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HP DesignJet Z6100 A0 User Manual

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    							Table B-4   Handle the ink system
    Task ElementsSee this section of the user’s guide
    Select print qualitySee Select print quality on page 80
    Select page sizeSee Select page size on page 80
    Select margins optionsSee Adjust margins and layout options on page 82
    Resize a printSee Resize a print on page 83
    Change the treatment of overlapping linesSee Change the treatment  of overlapping lines on page 89
    Print in grayscaleSee Print in grayscale on page 93
    Print crop linesSee Print crop lines on page 84
    Rotate an imageSee Rotate an image on page 85
    Select the color emulation modeSee Select color emulation mode on page 88
    Print a mirror imageSee Print a mirror image on page 87
    Select image orientationSee Select image orientation on page 87
    Remove top and bottom blank areasSee Remove the top and bottom blank areas on page 87
    Enter an account IDSee Enter an account ID on page 88
    TroubleshootingSee this section of the users guide
    I am experiencing prin t quality problems See Troubleshoot print-quality issues on page 148
    NOTE:For additional information abou t adjusting printed images, see Print options
    on page 79.
    Task 5: Adjust printed images 209
    Appendix B
    							CReplace your HP Designjet 5000
    series printer with an HP Designjet
    Z6100 printer scenario
    The HP Designjet Z6100 Printer series is the next-genera tion large format printer that allows you to reuse
    the knowledge you’ve acquired usin g the HP Designjet 5000 printer. When designing the Z6100, our
    engineers leveraged the best features  and functionality from the 5000 series and then made it even more
    robust and easier to use. The transition from your 50 00 series printer to the Z6100 will not only be quick
    and intuitive, it will provide grea ter flexibility, job assurance and  image quality to your large format
    printing business.
    This scenario highlights some of the basic operations  of large format printing, drawing attention to the
    main differences between the Z6100 and the 5000 series printer.
    Set up the printer
    The Z6100 will fit nicely into the space formerly occupied by your 5000 series printer. The rear of the
    printer is also similar to the 5000 series, with the  same power cord attachments and options for connecting
    your printer to a computer and LAN.
    See the following sections for more detailed information:
    Physical specifications on page 190
    Turn the printer on and off on page 21
    The printers main components on page 4
    Connectivity and software instructions on page 12
    Front panel
    The Z6100 is managed primarily via the front panel.  The front panel has been designed to leverage what
    you learned while using the 5000 series, with  design advancements to improve usability.
    The Z6100 front panel contains interactive animations to guide you through all the basic operations.
    Furthermore, the front panel menu structure and enha nced text and graphics facilitate the configuration
    and use of the various printer features.
    For more detailed information  about the front panel, see 
    The front panel on page 8.
    210 Appendix  C   Replace your HP Designjet 5000 series  printer with an HP Designjet Z6100 printer
    Appendix C
    							Printer software
    ●Printer drivers for Windows and Mac OS
    ● The Embedded Web Server (called the HP Designjet WebAccess in the 5000 series) enables you to
    manage your print jobs, check consumables levels and check printer status
    ● The HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) and HP Printer
     Utility (Mac OS), which enable you to access
    various printer features and functionality
    See the following sections for more detailed information:
    Printer software on page 9
    Embedded Web Server setup options on page 23
    HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) or HP  Printer Utility (Mac OS) setup options on page 25
    If you have worked throug h the Set-up poster, you are ready to begin printing.
    Handle the paper
    The Z6100 requirements for handling the paper, loadi ng and unloading the paper and using the take-up
    reel is similar to those for the 5000 series printer.  All of the basic paper-handling procedures start from
    the front panel.
    What is new in  paper handling?
    ●There is no spindle lever on the Z6100 series printers
    . To remove the spindle, simply lift it from the
    printer when you are prompted by the front panel.
    ● New hub design for improved lo
    ading and unloading of paper
    ● You can now leave the printer window open while loading media
    ● While the portfolio of printing materials has grown,
     sheet paper is not supported in the Z6100; only
    roll paper is supported
    See the following sections for more detailed inform ation on supported paper types and ordering paper:
    Supported paper types on page 28
    Order paper on page 49
    Paper profiles
    When you load a new roll into the printer, the front  panel prompts you to select the type of paper you are
    loading and enter the length of the roll. For every pa per type listed in the front panel, there is a paper
    profile (containing an ICC profile) already stored in the printer software.
