HP Designjet T790 1118 mm User Manual
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Index A access control 30 accessories order 146 account ID [T1300] requiring 31 accounting 122 accounting data by email 123 acoustic specifications 208 alerts errors 195 turn on and off 29 warnings 195 B banding problems 161 basket output problems 161 black and white 90 black point compensation 95 blurred lines 170 brightness in front panel 34 buzzer on/off 34 C calibration color 86 cannot load paper 152 clean the platen 173 clean the printer 137 clipped at bottom 176 clipped image 177 color adjustment options 89 advantages 86 calibration 86 CMYK 86 emulation 92 fading 176 inaccurate 175 printer emulation 89 profile 86 RGB 86color management from drivers 88 from EWS [T1300] 94 from front panel 96 from PS drivers 91 options 88 process 86 communication ports 8 components of printer 6 computer communication printer/computer communications issues 192 configure 35 connect the printer choose a method 15 general 15 Mac OS network 19 Mac OS USB 21 Windows network 17 Windows USB 17 crop lines [T1300] 64 Customer Care 201 Customer Self Repair 203 cutter on/off 48 D disk erase, secure 139 draft for revision, print 99 draft printing 61 driver preferences 31 drying time change 48 E e-mail notifications 29 ecological specifications 208 economize on ink 66 on paper 64 email printing 69 Embedded Web Server access 33cannot access 193 job preview 82 job queue 81 language 34 usage per job 123 usage statistics 122 environmental specifications 208 ePrinter security 37 erase hard disk securely 139 error messages front panel 196 log 199 external hard disk 147 F fading colors 176 features of printer 4 file system check 194 firmware update 138 manual setup 25 setup 24 front panel 9 brightness 34 job preview 78 job queue 78 language 33 units 35 front panel option adjust paper advance 162 align printheads 187 allow EWS 193 black point compensation 97 calibrate color 87 calibrate paper advance 162 clean printheads 184 CMYK source profile 96 color/grayscale 96 connectivity wizard 24, 193 emulate printer 96 enable buzzer 34 enable crop lines 64 enable cutter 48 enable economode 62 ENWWIndex 213

enable maximum detail 63 enable merge 60 form feed and cut 49 Internet connectivity 25 modify configuration 36 move paper 47 PANTONE emulation 97 paper mismatch action 27 print connectivity config. 193 print diagnostic image 178 print quality 56 Printer utility software 193 printhead information 129 rendering intent 96 replace ink cartridges 126 replace printheads 130 reset paper advance 163 resize 60 RGB source profile 96 roll protection 67 roll switching options 27 select display brightness 34 select drying time 48 select graphics language 36 select I/O timeout 176 select language 33 select paper size 57 select paper type 154, 155 select units 35 select wait time 66 sleep mode wait time 34 unload paper 44 front view 6 functional specifications 206 G graininess 171 graphic languages 207 gray shades 90 H hard disk specification 208 hard disk, external 147 HP Care Packs 202 HP Customer Care 201 HP Designjet ePrint & Share introduction 11 print 69 security 75 set preferences 26 HP ePrint Center disable 31 HP Installation 202 HP Instant Support 202HP Proactive Support 202 HP Start-Up Kit 202 HP Start-Up Kit DVD 2 HP Support 203 HP Utility access 33 cannot access 193 language 34 HP-GL/2 36 I image diagnostics print 178 image problems clipped at bottom 176 clipped image 177 missing objects 178 PDF problems 178 ink economical use of 66 usage 123 ink cartridge about 126 cannot insert 183 insert 128 maintenance 137 order 142 remove 126 specification 206 status 126 status messages 183 Instant Support 202 internal prints 13 Internet connection manual setup 25 setup 24 troubleshooting 193 IP address 34 iPad 70 iPhone 70 iPod Touch 70 IPSec 16 IPv6 16 J Jetdirect print server 147 job preview Embedded Web Server 82 front panel 78 job queue Embedded Web Server 81 front panel 78 K Knowledge Center 201L language 33 line length accuracy 171 line thickness 168 load paper cannot load 152 general advice 39 paper not in driver 154 roll cannot load 152, 153 roll into printer 41 roll onto spindle 40 sheet 45 sheet cannot load 153 loading paper problems 152 M maintenance kits 139 margins 58 none [T1300] 63 specification 207 mechanical accuracy 207 memory specifications 208 Microsoft Office print from 114 misaligned colors 169 models, printer 4 move the printer 137 multiroll printer [T1300] 50 N nesting [T1300] 65 turn on and off 27 Network settings 35 O on hold for paper enable/disable 156 message [T1300] 155 order accessories 146 ink cartridges 142 paper 142 printheads 142 overlapping lines 60 overnight printing [T1300] 67 P page size 56 PANTONE emulation 91 PANTONE swatch book 95 paper advance 49 calibrate the paper advance 161 214 IndexENWW

