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    							Environmental specifications
    Table 20-10  Printer environmental specifications
    Temperature rangeHumidity range
    Operating for optimal print-quality22°C to 26°C (72°F to 79°F)30% to 60%
    Operating for standard printing15°C to 35°C (59°F to 95°F)20% to 80%
    Printer without consumables5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)
    Non-operating packed consumables and
    printer:-40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F)
    Acoustic specifications
    Printer acoustic specifications (declared according to ISO 9296).
    Table 20-11  Printer acoustic specifications
    Idle sound power level4.4 B (A)
    Operating sound power level6.9 B (A)
    Idle sound pressure at bystander29 dB (A)
    Operating sound pressure at bystander 57 dB (A)
    192 Chapter 20   Printer specifications ENWW
    Printer specifications
    AppleTalkA suite of protocols that Apple Computer developed in 1984 for computer networking. Apple now
    recommends TCP/IP networking instead.
    BonjourApple Computers trade name for its implementation of the IETF Zeroconf specification framework, a
    computer network technology used in Apples Mac OS X from version 10.2 onwards. It is used to discover services
    available on a local area network. It was originally known as Rendezvous.
    Color accuracyThe ability to print colors that match the original image as closely as possible, bearing in mind
    that all devices have a limited color gamut and may not be physically capable of matching certain colors precisely.
    Color consistencyThe ability to print the same colors from a particular print job from print to print and from
    printer to printer.
    Color modelA system of representing colors by numbers, such as RGB or CMYK.
    Color spaceA color model in which each color is represented by a specific set of numbers. Many different color
    spaces can use the same color model: for instance, monitors generally use the RGB color model, but they have
    different color spaces, because a particular set of RGB numbers results in different colors on different monitors.
    CutterA printer component that slides back and forth across the platen to cut the paper.
    ESDElectroStatic Discharge. Static electricity is common in daily life. It is the spark when touching the car door,
    or the cling of clothing. Although controlled static electricity has some useful applications, uncontrolled electrostatic
    discharges are one of the main hazards to the electronics products. Therefore, to prevent damage some
    precautions are needed when setting up the product, or handling ESD sensitive devices. This type of damage may
    reduce the life expectancy of the device. One way to minimize uncontrolled ESDs, and therefore reduce this type
    of damage is by touching any exposed grounded part of the product (mainly metal parts) before handling ESD
    sensitive devices (such as the printheads or ink cartridges). Additionally, to reduce the generation of electrostatic
    charge in your body try to avoid working in a carpeted area, and keep your body movements to a minimum when
    handling ESD sensitive devices. Also, avoid working in low humidity environments.
    EthernetA popular computer networking technology for local area networks.
    FirmwareSoftware that controls your printers functionality and is stored semi-permanently in the printer (it can
    be updated).
    GamutThe range of colors and density values reproducible on an output device, such as a printer or monitor.
    HP-GL/2Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language 2: a language defined by HP to describe vector graphics.
    I/OInput/Output: this term describes the passing of data between one device and another.
    ICCThe International Color Consortium, a group of companies that have agreed on a common standard for color
    Ink cartridgeA removable printer component that stores ink of a particular color and provides it to the printhead.
    IP addressA unique identifier that identifies a particular node on a TCP/IP network. It consists of four integers
    separated by dots.
    ENWWGlossary 193
    							JetdirectHPs brand name for its series of print servers that allow a printer to be connected directly to a local
    area network.
    LEDLight-Emitting Diode: a semiconductor device that emits light when electrically stimulated.
    MAC addressMedia Access Control address: a unique identifier used to identify a particular device on a network.
    It is a lower-level identifier than the IP address. Thus, a device may have both a MAC address and an IP address.
    NozzleOne of many tiny holes in a printhead through which ink is deposited onto the paper.
    PaperA thin, flat material made to be written or printed on; most commonly made from fibers of some kind which
    are pulped, dried and pressed.
    PlatenThe flat surface within the printer over which the paper passes while it is being printed on.
    Printer driverSoftware that converts a print job in a generalized format into data suitable for a particular printer.
    PrintheadA removable printer component that takes ink of one or more colors from the corresponding ink
    cartridge(s) and deposits it on the paper, through a cluster of nozzles. In the HP Designjet T1120 series, each
    printhead prints two different colors.
    RendezvousApple Computers original name for its networking software later known as Bonjour.
    SpindleA rod that supports a roll of paper while it is being used for printing.
    TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol: the communications protocols on which the Internet is
    USBUniversal Serial Bus: a standard serial bus designed to connect devices to computers.