    If you want to use a paper that is not listed in  the front panel, choose one of the following options:
    ● Select the paper that matches mo
    st closely the paper you intend to use, via the front panel
    ● Download the profile from the Internet. The printe
    r automatically performs color calibration and
    paper advance calibration for every downloaded profile.
    You can easily view information on the curr ently loaded paper. To do so, select the 
     icon, in the front
    panel and then select  View information about the paper .
    Handle the paper 211
    Appendix C
    							See the following sections for more detailed information:
    View information about the paper on page 45
    Download paper profiles on page 47
    Use non-HP paper on page 47
    Load a roll onto the spindle on page 30
    Load a roll into the printer on page 32
    Print paper info feature
    This feature was called Track paper length in the 5000  series. If you enable the Print paper info feature,
    a barcode containing all available paper information will be printed on the roll when it is unloaded.
    Subsequently, when you load a roll with an information  barcode printed on it, the printer automatically
    detects the paper type, loads the appropriate profile an d tracks the amount of paper remaining in the roll.
    See the following sections for more detailed information:
    Unload a roll from the printer on page 36
    Printing paper info on page 49
    The take-up reel
    The take-up reel on the Z6100 is similar in form and  function to the 5000 series take-up reel, but it has
    been improved for better usability. He re are some of the improvements.
    ● Dual winding direction. You can choose to wind th
    e printed paper so that the graphics face inward
    (toward the core) or outward.
    ● Faster paper advance for shorter set up time
    ● Improved skew check when loading the pa
    per into the printer to reduce skewing
    See the following sections for more detailed information on the take-up reel:
    The printers main components on page 4
    Use the take-up reel on page 38
    Handle the ink system
    The Z6100 series printer incorporates  cutting-edge technology to give you the best image quality available
    for large format printing. With the exception of  the maintenance cartridge (which has replaced the
    printhead cleaners) you will notice that the ink syst em components can be found in the same general
    locations as in the 5000 series. You will also notice  that the ink cartridge door has been removed. This
    streamlined design offers instant access to the ink cartridges.
    What is new with the  ink system components?
    Ink cartridges : The Z6100 uses 8 ink cartridges. The inks are available exclusively in 775 ml
    cartridges, offering extended print runs, simpli fying the installation process and reducing the
    frequency of cartridge changes.
    ● Printheads : With improved printhead technology, the ha ndling requirements of the printheads has
    changed. They must be shaken vigorously and cl eaned in a different manner before installation.
    ● Maintenance cartridge : The maintenance cartridge performs  the same functions as did the
    printhead cleaners in the 5000 se ries. However, as there is only one maintenance cartridge for all
    212 Appendix  C   Replace your HP Designjet 5000 series  printer with an HP Designjet Z6100 printer
    Appendix C
    							8 printheads, there is less maintenance and less handling of messy printhead cleaners. The printer
    notifies you via the front panel when you  should change the maintenance cartridge.
    NOTE:Handle the maintenance cartri dge carefully when removing it to avoid getting ink on
    yourself and the printer.
    NOTE: The Z6100 automati cally performs printhead alignment whenever a printhead is inserted.
    You are required to use opaque white paper during printhead alignment. Colored papers, glossy
    canvas and translucent materials are  not suitable for printhead alignment.
    See the following sections for more detailed  information on the ink system components:
    The printers main components on page 4
    Ink system components on page 57
    Ink system tips on page 58
    Remove an ink cartridge on page 59
    Insert an ink cartridge on page 61
    Remove a printhead on page 61
    Insert a printhead on page 64
    Align the printheads on page 71
    Remove the maintenance cartridge on page 73
    Insert the maintenance cartridge on page 75
    Clean (recover) the printheads on page 66
    Clean the electrical connections on a printhead on page 67
    See the following sections for information on checki ng ink system status and printer usage statistics:
    Check the status of the ink system on page 76
    Check the status of the ink cartridges on page 76
    Check the status of a printhead on page 77
    Check printer usage statistics on page 77
    Image quality and color management
    The Z6100 series printers make it easier than ever  to achieve the image quality levels you demand of
    your large format printer.
