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Honeywell control panel VISTA128FBPTVISTA250FBPT User Manual

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    – 31 – 
    Bypassing Protection Zones (cont’d) 
    To use the Quick Bypass feature: 
    1.  Enter your security code and press  6  then press    # . 
    2. BYPASS  007 FRONT 
    Typical bypass message 
    In  a  few  moments,  all  open  zones  will  be  
    displayed  along  with  the  word  BYPASS.  Wait 
    for  these  zones  to  be  displayed  before  arming. 
    Arming  the  system  before  bypassed  zones  are 
    displayed eliminates all bypasses.  
    Arm  the  system  as  usual  when  the  keypad 
    displays  the ready to arm message. Bypassed  
    zones  are  unprotected  and  will  not  cause  an 
    alarm  when  violated  while  your  system  is  
    Displaying Bypassed Zones 
     The system allows you to view bypassed zones that a re presently bypassed regardless 
    of the status of the partition (armed, disarmed, et c.). To view bypassed zones. 
    1.  Enter your security code + # + 84.   
    2.  All zones presently bypassed are automatically sc rolled for display. 
    Group Bypass 
    Your  system  allows  you  to  easily  bypass  a  group  of  zones  without  having  to 
    enter zone numbers individually. The system provide s up to 15 groups. There 
    is  no  limit  to  the  number  of  zones  that  may  be  assi gned  to  any  one  group. 
    Check with your installer for a list of zones assig ned to the group(s). 
    All bypasses are removed when an OFF sequence (secu rity code plus OFF) is 
    Users must be assigned the following attributes  to  perform the group bypass 
      Enabled for group bypassing 
       Access to the partition(s) containing the zones bei ng bypassed 
       Global arming capability. 
    – 32 – 
    Bypassing Protection Zones (cont’d) 
    To use the Group Bypass feature: 
    1.  Enter your security code and press  6  then press      then enter the 
    group number (01-15). 
    2. BYPASS  007 FRONT 
    Typical bypass message 
    In  a  few  moments,  all  the  zones  in  the  group  
    will be displayed along with the word BYPASS. 
    Wait  for  these  zones  to  be  displayed  before  
    arming.  Arming  the  system  before  bypassed  
    zones are displayed eliminates all bypasses.  
    Arm  the  system  as  usual  when  the  keypad 
    displays  the ready to arm message. Bypassed  
    zones  are  unprotected  and  will  not  cause  an  
    alarm  when  violated  while  your  system  is  
    Zones Remaining Bypassed After Disarming 
    The  system  provides  an  option  to  allow  all  manually   bypassed  zones  to  remain 
    bypassed  upon  disarming  (security  code  +  OFF)  of  th e  partition.  This  option  must  be 
    programmed by your installer.  Check with your inst aller to see if this option has been 
    For  each  partition  in  which  the  option  is  enabled,  the  security  code  +  OFF  will  no 
    longer unbypass zones.  To unbypass ALL zones you mus t enter your security code + # 
    +  64.    To  unbypass  zones  INDIVIDUALLY,  you  must  ente r  your  security  code  +  6  + 
    zone number. 
    Any  zone  that  was  automatically  bypassed  by  the  syst em  will  be  unbypassed  upon 
    disarming the system (e.g. STAY mode, Auto-STAY, et c.).  
    Vent  zones  and  zones  bypassed  by a  programmed  Auto-B ypass  schedule  (Tme  Driven 
    Event) are considered “manual bypasses” and will no t be unbypassed upon disarming 
    the system.  
    Zones that were in a bypassed state at the time a S ystem Shutdown is sent from the 
    Compass Downloading software will be unbypassed whe n the System Shutdown is 
    – 33 – 
    Arming Perimeter Only 
    (With Entry Delay ON) 
    Using the   3  STAY key 
    Use  this  key  when  you  are  staying  home,  but  might  e xpect  someone  to  use 
    the entrance door later.  
    When  armed  in  STAY  mode,  the  system  will  sound  an  a larm  if  a  protected 
    door or window is opened, but you may otherwise mov e freely throughout the 
    premises.  Late  arrivals  can  enter  through  the  entra nce  door  without  causing 
    an  alarm,  but  they  must  disarm  the  system  within  th e  entry  delay  period  or 
    an alarm will occur.  
    The  system  provides  three  STAY  modes.  STAY  mode  1,  2,  and  3.  When 
    activated,  STAY  modes  1  and  2  automatically  bypass  specific  zones  assigned 
    by  your  installer  to  each  of  the  STAY  modes.  STAY  m ode  3,  when  activated, 
    automatically  bypasses  all  zones  assigned  to  STAY  m odes  1  AND  2.  Check 
    with your installer for a list of the zones that ar e bypassed during each STAY 
    Close  all  perimeter  windows  and  doors  before  arming  (se e 
    1.  Enter your security code and press   3   +   1  for STAY Mode 1. 
      Enter your security code and press    3 
      +   2  for STAY Mode 2. 