    194 GlossaryENWW
    accessoriesorder 139
    account ID
    requiring 25
    accounting 110
    acoustic specifications 192
    administrators password 24
    errors 180
    turn on and off 24
    warnings 180
    banding problems 149
    basket output problems 148
    black and white 63
    black point compensation 75
    blurred lines 156
    buzzer on/off 30
    calibration color 68
    cannot load paper 142
    clean the platen 159
    clean the printer 126
    clipped at bottom 162
    clipped image 162
    color adjustment options 71
    advantages 68
    calibration 68
    CMYK 68
    emulation 73
    fading 162
    inaccurate 161
    printer emulation 70
    profile 68
    RGB 68
    color management from drivers 69 from EWS 74
    from front panel 76
    from PS drivers 72
    options 69
    process 68
    components of printer 4
    computer communication printer/computercommunications issues 177
    configure 31
    connect the printer choose a method 12
    Mac OS direct 17
    Mac OS network 14
    Windows direct 13
    Windows network 12
    contrast in front panel 31
    core adaptors 35,  37
    crop lines 64
    Customer Care 184
    on/off 53
    cutter, replace 126
    disk erase, secure 132
    draft for revision, print 80
    draft printing 61
    driver features QuarkXpress 179
    driver preferences 25
    drying time change 52
    ecological specifications 191
    economize on ink 66
    on paper 64
    Embedded Web Server access 29
    cannot access 178
    ink and paper usage 110 job queue 104
    job queue; job preview 104
    language 30
    printer usage statistics 110
    environmental specifications 192
    erase hard disk securely 132
    error messages, front panel 181
    fading colors 162
    features of printer 4
    file system check 178
    firmware update 131
    front panel contrast 31
    language 29
    units 31
    front panel option adjust paper advance 150
    align printheads 173
    allow EWS 178
    black point compensation 77
    calibrate color 69
    calibrate paper advance 150
    clean printheads 169
    CMYK source profile 77
    color/grayscale 76
    emulate printer 76
    enable buzzer 30
    enable crop lines 64
    enable cutter 53
    enable economode 62
    enable maximum detail 62
    enable merge 61
    form feed and cut 7,  41,  42, 45,  46,  52,  53,  148,  149
    ink cartridge information 114
    internal prints 8
    load roll 41,  45
    load sheet 49
    modify configuration 31
    PANTONE emulation 77
    print diagnostic image 164
    ENWW Index 195
    							print quality 57
    printer utility software 177
    printhead information 118, 
    154,  157
    rendering intent 77
    replace ink cartridges 115
    replace printheads 119
    reprint 106
    reset cutter life counters 126
    reset paper advance 150
    resize 60
    RGB source profile 76
    select display contrast 31
    select drying time 52
    select graphics language 32
    select I/O timeout 162
    select language 29
    select paper size 58
    select paper type 144,  145
    select units 31
    select wait time 66
    sleep mode wait time 30
    unload paper 7,  46,  47,  50
    view configuration 14
    view connectivity
    information 178
    view ink levels 7,  126
    view loaded paper 7,  50, 
    126,  150,  152,  153,  154, 
    156,  157,  158,  159,  161, 
    view printer information 186
    functional specifications 190
    graininess 157
    graphic languages 191
    gray shades 63
    hard disk specification 191
    HP Care Packs 184
    HP Customer Care 184
    HP Installation 185
    HP Instant Support 185
    HP Proactive Support 185
    HP Start-Up Kit 184
    HP Start-Up Kit DVD 2
    HP Support 186
    HP-GL/2 32
    image diagnostics print 163image problems
    clipped at bottom 162
    clipped image 162
    missing objects 163
    PDF problems 163
    Visio 2003 179
    economical use of 66
    usage 110
    ink cartridge
    about 114
    cannot insert 168
    insert 116
    maintenance 130
    order 136
    remove 115
    specification 190
    status 114
    Instant Support 185
    internal prints 8
    Jetdirect print server 140
    create 56
    submit 56
    job queue
    Embedded Web Server 104
    job preview; Embedded Web
    Server 104
    job status 106
    Knowledge Center 184
    language 29
    line length accuracy 157
    line thickness 154
    load paper
    cannot load 142
    general advice 34
    paper not in driver 144
    roll cannot load 142
    roll cannot load 24-inch 142
    roll cannot load 44-inch 143
    roll into 24-inch printer 38
    roll into 24-inch printer easy
    load 39
    roll into 24-inch printer with