    Print quality
    This feature was called Print mode in  the 5000 series. The Z6100 series offers one additional print quality
    level with which to balance print speed and print quality. The table below identifies the correlation
    between the 5000 series print modes and  the Z6100 series print quality levels.
    Printer seriesPrint quality settings from fastest speed (far left) to best quality (far right)
    Max speedProductivityMax quality
    Z6100 Fast
    Image quality and color management 213
    Appendix C
    							Calibration and image quality
    The list below highlights some of the features and functionality built into the Z6100 series to ensure the
    highest possible image quality.
    ● Greater print resolution (when photo paper is used
    , print quality is set to Best and the Maximum
    resolution feature is enabled)
    ● Automatic paper advance calibration
    ● Automatic color calibration
    ● Automatic paper profiling including ICC profiles (except for unknown papers, which require
    downloading from the Internet)
    ● Embedded spectrophotometer: a precision instrument 
    that determines the exact composition of light
    reflected from a color patch to help  ensure consistent and accurate color
    ● Variety of color emulations. You can even emulate the color palette from your 5000 series printer.
    See the following sections for more detailed information:
    Select print quality on page 80
    Perform paper advance calibration on page 46
    A summary of the color-management process on page 109
    Color calibration on page 110
    Color profiling on page 111
    Color-management options on page 114
    Color emulation modes on page 118
    Efficient use of paper and consumables
    The Z6100 series printers help  you to economize paper and co nsumables usage by providing:
    ● Printer usage statistics
    ● Nesting options
    ● Tips on using paper and inks economically
    See the following sections for more detailed information:
    Nest jobs to save paper on page 98
    Use paper economically on page 102
    Use ink economically on page 102
    Maintenance and troubleshooting
    See the following chapters and sections for information on maintaining the printer and troubleshooting
    Maintain the printer on page 135
    Troubleshoot print-quality issues on page 148
    214 Appendix  C   Replace your HP Designjet 5000 series  printer with an HP Designjet Z6100 printer
    Appendix C
    							●Troubleshoot ink-system issues on page 167
    Troubleshoot paper issues on page 162
    Troubleshoot other issues on page 172
    Use the Printhead status plot on page 71
    Front-panel error messages on page 179
    Get help on page 182
    Maintenance and troubleshooting 215
    Appendix C
    BonjourApple Computers trade name for its implementation  of the IETF Zeroconf specification framework, a
    computer network technology that is us ed in Apple Mac OS X V10.2 and later. Use it to discover the services that
    are available on a local area  network (LAN). It was originally known as Rendezvous.
    Color accuracy The ability to print colors that match the original  image as closely as possible, given the fact that
    all devices have a limited color  gamut and might not be able to match certain colors precisely.
    Color consistency The ability to print the same colors in a particula r print job, from print to print and from printer
    to printer.
    Color model A system of representing colors by numbers. An example of such a system is RGB or CMYK.
    Color space A color model in which each color is repesented by  a specific set of numbers. Many different color
    spaces can use the same color model:  for instance, monitors generally use the RGB color model, but they have
    different color spaces, because a particular set of RGB nu mbers results in different colors on different monitors.
    Cutter A printer component that slides back and  forth across the platen to cut the paper.
    ESD ElectroStatic Discharge. Static electr icity is common in daily life. It is the spark when touching the car door,
    or the cling of clothing. Although controlled static electricity has some useful benefits, uncontrolled electrostatic
    discharges are one of the main hazards to the electronics  products. Therefore, to prevent damage some precautions
    are needed when setting up the product, or handling ES D sensitive devices. This type of damage may reduce the
    life expectancy of the device. One way  to minimize uncontrolled ESDs, and therefore reduce this type of damage is
    by touching any exposed grounded part of the product (m ainly metal parts) before handling ESD sensitive devices
    (such as the printheads or ink cartridges). Additionally, to  reduce the generation of electrostatic charge in your body
    try to avoid working in a carpeted ar ea, and keep your body movements to  a minimum when handling ESD sensitive
    devices. Also, avoid working in low humidity environments.
    Ethernet A popular computer networking tech nology for local area networks.