cannot load 152 cut after printing 161 displaying information 47 download presets 46 economical use of 64 feed and cut 49 incorrect out of paper 161 jam due to cut strip 160 jammed 157 loading error messages 153 maintenance 48 movement 47 not cut well 161 not flat 172 output problems in basket 161 paper not in driver 154 presets 46 print on loaded paper 59, 155 printed on wrong paper 155 retained by printer 161 roll loose on spindle 161 select type 59 size 56 sizes (max and min) 206 usage 123 view information 46 paper mismatch action [T1300] 26 paper not in driver 154 paper suitability [T1300] 26 paper types 142 PDF clipped 178 PDF missing objects 178 physical specifications 207 platen cleaning 173 ports 8 PostScript upgrade 147 power on/off 12 power specifications 208 preferences, Windows driver 31 presentation, print 108 preview a print 61 print by email 69 print from Embedded Web Server [T1300] 54 HP Utility [T1300] 54 printer driver 55 USB flash drive 53 print from ePrint & Share 69 print job nesting [T1300] 65print preview 61 print quality select 55 print-quality problems banding 167 black ink comes off 173 blurred lines 170 bottom of print 174 discontinuous lines 169 edges darker than expected 174 edges stepped or not sharp 174 general 166 graininess 171 horizontal lines 167 inaccurate line lengths 171 ink marks 172 line thickness 168 misaligned colors 169 paper not flat 172 scratching 172 scuffing 172 stepped lines 168 vertical lines of different colors 175 white spots 175 wizard 166 printer does not print 191 printer models 4 printer software 10 Mac OS uninstall 22 Windows uninstall 19 printer status 137 printer will not start 191 printers main components 6 printers main features 4 printhead about 129 align 186 cannot insert 183 clean; purge 184 insert 132 order 142 remove 129 replace, reseat 183 specification 206 status 129 status messages 188 printhead cleaner specification 206 printhead drop detector clean 184 printing 52printing resolutions 206 Proactive Support 202 project, print 101 protect a roll [T1300] 67 Q quality, high 62 R rear view 7 remote printing set preferences 26 rendering intent 95 rescale a print 59 roll paper load 41 spindle load 40 unload 44 roll protection [T1300] 67 roll switching options [T1300] 27 S safety precautions 2 scale a print 59 scratched prints 172 scuffed prints 172 secure disk erase 139 security 30 ePrint & Share 75 sheet paper load 45 unload 46 sleep mode wait time 34 slow printing 192 smartphone 70 software 10 software update 139 specifications acoustic 208 ecological 208 environmental 208 functional 206 graphic languages 207 hard disk 208 ink supplies 206 margins 207 mechanical accuracy 207 memory 208 paper size 206 physical 207 power 208 printing resolutions 206 spindle 147 roll load 40 ENWWIndex 215

statistics ink cartridge 126 usage 122 usage per job 123 stepped lines 168 store the printer 137 support services HP Care Packs 202 HP Customer Care 201 HP Instant Support 202 HP Proactive Support 202 HP Start-Up Kit 202 HP Support 203 Knowledge Center 201 printer installation 202 warranty extensions 202 T tablet computer 70 telephone number 204 two rolls [T1300] 50 U unattended printing [T1300] 67 unload paper roll 44 sheet 46 usage information turn on and off 28 using this guide 2 W wall spacers 8 warranty extensions 202 Web connection setup 24 Web Services introduction 11 web services troubleshooting 194 216 IndexENWW