    paper menu 41
    roll into 44-inch printer 42
    roll into 44-inch printer easy
    load 43roll into 44-inch printer with
    paper menu 45
    roll onto 24-inch spindle 34
    roll onto 44-inch spindle 36
    sheet 47
    sheet cannot load 143
    sheet easy load 48
    sheet paper menu load 49
    loading paper problems 142
    maintenance kits 132
    none 63
    specification 190
    mechanical accuracy 191
    memory error (AutoCAD) 179
    memory specifications 191
    Microsoft Office
    print from 97
    misaligned colors 155
    move the printer 130
    turn on and off 22
    Network settings 31
    accessories 139
    ink cartridges 136
    paper 136
    printheads 136
    overlapping lines 60
    page size 57
    PANTONE emulation 72
    PANTONE swatch book 75
    advance 53
    calibrate the paper
    advance 149
    cannot load 142
    download profiles 51
    economical use of 64
    feed and cut 53
    jammed 146
    loading error messages 143
    maintenance 52
    not flat 158
    output problems in basket 148
    paper not in driver 144
    196 IndexENWW
    							print on loaded paper 52,  176
    printed on wrong paper 176
    profiles 51
    select type 52
    size 57
    sizes (max and min 190
    usage 110
    view information 50
    paper conflicts, handle 22
    paper not in driver 144
    paper types 136
    administrators 24
    security 24
    PDF clipped 163
    PDF missing objects 163
    physical specifications 191
    platen cleaning 159
    on/off 28
    power specifications 191
    preferences, Windows driver 25
    presentation, print 90
    preview a print 61
    print file 56
    print job
    create 56
    ink usage 110
    nesting 64
    paper usage 110
    submit 56
    print preview 61
    print quality
    select 57
    print with shortcuts 59
    print-quality problems
    banding 153
    black ink comes off 159
    blurred lines 156
    bottom of print 160
    discontinuous lines 155
    edges darker than
    expected 160
    edges stepped or not
    sharp 160
    general 152
    graininess 157
    horizontal lines 153
    inaccurate line lengths 157
    ink marks 159
    line thickness 154
    misaligned colors 155
    paper not flat 158
    scratching 158scuffing 158
    stepped lines 154
    vertical lines of different
    colors 160
    white spots 161
    wizard 152
    printer does not print 176
    printer software
    Mac OS uninstall 19
    Windows uninstall 14
    printer stand 140
    printer status 126
    Printer Utility
    access 29
    cannot access 177
    language 30
    printers main components 4
    printers main features 4
    about 117
    align 172
    cannot insert 168
    clean; purge 169
    insert 121
    order 136
    remove 118
    replace, reseat 169
    specification 190
    status 118
    printhead cleaner
    specification 190
    printhead drop detector
    clean 169
    printing resolutions 190
    Proactive Support 185
    project, print 83
    quality, high 62
    QuarkXpress, unavailable driver
    features 179
    rendering intent 75
    reprint a job 106
    rescale a print 60
    roll paper
    24-inch load 38
    24-inch spindle load 34
    44-inch load 42
    44-inch spindle load 36
    unload 46S
    safety precautions 2
    scale a print 60
    scratched prints 158
    scuffed prints 158
    secure disk erase 132
    security password 24
    sheet paper
    load 47
    unload 50
    shortcuts 59
    sleep mode wait time 30
    slow printing 176
    software 8
    software update 132
    acoustic 192
    ecological 191
    environmental 192
    functional 190
    graphic languages 191
    hard disk 191
    ink supplies 190
    margins 190
    mechanical accuracy 191
    memory 191
    paper size 190
    physical 191
    power 191
    printing resolutions 190
    24-inch roll load 34
    44-inch roll load 36
    stand 140
    ink cartridge 114
    printer usage 110
    status 106
    stepped lines 154
    store the printer 130
    submit job 56
    support services
    HP Care Packs 184
    HP Customer Care 184
    HP Instant Support 185
    HP Proactive Support 185
    HP Start-Up Kit 184
    HP Support 186
    Knowledge Center 184
    printer installation 185
    warranty extensions 184
    telephone numbers 186
    ENWWIndex 197
    unload paper
    roll 46
    roll out of paper 47
    roll with paper 46,  47
    sheet 50
    sheet with paper menu 50
    sheet with Unload paper
    key 50
    usage information
    turn on and off 23
    using this guide 2
    Visio 2003, no output 179
    warranty extensions 184
    198 IndexENWW
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