      Enter your security code and press    3 
      +   3  for STAY Mode 3. 
    NOTE:  If  none  of  the  zones  in  a  partition  are  assigned  to   Stay  mode  2,  then 
    when  the  user  enters  [User  Code] + [3]   (STAY),  all  zones  assigned  to  Stay 
    mode 1 are automatically bypassed. 
    2. ARMED ***STAY 1* 
    The keypad beeps three times, displays the  
    armed message, and indicates which STAY  
    mode (1, 2 or 3).  
    NOTE: ZONE BYPASSED in this display 
    simply indicates that some zones of protection  
    are not armed when using STAY mode.
    – 34 – 
    Arming Perimeter Only 
    (With Entry Delay ON) (cont’d) 
    Auto-STAY Arming 
    Auto-stay  allows  the  system  to  automatically  bypass  certain  zones  if  upon 
    arming none of the entry/exit zones are faulted dur ing the exit delay time (no 
    one  exits  the  premises).  The  system  provides  an  opt ion  to  set  each  burglary 
    zone  for  Auto-stay.  All  zones  enabled  for  auto-stay   except  for  perimeter  and 
    day/night types of zones, has exit delay time when  the partition is armed. 
    Check with your installer for the zones assigned fo r Auto-STAY.  
       Auto-STAY  applies  to  all  four  arming  modes  (AWAY,  S TAY,  INSTANT 
    and MAXIMUM). 
       Arming  the  partition  AWAY  via  an  RF  transmitter  ove rrides  the  Auto-
    stay feature (partition will not bypass zones progr ammed for auto-stay). 
    – 35 – 
    Arming Perimeter Only 
    (With Entry Delay OFF) 
    Using the   7  INSTANT Key 
    Use this key when you are staying home and do not e xpect anyone to use the 
    entrance door.  
    When  armed  in  INSTANT  mode,  the  system  will  sound  a n  alarm  if  a 
    protected  door  or  window  is  opened,  but  you  may  oth erwise  move  freely 
    throughout  the  premises.  The  alarm  will  also  sound  immediately  if  anyone 
    opens the entrance door. 
    The  system  provides  three  INSTANT  modes:  INSTANT  mo de  1,  2,  and  3. 
    INSTANT  modes  1  and  2,  when  activated,  automaticall y  bypass  specific 
    zones  assigned  by  your  installer  to  each  of  the  INS TANT  modes.  INSTANT 
    mode  3,  when  activated,  automatically  bypasses  all  zones  assigned  to 
    INSTANT  modes  1  and  2.  Check  with  your  installer  fo r  a  list  of  the  zones 
    that are bypassed during each INSTANT mode. 
    Close  all  perimeter  windows  and  doors  before  arming  (se e 
    1.  Enter your security code and press   7  +  1  for INSTANT Code 1. 
      Enter your security code and press   7 
     +  2  for INSTANT Code 2. 
      Enter your security code and press   7 
     +  3  for INSTANT Code 3. 
    NOTE:  If  none  of  the  zones  in  a  partition  are  assigned  to   INSTANT  mode  2, 
    then when the user enters  [User Code] + [7]  (INSTANT), all zones assigned 
    to INSTANT mode 1 are automatically bypassed. 
    The  keypad  beeps  three  times,  displays  the  
    armed  message  and  indicates  which  INSTANT  
    mode (1, 2, or 3).   
    NOTE: ZONE  BYPASSED  in  this  display 
    simply  indicates  that  some  zones  of  protection  
    are not armed when using RSTART mode.
    – 36 – 
    Arming All Protection 
    (With Entry Delay ON) 
    Using the   2  AWAY Key 
    Use this key when no one will be staying on the pre mises. 
    When  armed  in  AWAY  mode,  the  system  will  sound  an  a larm  if  a  protected 
    door or window is opened, or if any movement is det ected inside the premises. 
    You  may  leave  through  the  entrance  door  during  the  exit  delay  period 
    without  causing  an  alarm.  You  may  also  reenter  thro ugh  the  entrance  door, 
    but  must  disarm  the  system  within  the  entry  delay  p eriod  or  an  alarm  will 
    Close  all  perimeter  windows  and  doors  before  arming  (se e 
    1.  Enter your security code and press   2  . 
    . ARMED **AW AY** 
    The keypad will beep twice and will display the  
    armed message.   
