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    							 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 121 
    Complex mode is activated 
    1) automatically, when executing ´ V or ´ }; or 
    2) by setting flag 8, the Complex mode flag (|F 8). 
    When  the  calculator  is  in  Complex  mode,  the C annunciator  in  the  display 
    is lit. This tells you that  flag 8 is set and the complex stack exists. In or out 
    of Complex mode, the number appearing in the display is the number in the 
    real X-register. 
    Note: In Complex mode (signified by the C annunciator), the HP-
    15C  performs all trigonometric  functions  using radians. The 
    trigonometric  mode  annunciator  in  the  display (RAD, GRAD, or 
    blank  for  Degrees) applies  to  two  functions  only: ; and : 
    (as explained later in this section). 
    Deactivating Complex Mode 
    Since Complex mode requires the allocation of five registers from memory, 
    you will have more memory available for programming and other advanced 
    functions  if  you  deactivate  Complex  mode  when  you  are  working  solely 
    with real numbers. 
    To  deactivate  Complex  mode,  clear  flag  8  (keystroke  sequence: |  
    8). The C annunciator will disappear. 
    Complex  mode  is  also deactivated  when  Continuous  Memory  is  reset  (as 
    described  on  page  63).  In  any  case,  deactivating  Complex  mode  dissolves 
    the imaginary stack, and all imaginary numbers there are lost. 
    Complex Numbers and the Stack 
    Entering Complex Numbers 
    To enter a number with real and imaginary parts; 
    1. Key the real part of the number into the display. 
    2. Press v 
    3. Key the imaginary part of the number into the display. 
    4. Press ´ V.  (If  not  already  in  Complex  mode,  this  creates  the 
    imaginary stack and displays the C annunciator.)  
    							122 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 
    Example: Add 2 + 3i and 4 + 5i. (The operations are illustrated in the stack 
    diagrams following the keystroke listing.) 
    Keystrokes Display  
    ´ • 4   
    2 v 2.0000 Keys real part of first number 
    into (real) Y-register. 
    3 3 Keys imaginary part of first 
    number into (real)  
    ´ V 2.0000 Creates imaginary stack; moves 
    the 3 into the imaginary X-
    register, and drops the 2 into the 
    real X-register. 
    4 v 4.0000 Keys real part of second number 
    into (real) Y-register. 
    5 5 Keys imaginary part of second 
    number into (real) X-register. 
    ´ V 4.0000 Copies 5 from real  
    X-register into imaginary  
    X-register, copies 4 from real Y-
    register into real X-register, and 
    drops stack. 
    + 6.0000 Real part of sum. 
    ´ % (hold) 8.0000 Displays imaginary part 
                (release) 6.0000 of sum while the % key is held. 
    (This also terminates digit entry.) 
    The  operation  of  the  real  and  imaginary  stacks  during  this  process  is 
    illustrated below. (Assume that the stack registers have been loaded already 
    with  the  numbers  shown  as  the  result  of  previous  calculations).  Note  that 
    the  imaginary  stack,  which  is  shown  below  at  the  right  of  the  real  stack,  is 
    not  created  until ´ V is  pressed.  (Recall  also  that  the  shading  of  the 
    stack  indicates  that  those  contents  will  be  written  over  when  the  next 
    number is keyed in or recalled.)  
    							 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 123 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T 9   8   7   7   7 0 
    Z 8   7   6   6   7 0 
    Y 7   6   2   2   6 0 
    X 6   2   2   3   2 3 
    Keys: 2 v 3 ´ V 
    The execution of ´ V causes the entire stack to drop, the T contents to 
    duplicate, and the real X contents to move to the imaginary X-register. 
    When  the  second  complex  number  is  entered,  the  stacks  operate  as  shown 
    below. Note that v lifts both stacks. 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T 7 0  7 0  6 0  6 0 
    Z 7 0  6 0  2 3  2 3 
    Y 6 0  2 3  4 0  4 0 
    X 2 3  4 0  4 0  5 0 
    Keys: 4 v 5 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T 6 0  6 0  6 0 
    Z 2 3  6 0  6 0 
    Y 4 0  2 3  6 0 
    X 5 0  4 5  6 8 
     Keys: ´ V +  
    A  second  method  of  entering  complex  numbers  is  to  enter  the  imaginary 
    part first,  then  use } and −.  This  method  is  illustrated  under 
    Entering Complex Numbers With −, page 127.  
    							124 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 
    Stack Lift in Complex Mode 
    Stack  lift  operates  on  the  imaginary  stack  as  it  does  on  the  real  stack  (the 
    real  stack  behaves  identically  in  and  out  of  Complex  mode). The  same 
    functions that enable, disable, or are  neutral to lifting of the  real stack will 
    enable,  disable,  or  be  neutral  to  lifting  of  the  imaginary  stack. (These 
    processes are explained in detail in section 3 and appendix B.) 
