phone receive fax 93 send fax 85 phone cord check 216 connection, failure 216 phone line, answer ring pattern 47phone numbers, customer support 258 photo media guidelines 58 sizes supported 59 photo paper copy 74 load 66 specifications 266 photos edit scanned 82 enhance copies 79 fax 89 ink sprays 170 photo print cartridge 115 physical specifications 269 poll to receive fax 96 poor fax printout quality 130, 131, 134, 141, 143, 146 poor print quality fax 181 power cord statement 273 power specifications 269 preview image, edit 82 print blank printout 166 borderless fails 149 cancel job 72 distorted printout 132 envelopes print incorrectly 148 faded 138 fax reports 100, 102 faxes 95 from computer 71 from software application 71 margins incorrect 160, 163 meaningless characters 153 missing last page 157 nothing happens 153 print options 72 quality, troubleshoot 130, 131, 134, 141, 146, 181 reversed page order 157 self-test report 110 specifications 267 troubleshooting 148 vertical streaks 143 print cartridge protector 116 print cartridges align 116, 251 check ink levels 109 clean 118clean contacts 119 clean ink nozzle area 121 error message 252 handle 111 incorrect 252 low ink 166 low on ink 250 order 255 part names 111 photo print cartridge 115 remove 261 replace 112 store 116 tips 126 troubleshoot 129 print margin specifications 267 print settings print quality 129 printer sharing Windows 16 problems copy 223 error messages 238 print 148 scan 232 prompt delay time 20 pulse dial 22 Q quality 13 quality, copy 75 R receive fax auto answer mode 45, 46 automatically 93 block numbers 98 forward calls 96 manually 93 polling 96 rings to answer 46 recycle HP All-in-One 270 print cartridges 270 redial fax 21 redial/pause 12 reduce fax 97 reduce/enlarge 13 reduce/enlarge copies custom size 77 resize to fit letter 78 resize to fit letter or A4 77 280

regulatory notices Canadian statement 272 declaration of conformity (European Economic Area) 274 declaration of conformity (U.S.) 275 FCC requirements 271 FCC statement 272 geräuschemission 274 notice to users in Japan (VCCI-2) 273 notice to users in Korea 274 notice to users in the European Economic Area 273 notice to users of the German telephone network 274 power cord statement 273 regulatory model identification number 271 WEEE 270 remove print cartridges 261 replace print cartridges 112 reports caller ID 102 confirmation, fax 100 error, fax 101 fax log 101 junk fax numbers 102 last fax transaction 102 log, fax 101 self-test 110 speed dial list 102 reprint faxes in memory 95 resolution, fax 90 resources, help 9 restore factory settings 21 right arrow 12 rings to answer 46 S save faxes in memory 94 scan blank 234 crop incorrect 235 documents 81 edit image 82 fails 233, 243 features 81 halts 233menu missing 234 no scan options error 245 page layout incorrect 235 photos 81 preview image, edit 82 scan specifications 268 scan to button 13 start scan button 13 text appears as dotted lines 235 text format incorrect 236 text incorrect 236 troubleshooting 232 scan glass clean 105 load original 56 schedule fax 88 scroll speed 20 self-test report 110 send fax basic fax 83 calling card, using 85, 86 color fax 89 credit card, using 85, 86 manually 85, 86 memory, from 87 monitor dialing 86 multiple recipients 89 schedule 88 speed dial 84 serial number 258 serial phone system 25 service ID 258 settings country/region 19 date and time 20 fax 21, 45, 90 language 19 print options 72 setup answering machine 39, 40, 45, 206 button 12 computer modem 35, 37, 40, 43, 206 distinctive ringing 32, 47 DSL 29 fax 23 ISDN line 31 PBX system 31 separate fax line 29 shared phone line 33test fax 47 voice mail 34, 43, 45, 206 ship your device 261 smeared ink, fax 130 software application, print from 71 sound, adjust volume 22 specifications media 58 system requirements 265 speed control panel scroll 20 copy 75 speed dial button 13 create entries 49 delete entries 50 edit entries 49 group entries 50 individual entries 49 one-touch buttons 12 print list 51, 102 send fax 83, 84 set up 48 start copy black 13 color 13 start fax black 12 color 12 stop copy 80 fax 103 print job 72 subscriber identification code 48 symbols, enter 13 system requirements 265 T technical information copy specifications 268 environmental specifications 269 fax specifications 268 paper sizes 266 paper specifications 266 paper tray capacities 266 physical specifications 269 power specifications 269 print margin specifications 267 print specifications 267 Index 281

scan specifications 268 weight 269 telephone receive fax 93 send fax 85 telephone line, answer ring pattern 47 telephone numbers, customer support 258 telephone wall jack test, fax 215 test dial tone 218 fax hardware 214 fax line condition 217 fax port 216 fax setup 47 phone cord 216 telephone wall jack 215 text cut off 163, 183, 203 dotted lines on scan 235 enhance on copies 79 incorrect format on scan 236 incorrect or missing on scan 236 jagged 132 meaningless characters 153 not filled in 131 smooth fonts 132 text, enter 13 time 20 tone dial 22 transparencies copy 74 specifications 266 tray 1 capacity 61 media sizes supported 58 media types and weights supported 61 trays capacities 61 media sizes supported 58 media types and weights supported 61 troubleshoot fax problems 130, 131, 134, 141, 143, 146, 170, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 193, 194, 196, 199, 202, 203, 212, 220 jams, paper 68print cartridges 129 resources 9 troubleshooting communication problems 125 copy 223 error messages 238 print 148 scan 232 U USB cable communication lost 249 USB port speed 16 V voice mail set up with fax 34, 43 voice mail, set up with fax 45, 206 volume, adjust 22 W wall jack test, fax 215 warranty 257 Windows system requirements 265 282

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