    NOTE: The YOU MAY EXIT NOW portion of 
    the message disappears when exit delay  
    – 37 – 
    Arming all Protection 
    (with Entry Delay OFF) 
    Using the   4  MAXIMUM Key 
    Use  this  key  when  the  premises  will  be  vacant  for  e xtended  periods  of  time 
    such  as  vacations,  etc.,  or  when  no  one  will  be  mov ing  through  protected 
    interior areas.  
    When  armed  in  MAXIMUM  mode,  the  system  will  sound  a n  alarm  if  a 
    protected door or window is opened, or if any movem ent is detected inside the 
    premises.  You  may  leave  through  the  entrance  door  d uring  the  exit  delay 
    period  without  causing  an  alarm,  but  an  alarm  will  be  sounded  as  soon  as 
    someone reenters. 
    Close  all  perimeter  windows  and  doors  before  arming  (see  Checking 
    for Open Zones  section). 
    1.  Enter your security code and press   4  . 
    The keypad will beep twice and will display the  
    armed message.   
    NOTE: The YOU MAY EXIT NOW portion of 
    the message disappears when exit delay  
    – 38 – 
    Quick Exit 
    Using the   #  +   9  Keys 
    The Quick Exit feature allows you to exit the armed partition without having 
    to disarm and then rearm the partition.  
    To Quick Exit the premises:  
    1.   Press the   # 
     key and then press the    9  key. 
    2.   The system will sound the exit beeps, if enabled, a nd will give you the 
    programmed exit delay time to leave the premises. 
    – 39 – 
    Disarming and Silencing Alarms 
    Using the   1  OFF Key 
    The OFF  key  is  used  to  disarm  the  system  and  to  silence  ala rm  and  trouble 
    sounds.  See  Summary  of  Audible  Notification   section  for  information  that 
    will help you to distinguish between FIRE and BURGL ARY alarm sounds. 
    IMPORTANT:  If you return and the main burglary sounder is on,  DO NOT enter 
    the premises, but call the police from a nearby safe location. If you return after an 
    alarm has occurred and the main sounder has shut it self off, the keypad will beep 
    rapidly upon entering, indicating that an alarm has occurred during your absence. 
    LEAVE the premises IMMEDIATELY and CONTACT THE POLI CE from a 
    nearby safe location. 
    To disarm the system and silence burglary or fire alarms:  
    1.  Enter your security code and press   1  . 
    2.  The Ready message will be displayed (if no alarm s have occurred while 
    armed) and the keypad will beep once to confirm tha t the system is 
    Memory of Alarm 
    The  keypad  displays  the  zone  number  and  type  of  ala rm  for  any  zone  that 
    has  an  alarm  condition.  These  messages  will  remain  displayed  until  cleared 
    by  a  user.  If  an  alarm  has  occurred,  note  the  zone  number  displayed  on  the 
    keypad  and  repeat  step  1  above  to  clear  the  Memory   of  Alarm  and  restore 
    the  Ready  message  display.  If  the  Ready  message  wil l  not  display,  go  to  the 
    displayed zone and remedy the fault (close windows,  etc.). If the fault cannot 
    be remedied, notify the alarm agency.  
    If  the  system  was  armed  when  the  alarm  occurred,  re peat  step  1  twice:  once 
    to disarm the system, a second time to clear the di splay. 
    – 40 – 
    Using the Keyswitch 
    Your  system  may  be  equipped  with  a  keyswitch  for  use  when  arming  and 
    disarming  a  partition.  A  red  and  green  light  on  the   keyswitch  plate  indicate 
    the status of your system as follows: 
      Green Light:   Lights  when  the  system  is  disarmed  and  ready to  be 
    armed  (no  open  zones).  If  the  system  is  disarmed  an d  the 
    green light is off, it indicates the system is not  ready (one or 
    more zones are open). 
      Red Light:   Lights when system is armed or memory of alarm exi sts. 
      Lit Steady: Partition is  armed in AWAY  mode. 
      Slow Flashing:  Partition is  armed in STAY  mode. 
      Rapid Flashing:  Memory of alarm, indicating an alarm has occurred. 
    To  arm  in  the  AWAY  mode,   turn  the  key  to  the  right  for  1  second  and 
    release. Keypads will beep twice and the  
    red light will stay on steady.  
    To  arm  in  the  STAY  mode,   turn  the 
    key to the right and hold for longer than 
    10  seconds,  then  release.  Keypads  will 
    beep  three  times  and  the  red  light  will  
    flash slowly. 
    To  disarm  the  partition,  turn the key 
    to the right and release. If an alarm has  
    occurred,  the  red  light  will  be  flashing  
    rapidly (memory of alarm).  
    NOTE:  Your system may be 
    programmed to use the keyswitch to  
    silence fire alarms without affecting the 
    status of the burglary portion of the  
    system. Check with your installer to see  
    if this feature has been enabled.   
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