    In  addition, every nonneutral  function,  except − and ` causes  the 
    clearing of the  imaginary  X-register when the  next number is entered. That 
    is,  these  functions  cause  a  zero  to  be  placed  in  the  imaginary  X-register 
    when  the  next  number  is  keyed  in  or  recalled. Refer  to  the  stack  diagrams 
    above  for  illustrations.  This  feature  allows  you  to  execute  calculator 
    operations  using  the  same  key  sequences  you  use  outside  of  Complex 
    Manipulating the Real and Imaginary Stacks 
    } (real  exchange  imaginary). Pressing ´ } will  exchange 
    the  contents  of  the  real  and  imaginary  X-registers,  thereby  converting  the 
    imaginary  part  of  the  number  into  the  real  part  and  vice-versa.  The  Y-,  Z-, 
    and T-registers are not affected. Press ´ } twice restore  a  number 
    to its original form. 
    } also activates Complex mode if it is not already activated. 
    Temporary  Display  of  the  Imaginary  X-Register. Press ´ % to 
    momentarily display  the  imaginary  part  of  the  number  in  the  X-register 
    without actually switching the real and imaginary parts. Hold the key down 
    to maintain the display. 
    Changing Signs 
    In Complex mode, the “ function affects only the number in the real X-
    register – the  imaginary  X-register  does  not  change.  This  enables  you  to 
    change the sign of the real or imaginary part without affecting the other. To 
    key in a  negative  real or imaginary part,  change  the  sign of that  part as you 
    enter it. 
    If you want to find the additive inverse of a complex number already in the 
    X-register, however,  you  cannot  simply  press “ as  you  would  outside 
                                                               * Except for the : and ; functions, as explained in this section (page 133).  
    							 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 125 
    of Complex mode. Instead, you can do either of the following: 
     Multiply by -1. 
     If  you  dont  want  to  disturb  the  rest  of  the  stack,  press “ ´ 
    } “ ´ }. 
    To find the negative of only one part of a complex number in the X-register: 
     Press “ to negate the real part only. 
     Press ´ } “ ´ } to  negate  the imaginary 
    part only, forming the complex conjugate. 
    Clearing a Complex Number 
    Inevitably you will need to clear a complex number. You can clear only one 
    part at a time, but you can then write over both parts (since − and ` 
    disable the stack). 
    Clearing  the  Real  X-Register. Pressing − (or | `)  with  the 
    calculator in Complex mode clears only the number in the real X-register; it 
    does not clear the number in the imaginary X-register. 
    Example: Change  6  +  8i to  7  +  8i and  subtract  it  from  the  previous  entry. 
    (Use ´ } or ´ % to view the imaginary part in X.) Assume a, 
    b, c and d represent parts of complex numbers. 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T a b  a b  a b  a b 
    Z c d  c d  c d  a b 
    Y 6 0  6 0  6 0  c d 
    X 6 8  0 8  7 8  -1 -8 
    Keys: −  7 -  (or other 
    Since clearing disables the stack (as explained above), the next number you 
    enter will replace the cleared value. If you want to replace the real part with 
    zero,  after  clearing  use v or  any  other  function  to  terminate  digit 
    entry  (otherwise  the  next  number  you  enter  will  write  over  the  zero);  the 
    imaginary  part  will  remain  unchanged.  You  can  then  continue  with  any 
    calculator function.  
    							126 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 
    Clearing the Imaginary X-Register. To clear the number in the imaginary 
    X-register, press ´ }, then press −. Press ´ } again to 
    return the zero, or any new number keyed in, to the imaginary X-register. 
    Example: Replace -1 -8i by -1 + 5i. 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T a b  a b  a b  a b  a b 
    Z c d  c d  c d  c d  c d 
    Y e f  e f  e f  e f  e f 
    X -1 -8  -8 -1  0 -1  5 -1  -1 5 
    Keys: } − 5 } 
    (continue with 
    any operation) 
    Clearing  the  Real  and  Imaginary  X-Registers. If  you  want  to  clear  or 
    replace both the  real  and  imaginary  parts  of  the  number  in  the  X-register, 
    simply press −, which will disable the stack, and enter your new number. 
    (Enter  zeros  if  you  want  the  X-register  to  contain  zeros.)  Alternatively,  if 
    the new number will be purely real (including 0 + 0i), you can quickly clear 
    or  replace  the  old,  complex  number  by  pressing ) followed  by  zero  or 
    the new, real number. 
    Example: Replace -1 + 5i with 4 + 7i. 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T a b  a b  c d  c d  c d 
    Z c d  c d  e f  e f  c d 
    Y e f  e f  4 5  4 5  e f 
    X -1 5  0 5  4 5  7 0  4 7 
    Keys: − 4 v 7 ´ V 
    (continue with 
    any operation)   
    							 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 127 
    Entering  Complex  Numbers  with −.  The  clearing  functions − and 
    ` can  also  be  used  with } as  an  alternative  method  of  entering 
    (and  clearing)  complex  numbers.  Using  this  method,  you  can  enter  a 
    complex  number using only  the  X-register, without affecting the  rest of the 
    stack.  (This  is  possible  because − and ` disable  stack  lift.) 