    Firmware Software that controls your  printers functionality and is stored  semi-permanently in the printer (it can
    be updated).
    Gamut The range of colors and density values reproducible  on an output device, such as a printer or monitor.
    HP-GL/2 Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language  2: a language defined by HP to describe vector graphics.
    I/O Input/Output: this term desc ribes the passing of data between one device and another.
    ICC The International Color Consortium, a  group of companies that have agreed on a common standard for color
    Ink cartridge A removable printer component that stores ink of a  particular color and provides it to the printhead.
    IP address A unique identifier that identifies a particular node  on a TCP/IP network. It consists of four integers
    separated by dots.
    Jetdirect HPs brand name for its series of print servers that  allow a printer to be connected directly to a local
    area network.
    LED Light-Emitting Diode: a semicond uctor device that emits light when electrically stimulated.
    216 Glossary
    							MAC addressMedia Access Control address: a unique identifier  used to identify a particular device on a
    network. It is a lower-level identifier  than the IP address. Thus, a device  may have both a MAC address and an IP
    Nozzle One of many tiny holes in a printhead through which ink is deposited onto the paper.
    Paper A thin, flat material made to be written or printed on; most commonly made from fibers of some kind which
    are pulped, dried, and pressed.
    Platen The flat surface within the printer over which  the paper passes while it is being printed on.
    Printer driver Software that converts a  print job in a generalized format into  data suitable for a particular printer.
    Printhead A removable printer compon ent that takes ink of one or more colors from the corresponding ink
    cartridge(s) and deposits it on the  paper, through a cluster of nozzles.
    Rendezvous Apple Computers original name for its netw orking software later known as Bonjour.
    Spindle A rod that supports a roll of paper wh ile it is being used for printing.
    TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol: th e communications protocols on which the Internet is
    USB Universal Serial Bus: a standard serial bus  designed to connect devices to computers.
    Glossary 217
    accessoriesorder 147
    acoustic specifications 192
    adding paper types 47
    application hangs up 173
    ArcGIS 131
    automatic paper-cutter doesnt
    work 165
    banding problems 46
    bin stacking problems 165
    black and white 93
    black point compensation 115
    blank page 159
    blurred lines 152
    buzzer on/off 23
    color 110
    CALS G4 102
    cannot load paper 163
    carriage lubrication 139
    Clean the paper advance sensor window 138
    clean the platen 136
    clean the printer 136
    clipped at bottom 159
    clipped image 160
    color 105
    color accuracy between printers 157
    PANTONE 157
    color calibration 110
    color management options 114
    color management process 109
    color profiling 111
    communication problems 174
    components of Embedded Web Server 10 components of printer 4
    connect the printer
    choose a method 13
    Mac OS direct 17
    Mac OS network 15
    Windows direct 14
    Windows network 13
    contrast in front panel 23
    crop lines
    nesting 100
    printing 84
    Customer Care 183
    Designjet Online 183,  186
    distorted print 161
    downloading media profiles 47
    draft for revision, print 127
    drivers main features 11
    drying time canceling 48
    changing 49
    overview 28
    e-mail alerts 23
    ecological specifications 191
    economize on ink 102
    economize on paper 102
    Embedded Web Server access 23
    canceling a job 96
    cannot access 174
    e-mail alerts 23
    ink and paper usage 101
    ink system status 76
    language 24
    main components 10
    password 24
    printer usage statistics 77
    queue management 96 saving a job 95
    submitting a job 94
    troubleshooting wizard 149
    enter an account ID 88
    environmental specifications 191
    fast printing 94
    features of printer 4
    features of the driver 11
    firmware update 141
    front panel
    contrast 23
    language 22
    units 23
    front panel error messages all 179
    front panel option
    align printheads 170
    allow EWS 174
    best 91
    calibrate color 111
    fast 94
    ink cartridge information 76
    print crop lines 85
    printhead information 77
    reprint 96
    select I/O timeout 159,  161
    select quality level 91,  94
    view configuration 15
    front view 42–in printer 5
    front view 60–in printer 6
    functional specifications 189
    glossary 216
    graininess 154
    graphic languages 190
    gray shades 93
    hard disk specification 191
    218 Index
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