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HP A 5120 Manual

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Page 191

To do… Use the command… Remarks 
Enter system view system-view — 
Display the local RSA host public 
key on the screen in a specified 
format, or export it to a specified 
public-key local export rsa { 
openssh | ssh1 | ssh2 } [ 
filename ] Select a command according to 
the type of the key to be 
exported. Display the local DSA host public 
key on the screen in a specified 
format or export it to a specified 
public-key local export dsa { 
openssh | ssh2 } [ filename ] 

Page 192

To do… Use the command… Remarks 
Import the peer host public key 
from the public key file 
public-key peer keyname import 
sshkey filename Required 
Follow these steps to configure a peer public key manually: 
To do… Use the command… Remarks 
Enter system view system-view — 
Specify a name for a peer public 
key and enter public key view  public-key peer keyname Required 
Enter public key code view public-key-code begin — 
Configure the peer host or server 
public key Type or copy the key...

Page 193

 Configure  Device  B  to  use  the asymmetric key  algorithm  of RSA for  identity  authentication  of  Device 
 Manually configure the host public key of Device A on Device B. 
Figure 52 Network diagram for manually configuring a peer public key 
Configuration procedure 
1. Configure Device A. 
# Create RSA key pairs on Device A. 
[DeviceA] public-key local create rsa 
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048). 
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512, 
It will...

Page 194

2. Configure Device B. 
#  Configure  the  host  public  key  of  Device  A  on  Device  B.  In public key  code  view,  input the host  public 
key of Device A. The host public key is the content of HOST_KEY displayed on Device A using the display 
public-key local dsa public command. 
[DeviceB] public-key peer devicea 
Public key view: return to System View with peer-public-key end. 
[DeviceB-pkey-public-key] public-key-code begin 
Public key code view: return to last view with...

Page 195

# Create RSA key pairs on Device A. 
[DeviceA] public-key local create rsa 
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048). 
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512, 
It will take a few minutes. 
Press CTRL+C to abort. 
Input the bits of the modulus[default = 1024]: 
Generating Keys... 
# Display the public keys of the created RSA key pairs. 
[DeviceA] display public-key local rsa public 

Page 196

[DeviceB-luser-ftp] authorization-attribute level 3 
[DeviceB-luser-ftp] quit 
3. Upload the public key file of Device A to Device B. 
# FTP the public key file devicea.pub to Device B with the file transfer mode of binary. 
Trying ... 
Press CTRL+K to abort 
Connected to 
220 FTP service ready. 
331 Password required for ftp. 
230 User logged in. 
[ftp] binary 
200 Type set to I. 
[ftp] put devicea.pub 
227 Entering Passive...

Page 197

PKI configuration 
PKI overview 
The Public Key Infrastructure  (PKI)  is a  general  security  infrastructure used  to provide information  security 
through public key technologies.  
PKI,  also  called  asymmetric  key  infrastructure,  uses  a  key  pair  to  encrypt  and  decrypt  the  data. The  key 
pair  consists of  a  private  key  and  a  public  key.  The  private  key  must  be  kept  secret but the  public  key 
needs to be distributed. Data encrypted by one of the two keys can only...

Page 198

statement  (CPS). A  CA  policy can  be  acquired  through  out-of-band  means  such  as  phone,  disk,  and 
email. As different  CAs might use  different  methods  to  check  the  binding  of  a  public  key  with  an  entity, 
make sure that you understand the CA policy before selecting a trusted CA for certificate request. 
PKI architecture 
A PKI system consists of entities, a CA, a registration authority (RA), and a PKI repository. 
Figure 54 PKI architecture 
 Entity 
An  entity  is...

Page 199

 VPN 
A  virtual  private  network  (VPN)  is  a private data  communication  network  built on the  public 
communication infrastructure. A VPN can leverage network layer security protocols—for example, IPsec—
in conjunction with PKI-based encryption and digital signature technologies for confidentiality. 
 Secure email 
Emails require confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. PKI can address these needs. 
The  secure  email  protocol  that  is  developing  rapidly  is...

Page 200

Task Remarks 
Configuring an access control policy Optional 
Configuring an entity DN 
A  certificate  is the binding of  a  public  key  and the identity information  of  an  entity,  where  the identity 
information  is  identified  by an  entity  distinguished  name  (DN). A CA  identifies  a  certificate  applicant 
uniquely by entity DN. 
An entity DN is defined by these parameters: 
 Common name of the entity. 
 Country code of the entity, a standard 2-character code. For example, CN...
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