    Executing } will also create  an imaginary stack if one  is not already 
    Example: Enter 9 + 8i without moving the stack and then find its square. 
    Keystrokes Display  
    (−) (0.0000) Prevents stack lift when the 
    next digit (8) is keyed in. 
    Omit this step if youd rather 
    save whats in X and lose 
    whats in T. 
    8 8 Enter imaginary part first. 
    ´ }  7.0000 Displays real part; Complex 
    mode activated. 
    − 0.0000 Disables stack. (Otherwise, it 
    would lift following }.) 
    9 9 Enters real part (digit entry not 
    | x 17.0000 Real part. 
    ´ % (hold) 
    144.0000 Imaginary part. 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T a b  a b  a b  a b 
    Z c d  c d  c d  c d 
    Y e f  e f  e f  e f 
    X 4 7  0 7  8 7  7 8 
    Keys: − 8 ´ }  
    							128 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T a b  a b  a b  a b 
    Z c d  c d  c d  c d 
    Y e f  e f  e f  e f 
    X 7 8  0 8  9 8  17 144 
    Keys: − 9 | x 
    Entering a Real Number 
    You have already  seen two  ways of entering a  complex  number. There  is a 
    shorter  way  to  enter  a  real  number:  simply  key  it  (or  recall  it)  into  the 
    display  just  as  you  would  if  the  calculator  were  not  in  Complex  mode.  As 
    you do  so, a  zero  will be  placed in  the imaginary X-register (as long as the 
    previous operation was not − or `, as explained on page 124). 
    The  operation  of  the  real  and  imaginary  stacks  during  this  process  is 
    illustrated  below.  (Assume  the  last  key  pressed  was  not − or ` and 
    the contents remain from the previous example.) 
     Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T a b  c d  e f 
    Z c d  e f  17 144 
    Y e f  17 144  4 0 
    X 17 144  4 0  4 0 
    Keys: 4 v (Followed by 
    another number.)  
    							 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 129 
    Entering a Pure Imaginary Number 
    There is a shortcut for entering a pure imaginary number into the X-register 
    when you are already in Complex mode: key in the (imaginary) number and 
    press ´ } 
    Example: Enter  0  +  10i (assuming  the  last  function  executed  was  not − 
    or `. 
    Keystrokes Display  
    10 10 Keys 10 into the displayed 
    real X-register and zero into 
    the imaginary X-register. 
    ´ } 0.0000 Exchanges numbers in real 
    and imaginary X-registers. 
    Display again shows that the 
    number in the real X-
    register is zero —=as it 
    should be for a pure=
    imaginary numberK=
    The  operation  of= the  real= and  imaginary  stacks= during= this= process  is=
    illustrated below. (Assume the stack registers contain the= numbers resulting 
    from the preceding examples.F=
    Re Im  Re Im  Re Im 
    T e f  e f  e f 
    Z 17 144  17 144  17 144 
    Y 4 0  4 0  4 0 
    X 4 0  10 0  0 10 
    Keys: 10 ´} (Continue with 
    any operation.) 
    Note  that  pressing ´ } simply  exchanges  the  numbers  in  the  real 
    and imaginary X-registers and not those in the remaining stack registers.  
    							130 Section 11: Calculating With Complex Numbers 
    Storing and Recalling Complex Numbers 
    The O and l functions  act  on  the real  X-register  only; therefore, 
    the  imaginary  part  of  a  complex  number  must  be  stored  or  recalled 
    separately.  The  keystrokes  to  do  this  can  be  entered  as  part  of  a  program 
    and executed automatically.* 
    To  store a  +  ib from  the  complex  X-register  to  R1 and  R2,  you  can  use  the 
    O 1  ´}  O 2 
    You  can  follow  this  by ´ } to  return  the  stack  to  its  original 
    condition  if  desired.  To  recall a  +  ib from  R1 and  R2 you  can  use  the 
    l 1    l 2    ´ V 
    If  you  wish  to  avoid  disturbing  the  rest  of  the  stack,  you  can  recall  the 
    number using the sequence 
    l 2    ´ }   −   l 1 
    (In Program mode, use | ` instead of −.) 
    Operations With Complex Numbers 
    Almost all functions performed on real numbers will yield the same answer 
    whether  executed  in  or  out  of  Complex  mode,† assuming  the  result  is  also 
    real. In  other  words,  Complex  mode  does  not  restrict  your  ability  to 
    calculate with real numbers. 
    Any  functions  not  mentioned  below  or  in  the  rest  of  this  section 
    (Calculating With Complex Numbers) ignore the imaginary stack. 
    * You  can  use  the  HP-15C  matrix  function,  described  in  section  12,  to  make  storing  and recalling  complex  numbers  more  convenient.  By  dimensioning  a  matrix  to  be n×2, n complex  numbers  can  be stored  as  rows  of  the  matrix.  (This  technique  is  demonstrated  in the HP-15C Advanced Functions Handbook, section 3, under Applications.) 
    † The  exceptions  are : and ;,  which  operate  differently  in  Complex  mode  in  order  to facilitate converting complex numbers to polar form (page 133).  
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